Cancel Conditional Formatting If Date Entered In Column

Jul 2, 2014

Cells in Column F change colour under certain conditions. How do I cancel or apply no format to cells in Column F if any date is entered in Column G.

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Conditional Formatting To A Column Based On Date

Mar 7, 2012

I have a column of cells containing dates. I need to change the colour of any cell which is 7 days older than todays date. I would like to leave the header and any blank cells unchanged. Every formula I've tried has changed the enire column, or if I selected a range, the entire range.

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Conditional Formatting Query: Changes Colour When Certain Text Is Entered

Sep 10, 2009

I have a column of cells that changes colour when certain text is entered into them, ie "TIME" will make the fill colour brown. However, when other text is entered into the cell alongside "TIME", the conditional formatting doesn't change the colour of the cell. How do i get around this so it picks up on the "TIME" text even when other text exists alongside it?

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Keeping Cells With Formula And Conditional Formatting Blank Until Data Entered?

Feb 22, 2013

I have a spreadsheet filled with formulas that depend on a value being entered into A2, A3, A4, etc... So column A starting at A2 is where I will manually input a number and the formulas I have in columns B, C, and D will import information from another sheet based off what is put in column A. In column D the formula I have to import data

is =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,Master!C:M,11,0),"").

This will import another number. Additionally in column D, I have conditional formatting that will return a red, yellow or green light based off the rule I have in place. Everything works fine, the only problem is that column D has a green light all the way down even without a value being placed in column A. I would like to find out a way to keep the cells in column D blank until a value is entered in column A. Also, if I go back and delete the value in column A, I would like the corresponding cell in column D to go back to blank as well.

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Conditional Formatting - Two Different Fields Affect One Cells Formatting For Date?

Sep 16, 2013

A little background on what i am doing. I have a spreadsheet that tracks when i have blown the dust out of our computers. I have set up conditional formatting so that the text turns red after 300 days and the cell turns yellow after 600 days. However, some computers are in high dust environments. I would like the spreadsheet to tell me to blow the dust out of these sooner. see the attached sheet.

dust 1.xlsx

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Move A Row From One Worksheet To Another When Date Entered In Date Claimed Column

Jun 25, 2014

I have a lost and found log that has 2 worksheets: (1) Unresolved and (2) Resolved. Data is entered into the Unresolved worksheet when something is lost or found. When a date is entered under Date Claimed / Sent to Capitol Police (column I), I would like the data in that row to be removed from the Unresolved worksheet and automatically inserted in the next blank row of the Resolved worksheet. I know very little VB,

Date Reported
Lost or Found?
Item Description
Name of Person Reporting Item


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Conditional Format - Highlight Cells In Column That Have Entered Numbers Rather Than Formulas

May 29, 2013

Col A - budget items (description)
Col B - budget dollars
Col C - actual dollars
Row 10 - summation Cols B and C

When the budget is prepared the actual dollars in Col C are equal to the budget dollars for all items. For instance the formula =b2 is placed in cell C2. As time passes the user records actual dollars in Col C for each item by entering the actual amount directly into the cell. Actual dollars do not become known all at the same time, so that Col C will contain a mixture of formulas and entered numbers.

How can I highlight the cells in Col C that have entered numbers rather than formulas.

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Enter Sth In Column A Then The Date And Time Automaticaly Entered In Column B E.g

Jan 20, 2009

I want to enter any thing in column (A) and then the date & time automaticaly put in column (B)
enter any thing in (A1), the date & time entered in (B1) automaticaly
enter any thing in (A2), the date & time entered in (B2) automaticaly

and so on ...

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VBA To Enter Text In Column After Date Entered In Other Column

Sep 23, 2008

I have the following code that fills a range of cells (starting at the active cell) with the date a user selects from a calendar control.

Private Sub Calendar1_Click()
ActiveCell.Value = Calendar1.Value
Selection.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Audit_Results_Data_Collection").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
Selection.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Audit_Results_Data_Collection").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
Selection.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Audit_Results_Data_Collection").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)....................

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Date That Is Entered In One Column Change Dates

Aug 30, 2007

In tab 1, I am trying get column S to change to what any time date in column F, G, H, J, L, N, Q or R get changed to-

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Cancel Conditional Formating If Cell Not Empty

Aug 11, 2009

I am trying to have conditional formatting of cells apply only if another cell is blank in 2007. A3 has a formatting of =MOD(ROW(),2)=1, then =AND (A3<>"",A3+15<=$G$1) to change the color based on date and finally =AND(A3<>"",A3+30<=$G$1) to again change the color again by date. What I would like to do is for the cells in columb A to change only if corresponding columb B cell is empty, without using macros if possible.

