Search In Directory For Specific Cells
Feb 19, 2008
I got a directory with several xls-files.
I want in an new excel file to search automatically for all strings (11 till 48) in all files this particular directory.
All the strings (11-48) are being placed on this new file in worksheet 1.
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Nov 10, 2009
I am trying to find code that locates a workbook (file) in a specific directory, based on a keyword and stores the workbook location in a string to be opened later.
For example, find a workbook containing the word "ancaster" in it's file name (actual file name is "ancaster_summary_2009") in file path:
"C:My Documents" and store the filename and path in a string called "ancasterBook"
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Oct 3, 2012
Need macro to search approx 1000+ xls files in folder/directory for common text string "see reference" and then output the file number which is located in cell A1 to new spreadsheet for each file the text "see reference" is found.
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Dec 20, 2011
For a macro i'm writing I need to search for a directory.
Users enter a projectnumber, this is being used for a search string.
But how can I search for folders/directories in Windows?
I've got the startfolder: 'C:Projects'
Then the project which the user is searching for can be in several subdirectories.
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Oct 5, 2008
I have a column of values of peoples initials and I want to cound how many times one persons initials occur in those cells. I can do this if the cells just contain one person i.e. "CH" or "DH" but if the cell has two or more peoples initials i.e. "CD DH" I can't do it as it only matches the exact search criteria.
How can I total the numebr of times a required set of initials appears in a specific column of cells? Not bothered is it requires a macro or a formulae, just can't seem to figure this one out.
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May 28, 2009
Im sure this has been addressed before but i need a macro that would act like a "Contains" function. I have Column B that has user comments. These are sentences like "I have a billing issue" or "My item is damaged". My goal search these for keywords and then have a value (category) populate in Column C
Heres an example. the Category is Damaged Goods: Keywords associated with it are "broke" "broken" "replacement" "damaged" "not working"
Another category is Billing: keywords include "bill" "credit" "account"
I need a macro that will search all the comments and if "broken" (for example) is found anywhere within the comment, the value "damaged goods" will be populated in the same row, column C
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Mar 21, 2013
I'm building an inventory report based upon a daily report downloaded from a website. The downloaded report changes from day-to-day. All of the data I need remains there, but the location of the columns changes, with the exception of "BOL". I need to sort all of this data in a macro. I have most of my macro figured out, but I'm having trouble with one "sort". I need the data to be sorted FIRST by whether or not the 4th column contains "Clear" or "Dyed". I have the next two sorts already coded, based on SPOT vs Contract and then numerically by column A. But I cannot find macro coding or an excel formula (either would work) that reliably searches the 2nd column for the word "Clear". I have tried different combinations of IFERROR, FIND, SEARCH, IF, ISNUM, etc. in hopes of writing a new adjacent column containing the values "Clear" and "Dyed". I have found many combinations that work if I search only the correct cell. But when I extend the range to search through ~26 cells in one row, they all fail. Below is a (small) example of what I start with and what I want to end with. I've also included my current relevant Sorting code in my macro.
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Mar 22, 2013
I am trying to create a VBA to:
1. Search workbook for a specific values and then to color that cell with a corresponding color.
2. Search workbook for a specific values and then color other cells underneath (the next 3 merged rows after the cell containing the value) with a corresponding color.
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Jan 30, 2014
Any method to determine the number of instances a value ("4" for example) appears next to a specific value ("x" for example). I don't have a workbook; I'm just looking for any formula that can search for specific values and find the total number of instances that an adjoining cell contains data.
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May 16, 2007
Here is a project I can’t seem to do on my own if you can point me in the right direction I would be grateful! here is the best suedo code to describe the needs of the script:
In the open workbook named MASTER, on Worksheet named -MASTER- ( Let’s refer to this all as just MASTER)
(In production, the name of this workbook will be an account #_ date, and the worksheet will be a date)
For each numeric value in row 6 (we’ll call these values AD###) of MASTER
'*****Part one of routine*****
Search directory "H:AccountingAdvertising Accounts" for workbook named AD### AX.xls
(Note the AX suffix of the file name)
If match is found open workbook and proceed to Part two
If match is not found, goto Private Sub AD_MISSING
'*****Part two of routine*****
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Jan 29, 2009
I need a procedure to:
a) let the user select any file (name or type)
b) Paste the selected file in a Specific folder.
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Feb 8, 2014
I have my code here:
Sub openfiles()Dim Path As String
Dim ExcelFile As String
' Path = GetFolder("C:UsersKinteshDesktop")
Path = "C:UsersKinteshDesktopVBA programmingMaps"
ExcelFile = Dir(Path & "*.xls")
[Code] ....
