Variable As Comparison Operator
Aug 16, 2007
Can you use a variable as an operator? For example:
Dim op
op = ">"
If Var1 op Var2 Then MsgBox "It Works!"
I have parameters stored in a database and each parameter includes an operator. When I compare a given value to the parameter, I was hoping to do that dynamically by extracting the operator from the parameter and using that in the comparison.
Otherwise, the only way I can see to do it is create a Function with a Select Case list for all the operators to check the parameter, do the comparison, then return the value to the Function.
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May 14, 2008
I have a date in cell A1. I have an operator in cell A2. This info is then merged in to cell A3 with the following formula: =A2&TEXT(A1,"dd/mm/yyyy"). My data range is called "wc_date_of_loss". I want to use this info in a SUMPRODUCT formula (as the dates and operators can be changed by the end user). What's the correct syntax for that?
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Jan 25, 2009
I have on occaision seen -- within a formula. e.g =SUMPRODUCT(--(PMonth=$A3),--(PName=$A$1),PLTime). Could someone explain the relavance/effect or use of this as it seems outside of standard operators.
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May 25, 2012
How to use the LIKE operator? I have tried:
mytable.field like '098'
mytable.field like '098'
mytable.field like '&098&'
mytable.field like '*098*'
This is in A SQL string connecting to a MSSQL db over ODBC
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Feb 9, 2007
Excel has operators for Less than, Greater than, Equal to, etc., etc. Does anyone know if there is a Between operator? (Maybe an undocumented or little-known feature like DATEDIF)?
There is a Between Feature in the Conditional Formatting Dialog Box - it would sure be nice to be able to use it in a non-formatting formula, or maybe you could explain how you pros achieve a "between" result without resorting to VBA.
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Feb 12, 2009
revised this code to reflect the "not equal to". I want the user to only enter "In" or "Out." Therefore, If cells b19:B26 does not have either word, then the message box will prompt the user to enter the correct word again. I think my code needs to be revised into some kind of loop.
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Jun 30, 2008
MOD Operator gives one result when this is used as worksheet function and the different one when I use that in VBA.
Cell A1 = 01-Jan-08
Cell A2 = 02-Jan-08
In Worksheet
=MOD(A1-A2,8) Gives 7
Reminder = Range("A1")-Range("A2") Mod 8 Gives -1
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Aug 20, 2009
I'm using the below code to get only those rows which contains 'Deploy' or 'Pre-prod' but it gives less rows than its supposed to do.
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Jan 7, 2013
While proof-reading my code, I've noticed that these two true select cases ("S" and "W") shown below wouldn't "yield" what I want. I've tried to replace AND (highlighted in red) with "," (comma) but I still get the same result - it still returns a value evaluating either one of two conditions but not BOTH:
sChar = Split(Waypoint, ",")
For j = LBound(sChar) To UBound(sChar) Step 3
Lat = sChar(j)
Lon = sChar(j + 1)
Elev = Val(sChar(j + 2))
Next j
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Jul 9, 2008
Iīm trying to find a way to get a formula which can look if there is a character (letīs say it is "-") in a formula which is, by the way, variable (letīs say each cell has different values like: =899+59-6 and so it goes and goes), and brings me a true or false value.
Specifically it is like this:
I have formulas to be evaluated like the following:
I need a formula which can look into the formula and if it finds the character "-" or a "+", brings me a true or false message.
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Nov 26, 2013
filter a pivot table that contains these 3 column fields: User 1, User 2, and User 3.
However, when I want to see the results for "John" in all those fields, I need to use one filter at a time. Is there any other way to see all results of the Pivot Table where "John" is a User, no matter if he is the 1, 2 or 3 user?
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Oct 5, 2013
I have three columns named "Type" , "start_date" and "end_date".
Type column can hold only "A","B" and "C".
start_date and end_date columns are time stamps. ex: 9/14/13 9:35 AM
I want to do conditional formatting like,
If type = "A" and (end_date - start_date) value between 30 and 40 (in hrs) then it should be amber.
I did for greater than and lesser than values, but I am facing problem while doing the above one.
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Aug 14, 2014
When I run this code it does the exact opposite of what I want it do (if not contained in that character list then delete). So basically if it not in the character list then delete, but it if is in the character list it deletes....
[Code] .....
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Jul 23, 2014
I need to switch between less than or greater than in my formula based on user selected drop down that gives the user two options "" My formula has "
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Jul 26, 2006
I dont have much experience with VBA and im looking for an operator that helps me find a word (or part of a word) in a sentence located in a cell. I have to do this to create a user friendly form. I cant use the Find option in excel because i need to do this in a form.
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Feb 26, 2014
How the like operator works with brackets and # tags etc...
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Nov 4, 2009
I'm just trying to add the "=" operator to the below "" operators, as this line of code presently doesn't account for any numeric matches, of which I have plenty, and DO need to account for! Gosh, might someone here know how to integrate such a thing into this code?
