Allow Data To Be Edited But Not Format To Be Edited

May 5, 2006

I have a cell that I am needing to allow users to edit the data but not the format.

The users edit the data by copying & pasting from their own personal spreadsheet. The source spreadsheet formatting can be varied. Is there a way to allow them to be able to edit the data inserted but not the format?

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VBA - Distinguishing When Cell Is Edited By Data Validation List Or Free Format Text

Mar 20, 2014

VBA code which can distinguish whether a cell has been edited by:

selecting an option from a data validation list (DVL)
manually editing the text in a cell?

The ""Show error alert after invalid data is entered"" option is unticked to allow both selection from the DVL as well as free format text entries.

The problem arises when using the code below which makes an edited cell within a range display the new value as well as the prior value(s). This works well when using the DVL but not when editing the cell.

Is there any code which can distinguish between the 2?

[Code] ....

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Popup When Data Has Been Edited But Not After VBA Run

Apr 8, 2013

I've got a data sheet (called "data") which contain a bunch of data, if someone edits the data manually then a msg boxpopups. which i've done using the code below in the code on that tab. However, I also have vba that places data on the tab that also triggers the popup message.

So how do i make it such that if the vba is run then the popup doesnt appear but if they edit the data manually then it does?

Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim WatchRange As Range
Dim IntersectRange As Range


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Userform Button To Update Edited Data?

Sep 13, 2013

I have been working on a userform for entering in and editing data in a spreadsheet, but I'm stuck with the code for updating the edited data.

I have two pages on the Userform, one for adding a new entry, and one for editing an existing entry.

On the page for editing an existing entry, I have a combobox that displays information in the text boxes based the selection. What I need to be able to do is click save once I have made changes to the information in the text boxes and then have that information saved in the spreadsheet.

I have figured out all of the other buttons in the userform, but I am struggling with this last one. Here is my spreadsheet with some sample information entered in : ExcelFile.xls

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Editing In One Tab And Placing Edited Data In Queue In Another Tab?

Jun 24, 2014

I have a simple Excel file composed of three tabs:


On each tab, line 1 has the same headers: Status, Name, Surname, Issue, Details, Last Update

In the EDIT tab, line 2 is dedicated to editing the relevant information under the headers, and once done is validated with a "Done Editing" button: This button would cut line 2, and place it in line 2 of the QUEUE tab, moving down all the others in the list

The QUEUE tab lists all the issues keyed into line 2 of the EDIT tab. An "Edit Selected" button would cut the selected line (or the line in which a cell is selected), and copy it to line 2 of the EDIT tab for further editing, after which it would be placed on top of the queue once again as above.

The RESOLVED tab lists all of the issues marked "Resolved" on the Status column.

What I can't figure out are the macros for the two buttons:

- "Done editing" in EDIT tab adds today's date in the "Last Update" column, then cuts line 2, and pastes it in line 2 of the QUEUE tab pushing down all the lines in the list, and keeping any existing conditional formatting if possible (colours in the "Last Update" column, for ex.). If the status is set to "Resolved" before clicking the button, it does the same, but pastes it to line 2 of the RESOLVED tab instead of QUEUE.

- "Edit selected" in the QUEUE tab just cuts the selected line from the QUEUE tab and pastes it in line 2 of the EDIT tab.

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Searching And Replacing Edited Data Back Into A Table

Jan 10, 2014

Basically I've got a back end worksheet with a huge table full of data (hundreds of rows, tens of columns) containing the data for a load of different contracts (each contract is on a different row).

I have all the information I want displayed on a front sheet by means of very simple lookups which looks for one contract at a time to display that information. What I would like to do is to be able to alter that information on the front sheet which will then go back and lookup that entry in the big table and overwrite the old data with the new. Effectively I want the excel sheet to act as a user form, but without actually using a form (a requirement from the people I'm doing this for). I'm struggling to find out how to do this as I don't know which VB functions I would need to use.

Each contract has its own unique reference number, so really what I need is some sort of code that will look for that reference number in the back end table, then look for any differences between what's on the front sheet and on the back end, and then replace anything that's changed.

