Conditional Formatting If Cell Contains Data Highlight Red If Blank Do Nothing

Nov 4, 2012

I have a spreadsheet where I have a column of dates and I want conditional formatting to highlight the cell red if the date is less than or equal to today but if the cell is blank to do nothing.

At the moment I have the following formatting applied using the "format only cells that contain" option I have cell value less than or equal to =TODAY() except that obviously highlights every cell red that doesn't contain a date. Is there another conditional format I can apply in addition to this that will not highlight the blank cells ?

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Conditional Formatting (highlight A Cell)

Feb 22, 2010

I am working on a spreadsheet in Excel 2007 and i am trying to use a formula in the conditional formatting that will highlight a cell if the date is prior to today's date and the next column over is no. the formula i am using right now is =IF(F2>TODAY(),IF(G2="NO",TRUE,)). the problem i am having is that it is highlighting all cells that have a date and the next column over is no.

i can't figure out how to get it to do an if this, then that function correctly. one other thing that could potentially be causing my problem is that the cells.
I am trying to have highlight are calculated themselves based on a formula. see the attached spreadsheet for information.

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Highlight Cells If Data Differs By Using Conditional Formatting

Feb 6, 2014

Refer to attached sheet. I have 2 sets of data to compare.

B4:H30 and K4:Q30

Compare B4 with K4,C4 with L4 and so on.

If any data is not equal then highlight.

Compare Data.xlsx‎

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Conditional Formatting - Highlight Numbers In Data Group

Mar 25, 2013

How do I do "conditional formatting" to high light the numbers which bigger than average + 2 * stdev in a data group?

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Conditional Formatting :: A1 Is Equal To Data Highlight Cells On A2

Dec 15, 2009

how to create a conditional formatting formula that looks like this..

"If A1 is equal to DATA highlights greater than zero on cells A2 to A1000.

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Conditional Formatting - Highlight Any Cell Containing The Word If?

Jun 9, 2014

I want to write a macro for conditonal formatting

I want to highlight any cell containing the word "If "

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Conditional Formatting - Cell To Highlight Red When Date Expired

Aug 4, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that keeps track of staff training. in colum A is the date they completed the training. this training expires in 5 years time. i would like the cell to highlight red when the date has expired. and when i enter the new date in 5 yrs time the cell to return to no fill color.

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Conditional Formatting - Highlight Cell With Value If Equal Value In List

Oct 15, 2012

I have 3 rows with numbers across several columns, each cell holding one number only. For example:

R1: 1101 - 1102 - 1103 - 1104 - etc.
R2: 2101 - 2102 - 2103 - 2104 - etc.
R3: 3101 - 3102 - 3103 - 3104 - etc.

A little further down I am having a list where the end user will write down the exact same number. Once the same number has been written into the list, I would like the number shown in the top rows (row 1 to 3) to be highlighted in green, basically telling the user that the number has been entered into the list below and is ok now.

How can I manage this via conditional formatting?

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Conditional Formatting - Highlight Row Based On Cell Criteria

May 19, 2013

I need a macro that will highlight a row based on a cell criteria. I have used conditional formatting but there is a lot to format and has dramatically slowed the sheet down. However, I know nothing about macros/vbas.

E.g. If it states JI sent then I want the whole row to be highlighted light green.

App form needed = peach
Waiting list = light blue
Cancelled = red font strikethrough
DNA = purple font strikethrough.

Also - it could well be that in the row it has App form received, JI Sent and DNA all in 1 go. So ideally I would want that row to be highlighted light green with purple font strikethrough.

Booking Status
JI Status
Date JI Sent
Cancellation date
Chargable / non chargable Cancellations
Chargeable / non chargeable DNA
Date taken
Time taken
Event Title
Start Date

App form received
JI Sent

[Code] ......

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Conditional Formatting - Highlight A Cell When The Number Doesn't Match The Value?

May 11, 2014

In a column in which there are repeating numbers is there a formula I can enter into conditional formatting that will highlight a cell when the number doesn't match the value from the value above it?

So in this example the values with an * would be highlighted.


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Conditional Formatting - Highlight Yellow If Cell Is Keyed In Instead Of Formula

Dec 17, 2012

I have a file where the cells are all formulas.

