Anyway To Remove Trailing Zeros?

Jan 13, 2010

Now I have a decimal column and I would like to remove all of the trailing zeros. It is using the number format. How do I accomplish this?

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Keep Trailing Zeros If In Formula Result

Jan 9, 2014

I'm attempting to create a spreadsheet to calculate various things at my work, however I'm running into a problem that I can't solve. In one cell, I have a formula that returns an value to two significant figures. The number of decimal points that this value has is then used at various points throughout the sheet to truncate/round/etc. However, if the first value has a trailing zero as the second significant figure (ex. 0.20), that trailing zero is dropped. This creates problems since downstream calculations are then truncating to an incorrect number of decimal points. How to retain this trailing zero IF the formula results in one?

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Concatenate And Retain Trailing Zeros

Dec 10, 2008

I cant seem to figure out how to concatenate data from two cells into one cell and retain trailing zeros. If Cell A1 has ".0000" and cell A2 has ".0005" then I want cell A3 to show:

I get "0-.0005" on my attempts. Alos, how do I make the value an actual number and not a formula?

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Len Formula That Includes Trailing Zeros

Jun 25, 2007

I have seen a few posts that are close to this but not quite right. I have a situation where I need to do "=LEN..." formula that counts trailing zeros at the end of numbers (meaning zeros that are displayed at the end of a number but do not appear in the actual cell value).

Cell E19 contains the actual value 4773.52, but it is displayed in currency format with FOUR digits so it displays as $4,773.5200.

The formula I am using is =LEN(MID(E19,FIND(".",E19)+1,4)). The result is 2, which means it does not include the last two trailing zeros in the LEN count.

Is there anyway to get it to include the trailing zeros so the result equals 4? Either w/formula, macro, or UDF?

Is weird I know, but I need to know how many decimal places (displayed, not actual) for many numbers on many sheets that I do not create myself.

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Decimal Format With No Trailing Zeros

Jan 13, 2009

I need to never have a trailing zero be displayed but still have decimals displayed (we can use up to 3 digits for the example) Here's a list of test cases


The only time I want to see a 0 is when the answer is 0 (or rounded to 0) or when 0 is required in the middle. This is for patient safety if you are curious. 2.0 when printed out or written by hand can be mistakenly read as "20" in the heat of things, thus 2.0 should be written/printed as "2" (no decimal on the end) not as "2." even, just "2"

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Concatenate And Retain Leading, Trailing Zeros

Feb 13, 2009

I asked this along time ago and received a worksheet formula which suited my needs then.

Now I need this in a macro. Below is my current concatenating code.

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Copying Decimal Values To Different Cells With Leading / Trailing Zeros?

Jan 28, 2013

I have 4 columns (and a couple of other text columns) that are formatted as decimal with 6 dicimal points.

I need to create a text file with lines that are 80 bytes each from the spreadsheet - no spaces inbetween each of the characters.

The issue I am having is trying to format the 4 decimal point columns to be fixed numbers and retain the leading or trailing zeros to do a concatenation with the other columns.

Just an example of some what some of the values look like on my spreadsheet:

.123456 | .123450 | .012345 | .012340

Essentially when I'm all said and done, I would like the row to look like "text123456123450012345012340text"

I tried to format 4 new columns as general and use a "=right(cell,6)" and that worked pretty well for the cells that have leading zeros, but for the cells that have trailing zeros, it doesn't seem to pick up the zero. I tried to use a "=mid(cell,2,6)" but that didn't work either.

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Remove Trailing Spaces?

Sep 18, 2013

I have a column of data in which each cell contains a line of text. Each line of text has spaces after the letters end and there doesn't seem to be a consistent number of trailing spaces.

I can clean up the data using the TRIM function but is it possible to use the TEXT TO COLUMNS functionality?

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Remove Trailing Letter

Oct 12, 2008

I have a set of data with trailing Y in certain cells.

Instead of the replace function in Excel, is there another way of removing the "Y" in that cell and storing it another cell while keeping the numbers before the Y.

i've created another column to determine which cells has Y as the right most character by using =IF(RIGHT(F2,1)="Y","Y","")

So for example, I want to remove the Y from say Cell A2 and store it in say cell A3 while still keeping the value 8624.46 in A2

Cell A2 = 8624.46Y

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Cannot Remove Trailing Spaces

Sep 24, 2006

I have an excel file with two sheets . One containing the updated prices with its code ( Sheet1) and the other containing the old prices with the same codes (sheet2). Now after several trials to copy the new prices from sheet 1 to sheet 2 with check if the code is same . ( I couldn't )

So how to get rid of the 20 spaces from Sheet1 column A.

