Convert Excel Formula To VBA
Feb 14, 2012Here is the excel formula that works fine. =INT(EXP(.0003*POWER(x,2)))
View 1 RepliesHere is the excel formula that works fine. =INT(EXP(.0003*POWER(x,2)))
View 1 RepliesI want to convert code below to excell formula
Sub Fonksyon171819()
Dim total As Double, i As Integer
total = 0
I Excel formula to convert time to seconds. For example:
12:05:00 AM Expected asnwer= 300.
(1) =round(if(bran!g1="raw",if(bran!n1=$f$19,(bran!p1/$g$19)*(bran!n1-$g$19),if(bran!n1>=$f$20,((bran!p1/$g$19)*($f$19-$g$19))+((bran!p1/$g$19)*(bran!n1-$f$19)*2),if(bran!n1=$j$20,((bran!p1/$k$19)*($j$19-$k$19))+((bran!p1/$k$19)*(bran!n1-$j$19)*2),if(bran!n1$f$25,bran!j1*$h$25,if(bran!o1>$f$26,(bran!o1-$f$26)*bran!j1*$h$26,if(bran!o1$j$25,bran!j1*$l$25,if(bran!o1>$j$26,((($j$26-$j$27)*$l$27*bran!j1)+((bran!o1-$j$26)*bran!j1*$l$26)),if(bran!o1>$j$27,(bran!o1-$j$27)*bran!j1*$l$27,if(bran!o1
View 1 Replies View RelatedI use a software to find relationship between some variables. this software can export results (excel mathematical formula) to a text or excel file. I need use this formulas in my VBA codes. but I should convert about 100-150 formula each time, hence this is very time consuming and hard to do that manually. I wondering if there is any macro code or third party software for that?
excel formulas are like this:
I am trying to get a grip on my gas n electric bills. My problem is in creating a formula to convert the info I have into the final bill.
The info I have is -: days of use, amount of G n E used, standing charge, price/unit and discounts applicable. For simplicity I have converted them all into a rate per day and £GB. I tried the following formula
:-(standing charge per day * days used)+(cost per KWH * No.of KWH used) - (discounts * days used) / (100) * (94)
This last one is to account for a direct debit 6% discount. I used cell address for things like No of days usage and KWHs used in the period. The values in these cells have themselves been calculated via a formula from other info. The results I get seem to be a constant variable which indicates that I am doing it wrong.
Is there a way to convert the string "Sep 28 2012" to excel date format using a formula or vba?
View 8 Replies View RelatedHTML Code: VLOOKUP(M2,'FX Rates'!$A$1:$P$199,2,FALSE)
I have lots of vlookups in my spreadsheet. Match and Index is a better method and should speed up my spreadsheet (1000s of vlookups!).
Is there any macro that can be used to convert data which have been converted from PDF to Excel. Currently I'm using a traditional way by pressing F2 and enter to convert the data to excel format. It's tedious ( since the data range is quite big) and crammed my finger.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have big Access file .mdb. I need to work with the file in Excel.
The Excel read the file and I tryed to save the file as .xlsx
I receive a message saying only 64k rows will be saved.
How can I translate the file to Excel 2007?
How do i consistently convert a PDF table to Excel? When in the PDF i am recognizing the text and then trying all available ways to either copy or export the selection (to all available file types!) but it only works in a usable manner about 10% of the time....
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've made one calculator.
Offertkalkulator Freihandlabor GmbH.xlsx
I want to convert excel file with all functions in PDF.
So I want all functions and formulas that are in excel to work in PDF.
I Use the Quickbook 2009 for accounting. I need to convert CSV files over to QBO files. Any Software are not to Convert CSV files to QBO files.
It's Possible to Convert the CSV files to QBO Files via Excel.
I need a macro, to convert pdf to excel. This pdf file has columnar data, if it could be converted into in the same format.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a free program available to convert PDF files to an excel file.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have just upgraded Excel from 2003 to 2010 and cannot locate where I would convert a spreadsheet to a .pdf document.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs their a way to convert a PDF file into an Excel spreadsheet?
