Charting Color According To Dates And RGB Values

Feb 26, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with 4 columns. The first column is a Date/Time object and the next three columns represent the R, G, and B values of a color. The color values are 8-bit numbers(0-255). What I'd like to do is create an area or bar chart where the x-axis are the dates and the y-axis is the overall brightness of the color (a simple average of R,G,B would suffice). However, I'd ideally like the color of the bar to be displayed by the R, G, and B values from the cells. Is this possible? I've attached a dummy file for reference.

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Excel 2010 :: Dates As Headers In Table Not Recognized As Dates For Charting?

Nov 8, 2012

I'm trying to make a simple chart, which maps the value of an investment fund over time. I wanted to use the new 'Table' feature within Excel 2010 to format and maintain the formulae within the Table, and the 'Header' for the table contains the date, which is not at regular intervals.

If I opt not to use the Table feature, I can create a line-chart with ease, and Excel recognises that the Dates are indeed dates and plots the graph correctly. The minute I convert over to a Table, the Date headers are no longer recognised as dates, and are instead plotted as if they were text, at regular intervals.

I've tried multiplying the Date Headers by 1 to force them back to true Dates, but this still does not work. I've also changed the setting on the horizontal axis to Date axis rather than automatic, but still no joy.

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Charting Information Between Two Given Dates

Nov 22, 2011

I am working on a project at work. I need to track our VIP guests. I only have their arrival and departure date.

Is there a way to graph and track the days between so that I can have a total of all arriving and In-house VIP guests on all dates in the range?

Here's a sample of the data.

10/18/201110/19/2011HOERMAN/SCOTT10/17/201110/21/2011SMITH/JOHN M

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Charting Multiple Dates With Trend?

May 15, 2014

I'm having difficulty figuring out how to line graph two separate dates. I also want to show a trend.

I was first thinking I would need two graphs, but is there a way to merge into one?

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Charting A Range Of Values

Aug 31, 2007

I have a simple sheet to record and graph my bloodpressure . The list of values is as follows:
col A is always todays date
cols B and C user input - integer
col D is a constant value 120
col E is also a constant value 80

Currently I am manually charting the range A1:Exx each day after I have added a new line for my daily readings. Whilst this works fine, I'd like to automate the charting process as currently if I select a range full of blank cells then my chart displays loads of blank values.

So I could use a Button on the graph which works out how big my cell range is ie; A1:E66 and graphs it for me or alternatively a background macro that does the same after I have entered the C col entry for each day

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Charting Multiple Multiple Values Per Category

Jan 18, 2009

In in Excel/VBA, I have been making OWC charts on a form. My aim is to chart categories (x axis) against values (y axis), showing several values in each category as markers. In addition, I have been calculating the mean for all values in each category, and plotting this as a line across the categories. I first set up the X axis at the charts level:

Set oChart = chtspcXIC.Charts.Add
With oChart
.HasLegend = True
.HasTitle = True
.Title.Caption = "Used fractions per timepoint"
.Type = chChartTypeLineMarkers
.SetData chDimCategories, chDataLiteral, XICtmpts
End With

Next, for the individual points, I made two corresponding arrays, one of categories and the other of values and attempted to send these to a new a seriescollection:

Set oSeries = oChart.SeriesCollection.Add
With oSeries..............

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Adding Values Between Two Dates And Dates Are Also Derived By Formula?

Dec 9, 2013

I have attached an excel sheet for your reference. I have particular debit values that are to be added between the dates. And Dates are also derived by formula based of payment term.

The ones I need to modify is Highlighted in Yellow. The values to be added is in "Customer Statement" and in H Column

These dates also have formula by which there are derived

-------------------------Current Ageing-------------------------
Date Range

Start Date
End Date[code].....

I am USing =SUMIFS('Customer Statement'!$A:$A,'Customer Statement'!$H:$H,"=" & E11) but does not work.

