Conditional Formatting That References Two Separate Conditions
Aug 15, 2008
I am trying to use conditional formatting in Excel 2003 to indicate when certain tasks are overdue (by highlighting the cell in red). My problem is that I have multiple criteria. If my line item is a "priority" item, it is considered aged if not resolved after 2 days; if the line item is "routine", the item is not considered aged until after two weeks (14 days). My goal is:
1) I would like the "status" cell in column D (which says "open" or "closed") to turn red if the item is aged.
2) Aging depends on the "priority" status in column A .......
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Oct 17, 2007
I would like to highlight cells is two conditions are met:Cell = 0Offset(0,-1)>0I tried the conditional format wizard and entered a formula: =IF(AND($J2=0,$I2>0)) But I keep receiving formual errors, which I understand, because it appears to be incomplete formula. But I am not sure what else I need to add to the formula in the conditional format wizard
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Feb 8, 2014
I have 2 sheets. Sheet1 looks like this:
Note: The "X"s are actually not in the cells, they are for illustration purposes only. Instead of the "X"s, I want to fill the cells marked with X with the color red. The cells in sheet2 have no value except row 1 and column 1.
I am looking for the formula to fill into the conditonal formatting field for sheet2.
The formula should detect how many letters there are in row 1 of sheet2 (for example here we have 4, namely A, B, C and D). If I add a new column E later, I just want to re-apply the formula to those new cells, not edit the formula itself. If there is a new column E, it will also be added on sheet1, but not necessaryly to the right side of the column with the header "A", maybe it will be added between "B" and "D".
The number of rows will not change, they stay static at 1-5
Here is the underlying task.
Sheet2: A column that has all days of the year, from Jan 01 to Dec 31, from top to bottom, starting in A2 going down to a366. In column B, C, D and so on, in row 1, I write the names of different countries. Sheet1: In row 1 I write the same country names as in sheet2, but not in the same order. Below the country names I list the official pulic holidays of the whole year.
I need the formula for conditional formatting that will color the intersecting cells of Country names and days of the year. And I need the formuly to be dynamic so that I can add more countries later without have to adapt the formula for new columns manually.
So far I have the formula to count the filled cells in row 1 on sheet1. I also have the formula to find the country name in sheet2 and return the column number of the same country in sheet1. Last but not least, I can make this work with a static formula, but replacing the static pieces with the dynamic pieces mentioned above just won't format the cells as desired.
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Jul 18, 2014
I am working in a receiving room at a condo complex and am trying to facilitate how we handle and distribute the packages.
What I have in the first sheet of my would-be file is the unit numbers in a 28X12 array (12 units on 28 floors). I would like to make the array conditionally formatted to be highlighted in red to show that there is a package in for the unit in question. On the next sheet, I am putting information such as carrier, unit number and tracking number for each of the packages we receive. I want the unit number on the first sheet to immediately be red when the unit number is typed in the second sheet. When doing conditional formatting, it is easy to do this, by making the condition that the unit in the array will be highlighted when the unit is seen in the unit column in the second sheet.
My question is this: is it possible to somehow duplicate the references for the entire column that contains the unit numbers. I want a whole column to be the reference for conditional formatting of an array, so that I would be easily able to see who has a package in the receiving room, and who does not.
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Aug 19, 2007
Does anyone know if it's possible to use R1C1 style references in conditional formatting formulas?
Eg., =R[-1]C > 1
I tried the above and I keep getting an error.
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Oct 7, 2013
I'm having trouble with Color Scales within Conditional Formatting. I have a data set of commodity prices. In column A I have the name of the commodity, in column B I have the standard deviation of the price change of the commodity, and in Columns C-N I have the monthly % change in the commodity price. I want to conditionally format with Color Scales each row of price changes within Columns C-N based on each commodity's standard deviation (column B). If the price change is a one standard deviation or more decrease, I want the cell to be dark red; if the price change is less than a one standard deviation decrease, I want the cell to be a gradient of light red; if the price change is a one standard deviation or more increase, I want the cell to be dark blue; if the standard deviation is less than a one standard deviation decrease, I want the cell to be a gradient of light blue; and if the price change is 0, then I want the cell to be white.
