Changing Pivots By Using Dropdown Menu For A Month
Apr 12, 2013
I am running a performance spreadsheet/Dashboard using pivots from a data source, I have been requested for a dropdown (Month selector) which changes the pivot table, is this possible without the end user having to manually change it in the pivot?
The dropdown is to be placed on the main dashboard.
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Feb 19, 2014
I have a large workbook, with multiple sheets. I would like to be able to select a name from a drop down menu, and have the cell color change for all entries of that name in my other sheets. I can do it manually, but it would be much cleaner and easier to have Excel do it for me. I have looked at other answers here on this forum and know that if it can be done,
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Oct 24, 2011
My data sheet has a Month column, and those months are simply numbers one to twelve. They are formatted as plain old numbers. The data is coming from somewhere outside Excel.
How the numbers look in the data sheet doesn't matter. But I use this data to generate pivots, wherein the months are the columns. I want it to say Jan, Feb, etc. across the top of the pivot.
I realize that I could just loop through the raw data and convert the numbers to text. However, I want the pivot table to recognize this data as dates, so that I can do date-related stuff, such as the date grouping described on p. 85 of Jelen's Pivot Table Data Crunching book.
If I go into the raw data and try to convert the cells to the mmm format, they all convert to January.
I'm aware that formatting doesn't translate from raw data to pivot table anyhow. But it's not clear to me how I can use the date field grouping functions without somehow showing Excel that these are dates. Or is the pivot table smart enough to realize that just by the names, even if they are formatted as text?
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Sep 13, 2006
I have used the archive and Mr Excel and cobbled together a code which does what I want - that is to use a remote cell entry to update a specific page field cell in 4 pivot tables. I then use another remote entry to do the same to two secondary Page Field Cells in 2 of the 4 pivot tables.
However, if my remote cell has a number in it that IS NOT in the the pivot Page Field List then rather than breaking the code it simply overwrites (and therefore changes the value in the pivot table Page Field List) - disaster!!
My code is
Sub testflash()
Dim mycell As Integer
mycell = Range("b15").Value
Sheets("Dissection Table").Select
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable21").PivotFields("Serial Number").CurrentPage = mycell
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable22").PivotFields("Serial Number").CurrentPage = mycell
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable23").PivotFields("Serial Number").CurrentPage = mycell
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable24").PivotFields("Serial Number").CurrentPage = mycell
Application.Run "'KPI Mastercopy Data.xls'!testing"
End Sub
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Jul 7, 2014
I've got a workbook with multiple worksheets related to several subsidiary companies for each state & territory, resulting in 450+ worksheets in the workbook. I created a summary sheet with a dropdown menu for each state/territory that pulls in the relevant data using "=indirect". For example, selecting CA from the dropdown menu populates the combined revenue, expenses, etc., for all subsidiaries in CA. However, I've got 50 states plus some territories. I'd like the revenue, expenses, etc. for every dropdown option. Ideally, a separate sheet (or whatever) that lists all 50 states and the revenue, expenses, etc., for each one below (or across).
Is there any way to do this automatically so I don't have to select every single option and copy and paste the numbers into a different worksheet?
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May 1, 2013
How to create a dropdown menu to pick from two selections?
Basically, I have a 'Status' column and the status will always be 'Open' or 'Closed' and I'd like you just to be able to click a cell in that column and select one or the other.
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May 5, 2014
How can I write my code so that the drop down box always is visible ( like a combobox)? This code is correct and makes a drop-down list but I want it visible at all the time.
[Code] ....
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Feb 12, 2013
i looking for a drop down menu ..! like year , month so that no change that area
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Dec 23, 2013
I'm looking for a way for excel to output data to a cell dependent on what I choose from a drop down menu.
For example. I have a drop down menu with 3 options. 1,2 and 3. What I want is that if I choose option 2, then in cell A2 (or whatever) would output the value of 2, say "2222". Or if I choose 1, then A2 would output the value of 1, say "12345".
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Jul 27, 2014
I have a normal validation dropdown menu/list. (say it is based on the cells B1:B20)
When i use a filter and the results are cell B1,B5 and B8 the dropdown menu still shows cel B1:B20
How can i make it only show cell B1,B5 and B8?
