Date Less Than Greater Than

Jan 30, 2008

I have a list of dates B2:B248. All the cells have been formatted to date type dd/mm/yyyy.

I'm just trying to count the number that are earlier than a certain date.

I thought a COUNTIF function would work! I've tried DATE, DATEVALUE etc.

I can work with the dates ie B2 (which would have 23/08/2007)-1 comes out as 22/08/2007. However when I try if(B2<B3,"lower","higher") it gives me a false reading - even when B2 is earlier than B3.

How can I check if my list of dates is earlier than a specified date?

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Find Date Less Or Greater Than Particular Date From Range Of Cells?

Dec 12, 2011

way to search and display a date from a range of cells based on less than or greater than criteria. For example I have following dates in column A:

A1: 2011/01/04
A2: 2011/02/01
A3: 2011/03/01
A4: 2011/04/01

I want to search for the date which is less than 2011/02/01 from the A column and display that date in B1 cell for example. How do I do that?

I want to do this without using any macros.

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Sum Where Date Is Greater Than Adjacent Date

Aug 6, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with two dates for every entry. The first date is the "Projected Completion Date (F66:F139) and the second range is "Acutal Completion Date" (H66:H139). I want to sum all entries where the Projected Completion Date is Greater than the Actual Completion Date and then have that number divided by the amount of entries that have been completed (ie. Enties that have an Actual Completion Date entered. If the entries are outstanding then the Actual Completion Date field is left blank.)

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Find Greater Date Among Two?

Nov 21, 2013

I want to find greater date among two.
I tried

=If(a1 < B5,1,0)

But problem is my date in B5 itself comes from other formula.


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IF To Calculate If One Date Is Greater Than Another

Nov 18, 2006

I am having great difficulties getting the following formula to calulate wether the date in cell f2 is greather than of less than the given date.

=IF(F2<="18.11.06", "No Cover", "Under Warranty")

f2 = 14.09.02

This does produce the wanted result of "No cover" however if the date is 14.09.07 and therefore greater the 18.11.06 i will not get the expected result of "Under Warranty"

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VBA Less Than Specific Date But No Greater Than 28 Days

Jun 19, 2014

I'm using the code below to extract information from a 'Source' (Remaining Allocation Data) to a 'Destination' (All CTO Expired Assignments) sheet.

[Code] ......

The code works except for this part of the script

[Code] ....

What I'm trying to do is as follows:

Extract records where the FinDate is less than the CurrentDate, (i.e. 19/06/2014) and,

Is equal to and no greater than 28 days prior to the Current Date (i.e 22/05/14)

I've tried all sorts of formulas to try and get this to work including the 'DateAdd' function, but I've so far been unsuccessful.

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Delete Row If Column Contains Date Greater Than 1/0/00

Aug 20, 2014

I have an Workbook where on Sheet one it shows a date of a sold item in Column AH. On sheet two Column AG references sheet 1 Column AH. On sheet 2 I need it to delete the row if the date is greater than 1/0/00 ( which is an empty cell in sheet 1, but for some reason shows it as "1/0/00"). I have tried this code but I keep getting errors:

[Code] .......

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Index Match With Date Greater Than

Jul 29, 2009

I have the following tables and would like to return the red cells via formula

MinContract psuedo
contractid WHERE Table1.'MinDateShip' between

Table2.'MinDateContract' AND Table2.'MaxDateContract'

AND Table1.ID = Table2.ID

AND Table1.ReportTypeDescription = Table2.ReportTypeDescription




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Date Calculation Greater Than Or Equal To

Oct 29, 2009

I have start date(Column A) and an end date(Column B) in two columns and I have found out the difference between them in column C in hh:mm:ss format. I want to find out how many cases are greater than 2 Hrs but less than or equal to 4 Hrs.

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Check If Each Cell Has A Date Greater Than TODAY

Nov 3, 2008

I've got the following function that check if each cell has a date greater than TODAY(). If result is true, it'll display "NO GO". Otherwise, it'll display "GO".

I would want to improve on it such that if any of the 'B5:F5' cell is empty, it'll display "Incomplete" instead of "No Go".

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Find July Greater Than Targetted Date?

Jun 1, 2009

I'm looking for a function which will determine if a target date is greater than or equal to THE JULY FOLLOWING A GIVEN DATE. In the attached spreadsheet the Start Date (B5) would be the GIVEN DATE Target Date is listed in ROW 1. In sentence form the function in cell G2 would be something like, "If G1 >= July following B5, then True.

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Count Dates Greater Than Date In Cell

Aug 27, 2007

Its a training list, and I want to count the number of staff with valid training dates, I want to keep invalid dates as a reminder and I also have text N/A to disregard. Have used an IF function array but there are approx 33 column entries I want to add and using array function limits the amount of formula entries up to column 24.

Would be much easier if I used data validation to kick out the invalid date entries but we want to keep them if possible.

