Varying Validation Drop-downs Based On Varying Cell Values
Aug 7, 2013
I am attempting to have cells in Column 'U' deliver different drop-down menus based on the corresponding value in column 'D'. I have created 7 named lists:
Those lists will be called up based on 7 values in column “D”:
So far I have only been able to get this to work for the first category “G”. When I change the value of column “D” from “G” to “152” I no longer get a drop-down. Here is the formula I am using in the List function of validation.
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Jun 28, 2012
There are 11,000 rows and 4,000 are unique. The goal is to merge the data down to the 4,000 records. Each of the unique entries shows up 1 to 15 times.
In trying to solve this, I wonder if I should break this down into the different # of occurances and implement specific solutions. e.g., There are
5700 entries that show up 2x
504 that show up 3x
24 that show up 12x
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Oct 2, 2013
I want to call a macro with a varying name that is within a module with the same name.
I have a module called Test1 and within this, a macro name called test1
I have a module called Test2 and within this, a macro name called test2
On another module called Test8 (with the macro called Test8), this Test8 macro will call either Test1 or Test2 or Test3 etc depending on what I choose in an excel spreadsheet. So on sheet1, cell A1, there is a drop down with the options Test1 or Test2 or Test3 etc.
The following works to run the macro test1 from module test1 (when it does not vary i.e. i physically put in the name of the macro myself):
Sub Test3()
End Sub
The following works to run the macro test2 from module test2 (when it does not vary i.e. i physically put in the name of the macro myself):
Sub Test3()
End Sub
However, if I try it so that the calling of the macro varies as below , it does not work:
Sub Test3()
MacroToCall = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
End Sub
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Aug 12, 2014
I am trying to build a spreadsheet containing data validation (drop-downs). So far, so good.
My goal:
* I want to have various cells show dropdowns based on the value of a cell (per row) which itself can be changed by the user using a drop down.
* I want to have the same various cells show dropdowns that are also based on the value of a cell which has a fixed value per column (in other words, a header).
I have tried a lot of different approaches, including using the INDIRECT function, named ranges, dynamic ranges using a table, INDEX and MATCH. All have failed.
The main issues I see have to do with the fact that my data has several possible values for each given header and classification. Also all values are not unique.
The best result I have ever got returned a dropdown list based on the header bot returned the entire column rather than limited to the classification values. So for example I had all instances of 'Main Colour' to choose from, not just those of the classification value.
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Jun 1, 2009
I am trying to do here is select a value from a drop down which is linked to a formula which triggers the macro shape..i have all that down already... but the problem is that I will have multiple values in the same drop down and I needed to figure a way to delete the previous macro shape in that range. And so i have created the delete all shapes code below but it seems whenever I use the code it deletes the data validation drop downs
here is what I have so far...
Function Macro()
ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 220.5, 105.75, 92.25, 51#). _
End Function
Function CIRCLES()
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May 30, 2012
SUM formula. My spreadsheet has roughly 8000 rows of data listing client info for how many commercials were purchased on Cable Networks a (a simplified example)...
ABCDE1ClientNetworkDay-partPrioritySold2Client AHGTVAccess35063Client BHGTVPrime45014
Client CHGTVDaytime30095Client AHGTVPrime45096Client DHGTVPrime35037Client BHGTVPrime5502
What I am attempting to do is on Sheet2 summarize the commercials sold based on a starting Priority. So if the priority code in Column D is 350, I need to sum all spot sold at a priority of 350 and higher for each day-part and Network
ABCD1NetworkDay-partPrioritySold2HGTVPrime350 and up
?3HGTVPrime400 and up ?4HGTVPrime450 and up
?5HGTVPrime550 and up ?6HGTVPrime600 and up ?7HGTVPrime650 ?
I've attempted to create helper columns to tie all the necessary PR codes together and then SUMIF by the different helper columns, but I'm not getting the correct result. Instead of getting "15" for Sheet2, D2... I'm just getting "3"
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Mar 14, 2013
I am trying to replace a range of cells with certain values but I can not figure it out. I'm almost there I think but don't know how to get the varying values I'm looking for. So I have a column (AJ in this instance) that has a bunch of "xx" values at different spots within the column. I want to replace those xx values with numbers 01 through 36. What I have below gets me just about there but it replaces every xx value with 01. How do I get it to go 01 on the first one, 02 on the second one, etc?
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range("AJ1", Cells(Rows.Count, "AJ").End(xlUp))
If cell.Value = "xx" Then _
cell.Value = "01"
Next cell
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Jan 18, 2014
I have a client where I have agreed to a variable price per hour depending on how many hours is used.
So the first 40 hours of a month costs X USD
The next 40 hours of a month costs Y USD
The next 40 hours of a month costs Z USD
The next 40 hours of a month costs Q USD
And all hours above 160 in a month costs T USD
All hours are registered as decimal with 15 minutes as a minimum, so 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25 etc.
Now the challenge for me is to set up a formula calculating the total cost based on how many hours is registered each month.
I.e. if I register 46 hours in one month the first 40 hours should be multiplied by X and the last 6 hours by Y. And if I register 173 the calculation looks like this:
40 * X
40 * Y
40 * Z
40 * Q
33 * T
And I can't figure out how to make the formula calculate based on what is between the various intervals.
