VBA Volume Turn Button
Dec 11, 2008
I would like to integrate a button on my spreadsheet that looks and works much like a round volume button on a stero that you can turn in order increase or decrease volume.
However, I would like the button to control the values of a cell. If the volume is turned down, it should display a 1. If the volume is turned up, it should display a 16545. In between you should be able to - more or less - tune in on any integer in between.
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Feb 25, 2012
I have a series of sheets in my workbook , each sheet has a piece of VBA code that is identical. On my master sheet I want the user to be able to turn on/off this piece of code with the toggle of a button.
My code is a :Worksheet change event
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(Target, Range("B9,D9,")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If Target.Offset(-1, 1) = "" Then.......
End If
End Sub
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Nov 6, 2009
I have a workbook which is set up to take an average heart rate of a participant from a series of data points. I have set the spreadsheet up before I have collected some of the data. (so I can review the project at the 3 months period and its an ongoing project).
The problem is that if there is no data in a participants column then excel correctly gives you readout of “#DIV//0!”. On my results page this #DIV//0!” makes it hard to read the spreadsheet. Is it possible to get excel to turn #DIV//0!” to “0” or even turn it to a blank cell?
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Jan 23, 2009
a formula that would interpolate the volume in the below worksheet....
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Jan 13, 2007
iam trying to use vba to work out the volume of a cylinder.
If the cylinder's dimenstion are:
Diameter = 200mm
Height = 800mm
the Volume should = 0.00017 cubic meters.
Iam getting 0.502654824574367 as the answer using this code.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim RadiusSqared As Double
RadiusSqared = (txtHoleDiameter / 2) * 2
txtCubicMeters.Value = 3.14159265358979 * RadiusSqared * txtHoleDepth.Value
End Sub
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Sep 17, 2010
I am trying to figure out if something here is even possible. I have an order form and a price list. I get different pricing based on the quantity I purchase. I would like to have the price auto populate based on the quantity entered. The price will be on another sheet.
I couldn't find a lot of info but I also may not know where to look.
if (b2<62) then price is ($sheet2.b2)
if (b2<124) then price is ($sheet2.c2)
if (b2<372) then price is ($sheet2.d2)
Is this even possible to put into a formula?
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Feb 27, 2008
Is there any way to add percents to a stacked bar graph that also displays volume? Right now in order to show percents in a stacked bar graph I have to manually enter each percent for each segment of the stacked bar.
For example, I am showing male and female volume in each bar (50 males, 50 females) and the Y axis scale will be stacked up to 100 for the two. In the actual bar I want to show 50% for the value in each stacked bar.
Any way to show both Volume and Share in the same stacked bar? I just want the Y-axis to read the "count / volume" and the actual bar to display the percent. But have just resorted to manually updating everything and it really takes way way too much time.
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Jan 21, 2012
I have data in "column F" that I want to highlight. The data is Listed verticaly from Row 1 to 424 in Column F; I want the spread sheet to hightlight the number when it exceeds the previous days 30,60, and 90 day average volume. How I can make this occur?
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Sep 15, 2013
I have this formula below which works for finding the Volume Total in range C7:E7...it displays the volume for that date in G7
but when I use the formula for finding the PLanned Stops - Time in the range G7:H7 it gives the Volume Total from Column D...I want the Planned Stops -Time from H7.....
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Dec 7, 2007
I have a spreadsheet with every day of the month where I input quantities of purchased product. We divide those quantities according to the number of days of pricing period.
So if we purchase volume of 100 on the 1st of the month on a 10 days pricing, I would like to have in my spreasheet a volume of 10 for each 10 first days. Easy so far, where I block is when I start having several deals, at different days and with different pricing period.
See attached file for example.
How can I increment my column? Would it be Macro or can I just stick to formulas?
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Dec 22, 2007
Need a way of getting one of 4 values in sheet 2 to perform a calculation with. The aim is to show the total volume of a given item. Because there are four data sources for the actual volume (with varying degrees of accuracy) I've incorporated all of them in one sheet but want to use the values in precedence i.e. the first figure is where I've had someone physically tell me how many fit to a pallet (cubic metre) and know that to be accurate. If the value there is 0 I want to use the next figure as certain other items were measured physically. Column three and four are from some legacy systems and therefore should only be considered if the figures are 0 in the first two columns. Rather than ramble on any more I've attached a sample sheet
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May 6, 2008
What is the SINGLE formula for getting Value by given volume and price individually for more then 2 products?
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May 22, 2013
1 TO 10 25.00
11 TO 50 15.00
51 TO 100 9.00
101 TO 250 5.40
In this there is an area where it is cheaper to buy for example 12 instead of 10 and I am trying to work out a formula to deal with this funny step change down as people buy more.
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Nov 6, 2008
I need to get the sales volume from another worksheet but need to meet 2 criterias in both col A and B. How can I do it? Can I use Vlookup for this?
I'm attaching a file here. The cell highlighter in yellow is where I need the sales volume. First I have to find the region, then the brand of battery to get the sales volume.
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May 8, 2012
I have two different data sets that I have plotted using XY(Scatter) w/ smooth lines. Is there a macro or sub that will calculate the volume or area between where the two data sets cross?
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May 8, 2007
I am currently doing some work which is taking ages and i wonder if there might be a quicker way of completing the work.
Each Row contains a User ID alone with the volume of business submitted under that user ID via a specific payment route, the problem i have is that i may have 10 of the same user ID's but each with a different business volume and payment route attached, I have already sub totaled by User ID so tat can see total business volume for each user however, I want to delete all the duplicate user IDs leaving only the row with the max volume of business attached.