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Color The List Of Dates

Oct 20, 2008

i am using excel 2003
i have a list of dates, which i want to color.
the even numbered months will have one background color
and the odd numbered months will another color

in the attached file, i have given a visual example.

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Color Format Odd Days From Dates

Oct 25, 2006

I am trying to use Options>View - Zero Values.", "style="background: #FFFFFF;padding: 2px;font-size: 10px;width: 550px;"");' onmouseout='GAL_hidepopup();'>formatting.htm" target="_blank">Conditional Formatting to change the cell color based on wether the content is an even number or an odd number. Actually it is an even or odd date but I figure that it will read the date as it's serial number and that would be a number. I thought I would use something like "Formula is: =MOD(VALUE,2)" but I can't get it to work. I'd like to be able to do this without using the Analysis Toolpack. Even though ISEVEN seems like it might be a good solution.

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Color Cells Housing Dates

Jan 9, 2008

I have 4 cells in a single row. I would like the first 3 cells to contain various data for assigned tasks to employees. The 4th cell will contain a date, but that date will only be inserted once the task has been completed. The behavior of the cells over time needs to look like this:

1. The first 3 cells must have text in them and remain with white backgrounds until the date is inserted in the 4th cell.
2. All 4 cells must turn gray once the date is inserted in the 4th cell.

A user on another forum gave me Cell Value is Not Equal to ="" as the answer. This does not work as I have text in the first 3 cells and need them to remain white until the date is inserted in the 4th cell. Using "Formula Is" makes more sense to me as an approach, but I'll be hog-tied if I can figure out how to write the formula for it.

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Color Row Of Overdue Invoice Dates

Jan 31, 2008

I'm trying to build up a spreadsheet with the info below to follow up the due and overdue invoices. My point is to highlight the whole row for an unpaid invoice at the due date.
Here's the basic structure of the document:
A colum: invoice ref
B : name of customer
C : Invoice date
D : Due date
E and F: Amount in EUR and USD
G : Paid (Yes/No)

1. I'd like to highlight the whole row in red when the invoice is due/overdue AND unpaid (G = No). That means 2 conditions.
2. When invoices are paid (when G = Yes), the row should be green.
3. Highlight the whole row in orange when the invoice is unpaid and due in 10 days.

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Conditional Formating :: Fill With Color And Dates

Dec 12, 2007

I have a spreadsheet for tasks.

Column C has dates in it, Column H onwards has has month divided by weeks.

What i want to do is:

Fill the columns from H onwards with colour if the date in column c falls within a certain range.

eg. If date in C1 is between 01/12/07 to 06/12/07 then fill H1 with red

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Cells' Color Change Depending On Dates

Aug 24, 2009

I have column "C", starting from "C5" with dates till C200, but not all cells have dates some of them are also blank.

I want the cell to change color depending on the date.

If the written due date is in a month from today, I want it to turn yellow, and if the due date is in the past from today, I wanted to turn red. I want it to get updated every month.

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Change Cell Color Based On A List Of Dates

Oct 30, 2013

I am having an excel sheet where I enter the delivery dates. There are few freezes and restricted dates.

When I am entering the delivery date which falls under the freeze or restricted date, the colour of that cell should change.

How to achieve this either using some macro.

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Apply Color Coding To Dates Based On Conditioning

Aug 1, 2007

Im working on a large workbook with multiple worksheets. Each of these
worksheets has a large amount of data relating to training records. In
particular, the date that an employees certification is due to expire
(eg: 01/02/2007 or 31/09/2009 etc)...(im also in Australia so my date formats may be different).

I need to color code these records with the below logic, eg:

If Cell Date is <Today() = Red Text or Cell
If Cell Date is <18months from Today()+1 = Yellow Text or Cell
If Cell Date is >18months from Today() = No change - leave white

I have basic VBA knowledge, but will be able to work my way through
some of the code that is posted.