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Edited Cell Always On Top?

Feb 9, 2013

In long worksheets where I have to edit each cell, I would like it if the cell that is being edited is always on top of the screen. That way I wouldn't have to scroll as much.

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Finding Last Edited Cell

Oct 25, 2013

Is it possible to find the unsaved data in a spreadhseet/workbook? Or the last cell was edited?

After working on multiple workbooks when I try closing them excel confirms if the changes should be saved or not. I was wondering if there was a way to check what those changes were. If there was a way to find address of the cell that was edited last.

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Excel - Search Userform That Can't Be Edited?

Apr 5, 2013

I am looking to create a userform that submits data to my spreadsheet.The fields should be Reference Number, Title, forename, surname and DOB.The filling in of the reference number is compulsory, and should display a message box if a reference number has not been input.A button should be present on the spreadsheet that brings the userform up.

The search Userform should look the same as the input userform, except the fields are blanked out and uneditable.

The ability to search by any field is neccesary.

A list should be brought up containing the search results.

The user can then select the entry that they are looking for and then the uneditable userform comes up with the information that has be extracted from the existing entries.y impossible.

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Macro Won't Run If Text Is Being Edited In Cell

May 27, 2014

I have a log book that gets modified through out the day, and an auto run macro that runs at specific times to save the data to a database type sheet, and clear the form for the next shift. some of the operators are double clicking in the cell so they can type their comments. If they do not hit tab or enter when they are done, and the save time comes, the macro is not running, and I'm not collecting the data that I need. Is there a way to force the macro to run, or to force a tab/enter after 3 minutes of inactivity?

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Slow Update Of Edited Links

Sep 26, 2008

My business has a significant number of Excel sheets interlinked. One of them has about 10.000 links to about 60 files. Those 60 files are within a sub-folder and once a quarter the business needs to replace all 60 files with a new set. To establish this, they replace the sub-folder name in the link with the new name. To do this on 10.000 links takes about 72 minutes because Excel seems to open up a file for every updated cell. We tried to stop this by changing Excel to calculate manual, disabled "Update remote reference", but this didn't improve anything.

We have similiar issue when opening/updating the master file - it takes around 3 mins.

Besides that a proper database is certainly better for this requirement, is there anything we can do to improve the performance of the replace method. I was thnking about stopping Excel from validating/updating each single cell and after everything has been replaced to do it in one go without Excel opening and closing 10.000 times a file.

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Clear Cells When Another Cell Is Edited By Using A Loop

Oct 16, 2009

I am making a workbook where the G column is drop-down menus that are populate a drop down on the H column. Whenever someone changes the selection of the G column I was to erase what is in the corresponding H column. I have this code that works, but I need to do this for 100 lines. Is there any way to put this into a loop instead of writing 100 if statements?

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Restrict Editing To Certain Columns/Rows And Allow Some To Be Edited By Users

Oct 29, 2007

how do I restrict editing to certain columns/Rows and allow some to be edited by users?

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Make Column Unable To Be Edited Once Select Dropdown Value?

Jun 4, 2014

Once an individual selects "NO" in column "O" I would like the rest of the columns to be grayed out so the no other information can be entered except for the last column for notation purposes.

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Show Date/time Of When Cell/column Was Last Edited?

Aug 7, 2008

I have columns in my spreadsheet that will be getting updated periodically with a number. 1 week it might be 24, the next it might be 26.... and they would go in January's price, February's price....

The problem is, if a price is entered into the column, we don't know when it was entered other than the fact that it was entered in that month.

Is there a way to show the date and time of when a number gets entered or edited in a cell? This date/time could perhaps show up in a column right next to it.

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Greyed-out Columns Based On Cell From Specific Column In Active Row Being Edited

Jul 7, 2014

I am making a spreadsheet in which I have been asked to have certain column greyed-out based on an answer that was given in a dropdown menu. Specifically, a dropdown menu in column D asks if the client was a Youth or an Adult. Depending on what the anwer is, other columns in the spreadsheet will be greyed-out; different ones for each answer. My problem is, I need this to occur for the active row being editted. For example: The first row that the user can input data into is row 4. If D4 is answered with "Adult" then certain other columns are greyed-out. However, if the next time the user updates the spreadsheet with information for a different client (now entering information in row 5) and they select "Youth" for column D5, then different columns get greyed-out. The columns that are greyed-out will depend upon the answer for the dropdown menu in column D for whatever row is actively being editted.

