Copy Worksheet And Userforms And Save File As Specified Name

Jan 21, 2010

I have this macro I recorded and pieced together from info I found on the net. It works the first time you run it but then it dies because the next new workbook is not "book1" what I would prefer is to have it save the new workbook as the value of sheet2 F2 and "Product Bulletin" so it would look like "##### Product Bulletin" but I don't know how to write it.

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Excel 2010 :: Save Open Worksheet To File And Include Date Of Save?

Mar 11, 2014

am using Excel 2010 and having issues trying to save a worksheet to a specified file location with the save date....

I have tried several posts form this forum and elsewhere and can't seem to get the macro to do what I want.....

I want to save a 'worksheet' from an open workbook that I use for updating information to the same file path as the workbook with the date the file saved...

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Save Each Worksheet As PDF File And Name Each File Based On Cell Value In Each Sheet

Jul 10, 2014

I have a Workbook that already has a macro in it that will generate multiple sheets based on certain criteria.

For each of these newly generated sheets (numbered 1-6 in the attached example), I need to be able save each of them to a PDF file based on a unique name contained in a certain cell (in this case, each named is referenced in cell Q1 of each sheet). As such, I should end up with 6 pdfs based on the attached sample files.

The PDFs would ideally need to be landscaped and should be just 1 page per sheet.

In my attached sample workbook, you'll notice that I have a "PracticePrint" macro that doesn't quite get the job done. One other criteria involves not printing any sheet with the characters "1010" in it (my PracticePrint macro is setup to do that, but it fails to do much else).

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Macro To Save Worksheet As New File Then Return To Original File

Mar 14, 2014

I have a macro which successully saves a worksheet as new file to another file path....(below)...but I can't figure out how to close this new file and return to the original file...

Dim myPath As String, fName As String
myPath = Sheets("Date").Range("C8").Text
fName = Sheets("Date").Range("C9").Text
Sheets("Sage CSV File").Copy
With ActiveWorkbook
.SaveAs Filename:=myPath & fName
End With'

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Macro To Select All Worksheet And Save File As File Name?

Mar 6, 2012

I want to create a macro that will select all the worksheets (names and quantity will vary) and saves the file as the current file's name but in PDF. Since I only know how to record a macro it specifies the worksheet names but I need it for various workbooks. The name will vary plus the number of tabs can go anywhere from 3 to 40.

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Date Function- Open A File, Make An Exact Copy And Save It Under A New File Name

Jun 4, 2009

I'm working on the following
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"D:CommondataIBMmainBRANCHBURG-PRODUCTS-BOM-ALUMINUM-UPDATE-" & Ucase(Format(DateAdd("y", 0, Date)), "YYYY-MM-DD")&".XLS"
ChDir "D:CommondataIBMmain"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
FileFormat:=xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", _
ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False

Date: 2009-06-03

What I'm trying too do is open a file, make an exact copy and save it under a new file name.

My problem is in the date formula the day is not always the same. In the sample case it's 03 at other times the day will change.

is there a way too get this too work irregardles of what the day might be?

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How To Save Worksheet To CSV File

Jul 7, 2014

As a newbie to macros I am having trouble trying to save a worksheet to CSV file. The macro worked to .txt but when I change it to .xlCSV it comes up with runtime 1004 error, method 'save as' of object '_workbook' failed.

Sub Export7400_setup_Click()
' Exportsub Macro
Dim sPath As String
Dim FName As String
FName = Range("rng7400Filename")
sPath = Range("strWorksheetPath")


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Save One Worksheet As A .CSV File With Macro

Jan 7, 2010

So I am trying to design a workbook that has two worksheets... one with instructions and a button for users to click to "Save as .CSV File", another for the data that will go into that CSV file.

Here are the Macro requirements:
1. The user will be prompted for the File & Location to save the .CSV file
2. If they click 'Cancel', no changes will be made (and unlike my current code, it won't ask them to debug).
3. Confirmation of the filename is not necessary even though it's currently included in my Macro
4. The file will automatically "reopen" so that they only see the new .CSV file without the original Instruction tab.

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Download XLS File From Net And Save New Worksheet As Name

Oct 6, 2012

Ticker = "ABC"

I have made a url

[URL] ......

And try to open it


But I get the error

Object does not support this property or method

I am trying to download an xls file, copy the data to a worksheet with the name "ticker" and then close the xls download file

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Save Worksheet Values Only To New File

Feb 27, 2007

I have a workbook with multiple worksheets. I want to save only a specific worksheet to a new file name and have only the values in the work sheet saved. This particular worksheet references values on another worksheet which uses VLOOKUP to pull data from yet another worksheet. I also want to automatically name the file using a pre-determined name located in a cell reference and save it to a specific location on the LAN drive.