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Remove Trailing Spaces

Oct 29, 2006

I have written a function which works in the same way as the concatenate formula but where required it uses an underscore to make up the length (14 Characters) of the result. I seem however to have hit a minor snag when users input trailing spaces. I thought I could use trim to eliminate them but it doesnt seem to be working

Function HypCon(CorpAcct, Subdiv)

Dim n, i, iLen, iLen2 As Integer
Dim sCorpAcct, sSubdiv As String
Dim iLen3, iLen4 As Integer
iLen = Len(Trim(CorpAcct))
iLen2 = 7
iLen3 = Len(Trim(Subdiv))
iLen4 = 5..............

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Remove Trailing Commas

Mar 15, 2008

Removing Trailing Commas

I have a list (general ledger) GL codes with trailing commas


When I try to use “replace” and replace the multiple commas with nothing it turns my gl codes into a scientific number (1.23456789123456E+26), but my cell is formatted to text.

The other problem is for numbers with a single trailing comma, it would also remove the commas between the GL codes

Is there a function that removes trailing commas, or commas that are not followed by numbers?

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Remove Trailing Spaces Not Working

Mar 28, 2009

The below code removes trailing spaces, but for some reason it does not remove space from this, i clicked F2 and the space is still there, why does it work on some but not others?


Sub test()
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
.Value = Evaluate("if(" & .address & """"",trim(" & .address & "),"""")")
End With
End Sub

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Remove Trailing Spaces Vlookup

Jan 5, 2007

I am doing a vlookup on fields such as 02-0223. In one table, there is a space at the end of 02-0223 and in the other table, there is no space. How can I delete the space so the numbers match in vlookup?

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Remove Trailing Carriage Returns

May 17, 2007

I have an SQL query that returns some text data to a cell from another system.
In this system the users sometimes enter superfluous carriage returns after the text.

Can someone tell me how to write a formula/VBA code that would remove the trailing carriage return/s.

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Remove Leading And Trailing Spaces In A Cell?

Dec 5, 2013

Any easy way to remove all spaces from a cell, both leading and trailing? I find it hard to believe that Excel doesn't have this functionality. I don't particulary want to write a VBA script since I have never done it but if that's the only way, I'd love to know how to write it. I have looked everywhere but obviously not in the right places.

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Remove Multiple And Trailing Spaces In Cells?

Oct 16, 2013

how to remove multiple leading and trailing spaces while leave spaces in the middle of the string in place? I have tried text to columns but this does not remove the multiple spaces.

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Search For & Remove Leading Or Trailing Spaces

Sep 1, 2008

I wrote a tool that people at work use. They initially need to paste in a bunch of customer locations with Address, City, State, Zip, etc. Sometimes the Users have "bad input" data that has non-breaking spaces, multiple space between words, or leading and trailing spaces and nonbreaking spaces. I have code to get rid of all of those problems. However, the Users often use their data for other important functions at work. So I want to give them a message to let them know that their Original Data is "bad".

So instead of just "Fix" . . . I want to "Report the problem", then "Fix". I need to identify exactly what problem was found - not just tell the User that their data is bad.

I wrote a simple Search routine with error handling that identifies 2 of the 4 cases and notifies the User:
Case 1) ASCII 160 (non-breaking space, HTML &nbsp
Case 2) multiple spaces (2 or more consecutive spaces)
Case 3) Leading or Trailing Spaces (ASCII 032)
Case 4 Leading or Trailing non-breaking spaces (ASCII 160, which is HTML &nbsp)

I cannot quite figure out how to find the 3rd and 4th Cases. If anyone can help me with Case 4 especially, then I can probably do the same thing for Case 3.

I think it will work to somehow use this idea - the code is not even real code but it is just conceptual:
RIGHT(CellReference, 1) = Char(160) or Char(032)
LEFT(CellReference, 1) = Char(160) or Char(032)

Anyway, here is what I have so far . . .

Sub NotifyBadInput
ErrorFlag = False
Cells.Select ' select entire worksheet

' BAD INPUT 1 - lLook for any occurence of ASCII 160 (non-breaking space, HTML &nbsp)
' and Notify the User if any of his Input cells contain &nbsp's
On Error Goto errormsg1
Selection.Find(What:=" ", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate

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Remove Leading & Trailing Spaces From Cells

May 27, 2008

While entering data space is given in the first and last of each cell content. For example

if there is a word Alex Patrix in a cell, space is given before A of alex and after x of Patrix. This is done fo many cells. I want to remove only initial and last space which is un-necessary.
The space caused problem to compare cell so i've to remove space.

