VBA Case Statement Verification
Apr 6, 2008
i have followed the following criteria correctly
Create a function GetProducerRow() which takes in one String input (give it any name following the conventions) and returns an Integer.
Write a Select Case statement inside the function.It should compare the input string with the various companies listed in the Voting tables in cells F5:F9.
The Case should not use hard coded values for the names of the companies but something like Range("F5").Value.
In each case, set the return value by assigning the appropriate row number. For example, the value assigned would be 5 for "The Hershey Company" store in F5.
Remember to write Case statement for each of the 5 producers.
Add the Case Else in-case none of the producers match the input and have the return value set to 0.
Function GetProducerRow(strProducer As String) As Integer
strProducer = Range("F5")
Select Case strProducer
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Jul 28, 2009
I am currently using an Intersect statement in a worksheet module to perform two things:
1. Insert a time stamp into row 2 when row 1 has a price inserted
2.To clear that time stamp if the price is deleted at some later date.
My problem is with the time stamp value being deleted by the user.
If I try to clear the price (now that the time cell =empty) I get a Runtime error 91 - Object Variable or With block variable not set.
I would like to convert this code to a select case statement but I'm not sure how to do this in this situation. Would error coding be appropriate in this instance?
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Oct 26, 2009
I wrote this short program that parses out last name and zip code from one cell into two cells so I can map the sales data. I flagged each sale as either member, non-member, or neither, based on the prices of the items (members get 25% off). I used the case statement below.
the problem is that for one of the sale items it's getting flagged as "neither" despite being at the members price level. it works for that same item in other records. the quantity at error point is 3 for two of the errors and 6 for the third, but the strange thing is it works for a few other sale records in which the person also bought 3 of that item (the quantity is not the culprit, or sole culprit).
Here's the code. Obviously Price and Quant are the two variables involved. I declared Price as a double and Quant as an integer, even though both have two decimal places in the data file. That way the product of Quant and each items price for one and Price will both have only two decimal places even though it was rounding off that product to two decimal points without declaring either variable. I cut out some of the case statement so as not to exceed the character limit.
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Feb 21, 2007
I have a form with seven check boxes on it. The code that I have been working on is below. Using the select case works exactly as I want it to unless someone checks the combination of boxes that returns a "True" for both "Apples" and "Oranges". If that combination is selected I cannot get the select case to return the correct form. I was trying stay with the select case code but I am not sure that this is the correct approach for what I am trying to accomplish.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If Form1.CheckBox1.Value = True Then X = "Apple"
If Form1.CheckBox2.Value = True Then X = "Apple"
If Form1.CheckBox3.Value = True Then X = "Apple"
If Form1.CheckBox4.Value = True Then X = "Orange"
If Form1.CheckBox5.Value Then X = "Orange"
If Form1.CheckBox6.Value = True Then X = "Orange"
If Form1.CheckBox7.Value = True Then X = "Orange"
Select Case X..........
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Nov 8, 2007
I'm trying to put the following into a workable VB code. I don't know whether it is best to use Select Case or If Then statements or whether either can perform the tasks.
Case 1 - Range(N1).Value = KG Then Range(M1).Value = Range(V1).Value
Case 2 - Range(N1).Value = M2 Then Range(M1).Value = Range(V1).Value
Case 3 - Range(N1).Value = NO Then Range(M1).Value = Range(U1).Value
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Jun 16, 2009
I made this case statment below to look at a cell in Q and if the cell value is "Large Area" then the cell in P same row should be 1 if the case is Varsity then it would be 2 however I keep getting a Type Mismatch. I tried Picker.Text and Picker.Value as well I didn't get errors but it didn't work either.
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Sep 9, 2012
I am attempting to use the following code to move certain sheets to specific locations in my workbook. The case statement containing the InStr function isn't working eventhough the "Data" tab does exist and the InStr function does return 1.
ThisSheetToMove = Sheets(SCount).Name
Select Case ThisSheetToMove
Case "Schedule"
Sheets("Schedule").Move Before:=Sheets(1)
Case InStr(1, Trim(ThisSheetToMove), "Data") > 0
Sheets(ThisSheetToMove).Move After:=Sheets(SShtLast)
End Select
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Nov 19, 2013
I want to use wildcards and it seems I cannot do it with case select, is it possible?
Its required because for the list of PSV's I have more than 2000 names and I would like to use *PSV* for them all instead of typing them all.
Here is the code below:
Option Explicit
Sub Colorize(Rng As Range)
Dim Cel As Range
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
[Code] .......