It's also key to note that there are multiple 'Blank' and 'Text' Cells
in these worksheets. I only want to apply this code to a cell if it is
populated with a date, is this possible ?? (eg: i only want to change
the color of the dates listed, not the other cells with text and single

I have played around with the Conditional Formatting but i will need
more than 3 conditions in the future. I've also attached a small
screenshot of the data for your convenience.

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Color Cells Based On Difference In Months Of Dates

May 14, 2008

I have dates in Column D (mm/dd/yyyy). I'm trying to write a macro to compare the date in any cell in Column D to the current date. Then, if the date in that cell is within a month of the current date, color it red. If the date is within two months, color it orange. Etc, for up to six months. I've read up a little on dates in VBA, but I'm pretty lost.

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Charting In VBA

Aug 15, 2008

I have an existing chart and I want to update the plot utilizing data that has been calculated and stored in 2 arrays X(N,1) and M(N,1) via my VBA macro. How do I do it?

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VBA Charting Weirdness

Jul 1, 2006

I am just reusing some code that works most of the time to reset the seriescollection of specific charts. Sometimes is will just error when I try to set the .values object to my range of values. It's strange because it will work for 10 seriescollections/identicle ranges on the same chart and then error out; and sometimes it will work perfectly.

I've checked:
The chart reference object
The range I'm setting
The code I've copied from

It's all correct. Here's a short sample.

ValRng = Range("AR7:CY7")
Set usechart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1)
With usechart.Chart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
.Name = "Prime 2000"
.Values = ValRng ' (also tried it this way) "=" & ActiveSheet.Name & "!" & Range("AR7:CY7").Address
End With

The series is created fine, and the name is set properly.

On my new sheet here it won't set ANY values, which is a real problem. If anyone knows what is going on, please let me know.

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X Y Charting With Supplemental Information

Mar 26, 2014

I have a large number of files containing thousands of X and Y coordinates. I prepared a macro which loads these X and Y data from all the files into one workbook, and it writes the file names into each row. So, in the end I get a file with this formation:

X Y filename

x1 y1 filename_1
x2 y2 filename_1
x3 y3 filename_1
xi yi filename_2
xn yn filename_m

It would be great if I could make then an XY Chart which contains the information of "filename" column too. I didn't mean labling, because in the end I'll have hundred thousands of points, so if I added labels to each point it would be impossible to see anything. I would only set that if I move the mouse to any point of the chart, it would show not only the X and Y coordinates, but the related filename too.

Is it possible to set it so in excel?

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Charting Non-numerical Data?

Dec 2, 2013

produce graphs/charts based on inequalities monitoring information - gender, nationality, age etc. I'm capturing info from several events, one sheet per event. Had a look at COUNTIF but not sure it's what I want and looks like I'd need sub-sheet for each? Capture.PNG

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Not Charting Line If Value Equals Zero?

Sep 4, 2012

I have a line graph which plots the PERCENT_YIELD of units built (UNITS_PASSED / UNITS_BUILT) every week. I want to fill all future week cells with a formula so dragging the formula is not a manual operation every week (my overall goal is to automate a complex spreadsheet and charts as much as possible).

The formula is =IF(Q1080,Q109/Q108,)
Where Q108 is UNITS_BUILT
Where Q109 is UNITS_PASSED

My theory is if units were built (Q108 not equal to zero), plot the ratio. If no units were built (Q108 is zero) I do not want to plot any value on the chart.

The chart plots the correct values for the True conditions; however the chart plots a zero value for the False conditions. How do I not plot a zero for a false condition?

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Named Ranges And Charting

Dec 5, 2012

I am having an issue with dynamic charting using named ranges in excel. I quite often create dynamic charts using IF and OFFSET formulas to check conditions in order to create charts of data based on user inputs.

