I have 11 names, one name in each cell, in one row. I want to be able to delete a row if there are more than 3 names in that row that have the same font colour, eg red. Would have to be a loop type macro to check all of the rows on the one worksheet.
I'm looking to set up a spreadsheet whereby individuals answer questions and have to format their answer using a particular font, colour, font size and so on. The idea is that I can then compare their answer sheet to a pre completed one using an =IF function and get a total score. The only problem is =if and =exact only lookup cell text/numbers and don't look at how the text is formatted within them.
I humbly seek help on the "Find and Add based on Font Colour". For instance, A1="urgent"(with red font) and I want B1 to return as "ATTENTION". Other than red font, it will return as empty string. Can Conditional Formatting do the task?
I have an autoshape rectangle which is linked to a cell on my spreadsheet. This cell will auto update whenever i type a number into a different cell (match and index formula).
I want the colour of the rectangle to be green, amber. red or black depending the value my formula brings back. I have managed to do this but the colour does not automatically update. Also when the colour goes black i will need the font in the text box to be white, at all other tines it will be black.
I am trying to delete certain cells within a range of data (A13:E29) that have white font or #N/A's. The only information I need is the black data. I have to manually go and clear these cells for many different ranges. I'd like to incorporate a macro that analyzes the range first to delete the values that are white font or #N/A.
I'm creating a simple spreadsheet totalling units of alcohol up. Is it possible to change the colour of the fornt when different values are reached? For example if a total of under 8 units is reached this is displayed in green, if over 8 the figure is shown in red.
when i pasted the data into an Excel sheet, the background will change to red and the font will turn to blue. Besides, the font in header will change as well. I can't find the way how to do it because this template is set by other person. I can confirm this is not done by macro.
The following code does everything I need it to except for some reason it is not sending the font colour through first or the font colour is getting overwritten. I have formula in other worksheets that are counting the red and the blue to determine which rider in a team it is. For some reason the time sent to "B Grade" worksheet is ending up in black font. Can anyone explain to me why this is occuring.
I am using worksheet function.text because I am working with elapsed times that could be over 24hrs. I was wondering if the default text colour for the worksheet.text() function is black and if it could be changed.
Attached example sheet. Basic table of data, with column F being a validation list, is it possible that when choosing COMPLETE from the list, the row and font change colour, and then move to the top of the list?
I'm not the only simpleton using the sheet so I need it to be as simple as possible. I know it doesnt seem like a big thing but the sheet we are working from is huge and I dont want people cutting and pasting away, I just dont trust them with my spreadsheets.
I have create a Command Bar, my problem I'm trying to understand is this 1.Can you amend the font colour of the any Captions on the CommandBar? 2.How can I get the Caption to pick up from a range and use the range name as the Caption?
I have named a range in a worksheet that I want to pick up and use as the range. Below is my CommandBar code
I am trying to define a font colour within a macro When I record the macro, I choose a colour from the font colour-picker in the Home section of the ribbon. The colour I choose is one of the grey shades Everything seems to work ok, and the macro saves with the colour defined as a long number, e.g.
(Note this is the colour number returned by Excel when I chose a grey font) But when I run the macro, instead of a grey font I get a sort of pale apricot
Do I need to re-index something?
Is there a list anywhere of these long numbers and the colours that they represent?
I have a column with dates (dd.mm.yy) and I have a column with names. Moreover, several dates and names are repeated. What is needed, is to delete all the rows in which the difference between dates is smaller than 1825 days (5years) for the same name. (Namely, if I have three rows 01.01.1996 - "A"; 01.01.2002 - "A" ; 01.01.2005 - "A" I want all the rows with "A" to be deleted)
I run a daily report that contains material usage and I copy that into a workbook designed for Data Analysis. I only keep a years worth of usage in the workbook so I need part of my macro to look at todays date and delete anything that is older than a year.
I would like to delete rows in a worksheet based on a value of a cell within that row. The worksheet will not always have the same number of rows. I will be looking at the value of each cell in column "AD", which is a date, and if it is not equal to 00/00/0000 then I want to delete that row.