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Dec 28, 2007
Set MyRange = Range("A1:AZ9615") ' Range to apply format to
For Each Item In MyRange
Select Case Item.Value
Case "1780", "1800", "1810", "2050", "6170"
Item.Font.ColorIndex = 3
'x = 3
Case Else
x = xlNone
End Select
Item.Rows.Interior.ColorIndex = x
Next Item
I want it to search that range and turn those Numbers in Quotes to Red, which it works fine, but Somtimes those numbers are Imbedded in a string excample "1810-1-DAV". So my Question is When It turns my normal numbers red, how can I get it to turn the STRING RED ALSO?
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Apr 25, 2008
I am trying to eliminate the use of formulas for conditional formatting in my code. I heard that the CASE statement might work for this. Below is the code I have but the case does not like the second case statement.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim icolor As Integer
If Not Intersect(Target, Range(("S2:V" & TTRows), ("W2:W" & TTRows))) Is Nothing Then
Select Case Target
Case Is >= 0.8
icolor = 3
Case is >= 0.7 and not >= 0.8
icolor = 6
Case Else
icolor = 0
End Select
Target.Interior.ColorIndex = icolor
End If
End Sub
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Aug 27, 2013
I've selected a case statement (see below) but I want to that code to work automatically. So i do not want to press a button to show a certain value in S2. But I want cell c2 to automatically pop up the value (depending of the value in V4). So kind like an if/then statement.
Select Case Range("F4").Value
Case "Medewerker"
Range("S2") = "M"
Case "Interview"
Range("S2") = "I"
Case "Data"
Range("S2") = "D"
Case "Observatie"
Range("S2") = "O"
End Select
End Sub
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Sep 25, 2009
I have the following Case statement that changes all the cells to the correct color, but does not change the Font color as specified in the Case. All the text is White (fcolor = 2) instead of just the 3 types of cells specified.
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Apr 25, 2013
I'm having problems implementing a Select Case statement. Keep getting case without select case at Case condition2.
Select Case Condition
Case condition1
If Cells(rsRow, rsCol).Value = "" Then
Cells(rsRow, rsCol) = TextBox2.Value
[Code] .......
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Jan 14, 2007
I have a workbook with 2 sheets I want to make an autofilter by two method :
- select case statement
- two dates
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Jan 31, 2010
I would like to have a nested if or select case statement to handle a worksheet event.
The conditions it will check are:
1.Make sure target is w/in range, otherwise EXIT
2.Make sure that target offset value is not empty, otherwise display message
3.All is good, open form
Ive tried various formulations and positionings of the statements ,but not all conditions are met with equal success.
What happens is I get the the first two conditions, but the third doesnt work.
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Feb 21, 2013
In the following code snippet I have worked out a way to verify that the user inputs an Integer and then prompts downstream if an improper value was entered. The user is prompted for a corrected reponse and loops until they get it right. The initial Cancel at the first prompt was causing issues until i saw poster: titarelli use StrPtr(). Except for subsequent cancels, the code works but it is clunky at best. How to tighten this up?
Dim Quantity As Variant
Dim CorrectedQuantity As Variant
Dim j As Integer
j = 194
Quantity = 0
CorrectedQuantity = 0
[Code] ......
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Jun 3, 2008
I have a VBA userform with various textbox fields like 'Name' and 'Address' and 'Amount'
I would like an input box to pop up that asks the user to 're-enter for verification'
So that they have to type the same thing twice, to protect against typos
How do I code it so the program compares the inputbox to the textbox and passes only if they are identical?
(or even, using two inputboxes instead if that would be easier)
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Jan 6, 2014
how do I code in vba for it to wait until the user has checked the file that has been made make a few amendments and then when done one would click OK or resume for the program to carry on with the rest of the code.
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Jul 19, 2008
I am trying to check what was selected from a validation list range. I need to put up a message box if a certain selection is made. I will try to give some more explaination and detail.
I have a 'Labor Type' cell that has a validation list based on the 'LaborType' range that contains things like T&M, PM, Claim*, Quote, etc. When Claim* is selected, I want to put up the message box reminding the user to enter some additional information.
I have tried a few things like Worksheet_SelectionChange that I can't seem to get to work. I admit it has been a while since I have used a function like this (and never with a list).
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Aug 26, 2009
I have a string of names that run together without spaces or commas between each name.
"Danny TrejoJean Claude van DammeVincent SchiavelliGabrielle FitzpatrickDavid 'Shark' FralickPat Morita" for example.
Is there a way to add a comma and space between a lower case and upper case letter?