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Save Worksheet As CSV Text File

May 30, 2008

I am copying a sheet out to a new workbook in order to save as a CSV file. I was wondering if there was a better way of doing this than the code below which uses ActiveWorkbook to determine the newly copied sheet.

Sub test()
Dim OutputFile As Workbook, InputFile As Workbook
Dim sDD As Worksheet
Set InputFile = Workbooks.Open("H:TestTestInput.xls")
Set sDD = InputFile.Worksheets("Data Dump")
Set OutputFile = ActiveWorkbook
OutputFile.SaveAs Filename:="H:TestTestOutput.csv", FileFormat:=xlCSV
End Sub..................

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Save Selected Worksheet Into Individual File Vba

May 23, 2006

The idea was to save the the selected files specified in the array as individual files. For example, In the Workbook "Main", there are worksheets "Susan", "Mary" and "John". If i specify "Susan" and "Mary" in the array, it should output only these 2 individual files. However, I am only getting the file which is actively selcted in the main. Is there anything wrong with the for loop?

Sub SaveShtsAsBook()
Dim Sheet As Worksheet, SheetName$, MyFilePath$, N&
Dim ws As Worksheet
MyFilePath$ = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "" & _
Left(ThisWorkbook. Name, Len(ThisWorkbook.Name) - 4)
With Application
. ScreenUpdating = False
.DisplayAlerts = False
' End With
On Error Resume Next '<< a folder exists
MkDir MyFilePath '<< create a folder
For Each ws In Worksheets(Array("Mary", "Susan"))
SheetName = ActiveSheet.Name

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Open Text File Into Worksheet & Save As .xls

May 14, 2008

I have a folder that has a bunch of text files in it with numeric names (they are store numbers 2, 3, 165, 188, etc...). I need to open those files (in excel), run a macro on them (this portion of the macro has already been created), and then save them with the same name as the txt file but in an xls format and close. It would be great to have the whole folder process automatically but I am willing to start small. Further, I'd like it to not ask for a filename, and I don't want to see the SaveAs dialog box. So far I have been able to get the macro to run through the my processing of the text file all the way to the SaveAs portion, but the code in my macro opens the SaveAs box and puts the filename of the txt file in the file name box in quotes with the txt extension. Below is the code.

Sub Macro3()
sFile = Application. GetOpenFilename( _
fileFilter:="Text Files (*.txt), *.txt", FilterIndex:=1, _
Title:="Open Workbook")
Workbooks.OpenText Filename:= _
sFile, Origin:= _
xlWindows, StartRow:=1, DataType:=xlFixedWidth, FieldInfo:= Array(Array(0, _
1), Array(5, 1), Array(26, 1), Array(35, 1), Array(39, 1), Array(46, 1), Array(51, 1), Array _
(58, 1), Array(75, 1), Array(87, 1), Array(91, 1), Array(97, 1), Array(99, 1), Array(111, 1) _.....................

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Macro To Save Worksheet As Text File Without Blanks

Jan 27, 2009

find attached an example of the spreadsheet I am working with. Please bear in mind that this is a much simplified version of the version I am currently working on (which needs to have 1000 lines). What I am trying to achieve is allow my team to enter rows of data into the spreadsheet in a format that they will be familiar with - then hit the button on the sheet which will then take a copy of the second sheet (which looks up against the first) and spit it out in a .txt file ready to be uploaded into our computer system.

The main priority that I need to fix is that when the .txt file is opened in notepad it contains a huge amount of blank data rows at the bottom - I assume that it is taking accross all 65536 lines into the .txt where I only want the rows that have data in them in the .txt. At present our computer system will not accept the .txt due to all the blank rows (its limit is 1000 lines).

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Save Single Worksheet As File Named From Range

Jun 18, 2007

About 2 weeks ago Reafidy posted a reply to the following thread. Save Individual Sheet Based On A1. As I do not want to hi-jack anyone elses thread so I am starting a new one. The code posted does basicly what I need however I was wondering if it is possible to save only "ONE" specific sheet which could be specified in the code, to a specific folder specified in the code and under a name defined by a cells contents. eg.

Save a single sheet named "MatData" from a workbook, name the saved sheet from a "named range on sheet1" & "Cutlist" & ".xls"
to a Folder on the "D" drive called "Saves"

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Save A Copy Of A File To A Given Folder

Jan 6, 2009

I have a bill of materials for each job I do, I have multiple cut sheets in one spot on the network that must be individually copied and pasted into the project file for each job. I’m hoping to automate the process. Post extraction dump from AutoCAD, my text file goes into a excel file that the information is used by multiple tabs including a bill of materials.

