Converting Text To Number, Dropping Leading Zero
Sep 9, 2009
I have a macro that goes out to a database and pulls in updated numbers. However the numbers come in as text because they have leading 0's:
The only way I can get the numbers formatted as a number and drop the leading 0 is to click on the yellow exclamation tab that pops up and click, Convert to Number. Is there any way I can write this into my macro to automatically do for me? I tried selecting the column and reformatting this way but it would not drop the leading zero:
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Feb 5, 2009
When I save my file as a csv, it drops leading zeros in my zip codes. Formatting the column as text or even zip code only helps when I save it as xls - as soon as I switch it to csv it drops them.
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Jun 19, 2014
I'm trying to format an Excel 2010 spreadsheet so that I can import it into another application. I need to convert a number to text with four digits and a leading apostrophe - '0000 for example. How do I do this without having to type everything in manually?
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Jul 25, 2007
I'm trying to convert a set of numbers between 1 and 9999 into text strings, with the number at the end as a four digit string, so 1 becomes "COLUMN0001", 123 becomes "COLUMN0123", etc. In excel, it would be easy - I would just use the text function and convert the number to a string and append it to the word COLUMN, but as far as I know, there isn't an equivalent function in excel and running excel functions in VBA is notoriously slow (especially as I will need to do this about 360,000 times).
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Jul 10, 2014
I have a column with a general format that looks like this: "057828001 - WACS - Irving".
I need to remove the latter part of the value " - WACS - Irving"
I am doing that by using the replace all and typing in "-*"; that gives me a result of 57828001.
I need a result of 057828001.
How do I retain the leading zero?
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Nov 19, 2013
Here's the data set I am working with.
I get a dump that is in the form xxxx gbps or xxxx mbps (gigabits and megabits). I'd like to either use a formula or VBA code to convert this to mbps in another column.
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Mar 16, 2009
I am currently trying to find an easy way to convert cell references to number format. The issue I'm having is when compiling a small formula (CONCATENATE) as part of a macro in order to produce a unique reference number to a column of data (1000's of cells long) I come accross the age old number stored as text issue after the macro has converted the formula to values.
Have tried editing the macro to number stored as text = false which removes the annoying little red triangle but the vlookup functions still wont read the values. My current solution is to highlight the entirity of the data and convert to number which takes a long long time as there are multiple lookups assigned to the cells, which for my current project is not acceptable.
Am looking for a quick solution, (with no interaction required) something that would convert the cells to the format required either before the formula is assigned and overwritten by values or just after. Currently I'm stumped.
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Jan 25, 2013
I have a formula which extracts a number from a text string.
The text string is in A2 - the formula which extracts the number is in B2
However - when I copy the data in B2 and paste values to another sheet / cell - the forumla is as text - and I get the little green corner symbol and I have to convert to number.
Some VBA code - that will automatically convert my extracted "number" - to an actual number in number format.
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Mar 4, 2003
On my Excel spreadsheet, I have a TEXT value in A1 that is all numbers, i.e. "000065200". I would like to write some VBA code that changes A1 to the numeric value . How do I do this?
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Sep 26, 2011
I have the following SQL that works fine...
= "SELECT [ID] FROM [Data Connection TBL] WHERE ([DateSentYear]= ""1992"" AND [DateRcvdYear]= ""1992"");"
However, if I create loops to cycle thru the years, the following doesn't work?
= "SELECT [ID] FROM [Data Connection TBL] WHERE ([DateSentYear]= " & CStr(x) & " AND [DateRcvdYear]= " & CStr(y) & ");"
Is CStr not right?
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Oct 25, 2011
I have the following formula that pull a value from anotther worksheet. However, for some unkown reason it does not recognise the value as as number
=OFFSET('ECM & Volvo'!A474,0,Journals!$D$1-1)
I would like a formula to convert the value into a number
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Mar 4, 2003
on my Excel spreadsheet, I have a TEXT value in A1 that is all numbers, i.e. "000065200". I would like to write some VBA code that changes A1 to the numeric value .
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Apr 29, 2006
I need to convert some text to a number. I was wondering if there is a way to do it in Excel. Like, for example, the date 3/14/2006 can be converted to 38790. Is there any function in Excel that can convert a word to a number?
Example would be (numbers are totally random)
md_bla_bla_02 would convert to something like 3452615261502
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Oct 31, 2013
I have text amount in L55 column. The amount is auto summed amount. Example, $ 5081.16
Now in C59 column (total FOB) I have to write the amount in text manually. Any formula to make the amount converted in text automatically??? I badly need this. Attaching image.
THE Format of text amount has to be like below.
It has to be caps locked, there will be and between cents and main amount, there wil be cents after that. Attaching image.
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Mar 20, 2014
I am pulling out information from a cell using =RIGHT(C2,4). It gives me 6-2 in the cell, which is what I want. Now I want to sum the cell but how to do it. I have tried converting it but it doesn't work, I tried pulling out each digit, but that didn't work.
Ideally, I would like a formula that could convert cell A1 into a result in one cell.
Attached File : converting text example.xlsx
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Jun 30, 2009
I have an excel file that is used to create a large text file. This is all done manually so I wrote some code to create the file automatically. I have everything working except that I am losing some info. The info is zeros after the decimal point. Almost all of the cells are formatted as numbers with 3 decimal places. It is common to have values of 0.000 that end up just 0 when they are written to the text file. Is there a way to keep the formatting (all decimal places)? Here is an example of code that I am using to write data directly from a cell to the file.
