Conditional Formatting For Multiple Rows

Jul 8, 2009

I have a spreadsheet of a couple hundred products, their sales over the last 18 months, and then each product's 18 month average monthly sales. What I would like to do is format them so if any of the months' sales are below their respective average, that cell/month with be highlighted. Excel told me that I cannot do this for multiple rows at a time, and I don't want to go row by row for this many products. Attached is a sample file of the first row.

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Conditional Formatting Multiple Rows Independently

Apr 22, 2009

I have an Excel worksheet with about 300 rows and 8 columns per row. I want to shade the highest number and the lowest number for each row. I assume the built in conditional formatting is the best place to start, but I don't really know. Sample worksheet attached.

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Conditional Formatting For Multiple Columns And Rows?

Mar 28, 2014

I have data in cells A2 - N2 and cell O2 is currently blank. I am trying to set conditional formatting where if O2 has a value entered into it, it will conditional format A2 - N2 and highlight the entire row red.

I tried a formula like =O2"" but that does not work. Also tried a few other things but no luck.

Also, once the formula is set, what is the best way to apply the conditional formatting to rows 3 - 30. I tried the format painter tool but that seems to want to extend the formatting range from rows 3-30 and not just per row.

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Conditional Formatting - Duplicate Rows Based On Multiple Columns?

Apr 8, 2014

I'm looking for a Conditional Formatting formula that will check two columns before highlighting the duplicate rows. I need it to be conditional formatting because I know nothing about writing macros or vba (what-ever that is?). Data is entered into Columns A, B, and C. I need to check both column A and C before it highlights the duplicates, based on those two columns. (The format only unique or duplicate values checks only one column.) I have attached an example, but this is just an example, as I have hundreds of lines to go through on the original. (For this example, Row 2 and Row 7 are the duplicates I need highlighted.)

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Hide & Show Rows Based On Multiple Conditional Formatting

Aug 6, 2009

I am trying to hide/show entire rows of a range based on the conditional formatting in the row. I want all rows with at least one overdue training cell (indicated by a red cell) displayed, and rows with no overdue training hidden. The conditional formatting formulas vary greatly, but always result in a white (unchanged), yellow, or red cell. Here is a sample picture for reference:


The CF formulas vary based mostly on two major factors: the frequency of the requirement found in Column "C" (Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual, or Annual Requirement), and the personnel's arrival on site or date of departure (wheels up) found in Rows("3:4"). Each training class has two rows. The first row indicates the last time the class was completed, and the second row shows when it is due next. Both rows have to be displayed/hidden based on the second row's conditional formatting. Here is the code I am using right now: ...

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Conditional Formatting For Two Rows

Feb 15, 2012

I have a spreadsheet with 10 columns and 8000 rows. column 2 contains names and 3 contains districts of residence.

I need to highlight (or delete) whole rows of duplicate entries in the name column(2) that are in the same district (column 3).

Traditional conditional formatting highlights all duplicates. I just need those duplicates in column 2 that have the same text in column 3.

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Getting Conditional Formatting Rows?

Jun 7, 2012

I have rows of information linked to other sheets with forms to fill out (master sheet). I want to be able to have a red fill if one of the cells is blank, which I do have working now, but I want a clear row if the "indicator cell" is blank.

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Retaining Conditional Formatting On New Rows?

Jul 16, 2013

I have a spreadsheet for recording property maintenance. All properties are grouped by a city zone in a specific colour, and there is conditional formatting on this. Also drop down lists for properties, contractors etc.

This all worked well, until I needed to start inserting rows. All the conditional formatting and lists didn't replicate on the newly inserted rows.

Also, we need to assign a unique reference number to each row but currently manually inputting them - very inefficient way of doing this as they will inevitably get mixed up and confused as rows are removed.


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Copy Conditional Formatting To Other Rows

Jan 15, 2010

I'm running a spreadsheet at the moment in 2007, and one of the funcitons I've made it for certain cells to either change format if the number is to big or to small depending on the cell it is.

I have formatted all for one line against duplicate scores on the same line.
The problem is this is time consuming and there are 22 different lines.
Because with Conditional Formating you can't simply drag like you can with formulas, I was wondering if there was a more simple approach. I have demonstrated the formating required on Row 6, and require the same formating on rows 8:10, 14:26, 32:36.

Also, just to make things complicated, the values change for each line.
I have attatched the file. Row 6 with the label DEMO LINE contains all the correct formating I require.

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Insert Rows Through Conditional Formatting

May 15, 2013


I need the Left picture to look like the Right picture... There's over 30,000 lines of data.