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Dec 20, 2012
i have a excel sheet which i use to estimate of course i have many contractors i use
my question is, is it possible to create a drop down menu with the contractors name and autofill the cells below with the address
Cell_B5 Company (Dropdown)
Cell_B6 111 Street Rd
Cell_B7 TownCity State 11111
or is it without a dropdown possible by just typing the first few letters and then autofill and how to do this
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Jan 14, 2013
Need to create a drop down menu for a cell that allows selection of 1 of the 5 to 10 alternatives by clicking on an item in the drop down. Have seen this done by attaching a down arrow button to the cell.
What is this feature called, and how do I go about setting this up?
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Jul 5, 2013
In Column A I have product names. Each product name in column A is followed by several rows of data related to that product directly below it. The number of rows following any given product varies and is also dynamic as rows of data are added to other products above it.
I want a simple downdown menu in A1 that is populated with every product listed in Column A. When a product is selected, that area of the worksheet showing that product is shown.
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Aug 2, 2013
I am building a workbook which will be used to quote cleaning jobs and i want to add a drop down selection menu with hidden values which will calculate timings for jobs - for example
if you select DOOR WITH VISION PANEL i want that to have a hidden value that is the time it takes to clean e.g. 1 minute the auditor then enters the number of doors lets say 3 and the spreadsheet can then calcutale that 3 doors with vision panels will take 3 minutes to clean
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Aug 22, 2013
I have a successful dropdown menu that removes items that have already been selected through the dropdown list, however, I need it to be able to handle IDENTICAL items. At the moment, it can only handle unique items.
I'm trying to create a Rota Planner. I have a selection of shifts that need to be selected for each day. Some shifts are repeated (meaning that there may be 4 members of staff on the same shift). As ONE of each of the 4 shifts are selected, I then want only 3 to be displayed in the dropdown menu to be selected, until all of them have been selected.
I've tried to break apart the code that provides dynamic dropdown list for UNIQUE values but I'm tearing my hair out and getting nowhere.
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Aug 14, 2007
I have a worksheet that have a dropdown menu with more than 60 names / project when I select a name / project all my sheet update per the project. My question is how to run a macro to print all records in the drop menu one time instead of doing it sheet by sheet!!!! and I want to print them pdf.
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Nov 28, 2011
I created a Validation list from 2 to 20. I want to have it (the list) add a row every time you select the proper data.
Example: If I want to add 2 row I would select the 2 in the drop down menu. If I need 5 rows I need to select 5 from the drop down menu.
Is this a VBA code? Or can I use a formula?
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Sep 12, 2012
I am trying to create a drop down menu in Excel to display certain values but it's not working. I want to input certain data in the cells. eg, 019, Quebec, Agent, Direct etc. I want to create a drop down list where if 019 is selected, all 019 entries would show up hiding all others. When nothing is selected all values would show up. I created a list but if I have 10 "Agent" entries in the cells, the drop down list also shows 10 "Agent entries rather than letting me select "Agent" and then displaying all agent entries below. I don't know if it makes sense but I basically want to make it easier for people to look for certain entries that they need rather than going through the entire spreadsheet to find all 019's.
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Jan 5, 2013
I want to create a drop-down menu to choose dates and if I choose certain date the data of numbers (23 sets of number (4 digits)) will comes out in the next column beside the drop down menu of dates, then if the 23 numbers already comes out it will highlight how many numbers are the same in the previous date to the current date. So, each time I choose different date the data for that specific date (23 numbers) will comes out.. I try to do it but I get error when I change to different date the data for that specific date doesn't comes out.
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Jun 21, 2014
Most of the information I need I am getting using standard web queries. But pulling data directly from drop down menus seems beyond the capabilities of a regular web query.
I only need the information that shows as the menu options. I don't need any information from the pages at those links. Nor do I need the links.
Actually all I really need is the option value information, and the date. So for the first item, I would be looking for, 7|2014|u 06/18/2014
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Feb 27, 2007
I have a spreadsheet which is made up of 4 worksheets. I have a drop down menu on the front page (created with data validation). I want to be able to choose one of the 7 geographical areas from the drop down menu, then have a formula search through the other worksheets for rows of data with this geographical area in it. Any ideas on how to do this, I have tried with VLOOKUP but cannot get the formula to refer to the drop down menu for the first input, i.e. the geographical area that it should be looking to match.