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Adding Timestamp And Username To Cell After Previous Cell Edited

Apr 24, 2014

Trying to get a record of who authorized spending in one of my worksheets and when they did it

I had some VBA code in one of my worksheets which added a time stamp and a user ID to two different cells after the user enters their name. Why it is no longer working, though I suspect after moving the worksheet around.

I would like my users to type their name into cell G65 (which is actually merged from G65-K65). Once the user enters their name, cell L65 (which is actually merged L65-O65) populates with the current time stamp. Also, when the user enters their name into cell G65, I would like cell P65 (which is actually merged into P65-S65) to auto populate. I would like this all of this to go down through line 70.

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Format Climatic Data From A Weather Station Into A Desired Format

Feb 11, 2009

I need to format some climatic data from a weather station into a desired format. There are a lot of cut&paste and transposing involved. I think it will be easy but tedious for anyone trained in VB to write a macro but unfortunately I am not. I've tried recording a macro but it turns out that it is not general enough to deal with all the spreadsheets that I've got.

I've attached a spreadsheet which shows the original format (in sheet 1) and the desired format (in sheet 2). To briefly describe, I only need the temperature data for 8am and 2pm, the rest of the information in sheet 1 is useless to me.

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Convert Data In Invalid Format Into Correct Format

May 1, 2014

I have around 30k data. which is in invalid format.

Ex: 12987654321vinay kk 876543219
32567456789 kkccjhg fo 345678921

I want to convert this into correct format as below with start letter from

MOD, 987654321,, vinay, kk,87654219
MOD,567456789, , kkccjhg, fo,345678921

I want to know which are formulas I have to use to get this info in correct format.

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Excel 2013 :: Pivot Table Compare Current Data With Refresh Data And Format New Values?

Jun 18, 2014

vba in excel 2013 pivot table that updates from an online CRM rows are a to h and it can be any number of rows. What I am trying to do is track progress. In column f values indicate probability for success 10 25 45 90, which can go up or down. The pivot table is refreshed to get the latest values from CRM. the update is handled by a connection to the crm not in the vba.

So far I been researching methods to conditionally format values that went up, down or remained the same since the last refresh with up down and across arrows. I have managed to piece together what I think should work but alas it is not. So I have come to you internet.

My code first clears any formatting and goes down the column avoiding null or empty cells, comparing the values in column f to values in column j.
I have 3 conditions greater than, less than or equal to, and would like add an icon for each based on the result of the comparison.

Finally when it finishes the column the code copies the current values in the pivot table column f to column j outside the pivot table which i hope to be able to hide once the cf works. The code is below

[Code] .....

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Date Format- Data Retrieved Via Import Data Tools

Feb 4, 2009

I have the following data retrieved via import data tools ...

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Convert Data From Table Format Into One Long Row Of Data?

Jun 17, 2013

I have a sheet with data 7 columns wide and up to 1500 rows long. Below are a few lines from the sheet. The data from the sheet is grouped into "months" as shown in the header down the first column, "Show June, 2013..." and "Show July, 2013...", and so on. Is there a way I can make Excel re-align the data into ONE long row of data for each month? Each new month row must be "triggered" by the text (like the word "Show") because the actual cell number of where the new month begins may change with new updates. I want to do this because I plan to refresh the data once at the end of each day from the web and apply the new data to the "next" row of data. So eventually, I can have a history of "Last" values I can chart for each "strike" for each month.


Show June, 2013 Options Hide June, 2013 Options



[Code] ........

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Data Manipulation Reproduces The Data In A Format

Apr 27, 2007

I have a small table, 6 rows, 2 columns which looks something like:

Apples 3
Pears 1
Bananas 0
Cherries 2
Oranges 1
Grapes 1

The total sum of column B will always be 8.