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Conditional Formatting On Different Rows With Different Query

Aug 20, 2013

I have the following data:

Jan Feb March Q1 TargetThreshhold
£ 2,067 £ 1,978 £ 2,161 £ 2,100 £ 2,310

£ 1,492 £ 1,422 £ 1,611 £ 1,600 £ 1,760
£ 2,718 £ 2,683 £ 3,263 £ 2,400 £ 2,640
£ 2,853 £ 2,335 £ 2,481 £ 2,300 £ 2,530
£ 1,412 £ 1,533 £ 1,526 £ 1,600 £ 1,760
£ 1,067 £ 1,133 £ 1,246 £ 1,400 £ 1,540

And I am wanting to use conditional formatting. But wondering if there is an easier way than what I have at the moment.

The Formatting im using is:

=$C4>=$G4 Where value is TRUE the cell returns red and this applies at the moment to the First Row.

Is there a way I can get Conditional formatting to recognise the next cells without typing for each set of rows.

aka Row B would Read =$D4>=$G4
Row C would read =$E4>=$G4


Id rather not have to do a conditional format for each row as I have about 50 rows of data to do this to

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Conditional Formatting For All Rows In Each Sheet

Dec 4, 2008

I want this macro to apply the conditional formatting to all rows in each sheet that have "BE" in col G. The macro works fine in Cell A2 only. And only on the worksheet that I have active at the time that I run the macro. Can anyone tell me how to fix this?

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Using Conditional Formatting To Delete Rows

Jul 26, 2007

I have a worksheet that I use Conditional Formatting to check the dates in a total of 5 columns. In those columns, if the date is before 8/1/2006, it changes the cell color to red. Is there a formula I can put into Condition 2 to that would then clear out the whole row if within those 5 columns there isn't a red cell? This would take hours of work off of my slab.

******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Credetnialing Master.xls___Running: xl2002 XP : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutAT1=

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Conditional Formatting (>) - Highlight Rows

Jan 12, 2010

I have data from Col A to Col M, in Col C i have amounts, i need a conditional format that will highlight rows from Col A to M in yellow which are >5,000,000.00 and

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Need Conditional Formatting For 2 Columns, Unlimited Rows.

Mar 10, 2009

Im having a little trouble with this, Im dealing with a list, and I need to change the colour of rows, based upon a value in 2 different columns.

Im close, but cant quite get it.

Basically its like this, the data in these cells will only ever be either; blank in one or the other, both are never blank. or a number up to about 3 or 4, usually 1 or 2.

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Conditional Formatting To Change Colour Of Rows

Aug 13, 2009

I want to use conditional formatting to change the colour of the entire row when the date on A1 is any date in September (01/09/09 to 30/09/09).

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Conditional Formatting Rows In Pivot Table

Mar 25, 2014

I have a pivot table which shows below... I need to set up a conditional format to highlight the row where all fields are "0"

Days since Deal
Days since Opp
Days since Meet

Co 1

Co 2

Co 3

Co 4

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Deleting Rows Based On Conditional Formatting

Jun 11, 2009

I'm trying to get Excel to delete entire rows based on the conditional formating i'm using.

Basically, I want to get rid of all the rows that are of a certain color (let's say green, InteriorColor = 4). I've already come up with a way to delete rows based on color, but I have to take into account the Conditional formating i'm using.

Here's what I already have:

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Trigger For Conditional Formatting To Hide Rows

Oct 21, 2006

I found in this forum some vba code to insert into an excel spreadsheet a routine to hide rows if a value is < 1 in a column (Column B for this example). My problem is that it executes as you go down each cell in column B. I want to press a function key at the end of working on the spreadsheet to have it go line by line to hide rows that meet the condition. The code is as follows:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
' Dim R As Range
' Set R = Application.Intersect (Target, Range("B7:B7"))
' If R Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
With ActiveSheet
For Each Cell In Range("B5:B6")
If Cell.Value < 1 Then
Cell.EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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Sort Rows Housing Conditional Formatting

Nov 1, 2006

I have a spreadsheet in which I needed to add the row totals of cells affected by conditional formatting. Ozgrid came to the rescue here (kudos to Dave H and JimFuller1), but now if I sort by these totals the results do not match the rows they are associated with. The attached spreadsheet shows the values the users want to see on Sheet1. The user changes the highlighted values in the rows by changing the values in A1 and B1. These index a set of tables on Sheet3, and Sheet2 mimics the CF conditions in order to provide the totals in col V of Sheet1.

Now if I filter a Sheet1 field on nonblanks (to get rid of the blank rows) and then attempt 'Sort Descending' on Col V, all the rows appear to sort correctly with the exception of Col V which now appears to give the wrong total for the row.

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Conditional Formatting Across Multiple Spreadsheets?

Jun 5, 2014

I'm trying to set up conditional formatting to show when an employee is both scheduled to be working for the current date, and is trained in a particular task.