Employees are able to key in a number instead of using the number derived from the formula.

I want the cell to use conditional formatting without the use of macros, so it will highlight yellow if the cell is keyed in instead of a formula.

Is this possible? I have tried numerous things, but none seem to work.


Cell A6 has the number 24,248 derived from a formula.

Employee thinks the number should be 30,000 and keys that number in.

If it is 24,248, I want the number to have no fill, but if it is a keyed in number, I want it to be highlighted.

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Conditional Formatting - Highlight Color Of Text In Particular Cell Depending On Value

Dec 22, 2013

I would like to know the formula to highlight the color of text in particular cell if the value of the particular cell ( value is text ) is so and so.

For Ex: If the J6 is "Vacation" then the J1 text should be in red color.

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Conditional Formatting - Highlight Cell Containing Specific Character Within Text

Jul 26, 2013

I have an excel spread sheet & I wish to highlight any cell that contains any of the following characters with in a string of text.

/ : * " < > ? |

E.g. a cell in the spread sheet containing the text "Is this a Question?" would be highlighted.

I have tried to use - 'Format only cells that contain' > Specific Text > Containing > for each of the characters and this does not work.

When I do this any cell containing any text is highlighted.

In addition there is formatting on any cell > 60 characters which turns the cell red and this works fine.

What would happen if (when I get the problem above resolved), a cell is > than 60 characters & contains a character listed above?

Does 1 formatting take precedent over another?

(Not critical to know the answer to the additional question, just curious - as long as it is highlighted one colour or another then no problem.)

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Conditional Formatting - Highlight Cell If Exists In Any Cell In Range Of Above Row

Apr 14, 2013

This is a conditional formatting problem I have not been able to resolve:

I have a range, say A1:N30

Each cell contains a text/number combination.

I would like to highlight each cell on a specific row if the vale exists within the row above - the issue is that the cell values are not in the same columns.

I have attached a sample workbook with the desired output.

Conditional formatting.xlsx

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Excel 2010 :: Conditional Formatting - Highlight Values Based On 2 Columns Of Numerical Data

Apr 12, 2013

I'm having issues with Excel's 2010 conditional formatting. Seems easy to use, but I'm trying to highlight values based on 2 columns of numerical data. Example:

Column F:

Column L:

I would like Column L to highlight values that are greater than Column F in green. If they are less than Column L then highlight them in red.

Seems I was able to do this with Excel 2003, but I don't understand the 2010 version.

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Conditional Formatting If Cell Value Is Not Blank?

Jan 6, 2014

I need a hand with conditional formatting if possible?

In the attached document i need the cell fill for the cells containing values (in column C) to change if data on sheet 2 is anything other than blank.

e.g. Sheet 1 C3 would be green fill and C4 would be no fill as Sheet 2 B3 contains a date and B4 does not

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Conditional Formatting If Cell Is Blank

May 15, 2008

I have a totals spreadsheet that links many other spreadsheets. I need to set up a formula for conditional formatting if the cell is blank (NOT ZERO). I need to ensure that the users are inputting zeros and not leaving the cells blank. I tried this but it's not working: ="IF('[Brown Deer-Q2-08.xls]Week 7'!G13)<"""

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Ignoring Blank Cell With Conditional Formatting

Feb 4, 2010

I've read dozens of threads on how to have conditional formatting ignore blank cells but I am not understanding how to make it happen myself...

Logic: Highlight the cells that are >=10 but ignore the blank cells that have functions in them

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Recognize Blank Cell Using Conditional Formatting?

May 22, 2013

I need to use conditional formatting to recognize blank cells meaning totally blank and not cells with formulas returning 0 what i must use to get this result?

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Conditional Formatting Based On Adjacent Cell Not Being Blank

Mar 6, 2014

I want AB1 to highlight red if date in S1 is not blank and N1 doesnt equal AA1. Is this possible?

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Conditional Formatting - Blank Cell Gets Unwanted Format.