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Jan 1, 2008
I have about 30 sheets with 500+ rows of data in each, with each row of data in the sheet needing to be plotted individually against the same y values. Is there a way to automate this with a macro? I have recorded a macro for an individual graph but don't know how to tell it to loop and go to the next row of data for the x values while keeping the y values constant.
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Aug 24, 2009
to make the user experience better by inserting the " Stock Search" sheet to speed up the process. The spreadsheet attached is a simplified version of the current version, where it would normally have many many more sites, areas and models of cars. The existing process means the user has to trawl through the sheet where they are only interested in what sites in their area has stock. I can not change the format of the "Red" and "Yellow" sheets so hoping to insert another sheet to do the work.
I am hoping to have on the "Stock Search" sheet a few drop down boxes.
The user will select
1. Area
2. Type of Colour (the type of colour selected should link with the sheet name in effect, so only stock within the "Red" sheet will be shown if the "Red" colour is selected from the drop down box)
3. Model of Car
This will then give the resulting Store/Stores with stock (value 1 or above) with those conditions met which is showing in the relevant sheet
So as per the attached sheet, if a user selected Area "South West", "Red", "Renault Megane"
then SO10 Clifton 1 and SO15 Yeovil 3 would be shown in a list.
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Jul 25, 2011
I need to concatenate varying numbers of cells based on duplicates found in a separate column, but I'm not sure how to approach it. I have 41,000+ rows of data, so I have to find a formula.
1AB2Denton, PaulFB357D4D3OwensTest, MarcyFB539F934Brennan,
JosephFB539F935Bowser, AmyFB539F936LaRock, ChuckFB667D3B
Based on duplicates in column B, I want to combine the data in column A into one cell. The duplicates in column B could be only 2, or could be 20+.
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Jan 6, 2009
I am trying to identify some combination of formulas or functions that will allow me to adjust the cell reference within a function based on a value in another cell. For example, I have a series of values listed from cell C50 to cell W50. I want to use a function to calculate the internal rate of return over a range of the cells: =IRR(C50:W50)
So far, so good.
However, I want the size of the range to be determined by a value entered in another cell, let's say B2. If the value in cell B2 is "5", I would want the formula to consider only the first five columns: =IRR(C50:G50). If the value in cell B2 is "10", I would want the formula to consider only the first ten columns: =IRR(C50:L50).
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Oct 12, 2012
I am trying to run a VLOOKUP that allows me to reference all text (which can vary in length) in a cell up to the first '' from the right of the string. Also note that the master table of data being retrieved from is in another workbook. For example:
TestSalesDealsPlans - I just want to reference Plans (5 characters up until but not include '')
TestSalesDealsOrder Management - I just want to reference Order Management which obviously has more characters than the above example 'Plans' (16 characters up until but not include '')
I am fairly certain I will need to nest several functions such as RIGHT, VLOOKUP, MATCH, INDEX, etc but just not sure the most effective way to go about this.
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Jan 21, 2014
I want to automate the process of updating my football stats and have delved into getting my data from the web. I have managed to import a football league onto my "standings" sheet but I want my "strengths" sheet to read it's values from this new "standings" sheet.
The "standings" sheet is broken down into 2 tables (home & away) one above the other.
The values I want are Home Games, Away Games, Home Goals For, Away Goals For, Home Goals Against And Away Goals Against from both the home table and the away table. The main problem I have is that the cell information I need is likely to change as I update the league tables from the web. So say one week Team A's data is in row 7 the following week it could be in row 8 so i need the data to correlate with the team name cell in my "strengths" sheet.
So at the moment Atromitos Home games (cell B8 on my strengths sheet) needs the value from cell C8 on my "standings" sheet but by next week it could need the value from C9.
Ps I am assuming that I can just just hit the refresh button on the ribbon and the data from the web site will update. Is this correct?
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Aug 12, 2014
I have drop drown menus that allow you to select 1 of 3 choices and based on those a second set which lists the options for the first three (subset). Now depending on the second value I need to pull a set of x y coordinates that can be of varying length. '
Drop down menu 1 1560, 1669, 1554. Drop down menu 2 1560-1,2,3,4 1669-a,b,c,d. This has been done now lets say I select 1560-1. I need the following to be pulled from a list, the data is a block.
1.00 1.543
1.23 -1.25
0.54 -2.75
This can be of any length.
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Jan 26, 2007
I'm having a difficult time figuring out out to coordinate two cells together.
If a "1" or "2" is entered into cell A1, I would like cell A2 to have a drop down menu show a "0". If a "3" is entered into A1, I would like B1 to have a drop down menu show "1" or "2". If a "4" is entered into A1, I would like B1 to have a drop down menu show "3" or "4". Lastly, if a "5" is entered into A1, I would like B1 to show "5" or "6".
I don't know if this is possible without using VBA.
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Oct 22, 2012
I'm trying to find a way to display the latest stage that my processes are in, in a specific cell. Looking at the attachment, basically I need to display in cell E2 that my "Process 01" is in "STAGE AB" (because that is the latest stage populated with the achievement date). So similarly, for row 3, it should state "STAGE L".