I have a spreadsheet called "Training" for all of the tasks that employees can be trained in, with the employee names in each row, and the task names at the top of each column. The intersection of an employee's row with a task's column will have an "X" if the employee is trained in the task. This is the spreadsheet that I'd like to be formatted; if the employee is trained and also scheduled to be working, I'd like to the "X" to change to a different color.

There are separate spreadsheets within the same workbook for the schedule. This is a bit more complex since the since each week of the schedule has its own spreadsheet within the workbook; each spreadsheet is named for the Saturday of the week it is for, such as "06-07". I've been able to successfully have other formulas in the workbook auto-adjust to the current week's schedule by using variations on the TODAY function (something like INDIRECT("'"&(TEXT(TODAY()-MOD(WEEKDAY(TODAY(),1),7),"mm-dd"))), but I'm not sure how to incorporate this into conditional formatting. On each schedule sheet, there is a column for each day of the week and a row for each employee. The cell for a given day will contain the employee's schedule if they are scheduled, or it will be blank if they are not scheduled. So, the conditional formatting formula would just need to check to see if the appropriate cell was blank or not.

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Conditional Formatting Over Multiple Pages

Dec 17, 2012

I need setting up a conditional rule over 2 pages.

Page 1 displays a list of countries.

Page 2 pulls in the RSS feed from the BBC World News website.

I need to find a way to set a rule that will highlight the country on page 1 if it is mentioned anywhere in page 2.

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Conditional Formatting For Multiple Worksheets?

Oct 23, 2013

I am having an excel workbook consisting of 11 sheets. Can I apply conditional formatting to multiple sheets at the same time?

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Multiple Conditional Formatting With Date?

Mar 31, 2014

Despite 'Google is my Friend' and lot of test, I got a bug in my formula. I'd like to colorize date between (Today + 30) and (Today + 60) The line with the xlsBetween operator, fail...

[Code] ......

Existing solution : I know how to bypass this issue, but it's really an awfull solution : fill all column with orange, and then the Conditional formating will overrun the orange color when nedeed. Works but I don't like it ...

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Conditional Formatting With Multiple Conditions

Jun 10, 2009

I have a spreadsheet that contains a great deal of information, though most if it contains dates. There are some colums that contain the word "NEED" if i don't yet have the date to put in there, and the cell is yellow. What i want to do is set up conditional formatting to change the cell to pink if:

A)the cell contains the "Need"


B)The date in the corresponding row from column C is more than 15 days old.

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Multiple Criteria In Conditional Formatting?

Jan 5, 2012

Start dateEnd Date01/01/201101/01/201102/01/201101/01/201110/01/2011

The above is the result that Im trying to get and I just cant work it out,


If B is Blank Format Red
If B is populated and A minus B is less than 5 No format
If B is populated and A minus B is Greater than 5 format Red

-- Im sure its easy but I just cant get it

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Conditional Formatting With Multiple If / Or Statements

Aug 2, 2012

I am having difficulties trying to get some conditional formatting done.

For the below i need to highlight the 2012 YTD Column based on the following conditions, and i cant get the formula correct

GReen = If 2012 YTD meets /beating both 2012 target and 2011 Actual figures =And(D2

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Conditional Formatting Multiple Cells

Jan 28, 2014

I need to conditional format a cell based on it's current value and a value in another cell.

For example:

Each person would have a different target. So if Steve has a figure of over 20 his highlights green, Paul 12 etc.

However each person would not appear in the same row each day.

The Conditional Forumla of =(A1="Steve.Smith")+(C1>="20") works, but then applying to all cells messes it up a bit.










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Conditional Formatting With Multiple References

Jul 18, 2014

I am working in a receiving room at a condo complex and am trying to facilitate how we handle and distribute the packages.

What I have in the first sheet of my would-be file is the unit numbers in a 28X12 array (12 units on 28 floors). I would like to make the array conditionally formatted to be highlighted in red to show that there is a package in for the unit in question. On the next sheet, I am putting information such as carrier, unit number and tracking number for each of the packages we receive. I want the unit number on the first sheet to immediately be red when the unit number is typed in the second sheet. When doing conditional formatting, it is easy to do this, by making the condition that the unit in the array will be highlighted when the unit is seen in the unit column in the second sheet.

My question is this: is it possible to somehow duplicate the references for the entire column that contains the unit numbers. I want a whole column to be the reference for conditional formatting of an array, so that I would be easily able to see who has a package in the receiving room, and who does not.

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Conditional Formatting In Multiple Cells

Oct 25, 2007

I am having a problem setting conditional formatting for multiple cells.
The first condition of the conditional formatting works for the cells but the second condition does not. There is probably an easy fix for this but I can't seem to find it.

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