From the bill of materials, I want to say “if C3>0 get file 10P0044HP2.DOC” . . . I want it to get the file and save to the individual project file. .. Possible I’m not so sure. But I’m not sure of where to start.

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Copy Range And Save It As Text File?

Feb 3, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that I drop data into and it updates a set range on the sheet. I than have to copy that range in to notepad and save it under the name "Hourly Team Stats - 2-2-14" on our companies shared drive. If the file is already there, I have to add the data to that file rather than create a new one.

I am looking for macro that check to see if the file has already been created, if not create a new one. If it does exist, add the range to the file. If you need the path its F:Team Stats.

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Copy Database File And Save To Desktop

Nov 13, 2008

Let's say I have a database called testTemplate.mdb in c: which is a template-like database where i import data to. Is there a way for me to copy the testtemplate.mdb and past it to my desktop with file name test.mdb. I don't want to copy any data from the database, just the table's + queries. I would like this to be done via a macro... In order for me to execute other macro's to copy data from excel to that test.mdb file on desktop.

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Copy And Save Multiple Worksheets To New File?

Oct 30, 2011

I have a file that opens a number of files from a source directory (which is identified by the User at run-time) & merges the source data into various worksheets (which all works fine)

Now what I'd like to be able to do is to be able to (silently) save multiple worksheets back to separate files in the original directory based on each worksheet name - e.g:

"Sheet1" and "Control" Sheet" are saved to SourceDirectorySheet1.xlsm
"Sheet2" and "Control" Sheet" are saved to SourceDirectorySheet2.xlsm
"Sheet3" and "Control" Sheet" are saved to SourceDirectorySheet3.xlsm
"Sheetn" and "Control" Sheet" are saved to SourceDirectorySheetn.xlsm

(Note that "Control Sheet" also contains Command Buttons & VBA which I'd like to preserve)

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Copy Into New Workbook & Save With Date In File Name

Aug 7, 2008

I have a report which I have written a macro to reformat, I then want to copy the sheet (Remake) containing the report into a new workbook as the only sheet in the new workbook. I want the sheet name to be changed from "Remake" to "Duty to Consider" and I want the new workbook to save itself automatically as "Duty to Consider - Month/Year" - in this case it would be "Duty to Consider - August 2008".

I think that a Pop Up box which lets me input the Month and Year of the report I am working on would be useful in naming the new workbook, if this box popped up when I click the button which runs my Macro that'd be great. Here is the code I am using to reformat my report. This works fine I just need the changes I mentioned. Application. ScreenUpdating = False 'this will turn on screen updating, making the macro run faster

'This will select the DTC Tab and remove rows 1-4
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp

'This will add a filter to the data to remove duplicate rows
Range("A1:J1307").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, Unique:=True

'This will copy the data on the DTC tab and copy it into the Remake Tab

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Macro To Save Copy Of Worksheet

Sep 22, 2011

I have a Workbook with around 10 worksheets on, each worksheet is a form.

And when one form is completed we have to save a backup. So i want to assign a macro to a button on a worksheet so when clicked it will save a copy of that worksheet ONLY to a destination and not all the other worksheets along with it.

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VBA To Copy Worksheet To New Workbook And Save

Oct 19, 2011

How to copy the entire worksheet into a new workbook and save the file to a specific directory with the following filename format ("exceptions191011 - ie. the word exceptions followed by today's date in ddmmyy format).

Here is what I've got so far:


Sub SaveAs()

Dim FName As String
Dim FPath As String

FPath = "G:Exceptions"
FName = "Exceptions" & Format(Date, "ddmmyy") & ".xls"

ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").SaveAs Filename:=FPath & "" & FName

End Sub

How to add the following condition that if a file already exists with that name then to bring up an error message stating the file already exists? As well as save the new workbook, it appears to close the original workbook - can I stop this?

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Copy Worksheet To New Workbook & Save

Oct 18, 2006

I have a workbook with a worksheet named "Report"... this sheet and it's macros generate a report from data on another sheet. I'm adding a button to copy the (filled) Report sheet to a new workbook, rename the new sheet in the new workbook "Rep[Name]", then save and close the new workbook. I've recorded a maco of me doing these tasks manually, but what's recorded seems very generic, and does not seem to specify what's really occurring...

For example (in part);
> Rightclick on the Report tab
> Move or Copy
> To Book: (new book)
> [x]Create a Copy
> [OK]


Sub Macro1()
End Sub

This recorded macro does not specify (new book), or Before:"Sheet1" as was the result of my actions... and when replayed back, only makes a copy in the active workbook, before the active sheet...

