Combine Values From Two Columns To Produce Unique Value List

Jun 28, 2013

I have two columns of data and would like to generate a new list showing unique combinations of those values (see attached sheet).

unique list.xls

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How To Produce List Of Unique Values

Jan 21, 2012

I was trying to produce a list of unique values from a much larger list. I'm using this array function -

{=IFERROR(INDEX(Sheet2!$B$2:$B$100,MATCH(0,COUNTIF($B$1:B1,Sheet2!$B$2:$B$100))), "")}

- which is marvellous and gives me exactly what I want. However my test book only has this dragged down 10 rows and already it takes 20-30 seconds to calculate. The real workbook is likely to stretch to several hundred rows, and to make matters that little more complex where I have Sheet2!$B$2:$B$100 this will relate to a completely separate book on a company network.

Is there any more efficient method of creating this list or will I just have to bear with the calculation speed?

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Excel 2010 :: Produce Unique List Of Key Values With Second Values Concatenated Together

Sep 15, 2013

I have some data with recurring key values and differing values in the second column, I need to produce a unique list of key values with the second values concatenated together.(See below)

The data can be 10 rows to 5000 and I can have anything from 5 to 150 sheets (Separate data sets), a macro would go a long way to keeping me sane.

Sample data Required Output
A | B Z
1| 10 | a 10,a,b,c
2| 10 | b 11,a
3| 10 | c 12,a,b
4| 11 | a
5| 12 | a
6| 12 | b

My system is Windows 8 Excel 2010.

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Make A List Of Unique Values Using 3 Different Columns?

Feb 26, 2014

See attached file with a smaller sample of the 1667 row table of data I am working with. What I am looking to do is make a list on another sheet of each every line with a county and have the corresponding Township and range with it. So if I have a cell and I select Audubon county, I would like a list to populate that has the 12 lines of Audubon county in column A, and the Township in column B and the Range in column C.

Excel Rate Example.xlsx

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List Unique Values Of Multiple Columns

Mar 12, 2008

I need a UDF to make live easier. I have a huge excel file and I need a final function (I suppose a UDF) that lists all values from a range spanning over multiple columns and rows. I would not really like a macro, since it does not update when certain values are changed.

It's part of a bigger functionality, but I need this one, really bad, since it spans over 6000 rows as the search range, and 7000 as the search values. In short:
I got to list all the unique values. They are in specific cells on worksheet 1 (A1:C5 and A25:C31) and should be listed on worksheet2 starting in field A2. As 'simple' as that. Nothing more, nothing less, just list all unique values of a certain range, which I specify. If it can not be done, by selecting the two fields separately, it's no problem at all to list all values in eg A1:C6000. Do note that some of the cells will be blank, and I don't need blanks. I only need the actual data sets. I added a sample excel file, that shows a representation of the data. I can not upload the actual file, since it's way too big (60 MB). So a sample file should give you the idea.

Three sheets:
Data 1: some value lists multiple columns
Data 2: some value lists, again multiple columns
Desired result: the result as it should be listed.
example.xls. zip

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Create 1 List Of Unique Values From 12 Columns Of Data

Apr 28, 2014

I have a spreadsheet of 12 columns (A to L), with a list of student names under each down to row 31. Each column represents an after-school club that the child can attend.

However, a child can sign up to multiple clubs, so their name can appear in several places across the spreadsheet.

What I would like to do is have a 13th column which is an overall list of students who have signed up to at least 1 club, i.e. their name appears at least once in columns A to L.

How do I achieve this so that only unique entries are listed and duplicates are removed in this 13th column?

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Excel 2010 :: How To Find All Unique Values Then Combine In A New Column

Jul 9, 2013

I have a wookbook with serial numbers in column A and barcodes in column B. There are 51940 rows in total.

Is there a way I can search through column A, and for each unique value found , concatenate all of the barcodes that relate to that serial number in column C?

Serial Numbers | Barcodes | Combined Values
abc123 abc12300 abc12300,abc12301, etc etc
abc123 abc12301
def456 def45600 def45600, def45601, etc etc
ghi789 def45600

i am using Excel 2010.

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How To Combine Multiple Columns Into Long List Of Results In 2 Final Columns

Oct 15, 2013

I have a need to combine multiple columns into a long list of results in 2 final columns. Here is my example...

Current layout with varying number of data points per row...

