I am trying to extract email addresses from a two column list. looks like the information may have been copied and pasted from a business card application of some sort. so first column contains name and a few other bits and pieces, the second column contains email address, phone numbers, status etc. unfortunately some records seem to be six lines, some seven.
I thought I might try using a pivot to create a list of the account names and then do a lookup/offset combination formula but i cannot seem to work into it the means to locate the "@" in the email address (to identify which line contains the email address). my end result will be two columns: name and email address. or maybe, since the name is already on the first line of each record, i could use some sort of formula to pull the email address up the first line of column c??
Abbey*Dayrell, Ms
12 Battunga Street, Wishart QLD 4122
I received an Excel spreadsheet that has contact info (name, address, phone, email, etc) but the email isn't visable unless I hover over their first name (a link) and I can see it in there. If I click the first name link, it opens a new Outlook email message. (Cool, but not what I need...)
When I copied the whole spreadsheet and pasted it as a tab into an existing Excel document of my own, the email addresses are no longer there, it now shows the path to where my original document is stored. Where did the email part go? how do I extract the emails out? Ideally I'd like to put them in a new column next to their name...sorted in my original document or in the tab...either one.
I have a report that spits out a lot of data in one column. I would like to be able to extract the email address out of all that data. The data looks like this: ...
I need to extract only unique email addresses from all the workbooks saved in C:EDT and its sub-folders. The sub-folders will be yearmonth. So there would be several workbooks in each C:EDT2010JAN, C:EDT2010FEB, C:EDT2010MAR...etc, etc. Also, in the future they would be in C:EDT2011JAN, C:EDT2011FEB, C:EDT2011MAR...Same for 2012, 2013, etc, etc.
In each workbook, the email addresses will be located in Column K of a worksheet called ACCOUNT. There is some other info in the column (Phone, Title, Name), but I don't need that.
I would like the email addresses copied and then pasted into either a new MS Word doc or a new Excel workbook/sheet. All the workbooks that contained the email addresses should then be closed.
I have a list of 200 first and last names...column A is first name, column B is last name.
I want to find their e-mail addresses easily...
My company has a website that is a searchable directory. Each person has a profile which contains the person's e-mail address in its own table.
The directory is set up such that when you search for a persons name, you get the following URL: www.website.com/searchabc123etc=john+doe
I am looking for an easy way to do 2 things: 1) combine the first and last name from separate columns into one single column such that it appears as john+doe (include the "+" sign)
2) take the "john+doe" cell value and paste it to the end of the URL
3) run a web query using the updated URL which imports 1 specific table from the person's profile, namely, their e-mail address.
I can successfully run a web query for 1 person manually. However, I am looking for a way to do this more efficiently for a list of 200 names.
I am attaching a workbook with the VBA code for sending email.
I found the code on this forum and changed a little bit to make it work for my application. I am not sure if this is the most effective way, but it works.
The user would select from a list of names on sheet1 and click "send_mail" button. What I need done is to send sheet2 as an attachment.
The problem: The code is looking for address in cell "H7" on sheet2. I want to keep the address on sheet1, but send out sheet2.
If I copy the address from sheet1 to sheet2 in cell "H7", everything works fine. So I need soemone to help me change the code, so it will send out sheet2, but read address on sheet1.
Have two sheets, both very different, but each containing Last Name, First Name and a column for email addresses (one sheet has the email addresses entered, the other does not)
What we are trying to do is look for matches in Last/First columns between the two sheets and if/when found copy the email addresses from one sheet to the other.
I am getting ready to create a spreadsheet to list vendor's names and emails along with other data. I would like to include at the bottom of the email addresses a quick copy and paste distribution list. I have achieved this in the past by using a similar formula:
I am using Excel 2010. I have been given a task at work that can save my team a lot of time if I can solve the problem. Every month, we have a spreadsheet with about 5000 rows that we have to email. In each row, there is a range that we have to email to a specific email. For example, I would have to copy and paste Range A2-R2 in the body of the email, and then email it to whatever email is in cell S2. I would then continue this for the next 5000 lines, making it a possibility that i will be sending 5000 emails manually.
I have been trying to come up with a solution through VBA that would automatically send these emails. My goal is to automatically send the Range A2-R2 to outlook email, then cell S2 into the "To" email address box, and then automatically send it. So far, i have successfully been able to send one row, but cannot figure out how to loop it for the remainder of the rows.
A couple other key points are that I have column headings as well (Range A1-R1). If possible, I want to be able to include the column headings in the email body as well. Example - first email would be range A1-R2. second email would be range A1-R1 and A3-R3, and so forth. The body of the email would also contain a standard script, such as "Please review the information below."
