The macro was orininally set up for the 7 days of the week. Now I want to set it up for the 31 days of a month. It's set to pull information from a register sales journal. Here is the button macro-
Sub Button2_Click()
Dim sDay As String
Dim sShift As String
sDay = InputBox("Which Day? (1 For MONDAY, 2 For TUESDAY, ... 7 For SUNDAY)")
Select Case sDay
Case "1"
sDay = "1"
Case "2"
sDay = "2"
Case "3"
sDay = "3"
Case "4" ........................
i have converted my text from notepad into excel format and i realise that some of my columns are shift 1 cell away for example my applications name should be in cell A but after converting, some of my cell A is move into Cell B. is there anyway that i can delete the cell that are blank and shift to Cell A or shift everything from cell b into cell a if cell a is blank? i have alot of documents to change..
I'm just trying to copy certain cells from one worksheet & add them to the next available row on the next sheet, my data is going right down to the end of the sheet though (row 1048554) & instead of placing them on the same row its placing them in the row underneath the previous data in the next column. My code is below & I've included a table at the very bottom of how the data is coming out.
Code: If .Range("K" & t) = "AUTO" Then .Range("K" & t) = Format(Application.VLookup(.Range("A" & t), rcore, 54, False), "h:mmA/P") With .Range("K" & t)[code]....
It is intended to change the font colour to white when the cell = "AUTO". It does, but it also changes the contents of the cell (like NA, and NR) to white when they aren't equal to AUTO.
I am working on a form to pull employee identifiers such as employee ID, store number as well as sales performance. I am using the below formula but the data that is being returned is not the correct data for the specific employee. C5 is the employee name (last name, first name) in a single cell. A sample of the spreadsheet I am trying to pull data from is attached. Some employees the formula pulls the right data and some it does not...
I have a VLOOKUP, which uses a named range called Department. The first column is sorted in asending order. The department numbers are 4 digits, formatted numeric. The department numbers are in order up to Department #19000, then they jump to 50000 series. Here's the problem, the 20000 department seris is in the master database, and the lookup is returning the data relating to Department #19000, instead of NA.
Above is what I hav already, I was thinking it would help if each card had an additional field added that told you if the contents were valid. This could also say empty if all fields were blank. This field could for example use an if statement to check that you have entered a VS, a start date a project name. It could also check that if you have entered a completion date you also enter review loops. This could be in large red text so it is obvious to someone completing a card that they have not yet filled in all necessary data.
My colleague and I are writing a udf which uses a "match/ index" combination to return a value to a cell from a named range in another sheet. The cell returns returns the error "value used in the formula is of the wrong data type". When we break down the code into a function which refers directly to the relevant cells, and a sub which returns the value in a message box, it works correctly: here's the code for the function and test sub:
Function MRL(PropertyType, ReturnType, Location, Year2) ....
I am having problems with the function vlookup. I attached an excel file of my problem. It seems to pull the correct lookup, then it pulls the wrong data until a correct one occurs. My excel attachment should make more since of my problem. It will also pull data that is invalid. For example, the name "S5" is not a in my original data so it should not be able to find that?? Sorry, this is hard to explain - let me know if the file is not clear enough.
Im having some problems with the following VB code
It does import all my data but if I have 4 files for it to import to the 3 different tabs the following happens: on tab A the first 3 files all come in fine but the 4th file comes in on row 103 instead of the next blank row which would be 22 on tab B the first 2 files come in fine but the 3rd and 4th come in starting on row 94 instead of first blank row which would be 13 on tab C the first 1 file comes in fine but the 2nd 3rd and 4th files come in starting on row 88 instead of 7.
I'd be more then happy to email my spreadsheet to someone as its quite hard to explain whats going on! I know its probabally a daft mistake I've made in the code if someone could just point out what I've done wrong so I can try to resolve it.
Private Sub ImportData_Click()
'Imports and processes the raw FILE data into the Workbook 'Define a as the current FILE file reference cell, Dim a As Range 'Define minTime and maxTime as the min and max task periodicity should be processed. Dim minTime As Long, maxTime As Long 'Define a store for the address of the period totals...
I am trying to use FIND and an array formula to find the position of text in a range of cells (A2 and A3 in the example) which could be one of a number of options (C1:D1 here). But the array formula throws up the following error: "A value used in the formula is of the wrong data type". The simplest illustration of the problem is as follows. The formula in B2 is
Code: {=FIND(($C$1:$D$1),A2)} and $C$1:$D$1 contain REF and ATM respectively. [/CODE] REF ATM 203047 05AUG 08.55 OKEHAMPTON ATM #VALUE! CO-OP GROUP 380611 REF 191 7553375222 BCC 22
We see that B2 has a #VALUE! error - wrong data type. But for some reason B3 is ok returning 22!
I have a Change Event macro that works properly. I also have several cells that contain a drop down list. If a user tries to enter an incorrect entry...the debug is triggered on my even change macro.
Here's the piece of the Change macro that has issues. Specifically, the .undo line highlights.
With Application .ScreenUpdating = False .EnableEvents = False
I have a lil project, was wondering how to work this. I have several rows of numbers, thing is, they can only contain either a "1" or a "0" (zero). If anything else is entered other than a "1" or "0", I'd like to have a statement below it saying "Error - data must contain a 1 or 0" - or something similar. I tried using conditional formatting - not working well.
