Run Time Error '1004' "FIND" Method Macro Not Working
Dec 14, 2008Below is the code in which the macro is showing error
Run time error '1004'
Application-defined (or) Object defined error
Below is the code in which the macro is showing error
Run time error '1004'
Application-defined (or) Object defined error
I am having trouble with a macro that is giving me the error Run-Time error 1004 (Paste Method of Worksheet Class Failed)
The code is
Sub getfile5()
Call getfile(2)
Dim ie As Object
Set ie = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
' ie.Visible = False
End Sub
The macro is timing out on the ActiveSheet.Paste entry...The funny thing is that a number of us can get the macro to work and several of us are getting this error...I am thinking that it is a setting in excel that is causing this...
I encounter a runtime error '1004' if the "Invoices" sheet is not selected when I run this procedure. The last line of the code is one which is highlighted when I debug.
Sub ProcessData()
Dim aiOldRows() As Integer, aiNewRows() As Integer ' Arrays of new/old rows
Dim rngRaw As Range 'Data entry area
Dim rngInvoices As Range 'Invoices range
Dim rngOpenPoint As Range 'Top-left corner of data entry area
Set rngOpenPoint = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data Entry").Range("a3")
Set rngRaw = Range(rngOpenPoint, rngOpenPoint.End(xlDown).End(xlToRight))
FindNew aiOldRows, aiNewRows, rngRaw
InvoiceSequence aiOldRows, rngRaw
Set rngInvoices = Range(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Invoices").Range("A2"), _
rngInvoices.Sort Key1:=Range("M2"), Order1:=xlAscending
End Sub
You'll notice that there are two other procedures (FindNew & InvoiceSequence) being called by this procedure. I don't think those have anything to do with the error, but I can provide the code for those if needed. Oh, and one other secondary question. To declare the ranges rngRaw & rngInvoices I pick the top-left cell of the data and then do:.....................
I lost 2 days trying to discover the bug in my program, but I coudn't find the right answer.
How can I activate the AutoFilter to show me the rows selected with "YES" ?
This is the code... The compiler stops always at the command Selection.AutoFilter.
I am trying to build a macro which will format the columns of a spreadsheet - basically it inserts some columns, writes formulas and highlights them. Here is a code I have got so far...
When I try to run this I get a run time error 1004 - Method 'Range' of 'Object'_Global' failed. The part of the code
Range("N2:N").FormulaR1C1 = "=(RC[-7]/RC[-2])"
is highlighted in the debugger.
Can anyone tell me why this is happening, also it would be great if you could suggest better ways of writing this code - as I am new to vba programming and most of my macros are built using the recorder and then 'working' on them.
I have an interesting error that only happens when there is one row of data in the worksheet (sheet2 or "Half Payout"). Rows 1 & 2 are headers, row 3 is when the data starts - if any. With either no rows of data or more than one the coding works just fine. Here is the exact error message I'm getting: Run-time error '1004': Method 'Range' of object '_Worksheet' failed.
The following code is supposed to sort the rows of data when opened and then activate the first open cell below B2.
This very simple macro in Personal.xlsb is driving me crazy!
I want to paste a previously selected and copied range at the current position as values. The range will seldom be the same as previously, and the position where it will be posted will be random too.
The code is: ...
I found the following code on your forum, but get the following error:
Run time error '1004'. Autofill method of Range class failed.
The error occurs when the spreadsheet either have 1 row of data completed or no data, can I get code to ignore the autofill when I only have 1 row or no rows completed in various spreadsheets. I have attached a copy of the spreadsheet.
This file has been running just fine....
But now I got this
Run Time error '1004':
PasteSpecial method of Range Class failed.
i am getting a run time error 1004 Delete method of worksheet class failed,
Sub Save()
Dim myName As String, myFolder As String, e
Dim fso As Object, temp As String
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
myFolder = "C:UsersRecsDocumentsTestVBA & ExcelEmail_Files_Temp" & Year(Date) & "" & Format$(Date, "mmm")
For Each e In Split(myFolder, "")
temp = temp & IIf(temp = "", "", "") & e
If fso.FolderExists(temp) = False Then fso.CreateFolder (temp)
I am trying to create a macro in my personal macro book such that whenever any workbook is opened the calculation settings (tools, options, calculation tab) are set to semiautomatic and do not calculate before save. The macro works when I am opening Excel itself (Book1) but when I open an already saved file it gives me
Run-time error '1004'
Method 'Range' of object'_Global' failed
From there I choose Debug, the VBE window comes up, and I hit F5 to continue the code without doing any actual debugging. Here is the code that I am using. This is in the Personal Macro book on the "This Workbook" section....