GetFolder = sitem
Set fldr = Nothing
End Function
My problem is that the code all actually works (including the function and when I use the commented part), but pointing to this one specific directory (the one I'm using right now), literally nothing happens.
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Sep 14, 2008
I'm trying to search through multiple worksheets (that are closed) to see if a value in cell B12 (of every worksheet) matches a value in a seperate worksheet (which is in a seperate workbook)
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Jun 10, 2008
This should be so easy, but I know I am missing something. I know that you can only create one directory on one statement line at a time with MkDir. in the "var_dir_path" resides a part number that changes dynamically.
Private Sub CreateFolderFromCellPath2_Click()...
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Jun 12, 2008
Customer directory inside the "masterfile drive". Part number subdirectory of the Customer Directory. 5 subdirectorys of the Part Number Directory. 2 subsubdirectories of one of the 5 subdrectories. That is reference only.
Private Sub CreateFolderFromCellPath8_Click()
Dim s1 As String, s2 As String, s3 As String, s4 As String, s5 As String, s6 As String, s7 As String, s8 As String, s9 As String, s10 As String
var_path_masterfile_cust_name = Worksheets("RFQ").Range("AF48").Value
var_path_part_number = Worksheets("RFQ").Range("AF49").Value
var_path_Correspondence = Worksheets("RFQ").Range("AF50").Value
var_path_Customer_Service = Worksheets("RFQ").Range("AF51").Value
var_path_Engineering = Worksheets("RFQ").Range("AF52").Value
var_path_Purchasing = Worksheets("RFQ").Range("AF53").Value
var_path_Quality_Assurance = Worksheets("RFQ").Range("AF54").Value
var_path_Sales = Worksheets("RFQ").Range("AF55").Value....................
The variables are grabbing the path directly out of cells in Excel that are concantenated strings. This works great if the customer folder (s1) is not created. I would have thought that the way that I had the If/Then setup, that it would run smoothly, but if the customer folder is already created, the Debug highlights the very first MkDir s1
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Sep 5, 2013
The script collects all the files in directory and sub-directories and list them in ascending format, I want them to get in transpose format. like for example: Root folder has many sub directories and in them a sub directory XYZ has 5 excel files, it will get the sub directory name in Col A and transpose all .xls files.
Col A | Col B________|Col C_________ |Col D___________|Col E________|
XYZ__|C:/root/test.xls|C:/root/Sales.xls |C:/root/Report.xls |C:/root/sam.xls|
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Aug 29, 2007
I have numerous sub directories, C:/Jobs/12500 – 12599, C:/Jobs/12600 – 12699 etc, within these directories exist spreadsheets with file names like 12675.xls (in this case it’s in the “12600 – 12699” directory). In my open spreadsheet, in cell A1, there is a job number, say 12675. I want to find and open the existing 12675.xls spreadsheet. If the spreadsheet does not exist, a template (Costing.xlt), in a fixed directory, is opened and then saved, in the correct sub directory i.e. C:/Jobs/12600 – 12699/12675.xls. I am now using the following code, but the directory is fixed. How can it be modified to work with variable directories?
On Error Resume Next
Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:Spreadsheets" & Range("A1") & ".xls"
If Err <> 0 Then
Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:SpreadsheetsCosting.xlt"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "C:Spreadsheets" & Range("A1") & ".xls"
End If
On Error Goto 0
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Aug 21, 2009
I' having trouble using the =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH formula to search multiple cells.
I can get it to work to search one cell (as below):
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Same",G10)),"No Change",'Aug 09 Matrix'!F10)
(In this case the respone is No Change as Cell G10 contains "Same")
However cannot get it to work for several cells. I have pasted below and highlighted the function I would like it to perform:
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Same",G10:R10)),"No Change",'Aug 09 Matrix'!F10)
Essentially the other cells in that row (G10:R10) all contain "Same", however for some reason it is identifying this as FALSE and putting in the data from the 'Aug 09 Matrix' sheet.
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Jun 10, 2009
I am trying to prompt the user for the directory to be saved in and file name to be saved as; then save the workbook in the input directory with the inputted file name.
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Dec 21, 2013
I want to search for a value, in a specific range (in this case, in a row). If that value exists, l want the formula to return that value, otherwise l want it to return "FALSE" or whatever.
The formula must exist in one discrete cell only, i.e. the output will be contained in only one cell.I don't want to match the occurrence of that value with another row's cell. I don't want to search for multiple values (although if you have a way to do that, l'll be interested to know!), l don't want to count the number of times the value occurs.All l want is to return that value if it exists in the specified range of cells, and if it doesn't, l want to say "FALSE" or something.
