Shortening A URL

Jun 1, 2007

I have a very long column (almost 3000 cells) of URLs. I would like to replace them in the second column with shortened versions, basically cut them at the fourth slash.

how can I used functions in Excel to do it?

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Shortening Text With MID

Apr 2, 2008

I'm using this function to make a short description of a product from a long description.


So it's taking the first 200 characters of cell K2 and adding a ... to it.

Whats happening is it is splitting words and ending at character 200 instead of the end of the closest word to character 200.

Is there a way to alter this formula to break at the end of a word close to character 200?

Or is there a better way to do this?

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Shortening Code

Mar 20, 2008

How would I make the following code shorter/ more efficient? The columns don't vary much - either B, G or L. The rows vary a bit more....

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Shortening Summation Formula?

Jan 10, 2014

I have attached a screen shot below of a sheet I am using to collate fruit orders and calculate an order total for each individual person.


The price of each fruit item runs along row 3 and then each persons order has its own row. The total price for each person is then calculated in column AM. However I am looking to shorten the formula I am using to calculate the total in this column.

I am currently using:


As you can see this formula is far too long so I am looking to write it in compressed formula.

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Shortening Data For Printout

Feb 9, 2014

I have a letter and numbers in the A column. example: (A001_C108_1231Xb)

This kind of numbers go from Column A1 : A1800.

I need to print them out, therefore I would like to fill every page which has 50 rows and 3 columns : A, D and G to write in the data.

I tried to do it manually, which is quite some work.

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Shortening Recorded Macro?

Jul 15, 2012

shortening the below recorded macro?

Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro


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Shortening A Speed Sheet

Apr 18, 2008

weekly i have a report that is generated that is over 5000 lines and 4 columns wide.

I currently copy and paste one page column to make it 16 columns across the page. Is there a function in excel to do this?

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Shortening Code With Loop

Jan 16, 2007

How would I shorten this code using a loop and arrays? It is working correctly but needs to be shortened down.

Sub cr()
Dim j
Cells(1, 1).Interior.Color = RGB(250, 155, 100)
j = 0.09
Cells(1, 1).Value = j
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02")
j = 0.094
Cells(1, 1).Value = j
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02")
j = 0.043
Cells(1, 1).Value = j
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02")
j = 0.05
Cells(1, 1).Value = j
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02")
j = 0.034
Cells(1, 1).Value = j
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02")
j = 0.032.........................................

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Shortening A Macro (evaluates The Range )

Mar 14, 2007

I need a macro that evaluates the range H66:GI66.

In that range the following variables could exist:

A3, A4, A5, B3, B4, B5, C3, C4, C5, D3, D4...all the way to I5 for a total of 27 different combinations.........

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Shortening Code To Copy Several Values

Jan 17, 2007

I have put together some code which works fine but is very clumsy and, when it comes to expanding it in the very near future, will look really bad.

rn = Worksheets("Test"). Range("C1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Row
Worksheets("Test").Range("C" & rn) = Odate 'a variable already created
Worksheets("Test").Range("D" & rn) = Range("E8")
Worksheets("Test").Range("I" & rn) = Range("E4")
Worksheets("Test").Range("K" & rn) = Range("D6")

Is there a s way to simplify this code (and the several more lines of similar) using For..Next and/or With function(s)? I've tried a few combinations but can't quite strike the right one.

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Combining 2 Vba's And Shortening The Processing Time

Jan 24, 2007

I have created 2 seperate VBA's that I would like to combine and improve upon. One removes Duffs, and the other eliminates blank rows. My goal is to do a copy and paste/special, then remove the duffs, and then delete all rows that do not have data in column H.

I have tried several VBA's listed on this sight, but cannot seem to get a VBA that does everything I need it to do, and do it quickly. I have attached an example of my spreadsheet.

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Shortening My Code For Multiple Case Scenario

Jul 3, 2007

I have a combo box that is used very simply to select a column from sheet and copy that whole column down to where text ends into a specific column in another sheet. I.e whatever column is selected ends up in column B of this other sheet. At the moment I've been using If functions for each case but there must be a more efficient way of doing this; here is just a sample of my

If textseries1.Text = "Fund01" Then
With Sheets("data")
Range("C1:C" & Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row).Copy
End With
End If

If textseries1.Text = "Fund02" Then
With Sheets("data")
Range("D1:D" & Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row).Copy
End With
End If

If textseries1.Text = "Fund03" Then
With Sheets("data")
Range("E1:E" & Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row).Copy
End With
End If

There are about 75 columns in total but thought it would be a little repetitive to put it all up here!

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Shortening VBA Code Of Copy / Paste Values With Transpose

Aug 11, 2014

I think I have a very straight forward problem, I'm copying about 400 values from one workbook to another (from vertical range to horizontal range) and I currently have about 400 lines of code in order to do this. Below I've pasted the code I'm using now but the macro takes an estimated 30 seconds to run. I figure if I can reduce the number of lines the macro will run a lot faster

RowCount = openWb.Sheets("Library Raw Shear Rates").Range("A3").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
With openWb.Sheets("Library Raw Shear Rates").Range("A3")


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Shortening The Formula I Used For Calculating Number Of Public Holidays That Passed

Sep 25, 2009

I am using this formula to calculate a set of PH(Public Holidays) that have passed from a period of 1/4/2009 to 31/3/2010.

=IF(TODAY()>='Team Schedule'!D5,1.5,0)+IF(TODAY()>='Team Schedule'!D6,1.5,0)+IF(TODAY()>='Team Schedule'!D7,1.5,0)+IF(TODAY()>='Team Schedule'!D8,1.5,0)+IF(TODAY()>='Team Schedule'!D9,1.5,0)+IF(TODAY()>='Team Schedule'!D10,1.5,0)+IF(TODAY()>='Team Schedule'!D11,1.5,0)+IF(TODAY()>='Team Schedule'!D12,1.5,0)+IF(TODAY()>='Team Schedule'!H2,1.5,0)+IF(TODAY()>='Team Schedule'!H3,1.5,0)+IF(TODAY()>='Team Schedule'!H4,1.5,0)-4.5

From what u can see here, its a massive formula.... but I am pretty sure that there is a shorter way to key in the formula

'Team Schedule'!D5-D12 and 'Team Schedule'!H2-H4 are PH. disregard the 4.5 that is in the formula as it is used for other purposes. Every PH that has passed will credit a 1.5 into the cell.

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Shortening VB Code That Deals With Deleting Row If Type Of Word Is Found?

Sep 17, 2012

I have a file with over 20,000 rows that contain a date (Mon~Sun), What I need to do is remove every day that contains Mon~Sat and only keep Sun, this is the code that I have come up with and is working.

Dim c As Range
Dim SrchRng
Set SrchRng = ActiveSheet.Range("A1", ActiveSheet.Range("A" & Lastrow).End(xlUp))3


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Pivot Table - Show Report Filter Pages Shortening Tab Names Even When Character Is 31

Mar 4, 2014

I have an issue with a Pivot table: I am using the 'show report filter pages' function and prior to this I have ensured my character length of that field is equal or less than 31 however when I hit the function the tab names are shortened to 26.

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