I am not familiar with Excel/VBA and I tried a couple of suggestions with no luck. The excel file contains three forms and three modules and it is intended to calculate and build Electrical panels. I didn't write the code. I am just trying to fix the error. I was trying to attach the .xls file but it is 178 KB. How can I post the whole code.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a userform that allows the user to view, modify or delete individual records (rows) of a worksheet in a workbook. If a particular item in a record is modified, a check occurs to ensure that the values for that item remain unique. All of that works exactly the way I need. The breakdown occurs when the records are then autosorted by a the values in a particular column. After the autosort, another column of values is copied and pasted to a different worksheet within the same workbook. For this to work properly, I must have the userform open along with the worksheet containing the records. If the userform is open with any other worksheet open, I get the following VBA error message "Run-time Error '1004' : Slect method of Range class failed". I need to be able to open the userform with any worksheet active and not experience this error when the autosort, copy/paste occurs. This is the code for the user form, the module for autosort, copy/paste and checking for unue values.
This is the sub in the worksheet with the records
'This checks for unique values
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Dim LLoop As Integer
Dim LTestLoop As Integer
Dim Lrows As Integer
Dim LRange As String
Dim LChangedValue As String
Dim LTestValue As String
Dim smessage As String
'Test first 7 rows in spreadsheet for uniqueness
Lrows = 8
LLoop = 2
'Check first 7 rows in spreadsheet
While LLoop <= Lrows.........................
I get the following error: Run-time error '1004': Select method of Range class failed at the following code line:
I am using the following code and I'm getting a Run-time error '1004' error. When I reconstruct the macro one line at a time and run the macro between adding each new line - no error. After reconstructing the macro in its entirety, I can run it once with no error. However, if I try to run it again immediately after that, I get the error and I keep getting the error every time I run it from there on. I dont understand how it can work once and then stop working. Here is the full
Sub MoveToRoster()
ActiveSheet. Unprotect
Dim item As Long
Dim myString1 As String
Dim myString2 As String
Dim myString3 As String
item = InputBox("Please Confirm The Row Number Of The Child To Be Moved To The Roster.")
myString1 = "c" & item & ":e" & item
myString2 = "g" & item & ":n" & item
myString3 = "c" & item & ":e" & item & ",g" & item & ":p" & item ..........................
Newcomer to Excel 2007 but long time programmer for Excel 2003. I am having problems with code that I feel should work. Code fails at the Select command with a "Run-time error '1004': Select method of Range class failed:
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a macro that works by pasting formulas into cells and then pasting over them with the values produced by the formulas. It works fine for 500 iterations then crashes at this line:
View 8 Replies View RelatedI keep getting this "Run-time error '1004', Method ' Range' of object '_Global' failed" Here is the code that has the problem:
Option Explicit
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim lDup As Long
Dim lRow As Long
Dim NoDupes As Collection
Dim rRng As Range
Dim Rng1 As Range
Dim Rng2 As Range
Dim Rng3 As Range
Dim Swap1 As Variant
Dim Swap2 As Variant
Dim wks As Worksheet
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Call DefaultSet
For lDup = 1 To 3
Call NonDuplicatesList(lDup)
Next lDup
End Sub.....................
It does not even loop once though the original UserForm_Initialize For/Next loop.
I have been running a simulation for about 18 hours now and just received:
Run-time error '1004':
Method 'Add' of object ' Sheets' failed
I have been creating new sheets, importing data, pulling some values from the data then deleting the respective sheet. I am using:
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
The sheet is actually being added to the workbook, seemingly before the error. I resume the code, and a new sheet is placed in the workbook and it errors again. The Debugger stops and highlights on the code above.The sheet count number was 10895 at the error, just as an indicator of how many times the simulation has performed successfully. I am hoping this is something I can fix without having to start over...
