2 Open Workbooks - Find 1 Delete From Other

Jul 21, 2008

I have 2 open workbooks. I've picked up the filenames in VB.

One of them is strRemitN

Another one is strStateM

In strRemit i have invoice numbers (OP/I123456) in column A.

in strStateM the invoice numbers are in column C

How would i go around, in VBA, to search for the first invoice number from strRemitN to strStateM, delete the row, then go to the next, all the way to the bottom?

Dim intLRow as integer
intLRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row

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Suppress Open Events When Using Workbooks.Open

Dec 3, 2008

I have built a sub that prompts the user for a folder then opens every workbook in the folder 1 at a time to get stats on the contents of each workbook. Worked like a dam until I ran into an unexpected bug. Some of the users built on open events in their workbooks. ...

Right now my routine inventories workbooks to get formula counts, cell counts, most complex formula, highest value... it does this by looping throught the sheets and the cells. If there is a way of obtaining those stats without opening the workbook I may need to rethink a lot of my work.

way to suppress the code in the target workbook I open through workbooks.open

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Open Several Workbooks

Feb 23, 2010

I have a macro on a workbook that when I run it, it's supposed to open a workbook, but it opens another workbook also.

How do I prevent this behavior?

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UDF #VALUE! When Other Workbooks Open With Same UDF

Nov 14, 2006

I have a UDF in a workbook that works fine until I open another workbook which contains the same UDF. When Excel does a full recalculation it not only recalculates the currently selected workbook but also recalculates all other open workbooks. Something from the currently selected workbook appears to interfere with the other open workbooks as these other workbooks show #VALUE! in all cells that use the UDF. Is there some way to make a UDF unique only to the workbook that it resides in such that opening another workbook with the same named UDF won't interfere with it?

Function SumRangeLookup(FromCode, ToCode, Database, FromColumn, ToColumn)
Dim Code As Range
Dim MonthColumns As Integer
Dim CalcResult As Double
SumRangeLookup = 0
For Each Code In Range(Database)
On Error Goto SkipCode
If Code >= FromCode And Code <= ToCode Then
For MonthColumns = FromColumn To ToColumn
CalcResult = CalcResult + Code.Offset(0, MonthColumns)
Next MonthColumns
End If
Next Code
SumRangeLookup = CalcResult
End Function

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Workbooks Open In Same Window

Feb 4, 2014

I have a workbook open. When I try to open a separate workbook, it opens already opened workbook (basically linking the workbooks as one). I want to have my workbooks on two separate screens this is preventing that. How to unlink these workbooks.

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Moving Between 2 Open Workbooks

Nov 14, 2008

Having some issues moving between 2 open workbooks. I just want to add a new workbook, select the first workbook and active sheet then move that sheet to the new workbook that was just made and lastly save the new workbook with the name of the sheet that was just moved. I have some code but it is not working correctly.

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Referring To Open Workbooks

Jan 27, 2009

Sub vocab6()

Dim fname As String
fname = "c:Documents and Settings

Workbooks.Open Filename:=fname

Workbooks(fname).Worksheets("tangible nouns").Range("A1").Value = 9

End Sub

I just want to open a workbook saved on my desktop (from a different workbook), and insert 9 into the first sheet (which is named tangible nouns).

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Open Workbooks In Two Folders

Jun 24, 2009

I have a script below that opens all the workbooks in a folder based on a msgbox. The script works as is. However what I would like to do is remove the msgbox and have the script go back and forth between the folders.

Example it would open one workbook in the (Large Area)folder call my other script (Hazleton_Data_Conversion) Return Open a workbook in (Varsity) Folder Call the
my (Hazleton_Data_Conversion)and repeat the process till all the workbooks in both folders have been processed.

Like I said this script works with the msgbox I just like to change to without msgbox and to flip back and forth.

