Vlookup Sum
Dec 8, 2008
I am trying to create cell to calulate the total cost from a column is a pivot table. I thought i had done it but then realised that it doesn't account for dupliate suites that occur.
I thought that using VLOOKUP might work for this but not sure how to do it.
What I am looking for is to say (for pivot table sheet) if cloumn b contains arable then total cost =395, however if column b contains arable and forestry then total cost = 395, however if column b contains arable and urban then total cost = 420..... but for all possible cases.
At the moment if column b contains arable and forestry total cost = 520
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Aug 18, 2009
I have a Vlookup which I want to modify so that it can become dynamic as the table array part of the vlookup will change.
So the basic vlookup is as follows:
but the data I am looking for wont always be in the range M60:P73.
So I tried to make it dynamic by doing the following:
The idea being that U1 and V1 would be numbers that can change so in this case U1 would equal 60 and V1 would equal 73
This vlookup is giving me #N/A and no matter how I modify it I cannot get it to work.
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Oct 5, 2009
I have a sheet using VLookup to find EMail and Web addresses. I can get the address to show up but not as an active URL address. Is it possible to have the address "active" so I can click on it and activate the EMail or Web Site?
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Oct 29, 2012
I'm trying to do a Vlookup on a file that gets automatically downloaded to the computer from a website. The data is in lots of different data sets, like so:
Loans to countries
Loans to banks
Every month a new row of data gets added to each table, meaning the start and end cells of the array also shift each time.
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Jul 13, 2009
I'm currently trying to vlookup the same data from 2 different sheets. Here is the code i've tried.
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Jun 9, 2009
I’m trying to develop a workbook which holds monthly data on loan information. It tracks the interest and balance on the loan. I want the first page to have a table displaying the interest payments for every individual tab. When I was brainstorming the idea, I was considering a sort of Vlookup function to find the tab the account is on and then a further function, possibly another vlookup which connects the month to that month’s interest payment. Can anyone help me figure this out?
The attached spreadsheet is obviously simplified, there are well over 30 tabs. But I would like it to, ideally, search the account number column, search the workbook for that account number, and then when on that page use the month at the top of the first page and retrieve the interest payment and put it back in the cell. It’d also be great if the formula can be transferred between workbooks. I’m not sure if that makes sense; basically if I were to copy that worksheet into the next months book, I would like that the formula read those tabs instead of becoming obsolete due to references from the first workbook.
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Jul 24, 2009
I have data in a pivottable which I want to compare with another table. The lastcolumn+1 of the pivottable needs to get data from another table. I have this for an example:
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Sep 17, 2008
I have a spreadsheet (Need Data.xls) that needs to be filled out with a couple columns of data.
This data lays within 338 spreadsheets which have many items and may only have 2, or 3, or 50 that belong on my Need Data.xls spreadsheet.
I have a tab in Need Data.xls named "DIR" which has a list of 336 excel files that need to vlookup'd into.(not a separate file) They're all setup with this format:
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Jan 8, 2009
I am receiving a run-time error with following code. The error message is "unable to get the VLookup property of the WorksheetFunction class". I only receive the message when the lookup value is not found in the table.
I thought adding the "False" command at the end would return an "N/A" but it didn't. Is there anything I can add to avoid this error?
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Jul 15, 2008
I'm taking a spreadsheet that I produce each month and creating a year to date spreadsheet in the same format. I'm using a vlookup to find the campaign name in each sheet and add up the totals. This works fine but sometimes a camapign ends and so the vlookup for that month will produce an #n/a value so will reduce the whole sum to #n/a.
The VLOOKUP + VLOOKUP + VLOOKUP I was using that produced an #n/a is shown below.
=VLOOKUP($A6,'[Margin by Site Net April 2008.xls]Brighton'!$A$5:$F$26,2,FALSE)+VLOOKUP($A6,'[Margin by Site Net May 2008.xls]Brighton'!$A$5:$F$26,2,FALSE)+VLOOKUP($A6,'[Margin by Site Net June 2008.xls]Brighton'!$A$5:$F$26,2,FALSE)
To get round it I've added in an IF statement combined with ISERROR as shown below. It works but is looking quite messy. Is there an easier way to do this ? (the formula below is from the cell below the one above so the look up value is one cell down)
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Dec 12, 2013
I am trying to use Vlookup to find out the min and max sales of the products shown in the spreadsheet. I have used Vlookup before but only by itself and with 2 columns.