View 5 Replies View RelatedConverting excel files into fully functional standalone and interactive web applications/dashboards? I have only worked with spreadhseetconverter before it converts excel files into interactive calculators but lacks the features which are available in the standard dashboards like gauges and widgets and the rest because it only converts the standard excel charts. I wonder if you have encountered a product which can converts excel files into fully functional interactive dashboards?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to convert the excel formula into its value? I know the easiest way is to copy and use paste special then "value" options but is there a way to make it automated in case the desired output value has resulted.
HTML example:
A1 B1 C1 D1
1 2 A1+B1 Yes/No
on the above example, if D1=Yes, the output C1 will become value equals to 3 and the formula will be remove, if D1=No, the formula will still remain.
the following formula to be converted to vb for my userform.
this is part of the vb that i'm working with and i need to change the part after "Then Amount =" I just can't seem to work out where to put the roundup bit.
The formula below is in cell H3. My requirement is to remove the formula and instead have a macro do the same thing that formula does.. in cell H3.
PHP Code:
=SUMIF(Log!$B:$B,$A$2&" "&$A4,Log!$C:$C)
How would I convert this into VBA
I want to convert Hex to Binary. I want the Binary in 8 different cells.The hex input would be lets say A1 I would want to convert that to eight different cells Bit7 G10, Bit6 G12, Bit5 G14, Bit4 G16, Bit3 E10, Bit2 E12, Bit1 E14 and Bit0 E16.
Then I want another Hex input on A2 and convert that to eight diferent cells.
Bit7 K10, Bit6 K12, Bit5 K14, Bit4 K16, Bit3 I10, Bit2 I12, Bit1 I14 and Bit0 I16.
How would I do This?
to convert a complex Excel file to a Web App (usable in the browser of a iPad) which has 15 sheets and some input.I tried every javascript/jquery library, tried to hire a freelance, asked for a quote everywhere, tried add-ins, etc. Nothing seems to work. Manually, well, it is pretty impossible within 2 days.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have imports with several values listed as :00. I am unable to adjust the import or export to make these values 0:00 as they should for calculating. How can I convert the :00 values to 0:00? Its literally just like I need to add a 0 zero in front of the colon ":". This is the case with anything imported that is less than 1:00 minute. I have :55 that should be 0:55 and so on. I have tried re-formatting for different time values, tried various formulas that were listed in the forums.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to create a specific template that will extract information from PDF file and make it to an Excel File ? The Template would know each PDF and will know which information to extract to excel ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a notepad file that contains data. We need to convert the notepad file into excel and then segregate the data after conversion. Segregation point would be the point where in we can find keyword “Summary”. We need to create a macro that finds the occurrence of summary keyword. Then from the beginning till that summary point cut the entire data and paste in other worksheet. Name the worksheet as “Receivables” or “Payables” or “Fee Payable” depending what type of data that summary contains.
After creating different worksheets we need to format the worksheet in specific format.
For example: I have attached the “Recon1” XL file attached. Under Recon1 – “RECEIVABLES 1” contains the as is data converted from notepad. Later we need to modify the same data using macro as specified in “RECEIVABLES 2” and then as per the format available in “RECEIVABLES 3”.
I want to convert the data below into hours in excel. At the moment I am doing it manually.
how I can do this in a more efficient way, reduce time and increase accuracy.
For example
1h 18m 28s would be 1.25 hours.
1d 4h 55m 16s would be 28.90 hours.
Example of Data
47m 26s
48m 46s
59m 36s
1h 2m 51s
I receive the data in a automated report. At the moment I have add four columns as below
1) Day- i use the mid function to work days
2) Day to Hours- multiply column 1 by 24
3)Hours- Manually type in hours eg, 4h 55m= 4.80 hours 19h 33m= 19.50 hours
4) Total Hours- Add together column 2 and 3. (Ignore seconds)
How to convert Excel sheet to PDF file By VBA code.
View 9 Replies View RelatedEvery day I create many Excel reports that I manually save as PDFs for distribution to my stakeholders. I'd like to automate this process using a macro. I've seen the following code online and have attempted to use it, but receive an error in the Dim MyPDF line of code indicating that the user-defined type is not defined.
I'm using Excel 2003 and Acrobat Distiller 8. I have no problem creating PDFs manually
Sub Create_PDF()
Dim tempPDFFileName As String
Dim tempPSFileName As String
Dim tempPDFRawFileName As String