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Save All Open Workbooks In Xls

Dec 2, 2009

I am using a macro to open .txts in excel in seperate workbooks

I look for a macro to save all open woorksbooks in .xls

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Userform And Other Workbooks Open

Dec 28, 2009

I have an excel sheet that has a userform on, when this is open my users are required to cross reference with another excel sheet they have just typed up to make sure they enter the right information into the userform. The only problem i have is, when the userform is open my users cant access any other excel workbooks.

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VBA To Open All Workbooks In Folder?

Oct 17, 2013

I have a macro that opens all workbooks in a folder and searches for a few terms returning the appropriate rows, my problem is that someone has decided to protect some of the sheets so when the files are opened you get the password box popup. I have added the (filename, readonly) segment however this has not solved the issue, the macro displays an error stating a workbook is open.

Is there any way to resolve this without unprotecting the sheets?

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Workbooks.Open Function

Jul 19, 2007

I am trying to use Workbooks.Open() function in a function. The function is not working as desired (it does not return workbook object), but when i use same piece of code in sub(macro), it works fine. I am not sure if I cant use this API inside function. I am using function because I would like to call this inside cell and that should return some value.

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Loop Through Open Workbooks

Jun 11, 2009

I would like to run a macro on all open workbooks except the workbook where the macro is saved. I thought I could just do the following but it does not run my macro on all the work books:

Sub apply()
For Each wb In Workbooks
If wbk.Name ThisWorkbook.Name Then
End If
Next wb

End Sub

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Check Which Workbooks Are Open

Aug 23, 2007

I have written a VBA code to make a pivot table from data in another workbook,A, and transfer it to workbook B. I however dont want to restrict this code to workbook A only. This is because usually workbook A will have varying names everytime it is sent. I want to be able to get data from any other workbook that is open at the same time as work book B. What code can I use to select/activate another unspecified open workbook and get data from there?

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Close All Open Workbooks Except......

Feb 25, 2008

I made an Excel based program that uses multiple workbooks with two main workbooks (“Master List” and “Products”) that all the others pull information from. I run into a problem when a user clicks the close X in the upper right hand corner and the entire application closes. I found some code that will let me close all the workbooks but one (the code is put in the “Products” workbook in the BeforeClose event).

For Each wb In Workbooks
If Not wb Is ThisWorkbook Then
wb.Close SaveChanges:=True
End If
Next wb

Is there a way to modify the code so it will close all the workbooks but the two main ones if someone clicks the close X button in the upper right hand corner?

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Set Variables To All Open Workbooks Where Name End With..

Mar 15, 2008

I have a folder containing a number of worksheets, these worksheets are of 2 types, a customer submitted workbook and, associated with each of these, anything between 2 and 7 locally created workbooks. I have a macro which opens a customer workbook and all the relevant local workbooks. My problem is that I need to declare a variable for each of the workbooks in the form

Dim N As Integer, WbN As workbook,Wb1 As workbook
If activeworkbook. name Like *ALL.xls Then
Set wb1 = activeworkbook
Set WbN = activeworkbook
End If

This code is contained within a Found files loop

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Macro Cycle Through Open Workbooks

Mar 29, 2013

I am trying to cycle ALL open workbooks so that I can choose the file to manipulate in subsequent code this is the code that I am utilizing furhter below

this is my code


For Each wb In Workbooks
If MsgBox("Do you want to do access this Workbook for the Update " & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & wb.Name, vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
VI_wb = wb.Name
I = True
End If
Next wb

But for some reason it only loops through .xls and xlm workbooks BUT not .xlsx

is there a way that I can loop through any and all open workbooks.

The reason I do this is because my update are based on many numerous excel workbooks with differnet extentions, and naming conventions and many of the come via email, I cannot use the eact naming convention

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VBA Code To Run Macro In All Open Workbooks

Mar 12, 2014

I have a macro to get copy of sheet named "Doc Info" from workbook File 1 to active workbook.

I could do it for one file on any active workbook.

But what I would require is, upon executing this macro , i want this macro to get executed in all open workbooks( could be any numbers ).

