If i have 25 different workbooks in one folder is it possible to open/merge all 25 workbooks into one workbook without having to copy and paste each individual workbook.
Each workbook only has a sheet1. I hope there is it would save a lot of time
I have 51 workbooks that I would like to combine into one workbook. Each workbook varies in number of rows, but have the same number of columns. There are 31 Columns (AE).
Is there a fast way of doing this or will I have to cut and Paste?
I have a folder named DATAENTRY (consist 90-100 password protected files & it may increase whenever the need arises).
I need to merge A2 to (data in last available row & last available column) of each file in that folder into a single sheet named MERGEDDATA of file named MASTER.XLS.
I got one excellent code to unlock/lock the files automatically without opening the concerned files. This is the Link [url]
I have a macro that opens all workbooks in a folder and searches for a few terms returning the appropriate rows, my problem is that someone has decided to protect some of the sheets so when the files are opened you get the password box popup. I have added the (filename, readonly) segment however this has not solved the issue, the macro displays an error stating a workbook is open.
Is there any way to resolve this without unprotecting the sheets?
I'm using this simple code found on ozgrid to open all excel files in a folder...
Sub OpenAllWorkbooksInFolder() ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 'Written by www.Ozgrid.com
'Open all found Workbooks in specified folder '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Dim i As Integer
With Application.FileSearch .LookIn = "C:Data" '* represents wildcard characters .FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks If .Execute > 0 Then 'Workbook exists For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count Workbooks.Open (.FoundFiles(i)) Next i........
I have up to 50 workbooks in one folder with data in a specific range. I also have one workbook which includes additional data, including conditional formatting and dropdowns. I need to copy the desired range from the first workbook in the source folder to the second workbook, then save the latter to my destination folder, using the same name as the first. I need to repeat this process for all workbooks in the source folder.
I haven't really been able to find a total solution to an issue I have had for a while and hope someone can help.
I have a series of workbooks that I create from Crystal reports, I want to do the following after clicking a button on a form:-Open up two files in a folder with similar names (IL-BA, IL-BA-19), both have the same headers
Open a Third file, this is my 'Master File' and is in a different location, this has the same headers
Copy from the two files onto 1 sheet on my master file (excluding the headers) Close the first two files without saving and move them to a 'Done' folder Save and Close the Master File
Move onto the next set of files in the folder (NE - BA,NE - BA - 19) and do the same again, until all the files in the folder have been completed.
All the files in the folder have different data, so have different headers, but the Master file for each set will always have the same headers, (if that makes sense), but they are specifically named, so cycling through the named files in the folder, merging the two together.
My main problem is that I can't seem to find all the code i need, i can merge the two files, either in different sheets(which i don't want), or with the headers for each file still attached (as i can't seem to find a robust way of removing them).
I have the attached xl. I want to make import from a specific folder other xl files and after that I want the sheet 1 to find if the values in column g and m (together in the same time) can find it in other xl files. If yes then this values in sheet 1 must turn to red. Can this done?
I have 5 worksheets, representing data from 5 days, M-F. On a weekly basis I open all 5 files and manually copy, and paste all into one large weekly file. Does not take very long so I am probably just being lazy but if I could find a simple solution to merge all 5 into one quickly it would be great.
The one solution I was planning on implementing was to cycle through all OPEN workbooks, copy the data into a new workbook, and close each workbook as the copy and paste is done. This will work but to me its 'dirty'. Each workbook only has one Worksheet.
I have 24differnet workbooks each with one sheet with data. Each sheet has the sae headers with differen amounts of info under the headers. I am looking for a quick way to get all 24 sheets in to one workbook instead of copying and paste.
I have a client that I process their data every Monday and am already using some VBA code on it. I receive their data in four workbooks that have the same name every week. CABAM_U262.XLS CABAM_U265.XLS CABOB_U262.XLS CABOB_U265.XLS and the files are put in the same subdirectory every week: D:HealthcareNewBusiness
What I'd like to do is run some VBA code that would automatically look in this subdirectory for the four files and merge the rows of account data (rows 2 - the last used row and columns A - S) from these four workbooks into one workbook and have the header row from any of the four workbooks (they're all the same) placed in the new "merged" workbook at row 1. Could anyone provide to me the VBA code that would do this?
Each month I run 2 separate reports and have macros that break each report out by distributor. The end result is each spreadsheet creates a new tab and new workbook for each distributor’s information. Each spreadsheet has information for 30 distributors, so I end up with 60 new tabs and 60 new workbooks.
Example: Spreadsheet one separates detailed sales information for: Abc Company 123 Company Misc. Company
Spreadsheet two separates summary sales information for: Abc Company 123 Company Misc. Company
Currently, I save each spreadsheets new workbooks in a different folder because each spreadsheet creates workbooks with the same distributor name. I then go back and open each spreadsheet with the same name and move a sheet from one workbook to the other and resave. Now I am trying to figure out the best way to merge these back together and am struggling with where to start.
I could keep opening each of the 2 new spreadsheets that are alike and copy or move sheets but with 30 new tabs to move to the matching spreadsheet it becomes time consuming. I’m hoping there’s a better way!
