Convert Text To Date

Jun 18, 2009

in columns I and J i have text which reads as for example 20090619. I need to convert this to a date format as in dd/mm/yyyy. A lil macro would help loads. i also have some other spreadsheets that have the date as 16 jun 2009 and i have to basically go into the cell and then hit enter for it to become formatted like the dd/mm/yyyy.

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Extract Data With Differing Date Formats - Convert Text To Date

Mar 27, 2013

Extract data with differing date formats that I need to convert to something consistent that I can format as a date.

This is an example of data.... all with general format at the moment.

2/28/2013 2:48:53 PM

1/16/2013 10:48:50 AM

12/17/2012 11:59:49 AM

I have used this formula to extract the date portion, but I can't get this to then format as date. How do I convert this to the julian date, so I can then apply a date format?


(The day portion of this date always has a leading zero).

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How To Convert Date (text String) Into Date Format

Jan 17, 2012

I have these as input entered as text:

January 01, 2011 January 01, 2011 February 28, 2010 May 12, 2011 June 02, 2010 February 28, 2010 May 12, 2011 June 02, 2010 February 28, 2010

but I need it in this DATE format:


I need it as a formula to be entered into a cell in excel (not VBA)

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Convert A Text Date Into A Proper Date

Jan 9, 2009

I have a column of dates in thie format " January 5 03:09:36 2009" which i need to convert into a proper excel date that i can do further calculations on (adding up things, graphs etc based on dates).

Note the space before the month name. I thought about doing a left(cell,xx) to get it but that isnt going to work with the space infront and the variable length of month names.

I do not necessarily need the time included, it may be useful at some point if its easy to keep it as part of the data, if not i can live without it.

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Convert Date As Text To Actual Date

Jan 22, 2009

I've been sent a spreadsheet in which one column represents dates, but they have been entered as plain text, MM/DD/YYYY (ie 12/31/2008). I ultimately need to import this as a CSV into a program that only understands dates in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

I'd ideally like excel to recognise this field as containing dates, but I can't figure out how to do that, or even how to swap the days and months around as text. I'm using 2007.

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Convert Text Date To True Date?

Jun 14, 2012

I have some dates in text fomat on a worksheet that I need to convert them to true dates(Value). Here some sample of the text dates: '12/31/2011; Blank space12/31/2011.

Sub CnvtTextDate()
For Each Rng In Selection
Cells.Replace What:=" ", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:= _
xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
Cells.Replace What:=",", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:= _


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Convert A Date To Text?

Nov 13, 2008

If I have =TODAY() in cell A1 with the formatting ddmmyy (which returns 141108 ) how would I covert it to a number in another cell. SEE ATTACHED

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Convert Text To Date ..?

Feb 27, 2009

How would "April" be converted to "4/1/2009 8:00:00 AM"? The months will vary, but the time will always be 8:00:00 AM.

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Convert Date To Text

Dec 8, 2011

I am trying to convert a date to a particular format (mmm-yy) and then convert it to text.

On the spreadsheet I usually use Text(Today(),"mmm-yy") so I used the WorksheetFunction.Text to accomplish this but is there a VBA method to match this functionality?

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Convert Date To Text?

Mar 18, 2014

I have this kind of date:

1/11/2014 (dd/mm/yyyy)

I want to convert it to text like this: 01112014

I use =text(a1;"ddmmyyyy") but nothing happens.

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Convert Text To Date?

Feb 23, 2008

I've been playing around with various formulas to try and get the following to work, but doesn't do it.

What I have is a list of 'dates' in one column, but all seem to have an extra 'space' (so aren't recognised as a date). for example: 31/01/05

Essentially I'd like to convert to a date to find which is the most recent. So far i have tried to use: ...

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How To Convert A Text To Date

Apr 4, 2009

In the example below , i have in column A data which represent different dates, column B are the currency rate and column D has imported text figures which are not recognized by excel as format dates neither as serial codes !

