Getting Run Time Error 1004 When I Am Running This Macro
Aug 26, 2009
I am getting a run time error 1004 when i am running this macro. I got this macro to my earlier thread. As i am a beginner in a macro, I am unable to identify the problem. I have attached the workbook for the same
I have a vlookup table with will define the Job description based on the job number & cost code. The function is working fine but the problem come when i try to convert it into macro.
Is there a setting within excel that could cause a user to get a run-time error 1004? I have a workbook with a macro that adds additional sheets to the workbook when a button is clicked. The thing works fine on my machine and 3 or 4 other machines that I have had guys test it out, but I have a user that it will not work for. He is at a location about 3 hours away so I cant see exactly what he is doing, but he says after he clicks the button he gets a run-time error 1004 that says "Unable to set the PrintQuality property of the Page Setup class". I'm thinking that it is a setting within excel?
I have a macro, operating in my excel document. It works and does it's function. The only problem is every time this macro is running I get the run time error 1004, Method 'SaveAs' of object '_Workbook' failed. After clicking End in the error window it opens up a newly created sheet that I need. I don't need to save the file in the desktop, I need it just to open up like it does right now.
I have created a macro which sorts 4 columns of data in asceding order numerically. I have assigned this macro to a button so that when the button is clicked, the columns of data are sorted.
Unfortunately when the button is pressed i get a vba run-time error 1004. I havent a clue how to resolve this. I recorded the macro useing the excel recorder function as opposed to typing it out manually.
The code created is given below. If i click debug when the error pops up, the code referring to column f:f is highlighted yellow.
I am using the following code to enable users of a form to made make selections by adding a tick in one of the boxes by clicking on it. It works fine with thesheet unpotected but when I protect the sheet with cells E33:k33 unlocked i get Run Time Error '1004'
Unable to set the Name property of the font class.When I debug, Target.Font.Name = "Marlett" is highlighted.
i am running a macro thru vba (beiing called from a ms access module) and am getting a RuntTimeError 1004.
the code opens a workbook...then open a second workbook (which houses the macro) then activates the desired worksheet and call the Maco via the run command but errors out.
if i open the workbook and set focus on the desired sheet ....tool>macro>desired macro name it runs fine.
the line of code in the macro is: "ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate"
Sub OutOfStockDate() templateSheet.Range("B15").value = dataSheet.Range("G5").value If dataSheet.Range("G5").value = "" Then templateSheet.Range("B15").value = "There is no Out of Stock Date" End If End Sub
However when I run this code I get the infamous 1004 error.
Basically my code is bombing at the red highlighted code. Error: "Run-time error '1004': Copy method of Worksheet class failed"
Sheet "Blank Form" is a hidden sheet. Can I alter the red section of code to work while being a hidden sheet? I tried a few variations but nothing seems to work..
I have a sheet that will force user to enable macro before revealing the sheets and enabling them to key in data. But because I need to protect the workbook from user deleting sheets and also having some locked cells. I got the run-time error 1004 unable to set visual property of worksheet class
the problem I'm having is that when trying to copy the value of cell A2 and paste it in cell A4 with (INSERT with the second button of the sheet). this give me the error RUN TIME ERROR '1004 '.
Im almost finished my first code where the basic idea was to make in the first column for the first 3 sheets. After messing with it i figured i couldnt have spaces in the cell name...then i learned i couldnt have random '()-'/ either. So i have the code formatted to do that and then its supposed to call to rename everything as well. but after the 1 sheets column is renamed the 2nd sheet gets error 1004 when range("A3").select is hit. What gives?
This is what ill be using the code on
Here is the code
Code: Sub RemoveChars() ' Works through first 3 sheets ' Sheets(1).Select
I am using the below code to select some spreadsheets under a folder, open them, select the entire font, change it to Arial and close the file. I am passing the file names from Column A and calling the below procedure in a loop. Everything works fine except the below problem.
If the file name I passed doesn't exist or the file is not accessable, I am getting an error message "File cannot be accessed. The file may be read only......" with two options "Retry" and "Cancel". When I click Cancel , it takes me to my code and stops at the line marked in red with Run-Time error '1004', Method 'Open' of Object 'Workbooks' failed. When the above error occurs , I need to just pass the value "ERROR" to ErrMsg filed and proceed further with the next file name.