ColumnA | ColumnB | ColumnC | ColumnD | etc...
example1 | Test1 | Test2 | Test3 | Test4
example2 | Option1 | Option2
example3 | Number1 | Number2 | Number3 | Number4 | Number5

Desired Result

ColumnA | ColumnB
example1 | Test1
example1 | Test2
example1 | Test3
example1 | Test4
example2 | Option1
example2 | Option2
example3 | Number1
example3 | Number2

and so on and on and on until all rows have been filled in down the file...

Is this possible?

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Dropdown List In Spreadsheet Which Combine Info From Two Columns

Oct 24, 2012

I'm trying to have a drop down list in a spreadsheet which combines the info from two columns.

For example:

1 John 29
2 Sandy 40, etc

And the drop down list turns into

John 29
Sandy 40

Is this possible?

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Excel 2007 :: How To Combine Info From Columns Into 1 List

Oct 4, 2011

is there a way to combine the info from several columns into 1 list?

All of my columns have information in rows 1-20, but I want it all to automatically combine into a list in column B on a new sheet.

This is Excel 2007

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Obtaining List Of Unique Values From List Based On Some Criteria?

May 28, 2014

The function below should return the value in a cell IF the string in the cell two cells to the left of it is "Nemo" Omitting the part highlighted in blue, my function returns a list of unique values...but when it's included, nothing is returned at all. Perhaps, there is an error in the syntax that I'm overlooking?

Function listUnique(rng As Range) As Variant
Dim row As Range
Dim elements() As String


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Formula For Obtaining List Of Unique Values But Not Including Values Which Contain IC

Aug 14, 2014

1. Using a formula, I am trying to to obtain a list of unique values (string) (caveat: see #2) from the range E2:E10000 (arbitrarily chose 10000 - the row number is variable)(see #3).

I currently have a formula that seems to work for this purpose but I don't know how to add the condition in #2 (below)

2. To include all unique string values except those starting with the letters "IC"

3. Is there a way to make this formula so that it can only seek values up to the last row, and not go to the 10000th row if not necessary? The E column has no empty cells until after the last row that contains data.

Here is the formula I currently use which serves #1 (above):

[Code] .....

Any way to improve/simplfy this formula for the purpose describbed in #1? How can I add the condition in #2? Can you see a way to include #3? The most important issue here is #2.

Example of desired results:

Column A | Column B
CC |
DD |
DD |
IC |
IC |

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Count Unique Values In Column Based On Values In Other Columns

Mar 14, 2014

I'm running into an issue trying to calculate unique values in a Data column based on a few variables in other columns.

My current formula in Summary tab D4:D19 is

This is currently counting the number of times a date value (data column I) appears for that name (A4:A19) in the data when meeting all of the conditions. I need it to instead count the number of times a unique date appears for that name with the additional conditions met (which all appear to work fine).

The results in the pink highlighted cells (Summary column D) should be:

Names starting with A - 3
All others - 2

I've left some other columns in the data with X's so that I can easily convert this back to my working spreadsheet.

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Produce A List Of Text, After Selecting From Validate List

Jun 5, 2009

i want to do is, have a list that picks from a color and then beside it, it will show the possible fruit that is that color for example




The number of fruit will differ by the color so i know i need a counter there, but i am not sure how to list the fruit after i've picked the color

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Unique List From Two Columns?

Mar 20, 2013

I have a huge list of part numbers that has component part numbers listed as well. I am trying to take the list and make a list of Parent part number and identify the component part numbers that are used in all the parent part numbers. For example from the table below of the three parent part numbers there are only two parent part numbers have a component part in common 0011 and 0015 .I am looking for a fast way to create a list that looks like the example table two below.Parent Part Number

component Part Number





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Look Across Values In 12 Columns, Return The Number Of Unique Values

Apr 17, 2009

I have 12 columns of data. In those 12 columns of data I have 3 digit numeric IDs. I want to count the unique number of IDs for each row. I have about 14K rows.

What would be the best way to do so?

Some rules about how the data is stored. I have 12 columns of data with anywhere from 1 to 12 columns having data for each respondent. Data always fills left to right and never skips columns.

I have attached an example file that represents how the data is stored and the output I would like (Unique Count).

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Getting Unique List From Combination Of 2 Columns?

Apr 18, 2014

how can I retrieve a unique list coming from a combination of 2 columns. Using VBA would be much better.


Result will be


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Count Values In One List And Then Narrow / Combine Values Based On Criteria And Count Those

Jan 20, 2014

I need a way to find a value in a column which has one or more corresponding values in an adjacent column. Then take all of the corresponding values found and count all occurrences of the found values in another column. But I only want to count the entries if an adjacent column is not blank.

Not the easiest thing to describe. Starting to wonder if I need to think in reverse. I hope the attached example makes more sense.