The goal here is to save everyone from having to send 5000+ manual emails. This would be a big boost for my team.
I am using the following code and it works great the only problem is that when I have more then one email address in the same cell it will not send the email. Even if I seperate it with a semicolon. It work fine if I have just one email address in the email field. How can I get it to send the same info to different email addresses.
I have the following information under column A, I would like to just have the email address for each under column B. So column B should consist only of email addresses from A.
I have a list of email addresses with the periods stripped before the .com, .net, etc.
How to insert the period to go from example@mailcom to example@mail.com? Obviously the email addresses are of different lengths, but it's always 3 characters after the inserted period.
This time I have exported messages from Outlook to Excel in an attempt to extract email addresses that are held within the body of the email. An example ofthe email body is this:
This is the qmail-send program at lon5.mailcustodian.co.uk.
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up.
: 212.
All of this is held in one cell with line breaks as shown above. Is there a way of getting Excel to recognise an email address and plonk it in the cell nextdoor? Something like 'find the @ symbol and extract before and after until a space is reached'?
There are a lot of different styles of email body, therefore find and replace would be a very time consuming excersise.
But they could also be like this adam.2.adam@nowhere.co.uk so they wont always be in the same format.
I have a formula in another column which snatches the name from the email address then a maco which creates a mail based on this i need the email address first and last name to be capitilised so the mail created has the correct case: Dear Adam and not Dear adam.
I copied a series of email addresses that I would like to convert into text. The email addresses, when hovered over, have a mail to: in the address. If I remove the hyperlink, all I get is the person's name but not the actual email address. How can I get just the email address?
I'm starting up my own business and need to add my e-shot signup list to my new CRM - my list has been fully cleaned and validated!
I have two lists of email addresses - one with 37,000 records on it (List A) and the other with 7,000 or so (List B).
Most of the email addresses in List B are also contained in List A (but not all). All of the records in List B also have contact numbers. All of the records in List A have a lot more segmentation information that is very useful to me.
I would like to cross-reference the two lists, so that the contact numbers from the duplicate records in List B are transferred to the corresponding records in List A, meaning that the records in List A keep the segmentation information but also have the contact numbers. I would then like the duplicate records from List B removed entirely.
I would also like the non-duplicate records in List B to be transferred to List A as brand new records.
I understand how to use conditional formatting to highlight duplicates but I just don't have the time to go through 7,000 highlighted records manually, copying the contact number over then removing the record. I also know how to remove duplicates using excel, but I really need the contact numbers to be transferred across before I do this.
I have a list of about 250-500 email addresses, in which there are a few duplicate email addresses as well. How do I find the Duplicate email addresses and get a consolidated list without any duplicate entries in it ?
How do I copy 100 email addresses at the top of an email and post them in an Excell spreadsheet where each email address is in one cell i.e. 100 cells?
I have two columns of email addresses. Column A is the roster of users' emails that we have been keeping; Column B is the list of email addresses pulled from the system.
I need to run a match to find out who from our list (Column A) does not have a registered email address in the system (Column B).
I need a macro to grab each email address and concatanate with a ',' in between so I can send the list to someone and they can use to email this group.
I am looking to semi automate and mass emailing routine. I done code to validate the email now I just want to do some code to append the validated emails. Was hoping someone could offer a quick and easy way to accomplish this task. Below are a list of emails as they would be in excel below that is a variable “strRecipients” that is used to append all emails.
I am having trouble sorting the data in a worksheet that includes a column of email addresses. Every time I try to sort the sheet it excludes the email column.
I'm a primary school class representative and I want to create an excel contact list of the parents email addresses so that I can click a button, it will open the default email (in my case MS Outlook) and then populate the "To" email address field with the email addresses (separated by a comma).
Can anyone provide me the VB code that I can paste into my worksheet VBA that will look at a range of cells (say E2:E30) that contain email addresses, and put them in the "To" field of a blank email?
I have put a button on the page and it's called "EmailButton" but I don't know what VB to put with it. I'm using MSExcel 2007 (at home) and 2003 (at work)
I have a worksheet with a column that contains about 30k email addresses in the following format:
I would like to make a macro to do the following: I would like to pull the company name out (the text after the @ symbol) and put it into the next column, but it needs to remain with the email. I would like to do this with all of the emails on the sheet.
I have Excel WB / Sheet with filled columns A (serial No.), B (name), C (e-mail adress), D (problem), E (solved / unsolved) and now I want that Excel automaticly sends e-mail notification to specific e-mail adress (column C) when its / his problem is solved (column E).