Userform Button To Update Edited Data?
Sep 13, 2013
I have been working on a userform for entering in and editing data in a spreadsheet, but I'm stuck with the code for updating the edited data.
I have two pages on the Userform, one for adding a new entry, and one for editing an existing entry.
On the page for editing an existing entry, I have a combobox that displays information in the text boxes based the selection. What I need to be able to do is click save once I have made changes to the information in the text boxes and then have that information saved in the spreadsheet.
I have figured out all of the other buttons in the userform, but I am struggling with this last one. Here is my spreadsheet with some sample information entered in : ExcelFile.xls
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May 5, 2006
I have a cell that I am needing to allow users to edit the data but not the format.
The users edit the data by copying & pasting from their own personal spreadsheet. The source spreadsheet formatting can be varied. Is there a way to allow them to be able to edit the data inserted but not the format?
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Sep 26, 2008
My business has a significant number of Excel sheets interlinked. One of them has about 10.000 links to about 60 files. Those 60 files are within a sub-folder and once a quarter the business needs to replace all 60 files with a new set. To establish this, they replace the sub-folder name in the link with the new name. To do this on 10.000 links takes about 72 minutes because Excel seems to open up a file for every updated cell. We tried to stop this by changing Excel to calculate manual, disabled "Update remote reference", but this didn't improve anything.
We have similiar issue when opening/updating the master file - it takes around 3 mins.
Besides that a proper database is certainly better for this requirement, is there anything we can do to improve the performance of the replace method. I was thnking about stopping Excel from validating/updating each single cell and after everything has been replaced to do it in one go without Excel opening and closing 10.000 times a file.
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Apr 5, 2013
I am looking to create a userform that submits data to my spreadsheet.The fields should be Reference Number, Title, forename, surname and DOB.The filling in of the reference number is compulsory, and should display a message box if a reference number has not been input.A button should be present on the spreadsheet that brings the userform up.
The search Userform should look the same as the input userform, except the fields are blanked out and uneditable.
The ability to search by any field is neccesary.
A list should be brought up containing the search results.
The user can then select the entry that they are looking for and then the uneditable userform comes up with the information that has be extracted from the existing entries.y impossible.
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Jul 16, 2012
I have created a userform and a command button to bring up the user form but when I click on the command button and the user form pops up I am not able to enter any data, the entire page freezes
This is the code
Private Sub CommandButtoncancel_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButtonOK_Click()
With Workbooks("RETS results version 2.xlsm")
[Code] ......
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Jan 16, 2013
How can I take the main data sheet and have the information transfer to another sheet? It will be transferring to a "condensed" version with limited columns and when I open the condensed version a like pops open. Then asking if I would like to update this workbook that is contains links to other data sources.
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Mar 19, 2008
I have a form that allows users to enter details and retrieve details of data already entered. How can I make it so users can update the data in the subform?
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Aug 18, 2014
I have been playing around with this and are totally baffled,userform service,enter pl094 in combobox1 ,first part looks up sheet1 and works well.
If I change overhauled date it changes on sheet1 ,but will not write to sheet repairs,has done in the past as you can tell from entries, have tried irow and c.row but for some reason will not write any more entries.
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Dec 11, 2006
I have made this userform.
What i want to be able to do is select an item from combobox (comboCPM) and then be able to check off some or all of the checkboxes then up date that line items record.
Check box value can be a "x" or "true" dont really care.
I have gone though the combox excercise at, but when I try to use that logic in my spread sheet I get nothing in my drop down... just blank spaces
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Aug 20, 2006
I have a sheet with names and subdividers (Ent, Ver) on the columns, and dates on the rows. I am trying to make a form update the sheet when the name, ent or ver, and date match. I have attached a copy of my sheet to help explain that. I don't know much vba, but I can make a userform just fine. Trouble with most places is that the userforms only update based on empty cells, not based on more complex criteria.
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Dec 29, 2007
I need a code for vinculating a user form and perform some searchings on a excel database.
For further details see attached file.
I created a user form in which some infromation is requested in order to search on excel database, I need a macro to search, display and update this data/information.
As an example, if i need to find the part number "C23138810-1" using the button search database and contains or match options, then displays all the information on the user form, this information is located in the same row where the part number is. Then, if some change is required, update is by clickig button "Update Data", and then if require "find next" item to review or update.
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Apr 8, 2013
I've got a data sheet (called "data") which contain a bunch of data, if someone edits the data manually then a msg boxpopups. which i've done using the code below in the code on that tab. However, I also have vba that places data on the tab that also triggers the popup message.
So how do i make it such that if the vba is run then the popup doesnt appear but if they edit the data manually then it does?
Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim WatchRange As Range
Dim IntersectRange As Range
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Jun 24, 2014
I have a simple Excel file composed of three tabs:
On each tab, line 1 has the same headers: Status, Name, Surname, Issue, Details, Last Update
In the EDIT tab, line 2 is dedicated to editing the relevant information under the headers, and once done is validated with a "Done Editing" button: This button would cut line 2, and place it in line 2 of the QUEUE tab, moving down all the others in the list
The QUEUE tab lists all the issues keyed into line 2 of the EDIT tab. An "Edit Selected" button would cut the selected line (or the line in which a cell is selected), and copy it to line 2 of the EDIT tab for further editing, after which it would be placed on top of the queue once again as above.
The RESOLVED tab lists all of the issues marked "Resolved" on the Status column.
What I can't figure out are the macros for the two buttons:
- "Done editing" in EDIT tab adds today's date in the "Last Update" column, then cuts line 2, and pastes it in line 2 of the QUEUE tab pushing down all the lines in the list, and keeping any existing conditional formatting if possible (colours in the "Last Update" column, for ex.). If the status is set to "Resolved" before clicking the button, it does the same, but pastes it to line 2 of the RESOLVED tab instead of QUEUE.
- "Edit selected" in the QUEUE tab just cuts the selected line from the QUEUE tab and pastes it in line 2 of the EDIT tab.
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Jan 10, 2014
Basically I've got a back end worksheet with a huge table full of data (hundreds of rows, tens of columns) containing the data for a load of different contracts (each contract is on a different row).
I have all the information I want displayed on a front sheet by means of very simple lookups which looks for one contract at a time to display that information. What I would like to do is to be able to alter that information on the front sheet which will then go back and lookup that entry in the big table and overwrite the old data with the new. Effectively I want the excel sheet to act as a user form, but without actually using a form (a requirement from the people I'm doing this for). I'm struggling to find out how to do this as I don't know which VB functions I would need to use.
Each contract has its own unique reference number, so really what I need is some sort of code that will look for that reference number in the back end table, then look for any differences between what's on the front sheet and on the back end, and then replace anything that's changed.
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Mar 24, 2014
I have a combobox that is referenced to a named list 'ListReels'. There are only 8 choices (Reels 1 -8), and each has an accompanying worksheet in the workbook. The user selects a reel, then inputs other information. When an 'Enter' command button is clicked, I had like the data to be entered onto the next available row of the worksheet with the same reel name (eg, if reel 2 is selected from the combobox, then the data should be added to the Reel 2 worksheet on the next blank row.
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Mar 14, 2009
I have a worksheet (attached) that lists various clients in columan C. Column E lists whether each of the clients listed in Column C are 'Existing Business' or 'New Business'. I require a user form that has three radio buttons (one to select 'New Business', another for 'Existing Business' & one for 'All').
When Selecting a radio button, (e.g. 'Existing Business'), I need all clients listed in Column C of the worksheet that also have 'Existing Business' in Column E to be listed in a ListBox on the UserForm (with the second radio button allowing the text box to list 'New Business' and the third to list both Existing and New).
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May 8, 2012
I have a userform that has a combobox in it that also has an OK button and a Cancel Button. Need getting the combobox to pull in the correct list? The data for this list will be in cells A2 through A16. But not all 15 lines will always have data in them so I'd like to only show the ones with data. Then next issue i have is I would like the OK button on this userform to actually erase the data the user has clikced on in the combobox. It's a list of kids that the userform is asking which one needs to be deleted. So it might be the kid in cell A9. so when the user clicks on that kid in the combobox form a9 and hits ok I'd like to have all the kids below A9 move up one row.
Windows XP
excel 2003
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Mar 20, 2014
VBA code which can distinguish whether a cell has been edited by:
selecting an option from a data validation list (DVL)
manually editing the text in a cell?
The ""Show error alert after invalid data is entered"" option is unticked to allow both selection from the DVL as well as free format text entries.
The problem arises when using the code below which makes an edited cell within a range display the new value as well as the prior value(s). This works well when using the DVL but not when editing the cell.
Is there any code which can distinguish between the 2?
[Code] ....
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Dec 6, 2006
I have one source spreadsheet, where are columns NAME, DATE. I read these data by ADO to other spreadsheet, where I can change/delete data and then run macro for update data in source spreadsheet. The problem: In source spreadsheet is column "NAME" and column "DATE", with values e.g. "Joseph"; 1.1.1980. I read this data to other spreadsheet, then I delete in it value 1.1.1980. When I run macro Update, it messages error.
