below is some code from a spreadsheet I am working on,,,,,, as you can see it adds items to a dropdown list in a combo box. This may require an update at another time,,,,, is it possible for the list to be updated from a list in the spreadsheet, therfore preventing people from accessing the code
I am trying to make some additions to this code. Basically what it does is copy some data from another sheet. Now there are two types of copying here.
1. A ‘call value’ from another sheet is copied to this sheet.
2. The formula from the previous cell in the column is copied. (eg. Formula in C3 is copied to C4, formula in D3 is copied to D4, and so on)
So the macro works fine for all cases EXCEPT the initial entry, which will be in Row3, that’s where the formulae begin. So I need some kind of an If-Then statement.. to say if A3 is empty then do the following, If not then do something else....
I saw the below code in another thread that does almost what I need it to do. The only thing is that I need to only select certain worksheets, not all. Is there an adjustment I can make to this code or is there something I can do differently?
Each worksheet has a table on it as well, is there a code I could use to just combine certain tables?
Sub debit1() 'Combine all worksheets to the Summary sheet 'Created by Trevor G 30 June 2011 Dim ws As Worksheet
I have a worksheet that is automatically updated based on actions in other sheets. There are 10 columns of data (A-J) Headings are on row 6 and data starts on row 8. I have created 3 buttons to sort worksheet by client column (B), year-end column (E) and to bring it to original order (by numbers in column A). I have created the following codes that I have assigned to each button however it does not work.
Sub Macroclient() Columns("A:J").Sort Key1:=Range("B8"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _ OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom End Sub
i do not know or can seem to find out is how i can program the team list in the table to adjust each team position auto-maticly relevant to each teams points scored
Have created a userform for people to use to populate a spreadsheet and based upon the values filled in cells, and date segregators, formulae determine whether the line of data is classified as new / increased or reduced.
Obviously I can sort this in excel quite easily by this criteria.
At the moment it is about 500 rows deep,and is sorted by N/I/R.....
What I ideally want to be able to do is create 3 new worksheets, N/I/R and then select all the N's and bung them in sheet N, row 2, and then repeat selecting all I and then all R, and pasting in respective sheets.........
Obviously it can be done, but I am far too rusty to do this.
At the moment, all is sorted in one worksheet, alpha ascending...
Does anyone know the code I would use to input a message box into a spreadsheet that says "Do NOT click on this cell" when a user clicks on cell C5? I only want this message to come up if the user click on cell C5.
I am having trouble with my workbook. When I am changing the value in the main cell ("Moses!B5") the whole program freezes. The code is as follows and was developed to ensure the values in my cells did not change as the main cell value changed:
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() For Each c In Range("A1:AF14") If c.Value = 1 Then c.Value = 1 Next End Sub
I think the problem is that all of my sheets are calculating and I only want the one which contains the cell which matches my main cell ("Moses!B5"). Is there a way to trigger calculation only for the sheet which contains a date cell matching my main cell?
I need some VBA code to hide columns in spreadsheet when run. Basically, in row 7, I've entered HIDE in the columns that I want to hide when the macro runs (i.e. columns F,J,H,I,K, O,P,R).
i have a spreadsheet that uses control functions to run vb code. i am trying to make things as user friendly as possible for all of the employees. i am currently working on a control to clean out any rows that the first cell has a value of "N/A" or is left blank. i have the code for the blank cells, but cannot figure out how to add the "N/A" cells.
here is the current Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Dim rng As Range On Error Resume Next Set rng = Columns(1).SpecialCells(xlBlanks) On Error GoTo 0 If Not rng Is Nothing Then rng.EntireRow.Delete End If End Sub
In this workbook, I am working with several things. Once I upload my items into the listbox, put a button where I select one item and delete? What would be the code for that? When I finish with my userform, adding items, once I click order, how could I populate the cells in the spreadsheet with that info? Also, in sheet2 I have the price for those items. Once I populate the cells, how could it find the price and multiply into a total?
Basically I have a giant list (50,000+) of area codes (like 312, 216, 517, etc...) and I would like to make a new column right next to that, which takes those area codes and transcribes them into states so it would be (IL, OH, MI, etc...)
I have a table on the 2nd page of my excel workbook which has every single area code listed in column A, and in column B it has all the state symbols. I got it from here: .....
Basically I have a giant list (50,000+) of area codes (like 312, 216, 517, etc...) and I would like to make a new column right next to that, which takes those area codes and transcribes them into states so it would be (IL, OH, MI, etc...)
I have a table on the 2nd page of my excel workbook which has every single area code listed in column A, and in column B it has all the state symbols. I got it from here: [url]
How would I go about making this new column on page 1 of my workbook which takes all the area codes I have and makes a brand new list of the states by looking up the area code/state table I have on page 2 of the workbook?
The code that I'm using is supposedly not allow spreadsheet to be opened after a certain date, or does not allow a user to press any of the command buttons and comes up with a message saying the spreadsheet is closed for new entries.But is not working for me.
I have a spreadsheet which was formatted from VB code. Within the sheet there are four date columns where some dates show as 00/01/1900 (due to them having '0' in at the time of running the code). I am trying to run some code to blank out all cells showing the 00/01/1900 date, but the code just isn't touching it. I reverted to simply recording the 'find and replace' function and inserting into my code, but those irritating dates still remain.
I'm creating an Excel template to reduce data entry errors on a file various departments submit with data, and have the VBA code associated with the spreadsheet close to done with one exception - restricting the active worksheet rows to just those with data to avoid having a number of rows with just comma separators. I can find the VALUE of the last active row (see code below,) but I'm trying to find the address of that last active cell, so I can plug that into my ActiveSheet.Range statement. Here's my code. As you'll see, I have the ActiveSheet.Range statement with hard-coded cell addresses. The A8 is the first row following spreadsheet headers, etc, but I'd like to be able to substitute a variable for the ending cell.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim Rowcount As Integer Dim offset_num As Integer FileName = ActiveSheet.Range("B4").Text 'Code to find value of last active cell With Sheets(1) MsgBox .Range("C" & .Cells(.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row).Value
I am trying to figure out a formula for the boss, but I just cannot wrap my mind around what I need to do. I’m sending out an S.O.S.! If you can figure this out, please respond.
=MIN(b4*12-25%,b4*12-500) + MIN(c4*12-25%,c4*12-500) fills in the cell with the correct answer, but not quite the answer that I need. Let me illustrate:
The first part of the formula is to take b4 times 12 minus 25% --if this amount is less than or equal to 500 then use the amount. If it is more than 500 then use 500.
(b4*12-25%) 234.25 * 12 = 2811 – 25% = 2811 2811 - 25% = 702.75 500 Since this amount is more than 500, 500 should be used instead. ~~this is actually the amount that I want to show in the cell, the amount saved~~ 2811 - 500 = 2311 ~~this is the answer that is showing up in the cell, which is not quite what I need. ~~
I want to find the answer to this question: b4 times 12 equals ?, subtract 25% or 500 from that, insert this answer into cell.
One of my biggest problems with this is that I can’t even figure out how to say what it is that I need. The formula is doing exactly what I'm telling it to do and I can't even figure out what it is that isn't working. This formula is confusing my brain…!
I have data on Sheet2 and would like to only copy all rows associated with column D2 to the Sheet3. For example Sheet2 has two different values Voice or Data I would like to copy all rows associated with column D that contains voice to Sheet3.
I am having trouble trying to develop a code to include into a spreadsheet for work. It will be a live spreadsheet accessed by a few people who will have control over there own columns in the spreadsheet (2 columns are designated for one project) Each Project director is to edit the info about their project.
So my goal is to put a code in cell C3 that shows the date that cells C4-32 and D4-32 were last updated.
When I close my worksheet excel asks me if I wish to save the file one last time, if I click 'yes' I would like some more code to be executed and then have the spreadsheet save itself and close definitively, how can this be done using vba?
I have to create a series of drop down lists with choices on it for people at the company to fill out to see how much time they spent on each type of project. The plan is to have people fill out a "daily form" to see how much work they did that day, and have the results of that feed into a "monthly form" to sum up how much they worked that week. One of the aforementioned drop-down lists have them choose between three categories of work, M, N and B.
I have to make it so that in the monthly form, the results from the daily form segregate themselves into the different M, N and B tables in the monthly sheet. To make it more clear, on the daily sheet, there is just one huge table. For each row, they are to input what type of work they did, how long they worked, etc. On the monthly data table there are three different tables, one for M, one for N, and one for B. I want to have the entries from the daily spreadsheet to feed themselves into one of the three tables in the monthly spreadsheet depending on whether M, N or B was chosen.
I must say I have learned quite a lot from this forum. So, a vey big Thank You to the folks who are managing this forum and those who are contributing possible solutions. I have a question about copying data from a spreadsheet to a List Box in a User Form (Pls see attached). First, I select the Account from the drop-down cell in the Main sheet. Then I click on the CommandButton and a UserForm will pop out with a List Box that draws relevant data from the Remarks sheet according to the Account that I have selected. The data in the List Box must be in this format : "Date1 : Remark1"; next line "Date2 : Remark2; line 3 "Date3 : Remark3"........until the last available entry.
I am trying to make a userform that will update a list in the spreadsheet. Basically if a user types into a multiline textbox numbers (separated by line) like so:
5 10 15 20
then the macro will paste that data at the end of a list so that each number is in a new cell. The only thing I have that comes close is Range("A1").value = listbox1.value The problem with this is that it will input the entire list into one cell. I have attemped various things, like trying to get the list into the clipboard and pasting, but I haven't really had much luck.