Custom Formats For Two Different Cells

Feb 20, 2007

i've inherited a spreadsheet that is causing me a problem with a custom format. I have two cells each with different custom formats. The first (cell A) is formatted as thus 0.0;0;. The second ( cell B) formatted as 0.000;0;

The number in each cell will vary. Cell A is always positive and cell B could be positive or negative. The problem occurs in Cell B when this should be a negative number as it picks this value up from another cell ,say cell C. so Cell C= -0.614 but cell B shows this as being 1. I'm sure the author of the sheet did this for a reason. Why does the cell display the number 1

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Join Digits From Multiple Cells While Retaining Custom Formats

Apr 2, 2009

I have four different cell.

Cell a1 contains 6 digits
Cell a2 contains 1 digit
Cell a3 contains 6 digits
Cell a4 contains 4 digits.

Cells a3 and a4 may contain a number less than number of digits specified above but are custom formatted 000000 and 0000 respectively to ensure they have the correct number of digits. My problem is when I try to combine the four cells they lose their formatting. I have tried =A1&A2&A3&A4 and = concatenate(A1,A2,A3,A4). But both formulas loose the formatting from the individual cells.

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Custom Number Formats

Mar 20, 2009

I need to create a custom number format for a recorded delivery number in an excel sheet. I want it to look like AA 1234 1234 1GB in the cell even if the user enters it without spaces e.g. AA123412341GB. I have had a bit of a play around with underscores to get spaces but nothing seems to make it change.

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Custom Time Formats

Sep 8, 2008

I've been trying to create a work schedule and I am having trouble formatting it just the way that I want it. Basically, I am looking to put in the time with an AM or PM after it.

The problem that I am having is that if the time is on the hour I want it to display as 4 PM and if it is not on the hour, then I want it to display as 4:30 PM. I don't want 4:00 PM with the 2 extra zeros. Is there any way to do this with conditional formatting or some type of formula? I just don't want to have to change the number format every time I have to enter a time that is not on the hour.

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Custom Cell Formats

Jan 27, 2007

I would like to display the following number of hours as day hour minute format
48.0 hrs as 2d 00h 00m.

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How Do I Delete Custom Number Formats

May 17, 2006

I need to create some custom number formats, but after a few failed tests I
have a lot of junk that I'd like to remove. I've checked the Microsoft
knowledge base which suggest there should be a delete button, but I don't
have one.

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Linking To Custom Number Formats?

Nov 11, 2011

I want to display a cell with the value -1,000 as Negative 1,000. In custom number formats I have selected #;"negative" #,###;; which does indeed display the cell with -1000 as Negative 1,000, however, I want to be able to link to this cell and have the link pull in Negative $1,000.

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Delete List Of Custom Formats

Feb 28, 2013

When you right click on your mouse, and you select:

Format Cells...NumberCustom
You can see many formatting styles.
Some of them impossible to delete eg: "General" or "@"

But some others easy to delete one by one pressing the Delete button.

In my Workbook eg "#.##0,00 ;[Red]-#.##0,00 ;; @"

Is there any way of deletting all of then by vba.

I mean all the different custom formats that I am carrying from book to book, from job to job long time ago.

I would like to have just the ones excel gives us by default, not the rest.

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Changing Formats Of Cells

Apr 19, 2009

the following i have 1500 rows and around 15 columns to change. format says 1.49-2

I need it to say 01:49.2

when I highlight it and go into format cells. and change it to min:ss.0 it changes to the following 48:28.8. i have included a file for you to see

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Cut+paste Formulas+formats To Other Cells

Nov 17, 2008

I've got two pieces of code.

1. cuts+pastes all formulas and formats to another location.
2. cuts+pastes required formulas but not cell formats to another location.

The s/s is over 330,000 rows deep which makes manual changes impossible.

I attach small s/s containing both codes.

What I want to do is copy+paste formulas+formats from cells having a number in the cell below to cells 4 columns along and two rows down. The s/s illustrates this.

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Prevent Users From Edit/change Formats Of Unlocked Cells

Sep 30, 2007

I have a spreadsheet that is very large and formated a certain way. I want to make sure that a user cant put the cursor in the lower left corner and copy cells by dragging, copy & paste, or do anything other than input data and be able to highleght text and reinput data in case they mistyped or misspelled the data.

ex: user clicks on cell E33 and types in '1234568' and then move to next cell. The user can click back on E33 and can correct by retyping. That is all the user is allowed.
The cells in question are also in ranges if this helps. EX: 'E33:AJ67'

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Custom Formatting For Cells

May 2, 2013

How to create custom formatting for cells like (%.00##).