I have a data table with over 20,000 rows that refreshes each day. I need to run a bit of code when it refreshes that says if the value in column R is 2, then delete that row.
I need to delete rows that are blank, 0, or contain errors (#REF, #N/A, etc). My problem is that once in a while, an error will show up in a singe cell of a row that I need to keep so a simple deletion of only errors/blanks/0 will not work for me.
The two cells I need to check for errors, blanks, and 0's are D and E. There can be an #N/A in col D and a 0 in col E or both D and E can have errors. Blanks will occur in all cells of the row.
I have tried to use the code below but it doesn't do anything, but it also doesn't give me an error.
Code: Sub DeleteAll() Windows("Template.xls").Activate Dim r As Long For r = 2 To 36500 If Range("D" & r).Value = "#N/A" And Range("E" & r).Value = "#N/A" Then Range("D" & r).EntireRow.Delete = True
I need to delete rows based on following conditions, If,
Ticket number, origin, FB Data, Desc, pax name is same i need to delete all rows except the Row which has Destin filled in. In the above example I need rows only with NBO
I have this excel file where I every day have over 10.000 rows. I have 2 sheets, one called "Data" and once called "Include list".
The Data sheet contains a list of all of our customers and their customer IDs. The Include list sheet should contain the Customer ids which I want to keep in the Data sheet.
So what I have done is to loop through the Data sheet. If you are in the Include list sheet you should not be deleted fromt he Data sheet. If you are not then the row should be deleted.
I have actually done this and it works but the problem is it take a lot of time to run. I tested in earlier today and I had to break it after 20 minutes which is way too long for our users to wait.
This is the code I wrote:
Sub Include() Dim FindString As String Dim Rng As Range Dim RowNr As String Dim Lookup_x As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
[Code] ........
So my question is, is there any other way to speed this process up? The ScreenUpdating part I have tried but it didnt really speed it up as much.
I have a data dump. I download everyday with 200 rows and 20 columns. I need to remove any rows where there is no value in either columns C or D. Is there a quick way to do this?
I have a very large spreadsheet (>10,000 rows) of data. I did Conditional Formatting based on duplicate values for the serial numbers column (B) and then sorted to "Put Selected Cell Color on top". Next I did a sort by the Last Scan Date column M (Oldest to New). The date/time format appears as follows
I used the following macro to delete rows with duplicate serial numbers but retain the row that has the newest time stamp. When I run my macro it's doing the opposite where it deletes rows with the newest time stamp and retains the oldest time stamp.
Sub Test() 'for Macro to Delete Duplicate Rows and Retain Unique Value Dim LR As Long
As far as I can tell Conditional Formatting will not work for this problem.
What I need now is some code to colour the rows in the data sheet ("Standards_Data"), so some other code (which is working fine) can then colour data points on a multiple graphs (which will be on the "Graphs" sheet). I've played around with as much code as I can find but nothing has the flexibility that I need or doesn't seem to work at all.
The idea is that users can adjust the colours using the Column A on the "Graphs" sheet to best highlight certain things. Also this list could then be edited as old Standard ID's become redundant and new ones come on line.
So in a nutshell: Colour rows in "Standard_Data" based on value of Standard ID (Column 4) according to the corresponding colour found in the list in the "Graphs" sheet.
I've attached a trimmed down version of the workbook.
I'm trying to get Excel to delete entire rows based on the conditional formating i'm using.
Basically, I want to get rid of all the rows that are of a certain color (let's say green, InteriorColor = 4). I've already come up with a way to delete rows based on color, but I have to take into account the Conditional formating i'm using.
I run a match formula which returns the row numbers of items i need to delete - at the moment, when a match is found, it will say "Match found, delete row 4" for example. Since multiple matches, potentially into the hundreds could be found - is there a way that i could run a script to delete the rows automatically when a match is found? So instead of putting the above "match found, please delete row 4" into an adjacent cell, could we just delete row 4? & then move onto the next row where a match is found?