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Copy Selected Range & Save To Text File

Mar 4, 2010

I also use VBA in a terminal emulation program that I use the following command to 'screen scrape' the current display memory and quickly Save it to a .txt file:

.SaveDisplayMemory "C:File1.txt", rcOverwrite
What I want to do in Excel is, Copy the current selected Range() and Save it to a .txt file.

I know how Save the current Sheet to a .txt file, but can't figure out how to Save just a Range() of cells.

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Automatically Save Copy As Text File When Data Changes

Sep 5, 2006

I'm trying to create a sub that will save my worksheet to a tab delimited text file anytime there is a change in the worsheet data (all cells are linked to cells in other workbooks). I've figured out the command to save the file

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
"C:Documents and SettingsChrisMy DocumentsBook1.txt", FileFormat:=xlText _
, CreateBackup:=False

but I'm not sure how to get a sub routine to start running when the file opens and to have it run continuously while open. I've found the command:


that will flag when any cells in my range are recomputed and run a function, but functions don't allow me to save the file.

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Copy The Same Cells On Different Worksheet On Different File On A Master File

Aug 3, 2006

I have certain excel file that i want to be able to write a macro in order for it to extract certain information from certain cells on different sheet. In other words, i want cell A2 from each of the three different worksheet i have under different files. And have those data automatically update a master excel or access file whichever might be easier.

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Copy Cell Contents To Different Worksheet On Save

Oct 28, 2008

I have an Excel invoice set up and working well. It does a bunch of things with macros - e.g. on save it increments the invoice number well as creates a jpeg screenshot for the invoice archives. I have added an additional worksheet (titled 'VAT') to the workbook. The new 'VAT' worksheet has five simple columns; Invoice no, Subtotal, VAT, M.O.T. and Total.

What I need:-
On saving the workbook I would like to add a macro function that copys the final contents of the Invoice no (H2), Subtotal (C37), VAT (C38), M.O.T. (F38) and Total (I38) cells from the 'Sales Invoice' worksheet to the newly created 'VAT' worksheet in the respective columns. I would like this to be cumulative, i.e. continue to add the contents of the afore mentioned cells to the appropriate columns in the 'VAT' worksheet every time the invoice is saved. I would also like to have the Subtotal, VAT, MOT and Total columns summed and outputted in a cell of their own - but hopefully I can handle that.

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Copy A Sheet Into A New Book And Save File Name As The Current Date

Jul 5, 2009

I have an excel file which I use when I book keep journals in work. Each time I come across a new piece of bookkeeping I add to the file, name the sheet and index it. (I've attached a loose example for illustration) so the bookkeeping template.xls gets bigger every day.

Currently, when I book keep on a particular day, I open the template.xls workbook;

draft my journals;

and then manually copy the worksheets I have completed during the day from the template.xls workbook and paste the sheets into a new book and save the days bookkeeping as the current date.

With the file I have attached can someone show me how to write a macro and apply it to each of the buttons on the various work sheet tabs (each button will run the same macro).

Upon clicking a button, I would like the macro to;

Copy the active sheet into a new book and save the file as the current date.

Each subsequent click of a button the macro will check if the .xls file exists for the current date, if it does, then it will just copy the active worksheet to the file that has already been created.

In the new file which is saved as the current date, I need to remove the macro button and the hyperlink that reads back to index.

I have had some helpful macro's provided from another forum, however, the other forum does not appear to enable users to upload files, so I can't quite convey what it is I am trying to achieve.

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Copy And Paste Value Macro / Save Individual File To Right Of Specific Tab

Mar 25, 2013

I have a current macro that saves each sheet as their own file. The first 10-15 sheets are not really necessary, so I typically delete them once the macro has run. I am looking to add two things to my current code:

1. Add a tab called Start. Make the macro look for 'Start' tab and then just save each sheet to the right of that as its own file.

2. Save each sheet in the macro as just a copy/paste value. They current have a lot of links and it makes each file close to 3MB. That makes it incredibily difficult to paste all in one email.

Here is the current code:

Sub CreateWorkbooks()
'Creates an individual workbook for each worksheet in the active workbook.
Dim wbDest As Workbook
Dim wbSource As Workbook
Dim sht As Object
Dim strSavePath As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

[Code] ..........

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Convert All Worksheets To Values - Save And Copy As Worksheet Name

Oct 12, 2012

Sub Select_All_Sheets_And_Export()
Dim wsWorksheet As Worksheet, wbNew As Workbook


[Code] ........

I have come up with the above code to select all sheets in my workbook and convert to values and then split and save each worksheet as its worksheet name in the same directory.

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