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How To Make A Custom Conversion Program / Formula Between Custom Data

Feb 15, 2014

I'm trying to make a converter between about 8 various types of values. These are not units like Km or miles or something like that, but rather numbers that represent a specific "hardness value" on a variety of scales (to name a few: HRC, HRA, K)

What I've been doing so far is plotting the two types against eachother and then getting the best trendline I can so that I can use that formula to convert between the two with relative certainty. (for example, when plotting HV vs HRC my fourth order polynomial trendline with an Rsquared of 1 is y=0.0001x4 - 0.0188x3 + 1.0768x2 - 20.709x + 350.69)

My questions comes up where I was hoping to make a window or box of some sort allowing the user to input a numeric value, then selecting the Input units and the hopeful output calculated units, and have the box spit back to the user the conversion.

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Custom Formatting On Multiple Cells

Dec 24, 2012

I am creating a spreadsheet for a stockroom, each product that my business sells, is on an individual row, and the details for each product can be seen in the columns (e.g. Product ID, Product Name, Cost Price, Number Sold, Number Brought, Units in Stock).

What I want to happen, is for rows to be blacked out (through formatting) if the remaining stock levels fall below around 3, then the row that the product is on, is 'un-blacked out' and so can be seen. However if the number of remaining stock is above 3, the row is blacked out.

So the sheet will work that only products with the number of remaining units in stock are below 3, are visible, and the others are blacked out.

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Clear Cells With Custom Function

Jan 10, 2007

I have a User Defined Function, one section attempts to clear the contents of some cells but it doesn't? (I've commented the line in question).

Function getCommission(rng As Range) As Currency


Application. ScreenUpdating = False

If rng.Offset(0, -1).Value <> "Yes" Then

Dim numTrucks As Long

numTrucks = rng.Offset(0, -10).Value

On Error Goto zero

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Scale A Number Using Format Cells Custom?

Aug 6, 2009

I have a number in a cell of 1025132.36. I need to scale it down to this number with this formatting: 1,025.13 (Two decimal places with comma separaters)

Basically it is dividing it by 1000 or scaling it by 3 (move the decimal place to the left three places). I cannot use /1000 in the cell and I cannot reference it to/from another cell. I must use something under Format/Cell. I was trying to create a custom format.

I saw in another forum thread to use #”.”###. This does the scaling but then I can’t make the number viewed with only two decimal places. Also when I tried to add comma separators for thousands it put a comma right before the decimal.

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Custom Change Macro's Range Value, From Cells Input.

Oct 17, 2009

The code below works fine, I can copy selected area into new sheet. However, I wish to custom change the Range("A1:AO164") value, for example, at cells(1,1) I key in A1, then cells(1.2) I key in A56, then this changes will reflect to the value in this macro to Range("A1:A56"). I tried using this way :

Dim A as string
cells(1,1).text = a
cells(1,2).text = b

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Running Custom Sort On Actively Selected Cells

May 22, 2012

Basically, I have a sheet that shows time in Days going downwards (monday tuesday etc.) and is broken out by week. In Column C, I have Project Names. Columns G-O have numbers.

What I need to do is run a custom sort multiple times down the page so that each week has been sorted by Project Name (column C). I was hoping to be to just make a quick macro shortcut to run my custom sort and each new range I selected but I don't know how to make the macro run on the actively selected cells and not hard-coded cells.

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Custom Function To Sum Visible Cells Clashing With Macros

Oct 23, 2007

I have a custom function that is interferring with VBA. If I remove the function the VBA works fine, if I put it back to do what it needs to do, the VBA does absolutely nothing. Any ideas on how to make things work together? Here is the custom function and it is in a module where the VBA that isn't working is in the main Workbook page, but it is a Worksheet Change VBA affecting the same page as the custom function.

Function Sum_Visible_Cells(Cells_To_Sum As Object)
For Each Cell In Cells_To_Sum
If Cell.Rows.Hidden = False Then
If Cell.Columns.Hidden = False Then
total = total + Cell.Value
End If
End If
Sum_Visible_Cells = total
End Function

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Custom Transferable Toolbar Of Custom Functions

Sep 2, 2008

I want to be able to create a range of VBA userforms to quickly perform long tedious tasks. I want these userforms to be accessed from a nice tidy toolbar.

I have done this and it looks nice and works well. What I would like to be able to do is have my custom toolbar of userform controlled functions be transferable so that if someone else wants my toolbar and attached functions they can install it easily much the same way you can do with an add in.

Is this sort of thing possible or does it require them to manually install all my userforms, modules and toolbar? If it is possible what sort of things should I be looking at?

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Custom Keyboard Shortcut To COLOR FILL Highlighted Cells?

Jun 20, 2013

I copy/paste a good enough information and i like to separate these automated information into different colored rows using keyboard shortcuts. I can't use Conditional Formatting, because i have to investigate each piece of information before I color it a certain color.

For example: Color Purple, Green, And Red

Press Ctrl+1 = Color Purple
Press Ctrl+2 = Color Green
Press Ctrl+3 = Color Red

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Conditional Formatting For Blank Cells To Display Custom Text

Feb 17, 2012

I have a range of cells with numeric values or blanks. I set up a Conditional Formatting rule with this range selected: New Rule > Format only cells that contain > Format only cells with: Blanks; then I set the formatting to a light green fill and on the Number tab > Category = Custom > Type: "blank"

The blank fields get the light green fill, but no text; that is, the value displayed is still blank.