I’ve attached the Sales Detail Example and Sales Summary Example to see how the spreadsheets are being broken out but had to remove some data to trim down file sizes.
I have been looking everywhere and I can't seem to find what I am looking for. I want to create a Macro that will go into a folder, search every Workbook (each with multiple Worksheets), and copy and paste the data onto a single Worksheet. The data that I want will begin in Row 3 of each Worksheet (the first two rows are titles and headers). The formatting will be the same for each sheet.
The only other part is that Column G has the following formula in each cell that I would like to keep if possible.
Two support staff added data to the same base document. I now have two files that I need to combine into one. Is there a way to merge the two together so that I have one workbook that contains all the information entered by both users? We use Excel 2007.
I'm sure that there is an excel function that can do this but darned if I can figure out which one it is. This is what I would like to do: I have two different workbooks. Each workbook has one worksheet that has two columns of data. The first column is a part number and the second column is a price. The first workbook holds my master data. Starting at the first column of the first row on the second workbook I wish to compare the part number held in that cell with the part numbers held in the first column of the first workbook. If there is a match then I want to take the associated price from the second workbook and place it in a cell to the right of the corresponding part number in the first book - actually in the first open cell in the third column. I wish to do this automatically via macro, or otherwise, for all part numbers in the second workbook. The macro will also need to recognize that some part numbers in the second workbook may not appear in the first workbook in which case that part number is skipped.
The end product is my first workbook that has been transformed from two columns of data to three columns of data - one part number and two price points although not all part numbers will have the two price points. If it helps I can copy the data in the second workbook and paste it in to a second worksheet in the first workbook and do all the work in the one workbook.
I have had a good look around and have found some scripts that look like they can help but do not. here is my situation
I have 300+ questionaires in excel that contain around 20 questions with each question having the possibility of 5 answers i.e A1 A1Do you like this service, answers will be scored in cells F1,G1,H1,I1,J1
What I would like is for a master document to combine all the data into 1 document so I will know how many of the 300 have F1,G1 etc.
In the filed F1 the variable may be X or it may be a number, I would like to add up the number of non blanks in that field, from 300+ closed workbooks
I have built a sub that prompts the user for a folder then opens every workbook in the folder 1 at a time to get stats on the contents of each workbook. Worked like a dam until I ran into an unexpected bug. Some of the users built on open events in their workbooks. ...
Right now my routine inventories workbooks to get formula counts, cell counts, most complex formula, highest value... it does this by looping throught the sheets and the cells. If there is a way of obtaining those stats without opening the workbook I may need to rethink a lot of my work.
way to suppress the code in the target workbook I open through workbooks.open
I would like to merge multiple workbooks into a master workbook. All the individual workbooks are identical and only have 1 sheet, and I would like to append them to the master as worksheets then sum them all together. The front sheet showing the totals from all the merged ones.
Some copies of excel workbooks are made using save as option for data entry purpose. Each copy has same file structure because they are created using save as option. Is it possible to merge them (preferably preserving the macros) ? The workbooks are not shared because they were protected sheets and so macros wont run.
I have 4 different workbooks that I want to merge into one workbook. I tried moving the sheets from these workbooks into one workbook but to my surprise all the vba / macros didn't transfer over to the other workbook.
I searched here but all I can find were people that wanted to make a summary workbook or merge workbooks into a worksheet which isn't what i want to do.
I just want to simply merge these workbooks into one workbook without losing all the marco and vba stuff that are in each workbook.
code to create hyperlinks to all the workbooks in a folder? I Have about 52 workbooks in a folder and I like to place the links into another workbook so a user can open anyone they wish.
Is there a way to use a for next loop to open a workbook that is in a folder, then save and close the workbook then open the next workbook in the folder and do the same routine till all the workbooks have been updated?
I am using this code to save all files in folder as CSV . I would like to add a letter to the beginning of file name for each file starting with a for file 1, b for file 2 etc.
Code: strFile = Dir(mFolder & "*.xls*") Do While strFile "" Workbooks.Open mFolder & strFile Range("D1").EntireColumn.Insert
I have a series of workbooks created by my salesforce (from a master template that I created for them) which they then place into a folder for me to extract data and upload that data to SAP. I am writing a procedure, therefore, to do just that.
Essentially, I would like to open the file containing the data, extract what I need and then close it. I can do that. THEN, I want to move each data file to a folder (which would depend upon the data within the file) as part of the whole procedure. I can define the new path, but I don't know how to move the book.
In creating the master template of the data files, I built into it an auto-name-creation procedure which defines the name of the file that they create. This enables me to write a procedure to work out the file to open. In order to do this, I disabled the save function (but password protected it so that I could make changes to the master template). As such, I am unable to use Save/Save As to move the data files.
I have a large number of files (100+) contained in a directory with multiple subfolders that need to be made read-only at the end of an excel macro. Because of said length, I believe (open to correction) that the SetAttr method would not work (as I do not know the individual file names). It is also necessary to preserve all of the original files' other attributes.