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Nov 25, 2011
I am using following formulae to convert 16 digit number to with validation that number is not exceeding 16 digits and should always start with "1" else it should give Error with 11 blank spaces
(IF(LEN(L2)+LEFT(L2)=17,TEXT(L2,"0000000000000000"),"ERROR"&REPT(" ",11))))
but when I input any number which has a value other than zero e.g. 1009510010000059 its returning result as 1009510010000050 I need validation also in the same formulae
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Mar 12, 2012
I have a spreadsheet which has over 30,000 records. One column is a row of numbers stored in a General format. Some of these numbers are however stored as Text and have the following Error Check:
"The number in this cell is stored as Text or preceded by an apostrophe"
As a result, when I try to import this sheet into Access, the numbers are not imported and appear as blank cells in the Table.
Is there a way either manually or programatically, format the column so all cells in that column are stored as a number and do not have the issue of being stored as text?
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Mar 14, 2014
I want a formula for converting a number to text
For example: 2550 ( two thousand five hundred fifty). I found one formula (BAHTTEXT) but it convert into Thai Language.
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Jan 29, 2009
I am importing data from an access database that is continually refreshed. Some of the data that is returned to my Excel sheet is in binary, where a "0" represents an unchecked box on the database program and a "1" represents the same box, but with a check mark. I want to change the data so that when it is updated on my Excel sheet it is converted to text as either "Yes" or "No" instead of "1" or "0", respectively. I'm sure this is pretty elementary stuff but I have tried VBE and cell formulas and can't come up with an answer.
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Nov 10, 2008
convert a column of text to number with macro.
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Mar 11, 2007
I have a user form and to input the hourly wage i need to convert the text entry to a number whose type is LONG and not integer.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Or is there a way to input a number in a userform without a text box entry?
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Sep 29, 2008
Is there anyway of converting the output (which is 7 and in text form) to a useable number format so that I can take advantage of the VLOOKUP function (instead of getting a #N/A)....
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Jul 16, 2009
I have a cell with the following text in it that is being imported from a website "5/1 Smith T win". What i want to do is extract the "5/1" part without it being in the format of a date. I want it to be extracted in the format "?/???". I have entered the following formula to extract the "5/1"
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Feb 13, 2007
I have the following script which is working fine execpt for its limited to running the loop 10 times. The macro is looking for files where the file extension could be anything between .P01 and .P99. Currently, the macro looks for file.P01 then file.P02 etc until it gets to file.P09 by increasing the value of 'i'. The trouble I am having is to get the variable 'i' to have a leading zero when the value is less than 10.
Sub rename_print_files()
Dim OldName, NewName
Dim i As Integer
Dim strResult, strOldName, strNewName As String
Range("E14").Activate ' set first file
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
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Jun 24, 2008
I'm using Excel 2007 and am using a look up formula =isna(match( cell, cell range, 0)) to see whether a number in one column occurs in another column.
I have been doing this process successfully for over a year on Excel 2003 and more recently on Excel 2007. This is until today, when it's stopped doing what I expect - could I have changed a setting?
The correct number format for this sheet should be 0000 (so now '67' will appear as '0067' or '290' will appear as '0290' etc.) So I have applied this Custom Format to my columns: '0000'
After applying the Custom Format to the spreadsheet the numbers appear correctly - 560 now appears as 0560 - BUT in the formula bar they still only appear as the original format - so 560 is STILL 560 rather than 0560 as it should be!
As a result of this, my look up is not looking for the number in the new format, it's still looking for the number in its original format - so a look up for 0560 is actually returning results for anything with 560 in it: 560, 5600, 5601, 56000, 56007 etc.
I need my look up to be looking for 0560 NOT 560.
How do I force the numbers to become 4 digits in the formula bar so that my look up for 0560 only finds a match with a cell containing 0560 and not 560, 5600, 5601, 56000, 56007 etc.
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Jun 1, 2009
I need Excel to create Date's of Birth from following data in column A. If the data are 7 numbers long, I need to add a '0' to the start and have used the custom format of 0#######. This works fine but I need the data in column B to just display the first 4 digits. I have used =LEFT(A1,4) to do this, but it's not picking up the 0's which I've added.
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Mar 31, 2009
I am using the following code to import an excel file into an existing sheet. The problem I am having is the way some of the cells are being imported. Some of the cells have spaces before and after the number.
I need to delete the leading and trailing spaces for each cell affected. Is there a code I can incorporate to do this? BTW…the columns effected are columns F & G.
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Oct 1, 2009
The above number is a barcode . The formula I need would add 1.
If I copied it down the next number would be
I can work around the "GM" but the leading zero is killing me.
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Sep 15, 2014
I have been using a piece of code to save a workbook and name it as the value in a cell, for a long time the value in the cell has been alphanumeric and all has worked well. I now need to save the workbook as a 6 digit number and it has to include the leading zeros.
Sub Name ()
Dim stBatch1 As String
Range("Batch").NumberFormat = "000000" [code]....
With 000001 in the cell called Batch all that gets returned is 1, I have tried changing stBatch1 from String to Integer and that returns -1, I have also moved the NumberFormat around to various places in the code and mostly it just returns True.
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