Sub UpdateItem
.Fields.Item(1).value = activecell 'activecell value = "Joseph"
If Not isempty(activecell.offset(0,1)) Then
.Fields.Item(2).value = activecell.offset(0,1).value
.Fields.Item(2).value = "" 'I tried Empty and 0 too but when I read data again then, it displays 0.1.1900, nothing works
End If
End Sub
It seems that in source spreadsheet has data in column "Date" format Date and when I try to update data in format String ("") in source spreadsheet by Update macro, it messages error. When I used
.Fields.Item(2).Value = Empty
' or
.Fields.Item(2).Value = 0
after rereading data it displays 0.1.1900 What I want to get is that if the cell with date (in other spreadsheet) is empty, the cell in column Date in source spreadsheet after updating will be blank (contains no values).
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Jun 10, 2013
I have a user form that has one combo box on it that right now references one column of data.
Now I am being asked to have three columns of data and the combo box to show one of the three when a certain criteria is met.
I believe it would be easiest to have an additional combox with a change event when the box is populated with "whatever" in the field
So S:3 to S:5 have A, B, C
And EC:1-EC:59, ED:1-ED:59, EE:1-EE:59 contain the data that should show when S:3, S:4, or S:5 is selected.
If S:3 is selected then the list in EC:1 - EC59 would show and so on.
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Sep 22, 2009
I'm looking to create a refresh/update button for my userform. What I have is various textboxes, of which the last textbox contains input from the other textboxes. For example, I have 3 textboxes. The first one contains months, the second contains years, the third pulls from both the first two.
First: August
Second. 2009
Third: August 2009
What I need is if I change the text in either the first or second textbox, I can click the refresh button and it'll update the third box.
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May 9, 2009
I've created a userform following the tutorial And a Find button which reads a string from a textbox, searches for it on the worksheet, and then displays the data for that row in the userform. I'm trying to work out how to do "Find Next", and it seems complicated. I know there are other techniques, such as filtering, or displaying all the found data in a dialog for user to choose which one to edit. But these are not suitable for my project. Here's the code for my Find button
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Sep 5, 2008
I have used the function = now() to have the most updated time but it updates a workbook when I open it in the first place. How I can avoid this?
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Nov 25, 2008
I have a work book that consists of 15 sheets. Sheets 1-14 are for different stores yearly data and sheet 15 will be an overview of the each month but with all the stores on it.
column B-M have the heading Jan-Dec and will have data in the rows below.
What I want excel to do is by using a command button on sheet 15(Overview)
update the overview sheet with the data that is in the column, corresponding month that is stated in cell A1 on sheet15 from each sheet of the work book.
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Mar 16, 2007
I need is to be able to have a button show up on an Excel spreadsheet that you push to update the DAY and TIME to today. But, I need it to stay in a protected field so that it doesn't accidentally get changed by other users who open it up. And we save these for retention purposes, so if I open it a couple days later, I need the date to stay as the date I edited it on.
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Jan 30, 2014
I have this code :
[Code] .....
Great Timer. Have this assigned to a button to start, how can I work in a button to stop or pause this code from running?
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May 20, 2009
In Excel, I have created a userform where a user inputs parameters into various textboxes. A simulation runs based on these user entered values. All the VB code is in this form. There are some textboxes and charts that are supposed to get updated as the simulation runs so that the user can view the parameters change as the simulation happens (it is a "do loop").
Everything is fine except the charts and textboxes don't display the most current value. They display the starting value during the "do loop " execution. Once the do loop quits, they then display the final values and chart.
I have me.repaint and chart.refresh inside the do loop to display the most recent values. none work, as far displaying the most current values.
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May 9, 2013
I have a userform for data entry. I am able to make codes for Add ( Add entry to database), clear ( Clear userform ) , Cancel (Exit userform). I have some more buttons and functions to be assigned to them but not able to write code .
Need codes for :
1) Have search box which searches Mat id in the complete database and returns value in the search result listbox. When we click on the result in listbox , the userform values are filled with the values that the mat id has . Then if user wishes he can update teh details for that mat id , and click on update button . the data is updated in the database. Or he can delete the entry from database by clicking on delete button.
2) Have arrows which will navigate through database ( need macros for that ) .
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May 10, 2009
I've got a workbook (attached) with a UserForm that summarizes transactions entered in columns A and B based on the entry (color) in column A. If you click on the Button (Summary (Show/Hide)) it brings up the UserForm.
A couple of issues I've struggled with:
1. I'd like the UserForm to open when the workbook opens.
2. I'd like the UserForm to update as entries are made in Columns A and B when the user tabs out of column B
3. I'd like the UserForm to always stay open; the user cannot close it.
I've got the same data in cells G26:M34 but these cells don't "float" as the page moves down. This is the reason I've gone to a UserForm to accumulate the data.
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Feb 17, 2010
Not sure if I am linking this correctly but here it goes...
This is a previous post link that is now solved but I have a new question based on the code in the post. I would like to know how to add a search and update ability to the user form I have created. I am newb with user forms so I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge.
And yes I know the way it is set up now it is depositing data in two different locations; this is for a specific purpose.
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