Though trying to index match the column D data in column A to return the rate of that date , the result is an error ! ...

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Convert Text To A Date

May 10, 2007

I am looking for a formula that converts:



39185 (The excel date number for April 13, 2007)

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Convert Text Cells To Date

Mar 19, 2009

i attached a spreadsheet with the column that needs to be converted to date. When i try to format cells i get a return of ##############. I tried changing to number and text to columns and still get the same result. I need it to look like 08/16/2008 ect.

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Convert Text String To A Date?

Aug 23, 2009

My database has 6 fields names and I have created the following code to capture and post data to the database form a userform. It works but I am sure there is a more efficient and elegant way to do this. The two areas I would like advice are:
1. converting the date string to a date.
2. the line of code where I subtract line6 from line4.

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Convert MDY To DMY With Text Version Date?

Dec 12, 2011

I have some date data use MDY format. Want to convert to DMY format. But text to columns function doesn't work as those dates are text not numbers. How can I do the convertion?



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Convert Numeric Text To Date

Sep 6, 2012

I have some dates in Excel in different formats and I need to convert them all to a uniform date format of MM/DD/YYYY.

The data is in this format:


The days of the month don't really matter. It's the month and year that I need in a date format.

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Convert Text Comments To Date In VBA

Nov 8, 2012

I have a situation where textual comments are entered into a cell where the comments are supposed to begin with a date in mm/dd format. Some enter all 5 characters but some enter m / d in if appropriate to the date, e.g., 9/6 vs 09/06.

I'm trying to take the left 5 characters and compare that to the current date - 7 to ID aged comments and highlight that cell. I currently do this by populating a variable LastUpdate (dim as string) with the first 5 characters, then run this IF statement.

If LastUpdate < Date - 7 Then
Range("O" & i).Select
Selection = "Comments over 7 days old."
End If

This works find except in situations where there is a zero for the first character after the "/", such as "11/05." The code doesn't properly calculate the date and assumes it's old. "11/5" works just fine. I thought I could try translating the variable into a proper date. I "borrowed" this formula from another post herein: =DATE(2012, MID(N12,1,FIND("/",N12)-1), MID(N12,FIND("/",N12)+1,2)). This works fine as a formula to translate the characters into a date but I don't know how to do this same thing in vba.

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VBA - Convert Date To Text Format

Jun 9, 2014

i am looking for vba macro to convert date format (indonesian language) to be text format, see this below :

sample (col.a)
after vba

09 Oktober 2014

26 Desember 2011

05 Juni 2010


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Convert Date Format To Text

Nov 13, 2006

I am trying to make a very simple macro but get stuck in de Excel date format. When using the date "=TODAY()" in one cel it is no problem but I want to integrate it in the CONCATENATE function.

I want to create this text "(WG 01-01-2006)" but then with the actual date of that day of course, which can be inserted in de active cell.

Whatever I do, copy, pastespecial, reed text with RIGHT, change format on an temporary cell etc. Excel keeps returning the number in Excel date format counting from 01-01-1900. Nice for calculating but I want the date text!

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Convert Date Looking As Text To Dates

Feb 12, 2009

I have a column wherein the dates are treated as text , i want to convert that into dates.

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Convert Date To Text Day Number?

Sep 17, 2006

Wondering if there is a simple and concise way to convert a date into text that represents the day number?

So a cell containing “17/09/2006” simply reads as “Seventeenth”, 18/09/2006 becomes “Eighteenth” and so on...

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Convert Date To Text Format

Oct 16, 2007

Is there a way to convert date to text of format (number stored as text) either directly using excel formulas or VB macros. We've a requirement to pass today's date as a string in the format of "number stored as text". For this, i've in cell A1 a formula today() which gives today's date 10/15/2007 and I'm looking an output of '20071015 in cell A2 and this should be treated as text with a symbol " ' " before 20071015.