Sub ChangeFont(FileName As String) Dim objXL, objWb, objR ' Excel object variables Dim Title, Text, tmp, i, j, file, name Dim strPathToSaveTo As String Dim strFileName As String Dim wkb As Workbook Dim wkb2Print As Workbook strFileName = FileName Application. ScreenUpdating = False Set wkb2Print = Workbooks.Open(strFileName) Cells.Select With Selection.Font .name = "Arial" .............
I have 4 command buttons (A-D) so that the users can update after inputting new or revised Data. My problem is that if updated in order, button D Macro below stops at the first "Selection.AutoFilter..." as if it cannot turn on the Auto Filter.
It will run if I manually set the AutoFilter on the sheet.
I think, and as I am completely new to this please feel free to correct me, the reason that it stops is that on the Button B is a "AdvancedFilter" Macro.
I have a piece of VB code that works perfectly on my pc. The spreadsheet has been emailed to a partner (different company) and the code no longer works and they get the run-time error.
Private Sub cmdPrintandsave_Click()
Dim Company As String Dim irow As Long Dim MyDate MyDate = Date Dim wsD As Worksheet Dim wsD1 As Worksheet Set wsD = Worksheets("AppBDataSheet") Set wsD1 = Worksheets("AppBPrintable")
I have inherited a spreadsheet and code that I don't understand much about. I have code
Range("B4").Select ActiveSheet.PivotTables("Kh07Pivot").PivotFields("Specialty").Subtotals = Array(False, _ False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, _ False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, _ False, False, False, False, False, False, False) which error (run time 1004) and says 'unable to set the SubTotals property of the PivotField class'. If I make the number of False's equal to 12, then it doesn't error. However I don't know whether it is having an adverse effect on the data?
I searched these forums for any old posts to work around this but did not find any threads. If anybody knows a good thread about this, I would be greatful.
Basically I run some code to generate Startcolumn, StartRow, EndColumn, EndRow. If there is a limitation of 256, the code is basically useless. I don't know of a way to use the A1 range method whilst using the Range("A1:....")
I have been working on the following worksheet, which has A3-Z27 cells right now and will grow/shrink with time. The spreadsheet shown below is just a portion of the entire worksheet. My vbscript is below the worksheet. I have two worksheets PL Dbase and Waiting List. I am copying columns B thru G from Waiting List if Column J is = to "Yes". To the next available row in worksheet PL Dbase columns B thru G...These columns have the same headings on both worksheets. I am getting the following error, when I click the button I assigned the macro to: Run-Time Error 1004 Copy Method of Range Class Failed.
' paste Macro ' Macro recorded 2/20/2009 by lawryad
Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Select ActiveSheet.paste ActiveSheet.paste Application.CutCopyMode = False ActiveSheet.Range("p1").Copy ActiveSheet.Range("a1").Select End Sub Now everything works good with this code unless there is nothing copied to paste. In that case it will go to a "run-time error'1004' " I would like instead for a msg box to appear saying "You must copy required data first"
I want to paste data from a table without the header row from one workbook (Test1) into another (Test2), from Test2. Test1 is closed before this operation starts. I'm using the following
Sub Macro2() Dim myTable As Range Set myTable = Range("A1").CurrentRegion Workbooks.Open "C:ExcelTest1" myTable.Offset(1).Resize(myTable.Rows.Count - 1).Select Selection.Copy Workbooks("Test2").Activate ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Select ActiveSheet.Paste End Sub
When I have both workbooks open, comment out the line that opens Test1 and step through the code, it works fine but when I close workbook Test1, and run the macro, it generates the following error message: Run-time error 1004 Application defined or object defined error. When I click 'Debug' it has highlighted the row that has the offset instruction so there is no trouble with opening the workbook Test1.
im having problems calling the hlookup function in vba. Here is the code im using. I get run time error '1004'. Ive tried both setting the range, and manually inputting it. The User Defined Function takes no inputs, but is designed to get the value based on the relative position of the cell in the spreadsheet.
Option Explicit Option Base 1
Function lastrow() Sheets("template").Select Range("A65536").Select Selection.End(xlUp).Select lastrow = ActiveCell.Row End Function
I cant get this code to run more than one time and when it does run it doesnt reset the password protection back on and it fails to complete all instructions. I get a Run time error '1004'.
Unable to get the CheckBoxes property of the worksheet class