Build A Spreadsheet Containing Data Validation (drop-downs)?

Aug 12, 2014

I am trying to build a spreadsheet containing data validation (drop-downs). So far, so good.

My goal:

* I want to have various cells show dropdowns based on the value of a cell (per row) which itself can be changed by the user using a drop down.

* I want to have the same various cells show dropdowns that are also based on the value of a cell which has a fixed value per column (in other words, a header).

I have tried a lot of different approaches, including using the INDIRECT function, named ranges, dynamic ranges using a table, INDEX and MATCH. All have failed.

The main issues I see have to do with the fact that my data has several possible values for each given header and classification. Also all values are not unique.

The best result I have ever got returned a dropdown list based on the header bot returned the entire column rather than limited to the classification values. So for example I had all instances of 'Main Colour' to choose from, not just those of the classification value.

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Deleting All Shapes Deletes Data Validation Drop Downs

Jun 1, 2009

I am trying to do here is select a value from a drop down which is linked to a formula which triggers the macro shape..i have all that down already... but the problem is that I will have multiple values in the same drop down and I needed to figure a way to delete the previous macro shape in that range. And so i have created the delete all shapes code below but it seems whenever I use the code it deletes the data validation drop downs

here is what I have so far...

Function Macro()
ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 220.5, 105.75, 92.25, 51#). _
End Function

Function CIRCLES()

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Varying Validation Drop-downs Based On Varying Cell Values

Aug 7, 2013

I am attempting to have cells in Column 'U' deliver different drop-down menus based on the corresponding value in column 'D'. I have created 7 named lists:


Those lists will be called up based on 7 values in column “D”:

So far I have only been able to get this to work for the first category “G”. When I change the value of column “D” from “G” to “152” I no longer get a drop-down. Here is the formula I am using in the List function of validation.


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Formatting Area Using Data Validating Drop Downs

Nov 23, 2007

I'm currently developing a calendar that has a list in it with lets say 4 options. What I want the calendar to do is calculate at a specific 'cell' the number of entries that are selected during the month.

The idea is to have a drop down on each 'day' and a counter that calculates the number of times one specific options has been selected. Once the option has been selected the 'day' will change to the corresponding color.

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Totaling With Drop-downs

Dec 28, 2006

I have a sheet that has drop-downs with totals affiliated with each option. This is a time recording sheet and I would like for each drop-down type to be totaled accordingly. Any help with an equation would be greatly appreciated.

If you have any suggestions, I can send you the document for review.

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Simplified Drop Downs

Aug 28, 2008

Is it possible for data like "ABC /sdfsd/sdfs/sdf/sdf/sdf/" to be viewable in a drop down but when selected to appear only as "ABC" in the spreadsheet? I need to be able to see the full line of data when selecting my choice from the drop-down but for readability-sake in a printable spreadsheet only want "ABC" to be displayed.

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IF Then Statements And Drop Downs?

Aug 14, 2009

can you have col A contain a drop down and then column B include an if then statement that would result in another drop down? IE. Column A has drop down with options of "A", "B", and "C", if the user selects "A", then a drop down would appear in column B containing options "1", "2", and "3". But if the user selects "B" in column A, then a different drop down appears in Column B with options "Yes", "No", and "Maybe"...etc....

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Drop Downs & Filters

Dec 16, 2008

First post so please excuse me if this has been covered before but I am trying to get the results of a dropdown menu in one worksheet to become the criteria for a filter in another worksheet (both in teh same workbook).

I thought I could just add a reference to the dropdown cell into the autofilter (in VBA editor) but it doe't seem to be that simple.

Any ideas?

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Multiple Drop Downs

Sep 26, 2007

I'm working with 2 drop down lists created through Validation.

I'm trying to make this scenario work.

If A is entered in B1, then the drop down list in C1 would appear in D1.

If B is entered in B1, then the drop down list in C2 would appear in D1.

List C1 has 12 choices.

List C2 has 8 choices.

I'm making a data entry tab so for the sake of simplicity I only want one list to show up at a time depending on the variable A or B

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Drop Downs And Adding

Jul 2, 2008

trying to shred the last bits of fat for the summer and thought I'd try a Keto diet, this depends heavily on not eating very many carbs, as well as keeping your total Kcal intake below maintenance.