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May 8, 2008
Sub Addy()
Do Until ActiveCell. Offset(0, -4) = ""
Renamer = Proper(ActiveCell)
ActiveCell = Renamer
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End Sub
fail? Trying to remove all capitals from names/addresses. Error message is "compile error - sub or function not defined"
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Jun 29, 2013
I started a new collection of cards (soccer cards actually) and since I trade with some of my friends via mail, I needed something to keep track of the ones I have and the ones I don't. I made an excel spreadsheet with the numbers of the cards.
Here's my question (I don't know if its possible or not):
I there any way I can create a way to make the verification easier by, for example:
I just got card A20. I write A20 on a specific cell and, in the main table, that number changes color to indicate that I already have that card.
And in the end, a way to reverse the process so I can have the table brand new for the next use.
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Jun 26, 2014
Just curious if there is a way to do some sort of Data Validation form that will check the previous selection and remove it from a list for the next selection? I have several machines that my company sells and I am working on an advanced invoice. I am trying to set it up so that if one machine is selected, it will populate the data validation boxes with one set of "options" for that particular machine. Also, when the user clicks on one option, no matter which one, it will remove that option from the list below it. I have posted up somewhat of a screenshot/crop/paste example of what I am attempting to do.
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Jun 3, 2009
I've got a pretty intense macro already written, a lot of Select Case components. At the end, if nothing matches I'd like to just copy the cell above to the cell below. However, there is a range of about 400 cells in length, so I'd need some sort of wildcard for range.
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Dim Cell As Variant
For Each Cell In Range("A1:OL1")
Select Case Cell.Value
Case "Eng1"
Cell.Offset(1, 0).Value = "Engine One"
tons more in the middle here
Case Else
Cell.Offset(1, 0).Value = "N/A"
Rather then returning "N/A", how could I reference the cell above and just copy it instead?
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Jul 16, 2008
Title should read "Data Validation Lists"...oops
I'm trying to format a spreadsheet so that based on the value in Column A, Coulmn B displays one of two spearate dropdown menus.
I know the following formula will not work, but that is the effect I want in Column B.
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Mar 5, 2008
I'm trying to write what is supposed to be a simple script that looks at a column of usernames (ColumnA) and passwords (ColumnB). I start off by prompting the user to enter their username in an input box and then I want a loop to check this value against the values in Column A. If the username exists, I want to prompt an input box for the password. If the username does not exist I need some kind of limit on the loop to prompt an input box for the user to enter a new username and password that I'll add to the last row of the data table. The loop part is kicking my butt, this is what I have so far...
Sub Main()
Set StartRange = Worksheets("16.10"). Range("A1")
username = InputBox("Please enter your username.", "Enter username", "Jdoe")
i = 1
Do While StartRange.Offset(i, 0).Value <> "username"
i = i + 1
If StartRange.Offset(i, 0).Value = "username" Then
password = InputBox("Please enter your password.", "Enter password", "password")
End If
End Sub
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Apr 17, 2014
I am trying to have a column that returns either "secure" or "re-assignable" depending on whether the employees title matches the appropriate office/ space allocation.
e.g. an employee who's title is "CEO" and office type is "Large Exterior Office" would return a secure. However an employee with a title of "Admin Assistant", who's office type is "Large Exterior Office" would return "re-assignable"
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Nov 13, 2012
I have a condition setup (under "This Workbook") upon opening a spreadsheet to verify a computer's predetermined motherboard serial number that will shut the Excel workbook down if the numbers do not match. This works fine. What I'd like to do is to add a second condition that will allow a password to be entered in a textbox if the numbers do not match so that the serial number condition could be manually overridden, if necessary. If the serial number and the password are incorrect the workbook automatically closes.
Here is the code that works:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
If CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetDrive("C:").SerialNumber "-XXXXXXX" Then ActiveWorkbook.Close False
End Sub
Here is what I am attempting to do that is not functioning properly - need to add a textbox to enter a password to override an incorrect serial number
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
If CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetDrive("C:").SerialNumber "-XXXXXXX" Then
Dim Rng
Rng = InputBox("aaaaaa")
If Rng "aaaaaa" Then ActiveWorkbook.Close False
End Sub
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Feb 15, 2010
I would like to add a piece of code into the user form that will check and verify if a part has already been added so as to avoid multiples in a user-driven/created database.
here is a repost of the current code i am using for the user form (I have posted it before in another thread .. Blane245 helped me out with a different question I had)
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Apr 22, 2009
I decided to try to change it into a Case Statement. Here is what I have now. But the problem seems to be this time at this line: When I have "01" in C5 the script just keeps going?
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