The issue I am having is with linking multiple tables of data in a single named range. In order to make this spreadsheet easy to maintain I am trying to take 3 separate databases and link the spreadsheets through named ranges. The formula I have written is as follows:


For context this is;

=VLOOKUP(VALUE(LEFT(OFFSET("Serial number I am referencing",1,0,"Qty of rows containing data",1),6)),"Value I want to return from separate table",10,FALSE)

[The formatting of the serial number between the two sheets is slightly different but they share the first 6 digits (hence the wrapped VALUE and LEFT formulas).]

This formula is working perfectly except that it doesn't store the entire data table in a single cell, it only returns a single value. If I enter the formula into a cell and drag it down it returns all the information correctly, however if I create a named range using the formula and try to chart it only the first value returned is charted.

Any way to modify the formula to store the entire data array in the single cell value so it will chart when used as a named range?

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Charting With Dynamic Ranges

Mar 25, 2014

So I was looking for reassurance or validation more than anything. From what I can tell you can in order to build a chart that is dynamic throughout a range, you use the offset and count or counta function - 1. That part isn't a problem. My question is once you created that for your charts do you just normally plot your chart range or do you have to reference the named range directly into the chart range?

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Macro Charting Resources

Nov 9, 2006

i would like to find out about:The different essential building elements for different chart types (like 3DBubble requires XValue, Value, Name and BubbleSize, for example, but what about clusteredColumn and the others?)How to address the building elementsThe optional building elements (changing background color and stuff)

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Dynamic Graphing/Charting

Mar 26, 2008

I have a workbook with Sheet1 and Sheet2. I’ve programmed information from to be calculated and results inserted into sheet2. A new result every Row. I plan to do a graph taking the X-axis and Y-axis values from Columns A and B respectively in Sheet2. What is the VBA code for dynamic updating of graph? Meaning, I want the graph (a curve) that will have points added to the curve, extending it, whenever a new row is added into sheet2 – Columns A (X-axis) and B (Y-axis). The rows are not defined. It can have 100 to 200 rows or more..

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Simple Charting Of Talk Times

Nov 26, 2013

I need to create a simple Talk Time Chart displaying our call center's talk time in 30 min increments.


[Code] .....

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Charting Hidden / Grouped Columns?

Mar 18, 2014

I have several years worth of monthly data that I would like to keep hidden so it is printer friendly but I also want to have a chart of all that data... Is this possible? Only idea I have is to basically recreate the data sheet but I don't really like that solution since it adds steps to the process and increases the file size...

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Charting Out All Possible Combination Of Multiple Ranges

Jul 10, 2014

I have developed an evaluation algorithm for residential mortgages, and am having difficulty testing. I am trying to ensure that my scoring model makes sense from every possible scenario. The grading model takes into account multiple factors that most financial institutions would find important when assessing a potential borrower for a loan. Examples of these factors could be an individual's credit score (ranging from 0 - 800), the type of dwelling (multiple options to choose from), etc. In total there are about 20 different factors, each with a minimum of 5 possible options to choose from.

I am trying to create a spreadsheet that lists out all possible combinations of the multiple factors, and trying to input it by hand . To give an example:

Credit Score
Property Dwelling Type
Property Value


[Code] .....

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Charting To Change Based On Data?

Mar 26, 2012

I have data I use in a Pareto chart. This data is found somewhere in cell range A18:AF20. I want the chart to adjust itself to only the cell range with data. It may be A18:M18 or perhaps A18:AB18.

Is there any way to set the cell to look at only the cells with data in them?

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Charting By Time Across Multiple Days

Jul 28, 2008

I have two sets of data that I would like to be compared over a 4 day period.

One set (Mill data) has an associated date and time (29-Jun-08 00:42:02 etc.), and has a value generated every 4 to 6 minutes.

The second set (Dump Grades) has an associated time only (13:24 etc.), and has values generated at random time intervals throughout each day.

The first issue is that I must assign a date to the Dump Grades data, which I just can't seem to do.

The second problem is that I don't know how to get all of these data points graphed on the same graph, as the date and time thing is throwing me for some reason.

My data right now is arranged in columns on separate sheets, organized by dates.

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