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Due Date Conditional Formatting

Jun 3, 2014

I have a very large spreadsheet that looks like this


What I would like to highlight those cells in green that got to their current state before their due date.

So the date in F is before the Date in H and highlight those in red that did not get to their date in F before the date in H..

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Conditional Formatting Before And After Certain Date

May 1, 2009

Can you have a conditional format that formats the cell one way before a certain date and then another way on and after that date?

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Conditional Formatting With A Date

Jun 12, 2013

I have set up a spreadsheet with a set of dates occurring in one column.What I would like is for the cell to highlight in yellow if the value is 3-6 months ago more from today's date and then highlight in red if the value is 6 months or more from today's date.I'm using office 2013 if that makes a difference

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Conditional Formatting For Date?

Jan 9, 2014

I will like colour of the cell (column M) to change if the SOS (column M) date is in 7 days and their is no scope column D.

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Conditional Formatting On Due Date

Sep 3, 2009

Conditional Formatting for Due Dates. I have A1 which is due date and I want A1 to be formatted with red text if it is 2 days before the due date.

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Conditional Formatting With Date?

Jan 6, 2014

I have a column contain cell with value of dates. The value is from Vlookup formula. The problem is when I try to do color code to yellow for any past date from current date to all cells that contain the date value in that column, I dont see any change.

The formula I used for past date from current is =today()-1 (so that should be correct). So, I am wondering why none of the dates that past do not change the color thru the conditional formatting I did.

The Conditional formatting formula I used:

"Format only cells that contain" -- > Cell Value -- > less than or equal to -- > =today()-1

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Conditional Formatting For Date

Jul 12, 2007

I have 2 columns that I need to set conditional formatting for. In one column (D) I have a date of when a person needs to be paid. In the next column (E) I have when the date of payment was or nothing indicating I have still not paid this person. What I need column D to do is have conditional formatting (im assuming this is the right way to do this) color the cell if we are late or if the person has not been paid yet according to the date in the E cells. Here is what I have so far:

(in cell D1)
Condition 1:
Cell Value is greater then =$E1
Color grey

Condition 2:
Cell value is less than =$E1
Color pink

He is where im running into the trouble. Condition 1 indicates that if cell D is greater then cell E then I have paid the person on time or sooner (grey). Condition 2 shows that if cell D is a date before the date in cell E then it turns pink indicating I was late on payment.

What I also need the condition to do is change cell D pink if there is no info in cell E, which is indicating that I still need to pay someone. So I tried a 3rd condition, but it doesn’t coincide with condition 1. I tried:

Condition 3:
Cell value is greater then 0
Color pink

What I need the 3rd condition to do is say if cell E has nothing in it then I need cell D to change to pink. Im assuming I need 3 conditions for this to work, but im not to sure.

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Enter Current Date In Column If Values Entered In Adjacent Columns

Feb 22, 2013

Code to enter the current date in column if the values are entered in the adjacent column's.

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Conditional Formatting (largest Number In Column B The Hotel In Column A Should Be In Bold)

Oct 18, 2008

when the largest number in column B the hotel in column A should be in bold.

So in excel language IF(Number in B Is Max display corresponding hotel in column A as BOLD. But I can't figure out how to do this.

You can see here on the image:

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Conditional Formatting With Date Range

Feb 26, 2014

I have a column of dates in column M, and in A1 I have the formula =TODAY() for today's date. I would like to conditionally format all of column M (up to row 198) so that it turns orange if the date in M is before today and after or equal to 3 working days before the date in M.

I have this
But it doesn't appear to be working because it's highlighting dates after todays date.

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Conditional Formatting With Date Calculations?

Sep 30, 2013

I have two date columns named "start_date" and "Dead_line".

Both the columns are in the date format. Ex: 9/14/13 9:14 AM

i want the third column to be the "status" column.

if sysdate-dead_line < 30 % of (dead_line - start_date), then the status column should become green. if sysdate-dead_line is between 30 % and 70 % of (dead_line - start_date), then the status column should become amber. if sysdate-dead_line > 70% of (dead_line - start_date), then the status column should become red.

First the dead_line - start_date to be converted to hours, then have to do conditional formatting like mentioned above.

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Conditional Formatting - Date In Cell

May 13, 2014

I want set a condition in a cell that contains a date , to change to a colour when this date has passed another date by 3 days. E.g. order date received date if the received date has gone over 3 days past the order date i want it to flag up and change colour.

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Multiple Conditional Formatting With Date?