I want to move copy of sheet from File 1 to all open workbooks ( which i am doing it manualy for every file )

All these open workbooks could be from any folder , wont be in same folder.

So logic is to execute my macro apply in all open workbooks in my computer.

Below is the code and i have attached file for test

HTML Code: 

Sub Copysheet()
Dim wSht As Worksheet
Dim wBk As Workbook
Dim wBk1 As Workbook

Set wBk = ActiveWorkbook 'Workbooks("File 2.xls")
Set wBk1 = Workbooks("File 1.xlsm")
Set wSht = wBk1.Sheets("Doc Info")

wSht.Copy before:=wBk.Sheets(1)

End Sub

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Macro To Merge Open Workbooks

Oct 15, 2008

the code necessary to merge all open workbooks (each contains only one worksheet) into 1 workbook made up of all of these individual worksheets?

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Macro To Save As Csv All Open Workbooks

Apr 14, 2009

i have this macro to save as a csv this macro only save the workbook the you are looking at, i will like for this macro to save as a csv all open workbooks preserving the name of the xls file.

Dim strFilename As String
strFilename = ActiveWorkbook.Name
strFilename = Left(strFilename, InStr(strFilename, ".")) & "csv"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs filename:=strFilename, FileFormat:=xlCSV
End Sub

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Create List Of Open Workbooks

Dec 10, 2009

create a list of all open workbooks? I've found various examples of code that will do this in a Message Box, but what I am after is for them to be listed actually in the worksheet (let's say in column AA).

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Code To Work Between Two Open Workbooks

Mar 23, 2014

I have this code...

Sub Macro1()
For Each wb In Workbooks
If wb.Name Like "Test Book*" Then


can't get it to work properly...Basically I want the code to copy the date in cell F1 of the 'Log' sheet in Workbook 'Main' - then goto an open Workbook called 'Test Book' (note: this Test Book is a partial string name used hence the other code around it) and paste the copied date into cell O2 in sheet 'Data'

Using this pasted date in cell O2 carry out the required filter function.

The copy/paste of the date from my Workbook Main to Test Book isn't working so the code then shows error when trying to filter the data using the pasted date.

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Getting Window Handle Of All Open Workbooks?

Apr 10, 2004

I am trying to get the caption that is displayed on each window of all the open workbooks. I am using the code below to loop through all the workbook windows, get their handles and finally display their respective captions on a Msgbox.I am having 2 problems:

1- The code loops only once instead of once for each open workbook !

2- The Msgbox displays an empty string instead of the workbook caption !

If I am not mistaken, problem 2 is due to the fact that the Class name"EXCEL7" used in the code refers to a worksheet and not to a workbook. The trouble is I can't figure out what a Workbook Class name is so that I can use it in the FindWindowEx Function


Private Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowExA" _
(ByVal hWnd1 As Long, ByVal hWnd2 As Long, ByVal lpsz1 As String, ByVal lpsz2 As String) As Long[code]......

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Macro To Open Passworded Workbooks

Jun 20, 2008

I've got a workbook ("Overview") which needs to refer to other workbooks (actually staff timesheets) which sit on a shared drive. All of these are passworded so only the staff member (and myself) can access them

As the workbook opens, it reads the links from the other files, and thus I have to enter the passwords one by one to update the data. I have come up with a macro which should do the job as follows:-

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

MsgBox "OK to run macro?"
' Message is here to let me know if the macro has run
Application.Workbooks.Open "S:LeaveTimesheetsFred 2008.xls", True, False, , "abc", "abc"
Application.Workbooks.Open "S:LeaveTimesheetsBill 2008.xls", True, False, , "def", "def"
Application.Workbooks.Open "S:LeaveTimesheetsTom 2008.xls", True, False, , "ghi", "ghi"
Application.Workbooks.Open "S:LeaveTimesheetsDick 2008.xls", True, False, , "jkl", "jkl"
Application.Workbooks.Open "S:LeaveTimesheetsHarry 2008.xls", True, False, , "mno", "mno"

End Sub

This seems to work, as it opens the workbooks. However, it doesn't run until after I've been manually prompted to enter the passwords. I'm guessing that the workbook links are taking precedence over the macro?