I can achieve this perfectly by manually doing 3-Color Scale Conditional Formatting for each row, but it's very time-consuming. And Excel doesn't allow me to enter relative cell references when I'm doing the Color Scale Formatting. Is there a quick way that I can do this so that each row is color formatted differently?
I've attached an example file (there are many more rows within the original file) and formatted the first several rows manually as I want the final product to look.
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Dec 3, 2012
I have this fairly simple formula which decides whether to shade a cell or not
This is set in cell R3 and I want to copy it all the way down the cells in the R column. However, when I copy & paste (and copy and paste using paste special, formatting) the R3 and AC3 cell references do not update to match their relevant rows. eg If I highlight cell R26 the conditonal formatting formula still refers to cell R3 and AC3, not R26 & AC26. I'm using Excel 2010 but I don't recall this happening in 2003.
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Jun 9, 2014
In the attached spreadsheet, the numbers in col A derived from another spreadsheet. The table D1:L21 is precaculated based on projection. I need 2 cells highlighted when they capture the number from the same row (col A). In another word, whenever the number from col A fall in between the 2 cells in the same row, they will be highlighted. Another condition is when it is smaller then 10 reps, the corresding cell in col D will be highlighted, as demonstrated in the attached table. I tried AND(E2<A2, F2>A2) but it didn't work. I also tried LARGE((E2:L2<A2)*(E2:L2),1) and similar SMALL function. They work as an array in normal excel, but not in the conditional formatting.
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Jun 27, 2013
I am trying to fill a cell green if the current value > avg value and in red if < than avg value. I have tried to use conditional formatting but I cannot see where i can add additional rules. In any case here is what I am trying to do:
Daily Avg. Units:42
Avg Bgt. Units:7
The cell containing the number 42 is filled in green. If the figure was less than 7 it would have been red.
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Mar 6, 2008
Why is there a hard limitation like this? Is there a way to go around it? By having a different format for the cells outside the 3 conditions I can get 4 different formats altogether, but that's not really that much.
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Jan 23, 2010
I'm using Excel 2000 which has a limit of three conditions, I have 6. If you could just get me started, I still don't understand VBA enough to do this.
In cell A1, the color is set to red. I want A1 to turn green when all 6 conditions are met:
1. Cell B1 has a valid value from its pull down list, no other value, and not empty.
2. Cell B2 has an integer, no decimal places allowed, and not empty.
3. Cell B3 has a valid value from its pull down list, no other value, and not empty
4. Cell B4 is not empty.
5. Cell B5 has a three decimal place number greater than zero.
6. Cell B6 has a single letter from A-Z only.
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Jan 26, 2007
I have tried it, and it isn't changing the cells when I test the macro. I'm obviously doing something wrong, but can't figure out what....
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Oct 17, 2008
I am using a drop down list in excel and want to conditional format the cells based on what is selected from the list. I can't use conditional formatting as I have more than 3 items in the list.
I am guessing VBA can help but am a complete novice so could use some handholding on what to do.
Idea is that if someone select "Good" from dropdown, cell becomes green, "Stable" is amber and so on.
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Jul 10, 2009
Is it possible to apply confitional formatting on 6 conditions ...
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Jan 8, 2010
I want to use conditional formatting for RAG reporting. I had done this by having Cell is R then the format would be RED, Cell is A, then yellow, etc...
However I would like to have a blank cell or N/a no format the cell at all-currently this is making the cells green.
Do I need to use Formula instead? and tips on how this could be written would be great as well.
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Oct 31, 2006
I am trying to colour cells depending on the text in the cell. The text includes letters and symbols (e.g. A+ or C). The problem is I have five different conditions and Excel will only let me set up three.