Mar 31, 2014

Despite 'Google is my Friend' and lot of test, I got a bug in my formula. I'd like to colorize date between (Today + 30) and (Today + 60) The line with the xlsBetween operator, fail...

[Code] ......

Existing solution : I know how to bypass this issue, but it's really an awfull solution : fill all column with orange, and then the Conditional formating will overrun the orange color when nedeed. Works but I don't like it ...

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Date Function (conditional Formatting)

Sep 24, 2008

I would like a date in a cell to flag up in a colour (say, red) once the date has expired by a certain period (e.g 7 days). How can I do this (conditional format).

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Using Different Cells Date For Conditional Formatting?

Jul 31, 2012

I feel like this is a pretty simple question to answer but I cant find an answer to it anywhere or I'm just not skilled enough to understand it. I have two columns D and E that have dates in them. Column D is the purchase date of a computer and column E is how many years months and days its been since it was purchased. I want both columns to be the same color. If the computer is 2 years old or less I want it green, 3-4 yrs old yellow and 4+ red. I have it working for column D but I can't figure out how to apply it to column E.

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Conditional Formatting With Date Stamps?

Jan 22, 2014

I need to know if new entries are made within the last 7 days. I do not need the date posted to my viewing just a highlight in my choosing of color. I only want the conditional format to last 7 days then it can go away to normal format. Is this possible or is there an alternative function available to solve same problem?

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Conditional Formatting Based On Date

Feb 12, 2008

I am trying to use conditional formatting to highlight items that are either past due or coming due soon. The data to be evualuated is in a report that I extract from another system and run bi-weekly or monthly. The dates included in the report represent the date in which something was last updated, certified, tested, etc. All dates expire one-year from when they were last completed. The colors that I want are as follows:

If something is past due (date shown is more than 1 year old) or due within 30 days = RED.

If something is due within 31-60 days = YELLOW

If something is due within 61-90 days = GREEN

So, if an item on a report is showing it was "LAST UPDATED" on 2/21/2007 it should show up RED because it is due within the next 30 days.

If an item is not expired (less than 1-year old) and falls outside of the defined 90 day window then it should just remain as is with no formatting.

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Scrollable Date Bar / Cells - Conditional Formatting

Oct 16, 2013

how the scrolling date bar in the attached is achieved. I am not asking for a step by step with code I am just after the basics of how this was achieved and i will research the rest. Most importantly is how to associate the dates with the rest of the cells in the column, as I imagine this is how I am going to fill the cell...The purpose is to add this scrolling date bar to my workbook, also attached.

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Date In Cell - Calculation AND Conditional Formatting

Sep 24, 2011

Short Version: I need to find a way to have the date in a cell be used for both a calculation (one date subtracted from another) AND a conditional format (Cell changes color based on the month). Cell format is mm/dd/yy

Explanation: We enter information for each work order on a row in our Master Work Order List. For each new work order we start a new row at the bottom of the sheet.

We calculate each work order's throughput time by having a formula in column F that subtracts the Start Date in column D from the Complete Date in column E.


All date values are entered as mm/dd/yy and the cell format is mm/dd/yy.

At the end of the month, we put an AVERAGE formula into a cell in column H and, for the sources, use all cells in column F that represent work orders that were completed for THAT month. The problem is not all work orders complete in the order they started and some can start in one month but not complete until 2 months later, so we can't just click-drag a bunch of cells in a column. Sorting doesn't work because after we click and drag a bunch of cells and get the average, when we re-sort back to Sort by Work Order Number, the clicked-cells don't move, but the data does.

We end up just looking up and down column E looking for dates from this month and hope we got them all.

So I thought, "Hey, I know, I'll put conditional formats into column F so that if the date in column E starts with 01 (January), the cell in column F will turn Red, and if it's 02 (February), the cell will turn Orange and so on through the end of the year! That way we could just look for a given color each month and are MUCH less likely to get it wrong!

I added conditional formatting using the LEFT(E#,2) formula, hit [Enter] and... nothing.

I thought, "I"ll set the cell formats to TEXT so the LEFT formula 'sees' the month number!"

So I set the cell formats to TEXT and then the conditional format 'sees' the '01' for January and changes color!!

But now the Throughput Time formula (=E#-D#) doesn't work.

I think it's because Excel can DISPLAY a date as mm/dd/yy (due to Date Format), but it actually calculates date information based on a number that REPRESENTS the mm/dd/yy. I read that Excel 'sees' each date as a number representing time passing, not as "mm/dd/yy" and uses that number for calculations.

SO, is there a way to have a cell's date be 'calculatable' and still have it change color based on the month?

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