This makes for a fairly tricky diet, as most things you generally eat contains alot of carbs, so I thought I'd make planning my meals easy, by creating an excel sheet, with drop down menues for different foods/drinks as well as their nutritional content.

I''d like it to look something like this, with the dropdown list under "Food" ....

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Using Two Or More Drop Downs With VLOOKUP

Mar 21, 2009

I have an analytics sheet where I have a client name chosen from a drop down via validation. The problem I am running into is that while I want information from a data table to populate a cell based on the selection from the validation, I also want the cell to populate based on a second drop down box (basically selecting a time frame). Take the example data table below:

Client Jan 2009 Jan 2009 Target etc etc
Client A 1111 1290
Client B 900 750

I would like the user to be able to select Client B and then, from a separate drop down, also choose, say, Jan 2009 Target and then another cell would populate with, in this case, 750.

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Drop Downs Which Would Allow To Choose From A List Of Vendors

May 19, 2009

I have a sheet in a work book which will act as the "Purchase Order" sheet. I would like to have the sheet include a drop down which would allow me to choose from a list of vendors which would print on the purchase order.

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Changing Drop-downs Depending On Another Cell

Jan 26, 2007

I'm having a difficult time figuring out out to coordinate two cells together.

If a "1" or "2" is entered into cell A1, I would like cell A2 to have a drop down menu show a "0". If a "3" is entered into A1, I would like B1 to have a drop down menu show "1" or "2". If a "4" is entered into A1, I would like B1 to have a drop down menu show "3" or "4". Lastly, if a "5" is entered into A1, I would like B1 to show "5" or "6".

I don't know if this is possible without using VBA.

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Preventing The Same Choice Being Made In Two Drop-downs

Dec 11, 2008

I am building a template in Excel and I want an error message (or any message) to appear to the user if they select from a static drop-down the same option in column I as in column J (i.e. they have to pick something different in each case).

Issue is I can't exclude any options from the second validation because, essentially, it's the same list. So if, on one row, a person picks "Bill" in column I, they can't pick "Bill" in column J. However, if they have picked "James" in column I, they can pick "Bill" in column J.

Don't know if this is well explained enough but would appreciate any tips on this - I've tried messing about with validation, conditional formatting, putting an IF statement in the next column and so forth but I haven't found a method that isn't convaluted and easy for the user of the template...

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Linked Drop Downs Not Populating With Some Characters

Dec 29, 2006

I've created a spreadsheet that has two drop down lists. Based on what the user selects from the first list, the second list is populated. It's working great except for the items in the first list that use special character, such as a -, or &. If necessary I can upload a small example of how I have my sheet set up, but I think I found it on this site!

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Force User To Choose From 2 Drop-Downs

Dec 29, 2006

I have two columns, Account Number and Account Type. I already use Data Validation on Account Number to make sure it is numeric and on Account Type to make sure the user picks from a drop-down list. I want it so that if a user inputs an account number, it forces the user to automatically pick from the drop-down menu in the account type column, otherwise post an error.

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Dependent/Linked Drop Downs In Cells

Apr 29, 2008

Now he has another task that I am not having any success with. He has asked if we can make an Excel spreadsheet that allows us to access a list of customer units from a drop down menu which is in another workbook, and once you choose that particular unit, another drop down menu will allow only those customers who are assigned to that unit to be selected from that sub-menu. I hope that makes sense.

Say customer A1 (we will call him Delta Co, 2-1 Aviation) is selected from this first drop down menu (which I haven't figured out how to make yet either). Then this selection would access another worksheet in that other workbook with a new drop down menu with only the four customers in that unit. As an example we will use the names SSG Wilson, SGT Jackson, SFC Jones, and SGT Phillips.

So when the Supply Tech here opens the spreadsheet, the first drop down menu, he will select Delta Co, 2-1 Aviation. Then the next menu will only show four names, and he will select SFC Jones.

Once we get this going, I may be able to figure out the other things the commander wants, if not I will be back.

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Refine Values In Dependent/Linked Drop-Downs

Aug 24, 2009

to make the user experience better by inserting the " Stock Search" sheet to speed up the process. The spreadsheet attached is a simplified version of the current version, where it would normally have many many more sites, areas and models of cars. The existing process means the user has to trawl through the sheet where they are only interested in what sites in their area has stock. I can not change the format of the "Red" and "Yellow" sheets so hoping to insert another sheet to do the work.