I have approx 40,000 user ID's so i need the solution look for sets of User IDs and leave only the one with the biggest volume of business attached to it.
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Dec 10, 2008
can I set a cell in excel so that if a number in a different cell is above a certain number it will turn green and another cell to turn red. I have attached the file.
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Dec 18, 2008
I have a table (B2 to G11) that include an earthwork output. This table is variable in size (only vertical -- i.e., the same columns are used but more rows may be filled with data). All the formulas are included in the workboook.
Basically what I need is the volume between two non-consecutive stations, for example: "Calculate the volume between stations 305.00 and 402.55"
The solution to that problem is shown in the Excel Sheet step by step, if you need any clarification please let me know. I know that the process I show can be done automatically maybe using VBA, macros, or combination of functions in Excel.
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Jun 30, 2006
I have 30 and above sheets in a work book and like that I am having 5 such
books. The sheets are named as 201, 202, 203 ....etc as per the contents in
that particular sheets. (201, 202 .....are the P.O nos.). all the work
sheets are of having similar format of datas.
Now what I need is if I want to look the details of one single sheet (say
324) I have go all the sheets one by one and it is hard to find out.
If any body give me a solution so that if I type a particular no. (forms
part of the name of the sheet) that sheet should appear for me.
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Sep 13, 2006
I am trying to figure a way -- preferably in a single- cell formula -- to calculate a conditional volume-weighted average of a series of associated prices and quantities located in two separate columns based on the date (or dates) the transactions occurred.
I can do a simple Vol. Weighted Average (VWA) of all the prices and quantities over the five-day period with the following formula: (I have created named ranges for the price column (A1:A30=price), the quantity column (B1:B30=quantity) and the date column (C1:C30=date):
= SUMPRODUCT(price, quantity)/SUM(quantity)...
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Nov 23, 2009
I have 3 sets of data for two different groups:
Group 1 - Inbound
- Total volume
- Gross adds
- Win rate (gross adds/total volume)
Group 2 - Outbound
- Total volume
- Gross adds
- Win rate (gross adds/total volume)
I need to calculate the weighted average of the win rate based on volume of calls. Is there any way to do that?
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Sep 3, 2013
This is how my face looks like at the moment.
Worksheet company A: Filled with products
Worksheet company B: Filled with products
Is there a way to copy/export the products from A&B into a new worksheet and compare the sales of these products to eachother?
I want to compare the salesvolumes of the products (of A&B).
Goal of this comparement: See if products need to be moved from A --> B or B --> A.
Hopefuly this is a simple question for some of you, and hopefuly there is a person who will take the time to answer my call...
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Jun 26, 2014
For a landscaping company, who is looking to service gardens more effectively/efficiently, they are mirroring the below variables to the amount the client is willing to pay per hour. I also have a sample file.
I have, on Sheet1, 8 columns I'm working with:
R3:R132 is the currently hourly rate
L3:L132, M3:M132, N3:N132 are current units, volume, and labor hours respectively by location.
AD3:AD132, AE3:AE132, AF3:AF132 are new units, volume, and labor hours respectively by location.
AI3:AI132 is the suggested hourly rate by location. Note this is already calculated and filled in. I need to calculate new units, volume, and labor hours based on the suggested hourly rate.
On Sheet2, I have 4 columns I'm working with:
A2:A161, B2:B161, C2:C161, B2:B161 are hourly rates, units, volume, and labor hours respectively.
They are laid out in combination with one another to show possible combinations of these variables that make sense for the landscaping company.
My goal is to figure out what combination the company wants to go with for a given hourly rate on Sheet1 given the following logic to follow:
1) Attempt to reduce labor hours to get to suggested hourly rate - This is to calculate new labor hours on Sheet1 in cells AF3:AF132.
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Dec 5, 2008
I'm going to turn the F1 key off in my spreadsheets so that I do not hit it by accident so manytimes, but how do I bring up help without it?
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Feb 2, 2010
I have attached a sample file. All the data is inserted into this file via a text file, except one column "G". Someone in this forum was kind enough to help me in being able to include the city name 'G' to a parcel number 'A'. However, the page is constantly trying to complete 'Calculations' and won't let me do anything without first hitting 'Control Break'.
This is fine except that when I try to save the file into .txt, I don't have the option of 'Control Break' and I have to end up closing the file. As the 'real' file has over 100,000 rows, nothing happens very fast. I have tied changing the 'Calculation Options' but that doesn't seem to change anything.
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Aug 28, 2007
The use of * as a wildcard in excel can be extremely useful, however, can it be turned off? I work in the education sector and am currently number crunching GCSE results. When it comes to calculating A* grades versus A grades, B grades, etc, I cannot seem to do it because of the wildcard.
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Oct 5, 2006
Is there a button in Excel you can press that will turn gridlines on/off rather than going through the tools/options/gridlines route?
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Nov 23, 2011
I have a code that will look in column C for all rows with data, turn on autofilter and copy the data into column A.
Then do the same in column D, paste into column A.
And finally the same in column E, paste into column A.
But I think the autofilter turning on and off might be a problem.
Dim LastRow1 As Long
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Aug 5, 2013
Without using VBA can you suppress alerts in Excel?
Specifically when you are creating copies of many sheets in a workbook,
"A formula or sheet you want to move or copy contains the name "Month", which already exists on the destination sheet. Do you want to use this version of the name?"
The reason for turning the alerts off is that the answer is always yes and it appears too many time in this workbook.
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Feb 26, 2008
How can I silence the annoying beep heard whenever a msgbox pops up or an error box appears?
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