I have attached a file called Test2 which has a public function called DBLookup. The function looks in the attached access database simulating a Vlookup just like in Excel. The problem I am having is when that data appears on sheet1. I am getting #VALUE in the cell and the erroe states "a used value in the formula is of the wrong data type".
Dim adoCN As ADODB.Connection Dim strSQL As String
Const DatabasePath As String = "C:Test2.mdb"
'Function argument descriptions 'LookupFieldName - the field you wish to search 'LookupValue - the value in LookupFieldName you're searching for 'ReturnField - the matching field containing the value you wish to return...
I am using a For Each Next to cycle through a list of names, check certain conditions and then will be adding a further lookup (instead of Result = Result+1), but all I get is #Value!
Function maxbarometer(Name As String, Round As Integer, NameList As Variant, RoundRange As Range, RoundRangeTwo As Range) Dim Roundname As String Dim Result As Double Dim NameColRound As Integer Dim ListObject As Variant
Roundname = "Round " & Round NameColRound = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(Name, RoundRange, 0) For Each ListObject In NameList If ListObject.Value = Name Then Result = Result ElseIf Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(ListObject.Value, RoundRange2, NameColRound, False) = Roundname Then Result = Result + 1 End If Next maxbarometer = Result End Function
when i try to get the final row witht the following:
KROGrow = Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row
i am getting a row that is consistently 27 rows off of when i manually do control up? i am pasting data from and existing workbook into a newly created workbook in the sub. i would assume that since the destination is new that they would never be any data in this?
I am trying to use the Vlookup function to return State name based on the corresponding state code.
I have the list of State along with the Codes in adjacent sheet, arranged in ascending order. I am using the Vlookup function to list the State name based on the State code.
Vlookup function: Vlookup(A4,Sheet2.A2:B51,1)
This function returns me a wrong value. It gives "Arkansas" for the state code "AZ", when it should be Arkansas.
Also, if I add "FALSE" as a 4th argument, it returns "#N/A".
I have the following formula: IF(SELL_INVESTMENT = "YES" , 1,2) It returns not 1 or 2 but 0. The worksheet contains over 1000 cells. Trace Precedents verifies that the formula evaluates the correct cell and that it contains "yes". I created a very simple worksheet to test the formula and here it correctly returns 1.
When copying data from a website to excel, excel recognizes the dates wrongly.
About half of the dates he sees as: DD/MM/YYYY, while it should be: nothing/MM/DD.
For example: The cell contains the date: 01/04/2029 (The first of April, 2029)
While it should actually be: 04/29 (The 29th of April, no year!)
For all dates it starts with the 1, followed by a month, followed by a year (which consists of the year 2000 + the actual day), which is totally wrong.
About the other half of the cells, it just contains text with the month and the day (which are correct), but excel doesn't recognize this as a day.
For example: The cell contains the text: June 12
When I set the cell format to date (or any other format for that matter), nothing happens, so excel does not see this as a date.
I'm trying to figure out an Internal Rate of Return for a spreadsheet. The answer is supposed to be: 29.42% however I'm getting 25.94%. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong in my IRR function on the Profitability worksheet? I'm currently using Excel 2007 by the way.
I have a problem with my references when sorting in excel. I have been searching for the problem, but did not found a useful solution. I'm using excel 2003.
Let me try to explain my problem with a simple exampel.
I have a column with numbers and one with formulas pointing at these. A B 2 =A1 4 =A2 3 =A3
Now I want to sort column A, and the column B should keep pointing at the original number. So I want this: A B 2 =A1 3 =A3 4 =A2
But I get this: A B 2 =A1 3 =A2 4 =A3
This output is what I would expect if I used absolut reference($).
Using offset(B1;0;-1) will work, but I cannot use this, since I will add/delete rows and the reference is not neccessarily next to it. Plus it can be a rather large sheet.
I cannot use dynamically name definition either, because it is intended for other users, and this will be too much work for them. What I basically need is a simple formula they can enter.
My sorting is done via a VBA macro, so if there is anything I can do through macro/VBA that will be okay as well, since I can do this without the user seeing it.
I have this workbook with 10 sheets. Each sheet has macros that are called from a floating toolbar. What I am trying to do:
I want to create a msgbox that warns me when I click in a toolbar's button to call a macro that not runs in the activesheet. Something like: "This code (or macro) doesn't match (or run) with the active sheet.
as such Excel (2003) is putting in the wrong weeknumbers in my spreadsheet, for example 02/01/2006 is listed as week 0 when in fact it is week 1, how can I get it too correct this problem?
I am using the following formula, could someone explain this formula in english?
Thers no easy way to explain this other than looking at the sheet (which is attached), but basically i have a load time start time and end time. In the example in the sheet the load time is 01:00 The start time is 23:00 The end time is 23:35
Th eload took 35 mins and was not late as it is going 01:00 next morning, yet the answer it replies is 'N' which makes it show as late. Does anyone have a formula to slove this issue
The code is supposed to project review dates 1 month, 2 months and 3 months after the start date, but the first "cell offset" line on is projecting the next day instead of next month, its driving me nuts!!, the others are working fine
Code: Sub reviews() Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range("L1:L200") If IsDate(cell) Then cell.Offset(, 10).Value = DateAdd("m", 1, cell.Value) cell.Offset(, 11).Value = DateAdd("m", 2, cell.Value) cell.Offset(, 12).Value = DateAdd("m", 3, cell.Value) cell.Resize(, 10).AutoFill cell.Resize(, 11) End If Next cell End Sub