What I want to produce is a range, say d1:d8 which reproduces the data in a format like:


i.e. responding to the number of items in the former table specified.

I'm sure it can be done with some long stringed If statements mixed with counts, but do any of you have any good ideas for formulas in d1:d8?

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Rearrange Data Into A Certain Format

Nov 24, 2007

I am seeking the expertise of you knowledge folks to advise me whether it is possible to create a "script" in Excel to jumble up certain letters in an entry?

Let me explain. What I have are 4 separate columns with data in them. I need to somehow rearrange them into a certain format, like an encryption I suppose.

Here's an example of some data I have :


What I need to do is jumble those up so they appear in the following format:


Is it possible to do this in Excel? You're probably wondering why I don't do it manually, but there are over 20,000 records that need jumbling up and obviously that would take a very long time.

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Format Data From Web So It's Usable

Nov 8, 2009

I think I have a similar problem as this thread The answer is probably somewhere in the forum, but I looked around and I can't figure it out on my own.

Basically, I copied some data off a website and now I am trying to organize it so it is usable. Here is my example. I would like to put the data below into usable columns. The only data I need is the hospital name (column A), location (column B), Births (column C), and Beds (column D). This is how the data currently appears in excel:..............

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Format The Downloaded Data

Feb 15, 2010

I often download data from various web sites - this is data that is displayed on a web page in tabular format, and often consists of hundreds of lines. I typcally Select All, then Copy, then go to a blank spreadsheet and Paste. After a bit of reformatting, I'm usually in good shape. The problem is, that sometimes the contents of a cell might have been "5-2" (without the quotes), and it comes through on Excel as "May 2". Without proofing each cell, I can't just make the assumption that the original was "5-2" - it might have been "5-2-10" (but not a date).

The normal Paste Special options are not available when I do this, so I can't paste them in as values. I have tried formatting the worksheet at text prior to doing the copy but that does not work.

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Convert Data To Different Format

May 5, 2009

See the attached file. In the RawData tab, I have the Type, The Date, and total for that date and type. Using a macro, i would like to redesign the output(onto another sheet) so it can be updated to a database table(i already have the code to export to database). The output should look like what is in the "OutputExample" tab. Figures in the OutputExample tab are only for the first three dates. So currently, I have the output as:

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A Macro To Format Data

Aug 24, 2009

I have been trying to produce a macro that will format data of varying lengths. Basically, I pull data from a database and export it into excel. I have a macro that will format the first few lines fine. Unfortunately, there are a few lines of info at the end of each report that need to be deleted. I cannot figure out how to make excel reach the end of my data a delete these two lines. If I build the macro on one report that has 100 lines and delete line 99 and 100, and then attempt to run the macro on a report that has 150 lines - lines 99 and 100 are still deleted.

Is there a way to delete the last couple of lines of data of a spreadsheet?

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Changing Data From One Format Into Another

Feb 11, 2010

I have a data set in excel which is the following format which I would like to convert into a text file with a different format. The excel sheet format is as follows:

V C 1 2 3
1 23 0.06 0.04 0.03
1 12 0.09 0.06 0.03
2 5 0.11 0.07 0.05
2 11 0.12 0.08 0.04

The text file should have the above data in the following format with brackets and comma:

For example:

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Check And Format Data

Jun 15, 2012

Check and format some data. I have 100,000+ rows so kinda need a macro to do it.

I have data like this

Sheet1  ABCDEFG1start_date start_time end_date end_timeTypeSOC Before SOC After
208/01/201218:36:2008/01/201218:40:00T  308/01/201218:45:1208/01/201218:50:44T  

[Code] .....

I'm trying to merge all the "C" rows in Column F into one row, like this:

Sheet1  ABCDEFG14start_date start_time end_date end_timeTypeSOC Before SOC After
1508/01/201218:36:2008/01/201218:40:00T  1608/01/201218:45:1208/01/201218:50:44T  

So you would just keep the first row,but replace the 'end date' and 'end time' with the 'end date' and 'end time' from the last row and same with the SOC.

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