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Nov 17, 2006
I want to sum a range of cell in a macro. The range can change depending on what is imported. For instance, my range is from (Ax:Ay) and sums this amount on the cell below Ay.
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Feb 27, 2014
I need to be able to round a given number (stock required) up to the next multiple of another number (pack size), as in the attached example.
Also, is there a way I can round to the closest multiple, ie either up or down, depending on which multiple is closer? I haven't decided which way I want to go yet!
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Nov 11, 2008
I am trying to auto sum a range of cells, in 3 columns, that varies from sheet to sheet.
I have attached a sample sheet. The columns I am trying to total are columns "E", "F" and "G".
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May 30, 2009
I need some programming help to control the length of the range in the formula below:
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Jan 16, 2006
My data is as follows, all in one cell:
10015200 US Government Bonds 18,369,423.52
10012301 US Government Bonds 10,232.21
There are many varying lengths of digits. I am trying split off the numbers
to the right of US Government Bonds into another column. Here is my
My result is 9,423.52. Its not pulling the whole number.
What do I need to change in the formula?
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Dec 5, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that has different product codes that I want to link to their corresponding web pages.
At the moment I individually input the hyperlink into each cell using this common address it is just the 5 digit code at the end that changes each time
Can I put a common hyperlink in all the product code cells, then just put the product code in the cell and then the hyperlink automatically links to products corresponding page?
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Jan 14, 2013
I am writing sum of few cells from the row above, to a single cell and then merging the cells.
I need to achieve this in vba but the problem is that the number of columns I need to use in the SUM formula can change month by month, though I know how many columns are there in each month and I am using A1 style to write formula in my code. I couldn't find any way to write formula in vba in such a way that you can change column name to variable (so that first sum covers columns 2 - 6 (or 2 + 4), second covers 7 (OR 2 + 5) - 10 (OR 2 + 8) etc.).
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Jul 2, 2008
What I'm trying to do is sum the daily interest of a loan for any range of dates. Imagine this example:
1) In column A you have dates from 01/01/2009 through 12/31/2059, with each individual day showing, so literally thousands of cells.
2) In column B you have just random values corresponding to each date, such as $100,000 on 01/01/2009, $139,000 on 01/02/2009, $52 on 01/03/2009, and so forth. These values occupy as many cells as the dates, i.e. there's a cash flow (value) for every date.
3) I want to run a formula in column C that will sum a date range I specify. For example, if I want to sum all the daily values for each month (i.e. the 1st through the 30th), or if I want to sum all the daily values for the 15th of a month through the 14th of the following month. In other words, the loan can start on any date, and I need to sum the interest for each "monthly anniversary."
4) I'm thinking that the formula will have to be different to sum an actual entire month. For example, formulas to sum from, say, the 15th of one month through the 14th of the next month, or the 10th of one month through the 9th of the next month, might be similar.
However, as there is a varying number of days in most months, that formula might not work (though I might be misunderstanding myself) when trying to sum the values for an entire month, i.e. February 1st through 28th. I think it might be solved by some sort of "if," such as if day = 1, then sum whole month, otherwise some from date through same date of next month less the last date's cash flows?
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May 19, 2007
I am try to Set a range to a variable. The problem is the range differs in size. The good thing is there is a blank cell before each group that I am attempting to set the range to. I know it should be possible to set the range to stop at the blank row. I am locating the correct row by the date and want to set the range to include the next three cells to the right and all the cells below them up to the blank row.
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Dec 4, 2013
I am working on an excelsheet containing a data dump from a manufacturing database. Inside this sheet i want to make subtotals of different production runs. The data that needs to be added up is in one big list between every production run there is an empty cel. So I want to make a formula that does: =SUM(one-cel-above-current:next-empty-cell-above)
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Sep 29, 2008
I have monthly workbooks which each have 5 weekly sheets and one summary sheet. I intend to copy the summary sheets to a new "total period analysis" workbook.
In this second annual workbook I intend to total all the monthly sheets together then analyse it. BUT as the books for the months to come haven't been written yet, I can't include them in my formulas. How can I write formulas to include the sheets that WILL be included without getting #ref errors? Can it be done. Or, is there a better way to do this? Some VBA to add the new sheets to the formulas maybe? I don't know VBA.
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Oct 13, 2008
I've created two large historical tables on separate sheets. The master sheet (Bins) contains the following columns:
Year - Side - Commodity - Variety - Block and then each consecutive column is a day of the year, starting at 4/26 and going through 10/31 (F - GL). Column GM is a sum of all days in each row.
For example, GM15 totals F15:GL15. The second sheet (Percentages) is identical to the first in size and format, however, it calculates daily percentages of totals from the first sheet. For example, cell BA15 contains the formula
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Jun 22, 2009
Entries in column B indicate a new entry. What I need to do is to check that the sum of values in column G equal the corresponding value in column B. So, Entry B is incorrect for example, as 40,20 & 30 does not equal.
In the real example, here are hundreds of enties. Each entry has varying numbers of rows.
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