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Jan 14, 2009
I want column B to be populated with the details from Sheet1, Column B if A = A and if not found populate with the text "NO ID". However for valid results, I'm getting #REF! The formula I'm using is:
=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet1!A:A,Sheet1!B:B,FALSE)),"No APW ID",VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet1!A:A,Sheet1!B:B,FALSE))
I'm assuming this is because the value of Column A is text and not a numerical value but am having a real blonde moment as to how I can solve this.
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Jan 24, 2009
I added the roundup column because i thought that might be the problem.
=VLOOKUP(0.18,B4:C2819,2,FALSE) result=#N/A
GP%roundup profit price
0.350.36 $635.00 $1,800.00
0.350.36 $630.00 $1,795.00
0.350.35 $625.00 $1,790.00
0.190.19 $265.00 $1,430.00
0.180.19 $260.00 $1,425.00
0.180.18 $255.00 $1,420.00
0.180.18 $250.00 $1,415.00
0.170.18 $245.00 $1,410.00
0.170.18 $240.00 $1,405.00
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Mar 10, 2009
im trying to created a worksheet that adds the number of days people are off in a year, i have come up with this formula as people can chage teams and therefore position in the worksheet,
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May 4, 2009
Hey experts.
I have a data source that I am trying pull data from as a roll up and I am having a difficult time with a solution.
I am basically trying to pull data directly below the cell of a VLOOKUP. Please see the attached.
This is just a small example of the actual data. The solution for the gross scores is very simple using VLOOKUP. However, I need assistance with the net scores. Hoping this makes sense once you see the file.
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Dec 2, 2009
I have used Vlookup in a situation where the user selects the customer short code from a dropdown list and then it will display the customer address details in the 6 rows below the search area.
There can be 3 or 4 different contacts for each customer that I would like a dropdown list where the user can select the contacts just for that customer based on the vlookup criteria from above.
I tried assigning each customer a code, then making a new list of contacts, and naming the contacts based on the customer code, but got lost in what i was doing and not fully understanding what I was doing.
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Dec 17, 2009
I'm having trouble trying to figure out a formula using IF and Vlookup. Basically what I need is to lookup a value from sheet1 that should be somewhere in sheet2. Once vlookup has located this value it then needs to go a certain amount of columns accross eg 10 in sheet2 to find another value (as a normal vlookup does). Now I cant figure it out: IF the value found in sheet2 (from the lookup) matches a value in sheet1 then I need the formula to return a 1, if it does not match then I need it to return a 0. I cant quite figure out how the formula would go, with nested functions etc
in the attached on sheet1 cell b2: A vlookup looks for reference "1111" (shown in sheet1 cell A2) goes to sheet2 and finds it, then moves across the columns (sheet2 Columns E:K) until it finds the value shown in Sheet1 cell B1 ("MON"). IF it finds the match then the formula returns "1" if it does not (ie only finds other days of week or a blank cell) then the formula returns a "0".
Note The attached is excel 2007 but I need to use 2003 at work.
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Jan 10, 2010
I have a spreadsheet that is updated every month (100+ Rows, 38 Columns) and what I need to do is list the top sales person by 'dollars above target' in each of our 6 product classes. The staff names are in column A and the comparison to targets for the first product is in column AA.
My best idea so far is getting the MAX of the Sales vs Budget and applying a conditional format to highlight the data equal to the figure in that cell then finding the name myself from the list in Column A, but I was hoping someone might know a way to have Excel generate this name for me? - Also, is there a formula I can use that will give me the top 3 scores for each product?