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Convert Long Date And Time Text To Value

Oct 4, 2013

I have a long date and time text value in a cell such as "2013/10/02 07:43:39.39", where the fractions of a second are very important.

I can use cdate([text]) to convert the text string to a value, but only if i omit the seconds fraction: "2013/10/02 07:43:39".
Otherwise i get a type mismatch error.

Is there any way i can get the whole date/time string converted to a date value? The only way i can think to do it it at the moment is to convert the date/time, then divide the seconds fraction by 86400 and add the 2 values. Is there a better way?

Secondly, i have a large number of these date strings, typically >30k lines x 7 columns. Each string is preceded and trailed by a [space] character.

I can strip these extra spaces no problem. And, i can "loop" to perform it, again no problem. But it's going to take time to perform and i'd rather not if i can avoid it.

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Convert Text String Into Excel Date With VBA

Aug 13, 2013

I have a date range that looks like this (British date style, not US):

edit: I posted an image but it can't be seen for some reason:

Date Range
2010 11/10 17/10
2010 11/10 17/10
2010 11/10 17/10
2010 11/10 17/10

Thus the first cell show 11 October 2010 to 17 October 2010 I want to return just the first day (the week commencing date):

edit: I posted an image but it can't be seen for some reason:

Week Commencing

I have written some VBA to the best of my ability but it seems clumsy using the FORMAT function. Is there a better of doing this with VBA. I can't seem to find a function in VBA which is the equivalent of the formula function DATE.

Sub ConvertTextToBritStyleDate()
' dd/mm/yyyy (not mm/dd/yyyy)
' Select the cells containing the dates (not the header)


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Convert Text Entries To Valid Date Format

Jan 23, 2010

Please refer to attached spreadsheet
I receive data from an external source and it displays what appears to be dates in column B.
In column G I apply a formula to display month/year info.

It turns out that some of the data in column B is valid date data, but other data imports as plain text and therefore I can't get the month/year info that I require.
I have attached just a small example.

I get this data monthly and it usually covers thousands of rows and therefore impractical to change manually.

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Convert Range Cell Of Text Into Proper Date

Jun 11, 2014

I would like to know how can I convert a column P and T that contains these type of number into a proper way of date of DDMMMYYYY.

Like, if the cell in the column P has 8 digits then convert

19830425 -> 25APR1983
19910515 -> 15MAY1991

next cell till end of column P. Then do the same to column T.

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Excel 2003 :: Convert Specific Date Text To Number?

Jun 20, 2014

I want to use a formula, in another cell, to convert ā€ˇ"Friday, ā€ˇ30 ā€ˇMay ā€ˇ2014, ā€¸ā€ˇ3:47:16 PM" to a value. I am using Excel 2003.

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Convert Human-readable Text Strings Into Consistent Number Of Weeks From Today Date?

Dec 17, 2011

Is it possible to do the following with a formula in Excel...

I have a list of users with the dates they first logged into a system and the date they last logged in. I'm trying to group them together into segments so I can analyse them using a Pivot table and chart to see how often different groups are using the system, e.g. New customers in December, November, October, etc.

The trouble I am having is trying to convert the different human-readable text strings into a consistent number of weeks from today's date, e.g.

user 1 2 years 20 weeks 54 sec ago
user 2 44 min 7 sec 1 min 37 sec ago
user 3 49 weeks 2 days 17 min 3 sec ago
user 4 5 weeks 2 days 33 min 32 sec ago
user 5 38 min 9 sec 38 min 9 sec ago
user 6 5 weeks 3 days 1 hour 7 min ago
user 7 2 hours 17 min 2 hours 11 min ago
user 8 45 seconds ago 45 seconds ago

Is there a formula I can use to convert these human readble text strings into a number of weeks elapsed since today's date?

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Convert Date & Time As Text To Real Date & Time

Apr 22, 2008

I have 04/02/08 12:00:01 AM (mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss AM/PM) in text format in a cell. I need to convert this to date/time custom format as given above so that I can make comparisons with NOW() output.

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