I've around 2500 cells with this problem.

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Remove Trailing Letter From Numbers & Convert To Positive / Negative

Feb 16, 2008

I use currency data pasted from legacy program that pastes dollar values followed by a C or D to represent debit and credits, ie -- 1,000,000.00C or 1,000,000.00D.

Is there some way to remove the letter and correctly format the value to a negative or positive number on a whole worksheet or column?

Currently I am doing this manually one cell at a time.

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Vba To Remove Zeros

Nov 6, 2007

i have numbers like:


i need:


i cant use formulas because its in text and for some reason if i try to use a formula the formula shows but not the answer.

vba would be prefered.

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Remove Zeros

Feb 28, 2010

Can anyone suggest a formula that will take a number (a variable amount of placeholders), and remove any trailing zeros.

eg. 6000 = 6, , 23 = 23, 230 = 23, 2300 = 23, 23000 = 23

Also looking for a similar forumla that will strip off any numeric characters from a text string of variable length.

eg ACA2343 = ACA, GNVC23 = GNVC, DAL12 = DAL, CGHJ = CGHJ, CGHJ5002 = CGHJ

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Remove Preceeding Zeros

Jul 7, 2007

i have a number formate 0000001 and another formate 0000123005

i would like to move only all the zeros on the left side of the number .

i got this code from Dave before:

Sub KillZeros()
'*Note: Column B must be the Entry No one

Range("B:B").Replace What:="000", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _

End Sub

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Remove Letters And Zeros From String

Oct 20, 2011

I have a list of about 1,400 numbers ranging in different lengths. What I'm trying to accomplish with a formula is to remove the single letter at the end of each number (not all numbers have them) and in addition to removing all zeros at the beginning of the number (again not all numbers have them).

Here is an example...say I have the following 5 numbers:


And what I need my formula to do provide is the following results instead:


So far I have started with the following =LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-1), but that will always remove the last character (number and letter).

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Macro: Remove Zeros From Array

Dec 20, 2006

I have a array which includes zero's and based on this array I would like to create a new (almost identical) array, where the cells with zero's are omitted.

To illustrate, I would like to make some code which will bring me from OldArray to NewArray:



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Remove Zeros With Apostrophes On Import File

Jul 28, 2004

I am importing a csv file and each field in this file is imported with an apostrophe

eg: '01

I need to remove the apostrophes but leave the information as text thereby keeping my leading 0's

have tried formatting as text
data text to columns

nothing I do works.

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Remove Front Zeros & Add Space Before Last 2 Characters

Jun 13, 2007

I want to remove the front zero(s) from the front and put a space before the last two letters for the following column of data in Excel:


Final result will have this format and the data are right aligned.
1 MG
20 MG
100 MG
1000 MG

The numbers can vary (e.g. 0150MG, 0025MG,etc.) but the arrangement is always the same: four figures for the first 4 characters and two letters for the last two characters.
The format of the cells containing the data is: “General”

My table has 7 columns and these data are in the 5th column in a worksheet called “ProductSummary”. The number of rows for the records can vary from 10 to over a couple of hundred.

How can I use VBA to: 1) automatically select the table range in that worksheet and reformat all the data in the 5th column.

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Excel 2007 :: How To Remove Leading Zeros Of Number

May 6, 2011

I have a lot of record that contain number like shown below:


I want to remove all 0 in front of this number in excel.. I use excel 2007..

I already try using formula

=IF( LEFT(A1) = "0" , RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-5), A1)

but it only remove 5 character in front what about the number that have 6 '0'......

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Remove Character From Range & Pad Resulting Numbers With Zeros

Mar 3, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with a column that containts UNSPSC codes that can be in any of the four following formats:-


I basically want ta formula that will find and remove any / leaving me with


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Suppress Zeros In A Pivot Table (search Out Any Zeros And Replace With A Blank Cell)

Oct 12, 2009

with the data in the attached sheet, I create several different pivot tables that need show the count of the information in the columns M:DU. My issue is that the data is sent to me from a third party and the columns contain zeros that cause the counts to inflate.

What I would like to be able to do is run a macro that will search out any zeros in M:DU and replace them with a blank cell.

Unfortunately the number of rows increases with every monthly reporting cycle so the macro would need to be able to accommodate for that.

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