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Jun 11, 2014
I am developing a spreadsheet at work that is very similar to one that I made at a previous job. I am using the same formula in each spread sheet, but the one I am developing now does not work, where the previous one works perfectly.
I have a drop down menu created with data validation. Each possible selection is one or two letters of text, or the selection can be left blank. The drop down is cell A12, and an example of the if function that is used many times in this spreadsheet is as follows:
In the previous spreadsheet, the function returns true only when the appropriate selection is made. In the latest version, it will return true if the appropriate selection is made, or if drop down selection is blank. I have been able to work around this with the following:
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Dec 10, 2013
At the moment if a pupil has done foundation listening then I write their numerical result in, for example C3 or if they have done higher listening I write it in F3 (and it works out the UMS and then the grade), but I wondered if there would be any way to just put a dropdown menu in a column for each name, or change it so that I can type in H or F that will change which data is used? Because the UMS and grades are different depending on whether the pupil has done higher or foundation I am unsure how to format it
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Dec 23, 2013
I am building a sheet that facilitates managers at our company decipher information that is given to them on a daily workbook I created.
I want to have a drop down menu in Col J, that refers to the major questions they will ask.
Time started (Before)
Time Finished (After)
Number of Cards (More than)
Stops Per hour (more than)
Amount of Time Taken (More Than)
I have set up in Col (K) a secondary drop-down list which based on the question selected in (J) will offer options for the answer E.G Time questions will make (K) refer to options based on time and selections based on amounts will offer numbers as an answer.
The elements in brackets are the parts of the formula that create the search option. E.G If select 'Time Started' it will search for all records that started before the time selected in the next col (K)
Right if that makes sense.. I have completed this. so I have the following: A question drop down list in (J), and an answer drop down in (K) which is dependant on the type of question asked. (I have attached an example)
I want to now have a totals box after the question where it displays a total amount of cols that are true to the details in the question.
After that (if possible) I will want to use conditional formatting to highlight the ones that reflect to the question.
Realistically if possible i wouldnt mind creating a question box, a box that allows them to select 'more than', 'exact' or 'less than' and then the specific value. Basically a conditional formatting box for dummies within the worksheet. Attached is a demonstration.
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Feb 21, 2014
Sheet 1 has a table of prices. There are 7 columns labelled 2 thru 8 and two rows, labelled 1 and 2. Each combo has a separate price.
Sheet 2 has a weight specification (1 or 2 referring to the rows in sheet 1) and a drop down menu with options 2 thru 8.
When I choose a number from the drop down menu, let's say 5, I want to populate another cell with the value from sheet 1 of column 5 on row "whatever the weight spec is", let's say 2.
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Nov 30, 2012
Creating a drop down menu that allows me to pull data from sheet2.
I have all of my data on sheet2 and my objective is to have a small portion of the data displayed on sheet1 once the user selects the specific "study" from a drop down menu.
how to create a drop down menu that will have a list of all the different studies, and then once the specific study is selected, how do I make it display the pertaining information in the master sheet.
Follow up....more information
The data I’m working with is a master list of different drug studies. All of the data is broken down by the specific study itself, so all I need to do is figure out a way to let the user access the data in a quick and easy way. I figured this could be down with a drop down menu that has a list of each study, and the user could select the study they want to review. Once selected, the data pertaining to the study would then populate the fields on the master silde(sheet1).
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Apr 2, 2013
Is it possible to attach multiple comments to the different choices in a drop down menu?
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Aug 12, 2013
I need cell d4 to display the number in column b next to the applicable insurance company when the insurance company is selected from the drop down menu in cell c4. How do I do this?
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Aug 13, 2013
I want to select Work Type and it will then look at the list data and auto fill the highlight cells.
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Sep 4, 2013
I have a drop down menu using data validation and the values are B,C,D
I want to keep the letter in a cell, but make each one become number, so B=5, C=10, D=20
I have another dropo down menu that contains 6,10,16
What I require is that once the 2 drop down menus have 'values selected' I need to multiply the 2 cells together
so for example
If B and 6 was selected, I require the 3rd cell to be 5*6 so what is the formula?
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