Using VBA, can anyone please advise if it is possible to change the name of a large number of files in a directory. I want to get each file name as a string, truncate the first few characters, then change the name to the new filename, all without opening any of the files whose names are to be changed.
I need to copy the names and date modified from all pdf files in a open directory. The directory name will change month to month. I will copy the names into an excel workbook that will be opened as well called Shipped starting in sheet1 cell P2
I have a directory where our customer service people deposit forms each day. The form is always the same, with a number of columns that need to be copied into a master list. From there they are analyzed, sorted, etc, then exported, so the number of rows in that list varies from day to day as well. Is there some way to have VBA import each file sequentially from a directory if I do not have the exact file names?
I am using this import code from a macro to start with:
Sub importdata() ' importdata Macro Range("A2").Select With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=Array(Array( _ "ODBC;DSN=Excel Files;DBQ=C:Documents and SettingsMy DocumentsTender Document(1).xls;DefaultDir=C:Documents a" _
I have a directory where our customer service people deposit forms each day. The form is always the same, with a number of columns that need to be copied into a master list. From there they are analyzed, sorted, etc, then exported, so the number of rows in that list varies from day to day as well. Is there some way to have VBA import each file sequentially from a directory if I do not have the exact file names?
I am using this import code from a macro to start with: .....
I am trying to prompt the user for the directory to be saved in and file name to be saved as; then save the workbook in the input directory with the inputted file name.
my formula is as follows: =(VLOOKUP(A7,'[Monthly AR Analysis - Feb09.xls]AR - Current'!$A$1:$I$153,8,FALSE)). I will be using this for formula on about 15 different worksheets ... my issue is the file name changes every month and currently I have to go in and do a find and replace, I would like to have one main page where I could change the file name month and it will change all the rest.
ie: Monthly AR Analysis - Feb09.xls next month changes to Monthly AR Analysis - Mar09.xls .... So basically each month I want it to pick up the new file that has been saved with the new name. So what I would want is to be able to have a cell that I could change the Feb09 to Mar09 and then it would do the same to all the worksheets. I attempted to use CONCATENATE to change file name and it worked but will not work within the Vlookup.
I am trying to do something which is very slow and manual. What i have is like a seperate spreadsheet from every day and have to save each one down manually in the respective date. so for example column C has the date in already. Can you tell me how to save all the excel workbooks which are open (if i open them all) and then use the date in column C (which is in the format 20090217) and save it as a xls in the format 170209 and then close the workbooks?
sorry this is a huge question, just takes me so long to save them all.
I had posted earlier and felt I had solved my problem, but I have not. What I am trying to do is use code to change directory when the save menu is activated.
I want to be able to open from one location and then it defaults to another. I have tried "chdir" , but I can't seem to get it to work. Even when I change the DefaultFilePath, the "save as" location defaults to the location where the file was opened from. I want to default all "saves" in a specific location without using the menu to select.
I have been limited lately to only working on this project at work because I have added a few lines here and there throughout the workbook that make a reference to the directory the file is located in. for example:
i'm looking for a macro which within a sheet named "foldernamedump" will list in a column the folder names within a directory I specify. I have seen a couple of sample codes but I just cant seem to get them working at all so I think its best to start from scratch and the work i get supplied here is always perfect. I also want the macro to clear the contents of the sheet before it loads again just to ensure there is no old data within the sheet.
I have a music folder on my computer with a TON of music in it. Some folders have sub-folders as well.
I need an easy way to point to a specific folder and pull ALL the names of the files within that folder and all of the sub-folders and put them on an Excel worksheet.
So a brief example...
Main Folder: Now That's What I Call Music Sub-Folders: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, etc And within each sub-folder is at least 2 more folders named CD1 and CD2.
I want to pull the name of every song in ALL of these folders into one collective list in Excel.
I am looking for the best way to create a new file in windows. I am just looking to create a save filename template. After I run a macro, a graph is created and printed to pdf. I want this macro to create a filename, so that when the save as dialog box opens, I just have to doubleclick the existing filename. Then I save the excel workbook as another.
For example, after I run the macro, the pdf printer will open up a save as dialog to c: emp. I want to have this macro create two files there, one DaveGraph.PDF and one DaveExcel.xls. They really won't be files, just names. They can be 0kb files. I want it to be as efficient as possible. I know I could create a new workbook and save it there with the correct name, but isn't there an easier way?
I have a work book that I have to copy over 70 times for over 70 work locations. As you can see, this will require different file names for each location.
I would like some have help with a code that I can use. If possialbe I like a code that will make copies of the file renaming each with the names I have on another list. Is this feasible?
Is there any way of making the default directory location for application.getopenfilename work properly with shared locations?
Presently I use ChDrive then Chdir but I cant use ChDrive if workbook is opened from a link in email for example. Please see below
I have a VBA routine that asks the user to load an existing file on startup.
I want the window for the file selection to open at the same folder every time. (the folder is on a shared drive)
The workbook to run the code will always be located on this same share at a fixed location.