I go back to edit the CF rule and change Blanks to No Blanks. The results are what I expect: the cells with numbers display the text blank and have a green fill; the blank cells have no fill (white).

This is my testing criteria. I eventually want the empty cells to display 0 (zero). I tried setting Custom > Type: 0 (the number placeholder zero) and Type: "0" (literally the number zero), and neither works.

I have tried this with Format only cells with Cell Value equal to [the address of a blank cell].

I tried to set the value as "" but kept getting =""""; and ="" became ="=""" ???

I have tried this with Use a Formula... using the len()=0, isblank(), and other approaches, all with the same results.

I also made sure the option [x] Show a zero in cells that have a zero value is checked.

With all approaches to identifying the blank cells, they ARE obviously being recognized as blank values: the fill color is being applied to the right cells; and when Not Blank is the criterion (or a negation of a formula), the blank ones are not formatted. But blank cells will not display the text as defined in the Custom Formatting.

And this isn't an issue of "If the cell displays 'blank' it's no longer blank, so the rule doesn't apply" - HERE'S WHY: I set up a second CF rule that sets the Font to red when the value is greater than zero and had this CF rule follow the CF rule for No Blanks (the test above that works). Cells with positive numbers displayed blank in red, cells with zeros or negative numbers displayed blank in black. This clarified that the actual value of the cell is being evaluated, not the displayed value after Custom formatting is applied.

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Too Many Different Cell Formats

Aug 13, 2005

This error occcurs when i add some worksheets to a workbook from another
one. I am not completely sure (cos this is not my work actually) but it
seems to me that there is not really too much (about 4000?) "different" cell
formats in the workbook, but there is a quite lot amount of drawing objects
(grouped technical drwaings plus autocad objects which i also converted them
to bitmaps to overcome the error).

I also dont understand the restriction:
If i have 3999 cells formatted "bold" and another 2 formatted "underlined"
this should not count 4001. True?

My workbook has about 15 worksheets with each fits to 2 printing pages.

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More Than 3 Conditional Formats?

Feb 12, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with a number of columns. In column D there are the following options: 2,3,4,C,T. I want to color the cell if there is data in the cell and column D contains a value.

So for cell L17, my conditional format I have =AND(D17=2,L17<>"") - - (RED), =AND(D17=3,L17<>"") - - (YELLOW), =AND(D17=4,L17<>"") - - (GREEN).

I need to color for values of C and T: but there are only 3 conditional formats permitted. Is there any way around this?

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US To UK Date Formats

Oct 21, 2009

I'm running excel 2000 and don't have access to mscal.ocx, so i have used the date time picker with a calendar, but the formatting of the calendar is in US format m/d/yy and I need it in UK format d/m/yy, I have narrowed it down the following piece of code, the D values are the days,

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7 Conditional Formats

Jul 20, 2008

I have a sheet that shows sun, mon, tue........,sat - all 7 days.

Under each day there are 3 cols so 21 in total.

Data is being entered into cells each day but as the week goes on it gets more difficult to match up the col & row, to many numbers.

What I would like is a way to highlight the whole range of cells per day in a different colour but only when data has been entered under a day, so if no data then no colour fill.

I only need 2 colours, 1 for sun, tue, thurs, sat &
1 for the remaining days.


This works for one range as a conditional format but there aren't enough options to do the 7 days.

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Various Date Formats In Same Column

Jun 22, 2014

I need for my office a table which has one column with dates. The "issue" is, that sometimes I know the whole date (day, month, year), sometimes only the month and year and occasionally just the year. Is there a way through custom number formatting that excel behaves correctly? How would I need to set conditions to achieve this? Because now something happens which is 99% incorrect .

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Combining 2 Conditional Formats

Mar 12, 2007

how to combine 2 conditional formats?

I'm trying to shade every other row grey so its readable with this:


But, at the same time, would like to highlight upcoming expiry dates with this:


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Different Date Formats On The Same Spreadsheet

Mar 13, 2007

I have data sent to me with different date formats on the same spreadsheet; I used Format - Cell and format date to this format: However, only some of the data changed to this format and rest remain the same. I've tried many other ways, but didn't work.

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Dates With Conditional Formats

Aug 19, 2009

I am trying to create an Excel spread sheet that keeps track of employees safety tickets and the dates they expire. Is there way to have a cell highlight to a color warning me 30 days prior to the due date listed?

Eg. John has first aid and expires on 11/15/2009. I'd like the cell that has this date to highlight red on 10/15/2009.

I have messed around with the conditional formatting and know how to format the cells color and font et., but I can not figure out the formula to use to get my results.

I am using Microsoft Office Excel 2003 (MS Office Standard)(SP3)

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