GPS Devices

Feb 1, 2005

create a formula or script that will convert "Decimal Degrees" to "Degrees and Decimal Minutes"?

Here is a formula that converts Decimal Degrees to Degrees-Minutes-Seconds. However, I need it converted to Decimal Degrees.

Assuming your number is A1, try the following

=INT(A1)&CHAR(186)&" "&INT((A1-INT(A1))*60)&CHAR(145)&" "&ROUND((((+A1-INT(A1))*60)-INT((+A1-INT(A1))*60)),2)*60&CHAR(145)

Latitude and Longitude Formats

Format Example Usage Details

Decimal Degrees 35.73972222 GIS Applications The degrees are listed as the integer portion of the number. Any minutes and seconds are converted to their decimal equivalent and added to the degrees. Since there are 60 minutes in a degree, you divide minutes by 60. Since there are 60 seconds in a minute or 3600 seconds in a degree, you divide seconds by 3600. No hemisphere is listed. The northern and eastern hemispheres are considered positive numbers and the southern and western hemispheres are considered negative numbers.

Degrees Minutes Seconds 35° 44' 23" N The Layperson The degrees are listed as the integer portion of the number. Any minutes and seconds are converted to their decimal equivalent and added to the degrees. Since there are 60 minutes in a degree, you divide minutes by 60. Since there are 60 seconds in a minute or 3600 seconds in a degree, you divide seconds by 3600. Usually the hemisphere is listed after the number.

Degrees and Decimal Minutes 35 44.38333 N GPS Devices The degrees are typically listed by themselves. The minutes and seconds are listed in decimal format with the minutes being the integer portion and the seconds being the fractional portion of the number. Any seconds are divided by 60 to be added to the minutes in this format. Usually the hemisphere is listed after the number.

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VBScript That Pulls SNMP Data From Some Devices

Nov 21, 2008

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