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Unique Values From List Of Many Duplicate Values?

Jan 31, 2014

how to get this with formula:

Column A - - Column B
a - - - - - - - a
a - - - - - - - b
b - - - - - - - c

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Create Distinct Unique List For 2 Columns

Aug 6, 2014

So far I created code that creates a Distinct Unique item's list for one column. It works as it should but I want to modify the code to create a Distinct Unique item's list for two columns that are related to another i.e. a person's name to their license #.

Here is the code below that works for one column only:

[Code] ......

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Unique Values In 2 Columns

Jul 30, 2013

I have 2 columns of data from which i want to summarize all unique values:


So in my report, i need to see a count of of unique A with unique 1 or 2, Unique B with unique 1 or 2, etc.

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Create List Of Unique Entries Based On Several Columns

Jul 27, 2013

[URL] ......

In that file, you can see there is a list of somewhat similar data across 5 columns. Some of the entries are duplicates, some are different by only one character. What I want to be able to do is generate a list of all the unique rows of data, taking into account the data from ALL 5 columns. The list can be on another sheet or simply just further down on the same sheet, that doesn't matter too much.

I could do it if it were just one column of data, but struggling trying to do it with several columns.

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List Of Unique Values In One Cell?

Dec 27, 2013

I have a list of all transactions that happened during the day at different locations On another sheet I want to list all the locations and in another column to populate a list of unique transaction codes for each location from the first sheet (all unique values for each location in one cell). I am attaching a spreadsheet in case I am not clear enough (I need to create a Summary). This attachment is really a simplification of a file I work with. The real one has many columns and multiple subtotals, I would not be able to incorporate a method that involve filters

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Get Unique Values In A List Of Duplicates

Feb 28, 2007

I am confident the answer is no, but is there any formula / combination of formulae that will seek out unique values in a list of duplicates (just like filtering unique records only)?

I have a list of many duplicating sales people and I want to just create a column on another sheet that automatically sorts out the unique values (then I will sum their sales numbers with the SUMIF formula).

(By the way, the reason I just don't use the filter function is because the list always changes so I would need to keep applying it.)

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Create List Of Unique Values

Jul 23, 2007

In column A I have values starting at row 4, ranging up to row 1004.

in coulumn Q (starting at row 3) I'd like a list of unique entries from column A

I know this line is my problem

If Range("A" & I) Range("Q4:Q30") Then
but i'm not sure how to compare against all values in a range

Sub FilterSymbol()
Dim I As Integer
Dim X As Integer
X = Range("O2")
I = 4

If Range("A" & I) Range("Q4:Q30") Then
Range("Q" & I) = Range("A" & I)
I = I + 1
Else: I = I + 1
End If
Loop Until I >= X
End Sub

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Populate List With Unique Values

Jan 5, 2008

I used this forum to find code to convert a matrix to a list. But I need to repeat then change one column - "Product".

The "Prodcut" vlaue needs to repeat unitl it changes.

I have attached a file with the code in module 1, and samples of where I am, and where I need to be. I think I am close!

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List Unique Values Above And Below Reference

Jan 26, 2008

Event Manager Status
1call A yellow
2sleep B yellow
3run C red
4jog D pink
5eat E pink
6call E yellow
7sleep F red

I need to output 4 unique Status before the event sleep. When I say unique it is compared to its previous status. So that would be [yellow,pink,red,yellow]. Notice that I could repeat yellow but not a sequential yellow. I cant use previous formula on listing unique values because I have reference point which is sleep, that i need to lookup from a huge pile of data, and i need a counter to move up. I tried vlookup with countif but i still have to define the max range. The data is huge and my menial skills are limited to excel.

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Show Unique Values From Two Or More Columns

Dec 21, 2008

For input I have 2 columns:
I need for output column C:
It's possible to do that using one or more function ?

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Unique Values In A List That Appear At Least 3 Times (2007)

Jan 16, 2010







I'm looking to tweak this formula to count the number of unique values that occur at least 3 times.

So, imagine that A1:A50 contain 50 last names from the phone book, 27 of which are unique according to the formula above.

Now, further imagine that only 5 of these unique 27 last names appear at least 3 times.

I'm looking for the formula that returns 5.

And (like always), for simplicity and sharing reasons, I'm hoping to find a single formula that occupies a single cell, and does not rely on additional columns of intermediate information.

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Finding 10 Smallest Unique Values In A List

Oct 2, 2008

I have been using the SMALL function to find 10 smallest values in a list, however, some of the values are the same, is there a way of only having the 10 smallest unique values within a list?

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