If Range("I3") Temp Then Range("I1") = Temp
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Apr 18, 2013
I'm using Excel 2003.
I have a Userform where you can enter a date and select a comparison operator from a combo box. Any one of these (= < <= > >= <>)
In VBA I then load a range into a dictionary object and then loop thru it to compare the dates in the dictionary to the date selected in the userform but I can't get the dates to compare correctly. I think it has something to do with the Evaluate function comparing the dates as strings but I'm not really sure.
For Each strKey In dictValid.Keys()
If Not Evaluate(CDate(dictValid(strKey)) & cboDteOperator.Value & CDate(txtDteSel.Value)) Then
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Mar 9, 2012
We have just been upgraded to Excel 2010 with it's hideous menus. tell me where to find =, +,-,* and / signs in the menus before I go mad!
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Feb 19, 2014
I have two rows of data, each row also have similar data. I need to find the number of matches that the two lines For example :
To reach the conclusion I need to build six such functions:
The result is 4
Is there a single formula that will give the result ?
Another question, is there a formula that I can compare to the principle of one line against the 20 lines ?
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Jun 12, 2009
Compare 2 columns of data and have a new 3th column tell me the result of the query based on some conditional information. So, here's an example.
Column A = Programmer Assigned (Yes/No)
Column B = Project State (concept, plan, develop, qualify, rollout, etc)
I'd like to compare the values in A to B and have the formula tell me if the programmer should be assigned in that phase or not. So, in english.
If A = No, then look to see if B = "develop" or "qualify", if it does, populate C with "Update required". If it doesn't, populate with "Correct".
I hope I explained it well enough for you all to help. I originally looked into using conditional formatting to just format the cell differently if I needed to perform an action.
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Oct 24, 2008
to compare the values of data on one sheet (sheet1) with that of another (sheet2) to see if there has been any changes between the sheets over the previous week. If a macro could go through my data on sheet1, compare cell-by-cell the data that's in sheet 2 and highlight in red font any cells that have different values that would be awesome.
The macro would need to leave the "fill color" of the cell as it was.
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Mar 6, 2009
I have two spreadsheets, The spreadsheet #1 has the information of two years and the Spreadsheet #2 is a montly report. The Spreadsheet # 1 hasta on the column A a number of transaction, and at the column Q the invoice number. The Spreadsheet # 2, only has in the column A the Invoice number. I need to find in the Spreadsheet # 1 the Invoice numbers that match the Invoices that I have in the Spreadsheet # 2 by bringin the "Number of Transaction".
For example:
Spreadsheet 1:
Has on column A3 the Number of Transaction # 0123, and at the column Q3 the Invoice number 555. At the Spreadsheet number # 2 I have the INvoice # 555 located on A10. I need to know what is the transaction # by adding a formula in a new column (G) so I want to have the Transaction # 0123 in the new column added G.
If I do this manually it will take me hours since these report and the Master is so big, and right now I am doin it using Ctrl-F
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Oct 11, 2011
I have two columns of dates. I want to see if there are duplicate dates and highlight them in the first column. What is the easiest way to do this?
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Jan 22, 2007
There are four lines of numbers, in all line 8 numbers.
1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2
1 2 3 1 2 2 2 1
2 1 1 3 1 3 1 2
1 2 2 2 3 1 1 2
I would like to find a function that will examine, if there are similar lines according to my definition, and several.
my definition is 7
For example that I gave, the result in the wanted function needs to be, yes (Line 1 and line 4) and several-One time.
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Mar 23, 2009
How in VBA can you evaluate a cell in the "general" format and in the "date" format? I'd perfer do this entirely in VBA without use of a helper column in Excel.
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Mar 27, 2009
I have two columns of items that need to be compaired. What I need is the items in column B that do not match any of the items in column A need to be put in Column C. How can I do this? The Data in Column A can not be re arranged. Column B can be sorted.
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Jul 28, 2009
I am trying to compare two cells to see if its two values are the same. Some of the cells have a space in between numbers or a symbol like "-"
one cell's value is
and the other cell's value is
the program I have written marks these as different because of the "-" in the second there a way, maybe with a string function to overlook that "-"?
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Jul 28, 2009
I have a spreadsheet and I'm comparing data from a room booking system and a spot check on the room to see whether it's actually used. I have a column which I want to show whether the information agrees.
column G - I have a group size recorded that should be in a room.
column H - I have "yes" or "no" as to whether there was anyone in the room when it was checked
column I - I have the size of the actual group in the room.
Is it possible to create a formula that will fill in column J with the answer yes or no depending on whether it agrees.
It doesn't matter whether the groups sizes match, it's just a case of yes, someone was booked into the room and there was someone in when it was checked
No, there was a booking supposed to be in the room but there was no one in it when checked
There was no booking but there was someone in the room when checked.
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Jan 18, 2012
I need to compare the MMDD in two cells. Example: If the Accrual date is 09/07/10, then I need to know if it falls in the payroll period date of 01/12/12. I just need the MMDD compare to put in my IF statement.
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