Is there either:-

a) A way to update the data into Overview without having to actually force the timesheets to open?

b) A way to make the macro run before the links update?

(btw I've not compromised the user passwords as Overview is itself passworded, so no-one can view the code!)

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Open Method Of Workbooks Failed

Oct 13, 2008

I am migrating from Excel 2002 to Excel 2007. I get the error Open Method of Workbooks failed on the line :-

Set new_Transactions = Application.Workbooks.Open(Activity_File_Name)

I have checked that Activity_File_name contains the correct value and is stored as a string.

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Workbooks.Open Does Not Activate The Workbook

Nov 5, 2008

I have a workbook containing macros that opens a second one (no macros) and does some 'data mining'.

The following VBA is used for that (I use this code on dozen of files and it has always worked, except here):

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ChDir (WshShell.SpecialFolders("MyDocuments"))
BladNaam = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel File, *.xls", , "Excel")
Workbooks.Open FileName:=BladNaam
TabNaam = ActiveSheet.Name

The problem is that most of the time the newly opened workbook is NOT activated (i.e put on top) and thus the rest of the code is executed on the wrong workbook...

If I put in a Msgbox(ActiveWorkbook.Name) 9 out of 10 times the active workbook is the initial one and not the one that was opened by the code.

tried replacing Active.Workbook with wb (dim wb as workbook).
tried to wait-a-few-seconds in between code
tried renaming

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Form Not Working If Other Workbooks Are Open

Mar 24, 2009

I've been developing a form in excel (not userforms, just the usual conditional formatting, validation and macros to show/hide rows etc). It all works fine now except one thing was noticed when a colleague was testing it. If she opens the form from the email, and she already has excel open, then the form will not work when she makes a selection from the dropdown list, which unhides the rest of the form. If she closes down all of excel and opens the form from fresh, it works fine.

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VBA To Determine Filenames Of Open Workbooks

Sep 2, 2009

I have a userform which prompts a user to select two files from the directory. Once these two files are open I will extract data from one into the other, the only problem is these filenames will change and I need to be able to determine what their names are.

I have this code below:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
FiletoOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename _
(Title:="Please choose a file", _
FileFilter:="Excel Files *.xls (*.xls),")

If FiletoOpen = False Then
MsgBox "No file specified."
Exit Sub
Filename1 = FiletoOpen
TextBox1.Value = Filename1
End If

End Sub

If I could somehow extract the exact filename, not full path, from the variables Filename1 and Filename2 I would be fine I guess, I just don't know how to do that.

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Folder :: Open/merge All 25 Workbooks

Nov 14, 2009

If i have 25 different workbooks in one folder is it possible to open/merge all 25 workbooks into one workbook without having to copy and paste each individual workbook.

Each workbook only has a sheet1. I hope there is it would save a lot of time

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Getting The Window Handle Of All The Open Workbooks

Apr 10, 2004

I am trying to get the caption that is displayed on each window of all the open workbooks. I am using the code below to loop through all the workbook windows, get their handles and finally display their respective captions on a Msgbox.

I am having 2 problems:

1- The code loops only once instead of once for each open workbook !
2- The Msgbox displays an empty string instead of the workbook caption !

If I am not mistaken, problem 2 is due to the fact that the Class name"EXCEL7" used in the code refers to a worksheet and not to a workbook. The trouble is I can't figure out what a Workbook Class name is so that I can use it in the FindWindowEx Function

Private Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowExA" _
(ByVal hWnd1 As Long, ByVal hWnd2 As Long, ByVal lpsz1 As String, ByVal lpsz2 As String) As Long

Private Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextA" _
(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
**Dim BookNameLenghth As Long
**Dim strBuffer As String
**Dim bBufferSize As Long
**Dim lParent As Long
**Dim lChild As Long

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