I'm trying to find the Cell that contains the string "Grand Total" along row 5.
The following code is giving me Error 1004
Dim column As Long
column = 1
Do Until ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, column) = "Grand Total"
column = column + 1
The "Do Until ActiveWorkbook.Activ...." line is highlighted in Debugger as the problem line.
I have searched the Forum for help on this error 91 but still cannot figure this out.
Below is a format macro I created. I have several ' Find' routines in here and at the beginning of each one I give it an 'On Error GoTo' type statement. This seems to work fine until it gets to a second error. I have moved various 'Find' routines around and it doesn't matter which order they are in, if there are two things it can't find, it gives the error 91 on the second.
Sub Format_SFDC_Detail_Reports()
' Macro to format reports with details. rguest
On Error Goto errorhandler
Msg = "Do you want to format this report for Landscape (Yes) or Portrait (No)?"
Style = vbYesNoCancel + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton1 + vbSystemModal
Title = "Format Report as Landscape?"
response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title)
If response = vbCancel Then
'Exit the routine
Goto last_line:
End If
If response = vbYes Then
format_style = "Landscape"
End If
If response = vbNo Then
format_style = "Portrait"
End If
when the code runs until
'*This is to the row that contani the target
lRow = Worksheets("sheet3"). Range("A3:A3000"). Find(What:=code, LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, _
it gives me this msg : subscribpt out of range
here is the whole
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim code As Variant
Dim lRow As Long
Dim color As Range
Dim discrib As Range
Dim price As Range
Dim myrange As Range
I have a vlookup table with will define the Job description based on the job number & cost code. The function is working fine but the problem come when i try to convert it into macro.
View 10 Replies View RelatedIs there a setting within excel that could cause a user to get a run-time error 1004? I have a workbook with a macro that adds additional sheets to the workbook when a button is clicked. The thing works fine on my machine and 3 or 4 other machines that I have had guys test it out, but I have a user that it will not work for. He is at a location about 3 hours away so I cant see exactly what he is doing, but he says after he clicks the button he gets a run-time error 1004 that says "Unable to set the PrintQuality property of the Page Setup class". I'm thinking that it is a setting within excel?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am getting a run time error 1004 when i am running this macro. I got this macro to my earlier thread. As i am a beginner in a macro, I am unable to identify the problem. I have attached the workbook for the same
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a macro, operating in my excel document. It works and does it's function. The only problem is every time this macro is running I get the run time error 1004, Method 'SaveAs' of object '_Workbook' failed. After clicking End in the error window it opens up a newly created sheet that I need. I don't need to save the file in the desktop, I need it just to open up like it does right now.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have created a macro which sorts 4 columns of data in asceding order numerically. I have assigned this macro to a button so that when the button is clicked, the columns of data are sorted.
Unfortunately when the button is pressed i get a vba run-time error 1004. I havent a clue how to resolve this. I recorded the macro useing the excel recorder function as opposed to typing it out manually.
The code created is given below. If i click debug when the error pops up, the code referring to column f:f is highlighted yellow.
My workbook holds a month template and sheets for each month. I work on modifications in the template ,but would then like to update all the monthly worksheets. I recorded a macro to show me how to start programming the vb sub, but get a runtime failure 'error 1004 Select method of range class failed' when trying to select the column to copy,
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am using the following code to enable users of a form to made make selections by adding a tick in one of the boxes by clicking on it. It works fine with thesheet unpotected but when I protect the sheet with cells E33:k33 unlocked i get Run Time Error '1004'
Unable to set the Name property of the font class.When I debug, Target.Font.Name = "Marlett" is highlighted.
i am running a macro thru vba (beiing called from a ms access module) and am getting a RuntTimeError 1004.
the code opens a workbook...then open a second workbook (which houses the macro) then activates the desired worksheet and call the Maco via the run command but errors out.
if i open the workbook and set focus on the desired sheet ....tool>macro>desired macro name it runs fine.
the line of code in the macro is: "ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate"