I thought I had this cracked last month when I ran a set of reports using some code dependent on using advanced filters to first create a unique list to loop through and then to create a list of all entries in a list for each unique entry. The idea being that I extracted all the data for each unique entry in the list and saved that to a new workbook, named after the unique entry.
However, this month I'm totally flummoxed again. I can't seem to get even the first part, creating a unique list, to run.
I have a sheet with several thousand rows of data with maybe 25 columns. I have the following code to try to extract the unique entries in the 2nd column, column B and store them in the same worksheet in column AD, to use when looping through the list.
With ActiveSheet
.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Columns(2).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=Sheet1.Range( _
I found a great bit of Advanced Filter code that works great, and fixed a problem of clearing a cell breaking the filter.
But if I want to increase the criteria from 1 row to 2, so you can start to include And , Or operations, it breaks the filter. Even an attempt at a manual one fails, until you put the criteria range back down to one row, then it's fine again.
I've tried changing the Target Row to >2 but that didn't work. how to make the criteria range bigger, and no problems of breakage if you clear the cells? It makes for a very useful automated Advanced Filter.
Here's the code :
[Code] .....
Database = the named area of raw data. DATA is the name of the raw data worksheet The criteria range should be AZ1:BC3, but of course royally breaks it...
I seem to be having an odd problem with Advanced Filter. When I use the Copy to Another Location option I get an error that:
"The extract range has an illegal or missing field name".
As far as I can tell, there are no blank or missing fields. I did originally have a DATE field but I have renamed this in case it was a "reserved" name but still have the problem.
When I used the filter in place it works correctly.
I am trying to use Advance Filter as opposed to lots of looping, copying and pasting and this is the only snag. I suppose that I could filter in place then copy/paste the results to the other sheet but I'd like to see where I may be going wrong.
I am writing a VBA code to make an advanced filter. Instead of a fixed criteriarange, I would like it to be dynamic. As each time the number of criteria is different.
e.g. Range("A1:G30").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:=Range("L1:L18"), Unique:=False
I want the criteriarange to change. e.g. It include all the data if I put in 20 data in col L.
I have a worksheet with 6000 rows (W1), and another with 2500 rows (W2). I need to check whether the values of W2 are found in the second column of W1. As in if(iserror(search(valuex,worksheet2!B2)),"",A2) ---> resulting in something like: If the value is found in the cell B2 of column B on W1, then return its reference which you find in A2, otherwise leave a blank.
I need to check all 2500 values in all 6000 rows.
I know for sure that I will have limited hits (max of 200) so I would like to create a list on W2 (the values) where I check if they are found in W1 and return only the 'hits'. I would like to filter out the blanks.
YOu can filter the blanks, I know, but you need to have a 'full' version (I thought) with all the blanks and the hits and then and only then you can filter. But is there a way how I can use the advanced filter, with a criteria range using a function. Something like: criteria range --> if(iserror(search(valuex,worksheet2!B2)),"",A2) is not equal to "".
I've got a spreadsheet where I run a macro to Advanced Filter results from a "Register" sheet to a "Search" sheet. Macro is run from the Search sheet. Existing code looks like:
At the moment the macro filters the range down to row 10,000. I need to adapt it to a variable number of rows in case they go over 10,000. Currently I am using a Do loop to find the bottom of the list by having it check the one column out of 26 that will always have data in it (Column D)
Code: Dim rfRegSelect As Range Set rfRegSelect = Range(Cells(rfRegisterStarts - 1, 1), Cells(rfRegisterStarts + rfRegisterRowCounter, 27)) rfRegSelect.AdvancedFilter _ Action:=xlFilterCopy, _ CriteriaRange:=Sheets("Register").Range("A3:W4"), _ CopyToRange:=Sheets("Search").Range("A26:X26"), _ Unique:=False With almost every combination of With Worksheet("Register") or Sheets("Register") I can imagine
Why I'm getting these errors? Is Advanced Filter just really finicky?
I m Playing around with AdvancedFilters. Using the code below I can filter for data in the CriteriaRange, but I want to filter for data not in the CriteriaRange. I can't seem to find out to do this. I'm wanting to execute this sub from a button on a userform.
Sub Filter1() Range("Data").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:=Range("CRng"), Unique:=False End Sub
I am wondering if using an "if" statement or a case statement would be good ways to check two worksheets in two different workbooks to see if their names match? I could use some help correcting my syntax too:
For 1 to ws.count If Worksheet("one").Name = Worksheet("two").Name Worksheet("one").Range("A1:G84").Copy Worksheet("two").Range("A1:G84").Paste Endif Next ws.Count
How can I perform a custom autofilter operation on the Column A data shown below that will filter out any cell that does not follow a "#.#.#" format. In other words I only want to see Level 3 paragraph numbers that contain two periods and suppress out all the other levels (variations containing 3 or more periods). I tried the following syntax in the custom aotofilter field with no success - "^#.^#.^#"
Column J1 is called: Resource Name which has 1,000+ staff other columns have corresponding Hours, Project names etc
I want an advanced filter where I select COLUMN J:J and filter this whole sheet based on say 25 names (in the format they're in) e.g
Frank, James Wilkonson, Paul, etc
In the Advanced Filter, Ive selected J:J as LIST RANGE, but how do I input an OR statement in the Criteria, as above i.e where name is Frank, James OR Wilksonson, Paul OR
Alternatively, I have the list of the 25 names in Sheet 2, can the Advanced Filter do a VLOOKUP then filter entire Sheet based on the names provided?
I have a condition in advanced filtering as >90%. However, I would like the "90%" to be calculated via a formula in another cell and this condition to reference it. Is it possible?
I have a file that has a column of dates. I would like to use advanced filter to filter anything with a date that is <today()-1 but I can't seem to make the fomula work. I can make it filter on =today()-1 but when I use the < it doesn't calculate today's date and gives me nothing.
Basically I have set up a list on sheet1, this is now on a drop down in sheet2 and my raw data in sheet3.
I want the table in sheet2 to just display the product items I select in the dropdown but it is displaying all the raw data (although is updating when I update the raw data)
Granted I copied the code whilst researching but I'm just not quite there.
Could someone possibly look at the attached and let me know where I am going wrong. Also as you can tell I am very new to teh VB application in Excel, could anyone reccommend a good place to start learning the very basics?
why the Advanced Filter works in the macro but not in the UDF?
Code: Public Function strUniqueVal(rng As Range) 'rng variable must include sheet name Dim c As Range rng.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, Unique:=True
I have a worksheet that conatins multiple columns that are populated from a sql query.One column is a parts list.This has 1705 rows.
I have another worksheet that contains a list of parts in one column.This list is varying in row length.
I want to be able to produce a list that only contains matching data , including () around parts and if not too difficult an indication of data that is not in first list but is in second list.
When I do an advanced filter using the second list as the criteria i am not recieving all of the data from the filter , ie in the first list there is parts in (1234XYZ ) but in the second list the part is 1234XYZ , this part is not being resulted in the advanced filter unless I put brackets around the part in the second list . There is no way of knowing which part is in brackets in the first list.
I have a huge list (over 900,000 rows) of text codes (e.g. ABC-12345) on Column A Spreadsheet 1 and would like to remove the ones that are not included in Column A Spreadsheet 2.
I changed all of the text on Column A Spreadsheet 2 to have the in front of it (e.g. ABC-1234) and tried to run the advanced filter but it does nothing.
I need to lookup and concatenate all the header values where the value in the corresponding row equals a certain value. For example, column D, has the column header value if the cell values equals "X". Likewise column E has the column header value if the cell values equals "Y". I have too many columns (this is just a simplified version) to use nested if statements.
resource1resource2resource3 XResources YResources Jeff X resource2 John X X resource2 resource3 Jim Y resource1
I'm not an excel newbie, but I keep thinking there must be a simple solution that I am missing.
i am trying to work out the coinage for wages ie. 5546.75 needs to brake down into dominations ,notes and change i live in south africa so we use the desimal system. i have tried to use floor and mod as formulas but at some points it returns an error or incorect result.
I am trying to perform a function that searches through the first column for any active "A" account and then copies the corresponding rows information into another worksheet. I think I need to use the advanced filter function however I can't seem to figure it out.
I have a list of subscribers, each with an account id and the years for which they have subscribed. Each account id can be listed up to five times. I am trying to find out how to use advanced filter(or some other way!) to find those accounts that were subscribers in any of the previous four years but not the current year.