Oct 31, 2008

As a pert of a spreadsheet I have 2 columns (M5:N400) of 400 cells deep. Each cell in these columns contains a formula that counts days, when appropriate. They can end up showing a value of blank, a number between 0 and 5, or any number greater than 5. (But very rarely greater than 30)

If the number is greater than 5 then it means that it has exceeded it's target time and I wish to highlight this with conditional formatting (CF). I have a CF on all cells in both columns that says.

If "The cell value" is "Greater than" "5"... then
format the background colour to a pale yellow.

It works, but doesn't work.

If the cell value is 0 to 5 it's unchanged. Good.
If the cell value is >5 it changes. Good.
BUT, if the cell is blank it also changes. Bad!!!

I assume it is because it is looking at the fact that there is a formula in the cell, even though the displayed value is "". So I tried a second level saying that if the cell is equal to "" then no format, but it still changes.

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Use Conditional Formatting To Turn Cell Red If Any Cells Above Are Blank

Nov 3, 2009

I have a formula in A56 that adds cells A1:A54. I want to use conditional formatting to highlight A56 if any of the cells in A1:A54 are blank. I am unsure how to do this.

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Apply Conditional Formatting To A Cell When It Is Left BLANK

Nov 30, 2008

I'm trying to apply conditional formatting (shading) to cells that are left blank.

(Purpose: I am designing a research template for a client to complete with data and want the spreadsheet to show them where they've "missed a bit"!)

(When I go to the conditional formatting box, it asks me to specify when "cell value is"..."between/not between/equal to/not equal to" etc. But there's no option to specify when the cell is blank.)

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Conditional Formatting - VLOOKUP And Blank Cell In Range?

May 22, 2012

I need to format cell D1 to have the fill color be red if any cell in D2:D21 is blank. I've tried

=VLOOKUP("", $D$2:$D$21, 1, FALSE) but that returns #N/A (there is one blank cell in the range at the moment).

I really don't want to use =OR($D$2="", $D$3="", ...$D$21="") if I can avoid it.

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Keeping Cells With Formula And Conditional Formatting Blank Until Data Entered?

Feb 22, 2013

I have a spreadsheet filled with formulas that depend on a value being entered into A2, A3, A4, etc... So column A starting at A2 is where I will manually input a number and the formulas I have in columns B, C, and D will import information from another sheet based off what is put in column A. In column D the formula I have to import data

is =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,Master!C:M,11,0),"").

This will import another number. Additionally in column D, I have conditional formatting that will return a red, yellow or green light based off the rule I have in place. Everything works fine, the only problem is that column D has a green light all the way down even without a value being placed in column A. I would like to find out a way to keep the cells in column D blank until a value is entered in column A. Also, if I go back and delete the value in column A, I would like the corresponding cell in column D to go back to blank as well.

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Conditional Formatting Blank Cell Based On Another Cell Date

Apr 1, 2014

I am trying to alert our purchasing mgr when order dates are approaching or not meeting our project deadline.

As of now i have the following rulesif order date is due today or past due - redif order date it greater than project date - redif order date is due within 2wks - yellow

Now all I need is a rule where there is an order without a due date but the project deadline is within 2wks (yellow) and past due or due today (red)


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Conditional Formatting To Highlight A Value

Jun 2, 2014

Please refer to the attached data sheet. I need the D27 to be formatted so that it shows a value only if the value in D8 exceeds the value in D7..

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Conditional Formatting Highlight

Dec 25, 2009

I have a list of percent item. I want to use conditional formatting to highlight items greater than 50%. I do as following:

- Hightlight items, C2:C5, then choose Format ->Conditional Formatting
- I choose Formula is, and the format in the condition box is =">50%"
- Finally, I choose Format to choose the color.

I think I do the right steps but Excel doesn't show anything.

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Conditional Formatting Highlight In Different Colours

Nov 3, 2008

In a range, say A1:D5, I need to format cells as follows:

1) If cell contains only "H" or "HV": highlight red
2) If cell contains only a number: highlight blue
3) If cell contains a number with the letter "F" ("1 F" or "5.5 F"): highlight pink

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Highlight Cells Using Conditional Formatting

Apr 5, 2013

conditional highlighting.PNG

Is there a way I can have excel automatically highlight all cells within A1:A3, B1:B3, C1:C3 if and only if they are greater than the percentage in E5? If so how would I go about doing this?

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