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Feb 23, 2010
I have two spreadsheets with 300 entries each. One lists a bunch of data linked to the Building Code (ex. 123 Ruth) and the other spreadsheet links the data to the full building address (ex. 123 Rutherford Road). I am looking for a way find the corresponding building address to each building code, AND find a way to find the building code to each building address. The building codes are not a set amount of characters, they are roughly the first 9-10 characters of an address.
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Feb 23, 2010
I just found this forum and I am sure I will visit it very often as I have to work with Excel on daily basis. Let's go back to business, I will shortly introduce my problem (file attached).
I have 2 worksheets:
1. Data
2. Question
In first worksheet I have a table imported from another software and the most important columns for me are column A "Customer #" and column E "Invoice #".
Second worksheet is created by me and what I need to do is to make excel to find on which Customer # are invoices listed in column A in this worksheet. I have tried to use vlookup function but always receive an error (cells B2:B7).
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May 18, 2014
The range i need to lookup for is from column A to G and in that, the row range should be up to the row that contains "options" . Text "options" is in column B alone. Is there any way to get it.
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Aug 11, 2009
I'm currently having some problems with vlookup in VBA, here's the
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Jan 6, 2009
I am not sure if this has been covered before on here or if I am even using the right function, but if I explain my problem hopefully you can point me in the right direction. We are compiling a resourcing sheet showing Full Time Employees/part-time employees. These agents are classed under different headings and in different teams, but one team could have multiple classes in it such as cards,retail,commercial etc etc.
Using VLOOKUP I am trying to total each of these within each team.
Team 1 Team 2
Cards1.00 Cards0.56
Cards0.46 Cards1.00
Retail1.00 Retail1.00
Retail0.63 Retail1.00
Commercial1.00 Commercial1.00
Commercial1.00 Commercial1.00
So for example I am trying to work out how many cards agents that team has, and then retail and so on. Is there a way of getting VLOOKUP to add within the range you set it or do i need to use a different function completely?
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Apr 29, 2012
The model requires that fuel be added based on a number of Pit stops made. I have information based on weights of different drivers. I only have 2 weights for 2 drivers.
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Jun 30, 2014
I need to extract data from a column in one workbook and add the information to the relevant row in a second workbook using VBA. Both the target range and the source range are dynamic.
The source data looks like this:
3 x y z
2 f g h
4 p q r
The target worksheet looks like this
2 x y h
3 x y z
4 x y r
I need code to use the value of each row in column a of the target data to look up the corresponding value in column A of the source data and then find the value of column D in that row. This is then added to column D in the target data 9 ) shown in red above)
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Jul 11, 2014
IF VLOOKUP formula that I have generated, as it's not returning a zero answer when the data range contains nothing for that value. Here is the formula =IF(ISBLANK(VLOOKUP($A$3,'Monthly Figs'!$A$1:$M$1000,6)),"",VLOOKUP($A$3,'Monthly Figs'!$A$1:$M$1000,6)) What it does is pick up another unrelated value.
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Nov 18, 2006
I would like my cell to return the value of a number of VLOOKUPS. Example:
My lookup value is a range K15:K25.
My table array is "unitcost"
My column Index Number is "12"
How can I get one cell to give me the sum of the returned values of all the VLOOKUPS noted?
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Sep 15, 2008
if an item number is keyed in, I wish to have the other areas *from a exiting table* automatically filled in:
Item #DescriptionSizeUnit Price
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May 19, 2009
how to combine a Vlookup and Sum Function. I want a vlookup to look at a range of products and sum the total. So for the below example.
I would like to sum all purchases in this table. Ultimately my spreadsheet is much bigger, but this will help summaries the data.
Finance£0.43Capital£293.25Finance£34.50Expenses£35.78Purchases£750.00Purchases£250.00Purchases£37.10Purchases£580.74Expenses - Lu£61.45Expenses - Phil£129.71Expenses - Phil£241.93Expenses - Finance£255.97
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Aug 17, 2009
I need either a macro or formula that can do the following.
Identify rows identical numbers besides 0 in column 'X' (often more than two)
Sum the values in column K of those rows
Create a single row that has that sum as the value in k, and the same information as befre in all other columns (the only values that change if X is the same is the information in K..
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