I am hoping to have on the "Stock Search" sheet a few drop down boxes.

The user will select

1. Area
2. Type of Colour (the type of colour selected should link with the sheet name in effect, so only stock within the "Red" sheet will be shown if the "Red" colour is selected from the drop down box)
3. Model of Car

This will then give the resulting Store/Stores with stock (value 1 or above) with those conditions met which is showing in the relevant sheet

So as per the attached sheet, if a user selected Area "South West", "Red", "Renault Megane"

then SO10 Clifton 1 and SO15 Yeovil 3 would be shown in a list.

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Form Buttons, Drop-downs Not Appearing For Some Users

Mar 22, 2007

I have a fantasy baseball spreadsheet I've built. It includes player projections and people can input their league details. It then creates custom player cheatsheets for the user. There are a number of form options including buttons and drop-downs.

I've created this spreadsheet for a few years. For some unknown reason, since I finished version 2.0 of 2007 a few people have emailed me indicating they cannot see the form options. I still see them in my version of Excel. I definitely would have received more emails if this was impacting everyone, so it appears to only hit a few people. I asked about the version of Excel these people have, and that does not seem consistent. Plus, version 1.0 works for them. I only made some formula changes between 1.0 and 2.0.

Has anyone ever seen an issue like this before? Any idea why this might be happening?

The file download is available at the following address (download link on the right):


There are 2 spreadsheets in the download file. The Compiler is the one with the reported problem.

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Don't Show Blank Pivot Table Fields In Drop-downs

May 6, 2007

I am creating a pivot table from region, which some of the rows are blank.

Is there any possibility that the pivot table not show the blank in its dropdown combobox?

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Data Validation, Drop-down Box

Oct 6, 2008

I want to do couple of things here.
1. put an empty field in a drop down box. If possible the empty field should be at the top from the drop down menu.
2. Update names in drop down box when I add names to the list

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Data Validation Drop Down

Jan 30, 2010

I have a range in a worksheet named "Product3" that has data down to row 30 that is linked to drop down boxes on another sheet. I want to add data to rows 31-40 to also show up in the drop downs. How do I extend that range?

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Data Validation - Characters In Drop Down

Nov 17, 2008

I have a list for the user to enter in creditor name, balance, monthly payment and interest rate. In the credior name portion, I have used a Data Validation List (drop down menu of bank names) for the user to choose from.

Later on... The user types in the customers ACTUAL bank acount that they will be making payments from.

If the user types in a bank that is the same as one from the drop down list earlier on, I would like a dialog box to come up with further instructions.

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Data Validation Drop Down Query

Jan 12, 2010

Would anyone know if it is possible to extend the size of the list presented when using the data validation drop down? At present, it seems to default to 8 choices (even though there is a scroll bar) but I was wondering could the list Automatically display, say 20 choices?

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Data Validation Drop List?

Oct 10, 2013

I was wondering if there is a way to see all the choices on a drop list. Currently the drop list only shows 8 choices but I am wanting to see all 32 choices eliminating the need to scroll the list. I have attached a picture.

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Data Validation For Drop Down Menu?

Apr 22, 2009

I am doing an internship in Germany, and I have this crazy project with Excel. I am not very familiar with all the equations.

I want to select a company name and a type of container from a drop down menu, and have the information show up on a different sheet assigned for that specific company for the right size container. It involves quantities.

I will attach what I have sofar.



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Data Validation Drop Down Arrow

Jun 7, 2007

I am currently working on a spread sheet that has a lot of data validation drop down lists. They were all working fine but now none of the drop down arrows are showing up.

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Data Validation Drop Down Not Showing

Jul 24, 2007

The drop down validation feature on my sheet isn't working. I have treble checked that the boxes for data validation have been correctly done. In another sheet the same data validation feature is working? Can anyone suggest a reason for this?

If you are stumped I can post a snippet of the offending sheet.

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Data Validation Allow Text Drop And Check?

Feb 5, 2014

i need some formula to data validation with this criteria :

allow only text "DROP" and "check" ...

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Conditional Data Validation Drop-down Lists

Oct 27, 2008

Sheet1 is my database and looks like the following:


Sheet2 is for the user input, in which Columns H and I would have a data validation drop-down list and looks like the following: ...

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