The conditions I require are:
Text: A+ or A Colour: Pink
Text: A- or B+ Colour: Light Orange
Text: B or B- Colour: Sea Green
Text: C+ or C Colour: Lavender
Text: C- or D Colour: Brown
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Jan 26, 2007
Need to figure out a code for Conditional formatting to work for 4 cases. I dropped programming 5 yrs ago...have forgotten mostly everything but I know this can be done. What I need:
Range = entire sheet
Upon entering a date(X) anywhere in the row the date is calculated from today's date(Y) and if the date entered is -infinity to 30 then the entire row turns red. 31 to 60 days orange, 61 to 90 days yellow, 91 to 120 days green, 120+ nothing.
Basically Y-X.
Case <30 red row
Case 31-60 orange row
Case 61-90 Yellow row
Case 91-120 Green Row
121+ nothing.
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Apr 2, 2007
I'm trying to add conditional formatting to a column of data but there are more than 3 conditions. Is there a way of increasing the number of conditions you are able to set using the conditional formatting wizard or, if not, is there a way of applying conditional formatting using VBA ?
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Aug 10, 2007
I am running Excel 2003 and when I open the file, I get the error: Invalid procedure call or library. When I check the references, it has
Microsoft Excel 11.0 object library
Microsoft Office 11.0 object library
and I manually added
Microsoft Outlook 11.0 object library
Not only do I get the same error, but when I try to save, it just gives me the totally unhelpful error message: File not saved
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Jan 9, 2008
Is there a formula I can enter into the conditional formula palette that will allow me to format cells on one sheet based on a match found on a second sheet? ....or do I have to use VBA to do this?
Here, specifically, is what I am trying to do:
Sheet1 A1:AA200 contains a list of names.
Sheet2 A1:A200 consists of a Range named MALE.
Sheet2 B1:B200 consists of a Range named FEMALE.
Consider, first...that some of the cells in BOTH named ranges may be blank.
I want to format all of the cells in Sheet1 A1:AA200 to turn green if a match is found in the Range named MALE....and turn the cells red if a match is found in the Range named FEMALE.
When I try to use the Range names in my formula...I get various errors.
if I need to use VBA to accomplish this. Writing VBA to do this should be relatively simple...but I would appreciate some sample code to use as a model, since my VBA coding skills are still in their infancy.
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Nov 6, 2008
I am trying to use conditional formatting for a cell; It is a cell using Validation; you can choose "Yes" or "No" from a list If the value is "Yes" the cell should be green, regardless of everything else But if the value is "No" it should turn red, but only if a choice in another cell is equal to "X". Otherwise it should be left without special formatting.
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Oct 11, 2013
I am trying to do some conditional formatting to highlight rows based on several conditions, I don't know if this is possible, but these are the criteria:
10/1/2013 11:14:15
10/1/2013 11:14:20
I want to highlight a row if:
- the difference in time value is < 20 seconds
- the first symbol column is the same
- at least one, but not all of the rows meeting the above criteria contains a value in the second column from a given list (in this example, say tt is on this list)
So if done properly the logic would highlight the first and third rows, but would highlight none if none of the values in column two match my list.
I think the test criteria would go something like this, however I know that there are problems with my row references.
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Jun 10, 2009
I have a spreadsheet that contains a great deal of information, though most if it contains dates. There are some colums that contain the word "NEED" if i don't yet have the date to put in there, and the cell is yellow. What i want to do is set up conditional formatting to change the cell to pink if:
A)the cell contains the "Need"
B)The date in the corresponding row from column C is more than 15 days old.
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Oct 2, 2009
I have a spreadrsheet (sample attached) which populates a calender due to columns on seperate sheets being filled with text and corresponding dates. I started using conditional formatting to highlight certain conditions but soon realised I need more than 3 so I tried looking into VBA - and failed.
All the cells in the calender have the 3 usual conditions associated to them but in addition I need to be able to colour individual cells if they contain certain phrases or parts of phrases like "BP" or "Current"
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Apr 24, 2002
Can I have more than 3 conditions for the conditional formatting function?
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Nov 14, 2006
I have a cell that I want changed to green (red 133 Green 180 Blue 0) if a line is considered active. As conditional formatting only allows 3 arguments, I need to perhaps code it?