My present code builds the path to the desired opening folder by collecting the drive letter from the current working directory (which has to be done as everybody maps there shares to different letters here, its not guaranteed to be the same! )
then i ChDrive to this letter.
Then I ChDir to letter plus myKnowndirPath
This works fine, the window always opens at my required folder. But only as long as the user has navigated to the folder containing the spreadsheet and then ran it from there. Because that way a drive letter is available.
However i found that if i sent a link to the workbook or its home folder. And the user opens the link or a windows explorer from that link and then runs file from there.
Then it stops working beacause there is no local drive letter in the working directory path. i.e. working directory shows as
I have a worksheet with many tables that I use in formulas.
I like tables for a couple reasons, one being the ability to insert/delete rows without affecting the rest of that worksheet row.
Also, automatic copy of formulas/formatting is great.
But, what I really like about tables is the ability to use the naming conventions in formulas.
Problem is when I save this worksheet, after I close it and open it back up, all table references in my formulas have been converted to cell references.
=IF((SUMIF('Quote 1'!$M$28:$M$43,">"&'Quote 1'!$J$57:$J$60)*'Quote 1'!$G$57:$G$60)+(COUNTIF('Quote 1'!$M$28:$M$43,""&'Quote 1'!$J$57:$J$60)*'Quote 1'!$G$57:$G$60)+(COUNTIF('Quote 1'!$M$28:$M$43,""&tblOSSRV[Min Order Cost])*tblOSSRV[Cost / Part])+(COUNTIF(tblFam[[#Data],[Qty by Factor2]],""&tblOSSRV[Min Parts Per Line])*tblOSSRV[Cost / Part])+(COUNTIF(tblFam[[#Data],[Qty by Factor2]],"
This code opens a UserForm in the Workbook_Open event when the file is opened. After 10 seconds, the message is supposed to go away if the user doesn't click anything, then macros that follow are supposed to run. It is intended to allow a user to stop the macros. This works when you open the file manually (macro security must be low), you'll see a msgbox pop up after the UserForm goes away.
However, when the workbook is opened as a Windows Scheduled Task (Windows/ Control Panel/ Scheduled Tasks), the UserForm does not come to the front of the screen unless a user actually clicks on the window. It just flashes at the bottom indefinitely.
1) I'm relatively new to arrays, but what I need to do is generate a list of file names and the sheets within each one. I would like to use an array for this, but since I don't have much experience.... well....that's why I'm here. Can someone point me in the right direction?
2) And the second part of this.... I was planning on using the FileSystemObject to determine the files in a selected folder and loop through that list of files, opening each one and harvesting the required info (file name and all sheet names). Should I use the FSO or is there something built into Excel that might be better (and also limit the number of dependencies for this little "project" of mine).
By Code I am trying to SaveAs the present Workbook : Only in the same directory as the present Workbook- but with a different file name. The new file name would be :"the Filename of the Active Workbook" + " ("D9") of the Sheet("ADMIN")". This macro will only be run from the Sheet("Admin").
I have a spreadsheet, where the corresponding invoice number is located in column I.
All the necessary invoices have been scanned in as pdf's in folder Y:FinanceSalesInvoices.
The question is, can a code be written to say in column Z, that a hyperlink be created to that particular invoice. For example, in cell I2, it would have Invoice1, then in cell Z2, it would have a hyperlink of Y:FinanceSalesInvoicesInvoice1.pdf.
I have a workbook that is produced by some other application that names the file "FAMMToday_#.xls"
Where # increases from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 and so forth until all the analyst are done with adjustments. so the directory can look like but doesnt always go to five and nor is it limited to five. "FAMMToday_1.xls" "FAMMToday_2.xls" "FAMMToday_3.xls" "FAMMToday_4.xls" "FAMMToday_5.xls"
Basically what I want to do is to create a button which when pressed opens a file picker (I think its called this way) and the user should find and select a pdf file. And when he does that he clicks "OK" and this file is copied to specified folder.
The script below writes a ".csv" file to the same directory that contains the workbook the macro, "foo" is run from. I'd like to change the script to always write the file to a separate directory which is: "c:etcupload".
I have an excel spreadsheet that has a list of pathways to different folders (ex. Q:TechnicalY001) in each row. I want a macro that will search each of the folders I list in a range of cells and return the most recent file by the Date in the filename:
The macro would return the most recent file in Y001 and dump the filename into cell B1. Then it would return the most recent file in Y002 and dump the filename into B2.
After I have all of the most recent filenames, I want to be able to search each of those files for data in certain cells and then dump that data into the spreadsheet. The cells are always going to be the same in each file.
I've got this code that will copy data into my worksheet from the most recent .IRP file generated on my C:/ drive. Along with copying the data to my worksheet, I'd like to have a copy of the IRP file copied to a folder on my L:/Drive.
In the code section I've commented out the code that allows the data from the most recent file to be copied to my worksheet. I found code that supposedly will copy a file to a new directory. I want to combine this into my code to allow both to happen. Here's my attempt.