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Jul 21, 2012
I have a Master work sheet consisting sale data of more than 400 Sales person for a period of 6 Months.
The Employee Codes are entered in column "F" starting from F6, F7, F8 and so on....
G5,H5, I5, J5, K5, L5 to GV5 has the product names.
G5,H5, I5, J5, K5, L5 to GV5 has the qty of product sold by that concern sales person.
Since each sales person's occurrence is 6 times in the master sheet, I would like to have a code to search each and every sales person by their employee ID through out the entire master sheet, sum each product they sold as per the product name and get it entered in their concern cells.
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May 3, 2014
I need to look through a range for a specific value. When I find it if the nearby time column matches a specific time I want to retrieve the lookup value. Because I am not very macro savvy, and the spreadsheet has to run on both mac and pc I do not want to use a macro. Can I do this with an IF((AND combination or is there a better way? If there is a way to look through a range with IF, how would I structure the criteria to look through an entire column for the value? Lookup won't work because the value can occur several times through out the range, but only once with a specific time value.
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Jun 1, 2012
In a cell(s) I have for example {text}dd%2BMore_Text}
what i want to do is search and replace the final }
so it should be {text}dd%2BMore_Text
the regular search and replace in excel removes all } which is not what i need.
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Dec 21, 2006
im trying to do is create a database of autocad drawings based on style of house number of bedrooms sq ft and if theres a garage. what i am wondering is how can i add a search function. for example i want to find a Cape with 2 bedrooms...i have all the information on the spreadsheet. what do i need to do to be able to search among the spread sheet without using the find function this is just the beginning of the data
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Jan 15, 2010
I have a code which can search a column of data and register if any of the cells are equal to eg. "LOMM" or another given shortname.
But sometimes the cell that i want to compare to "LOMM" contains multiple shortnames. (eg. "LOMM, GIV, ANDHE").
In such a case I cannot use the if cells(i, y) = "LOMM" then...
I need an "if"-statement which can identify LOMM in a cell containing multiple shortnames.
I have tried using the FIND and SPLIT functions but it does not work.
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Jul 28, 2013
I am trying to develop a macro that does the folllowing
1) Takes the value from a specified column of a sheet in the workbook and sequentually go the the values of that column and compares those values to another sheet in the workbook
For ex: sheet1 in column A row 1 has string value abc123 and sheet2 column A row 1 has value 123abc. I want to compare these two values from different sheets.
2) However if the values don't match I would like to take the value from sheet1 and see if it is in the list on sheet2.
3) If the value from sheet2 isn't on the list from sheet1 then paste that row information to sheet3
So far this is what I have. All it does now is go through both lists and compares the values but I am not sure how to single out those values for conditional formating. I am sure that the singled out values will need to be derived dynamically since I won't know what or when the values will be up for conditional formatting.
Dim LoopCount As Integer
Dim RangeCount As Integer
Dim CellVal As String
Dim CellIncrement As Integer
Dim ErrorCount As Integer
Dim PasteConfirm As Boolean
[Code] .........
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Nov 24, 2006
I want to search a string for specific characters.
f.e. Begin = "bfPaa2"
I want to look for "P"
So, the answer has to be: Letter = "P" after searching the string
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Dec 12, 2008
I am trying to create the ability to search for a word in specific columns. In my case below I want to search D5:E500 but it's not working. It searches the whole ppage.
Private Sub searchfind_Click()
Dim searches As String
searches = searchfirstname & searchlastname
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("D5:E500"), searches) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
Cells.Find(What:=searches, After:=ActiveCell, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlDown, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
End Sub
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Aug 11, 2009
I have been working on a spreadsheet with 3 sheets and have done everything except the last function which I just can't work out.
Data is entered on the first sheet in a list with an item number, description, dates etc and then finally, if they are a certain type of item, a variation, a 'variation number' in a column.
The next sheet is then called 'variations' and here starts my problem. I want to have a formula that picks up if a variation number has been entered on sheet one in the 'variation number' column and if so, add that item into this sheet, in order.
So to summarise, I need sheet 2 to search on sheet 1 in a specific column for numbers 1-30(ish) for a series of items.
I then need sheet 2 to list each of these in order, copying over each item that goes with the number from sheet 1 in the same format.
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Mar 19, 2007
I need to find a word in a column, ie. "JAN" in col D (only first found is enough, not all instances) and then display message that "January has been updated", if not found, display message "this month has not been updated". The word "Jan" will be stored in a cell, so I need the code that could pick up the contents of that cell and lookup the col D (in another sheet, ie. "MthMaster") for that word.
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