Along the columns are cells that can change a row to active or inactive.
Here are my arguments.
If B5>1 .. row = active
If B5>1 & G5>1 .. row = inactive
If B5>1 & G5>1 & H5>1 .. row = active
If at any time L5>1 & M5="" .. row = inactive .. OR
If at any time Q5>1 & R5="" .. row = inactive .. BUT
If at any time L5>1 & M5>1 .. or .. Q5>1 & R5>1 .. row = active
then ..
If H5>1, M5>1, R5>1, T5>1 & AH5="", AJ5="", AL5="" .. row = active
so If at any time AH5>1 .. or .. AJ5>1 .. or .. AL5>1 .. row = inactive
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Jan 23, 2009
I have a lot of data (regarding graffiti) in a table and all my formulas work well. But, because I sometimes make an error in two columns of data I sometimes get results that do not balance. I want to put in a conditional format (?Is there a better way?) that will highlight the error as I enter the data. Can you help please?
Using Excel 2003 (sp3) and no add ons. There are lots of identical rows, 5:400, making up a table. I will use row 10 as an example.
In column M there is a formula which may or may not give a visible result. (It's a measure of the number of days taken to clean the graffiti and will only hold a result if the job has been finished.) The result for "M10" will be a number between 0 and 5 90% of the time, but may creep up to 30. It may also leave the cell looking blank although the formula itself is still lurking out of sight.
A matching row of cells, O10:T10, have no formulas in them. I must manually enter a "w" or an "a" into ONE of these columns, depending on the graffiti location (Worthing or Adur) and property ownership (Columns for residential, commercial, council etc.)
So now the errors I need to flag up as I enter data are to ensure that M and O:T balance. There should always be a result in M if there is an entry somewhere in O:T and if there is an entry in M there must be an entry somewhere in O:T.
Sometimes I mistakenly put an entry in O:T even if there was no result in M. Sometimes there is a result in M and I fail to put an entry in O:T. I need to be alerted as this happens, if possible. It will save hours of trying to track down my data entry errors.
BUT, there is already one conditional format already in M. It highlights the cell if it goes over 5 days for cleaning. =ISNUMBER(M10)*(M10>5).
If you can help, thank you very much. I thank you, my wife thanks you for me not doing overtime trying to track down my errors, my boss's thank you for making me more efficient and other forum readers may thank you for helping them to improve their sheets.
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Jan 23, 2008
I have a spreadsheet with data in columns A:K.
I want to be able to change font color for a row based on what is found in column J and K. In other words if J3 contains the letter M then row 3 should be Green. I know how to do this using conditional formating, however I have 2 problems.
First, I have 6 different conditions to meet.
Second, there is one more condition to meet. If the date in column K3 is older than todays date then row 3 should be turn Red regardless of what is found in column J3.
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Feb 8, 2009
I want to create a chart than logs the progress of a project at work. Column 1 will have a series of target dates for certain tasks and column 2 will be filled in with the completed dates. I want automatically colour a cell (RC) based on the date given in the cell to the left (RC[-1]) giving a traffic light style warning of an upcoming target date and colour coding the cells when a task is completed on time (or not!). I can work out what the conditions are by creating 2 sets of 3 conditions (1 set if cell (RC) is empty and 1 set if cell (RC) has a date or "N/A" in it).
My conditions are:
1. Turn the cell background colour red (action overdue) if:
Formula Is:=IF(AND(RC[-1]"",RC="",RC[-1]
2. Turn the cell background colour orange (action required) if:
Formula Is: =IF(AND(RC[-1]"",RC="",RC[-1]
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Sep 23, 2011
I'm trying to figure out how to copy & paste the following conditional formatting down the column.
The conditional formatting I'm using is in cell A1, D1, G1, J1, M1 (so I have to Ctrl click each cell manually & I then choose to "format the values that rank in the:" "bottom 1" & format it green.
I want to copy and paste that all the way down column A, D, G, J, & M and have the conditial formatting pick for each row, not the whole column. eg. A2, D2, G2, J2, M2... A3, D3, G3, J3, M3...
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