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Count Number Of Dates Greater Than A Stated Date

Apr 9, 2014

I have a range of dates B1:B100 which I want to compare to a certain date A1 and see how many are greater than my stated date A1.

I've tried with countif(B1:B100, "=>A1") which I thought would work, but it gives the error Value!

How do I do this?

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Subtract 1 Month If The Value Returned Would Be Greater Than Today's Date

Sep 28, 2009

=Date(year(today()),month(today()),A1) works great, However I need the formula to subtract 1 month if the value returned would be greater than today's date.

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Counting Number Of Dates Equal To Or Greater Than A Said Date

Mar 8, 2007

In my Excel spreadsheet I enter todays date in a single cell (A2), then I list various dates that jobs come into shop in other cells (A8:A108). I have cells ( F8:F108) where I have been manually entering an asterik (*) for those jobs equal to or greater than five days old in cell (A2). Is there a formula that can do the math for me? I've tried Excel help but to no avail.

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Copy Rows Where Date In Column Is Greater Than Today

Aug 5, 2008

I have been working on this issue for some time, searches let me down paths to tell me of the color of the cell, but can't put all the pieces together. What I am trying to do, is upon Clicking Command Button 1 it will go row by row of column D (there are 2 headers so D3 would be the first fillable data) looking for dates that is past todays date, if past, it will color the cell red then copy it to the next available row in sheet2 then continue, date past due, color red, copy entire row to sheet 2 looping until the end is reached

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Pull List Of Dates That Are Greater Than Certain Date (meets Criteria)

Jun 26, 2013

So I've got a vertical list of dates in M/D/YYYY format, and I'm trying to come up with a method to pull certain dates that are greater than a given benchmark and paste those values in another column. For instance, if I've got a list with 3/3/2008, 5/5/2010, 6/6/2011, and 7/7/2012 I want to pull only the dates beyond 12/31/2010 (so would be the 6/6 and 7/7 ones).

I'm assuming this isn't doable with one formula, so I would need a macro. But I'm having trouble just even coming up with the logical operator for just one date. I must be doing something wrong here. If my date in B2 is 1/1/2009 and I have a formula as IF(B2>12/31/2009,"True","False"), I just get TRUE, which shouldn't be the case.

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Conditional Sum: Return The Latest Date Before The Stock Turns To Be Greater Than The Value In Cell D3

Oct 9, 2008

In the attached workbook - the stock Inventory is increased, every second day, by the value shown in cells of column A. Column B displays the date of the update. I'm looking for a Formula (might be an Array Formula) that will return the latest date before the stock turns to be greater than the value in cell D3. I managed to solve it, in cell F3, but with the help column C.

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Cells In Column To Be Filled With Yellow Fill If Value Is Any Date Greater Than Or Equal To Today

Jan 17, 2013

I'd like all Cells in column AC (e.g. AC$3$:AC$517$) to be filled with yellow fill if the cell value is any date greater than or equal to today. Any past dates can be left blank (for now)


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Record Greater Than 50 In A Cell So It Reads As Greater Than 50

Aug 25, 2009

I have to make a table that shows that a if someone purchases

less than 5 items they receive no discount
5-10 items they receive 2% discount
11-20 items they receive 5% discount
21-50 items they receive 8% discount
over 50 items they receive 10%

and it has to be done in a way that the discount rate can be calculated using Vlookup I am struggling to find the best way to write this table. i tried numbering 1 to 50 and writing the corresponding discount rate in the second column but this looks untidy and can't calculate greater than 50 as i am not sure how to write it in the cell so it reads as >50 and not just 50.

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Calendar Control 11: Selected On The Calendar Is Greater Than 12 The Date Is Entered Correctly Onto The Sheet

Jan 8, 2010

I have a program where I can update the calibration due date of an item. I have attached a cut down version of my program showing the relevant areas. There is usually password protection on the worksheet so it can only be edited via the form (the vba coding removes the password protection before editing, then re-enables the password protection after editing). The "Update Calibration" button is usually on a "Menu" sheet.

Once the form is opened a serial number is typed in the textbox. The calendar button is then clicked, which brings up another form with the calendar on. The due date is selected on the calendar. When "OK" is clicked, the date label caption is then changed to the selected calendar date. When "Submit" is clicked, the spreadsheet will search for the Serial Number, once found, the label caption (being the date selected) will be entered into the cell to the right of the serial.

If the day selected on the calendar is greater than 12 the date is entered correctly onto the sheet. example: calendar date selected = 15/01/2010. shown on sheet as 15/01/2010. However, if the day selected on the calendar is 12 or less, the date is for some reason entered incorrectly onto the sheet. example: calendar date selected = 08/12/2010. shown on sheet as 12/08/2010???? What is going on here? how come the day and month are swapped around if the day is less than 12????

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Date Differences (check For Less Than 6months, Equal To 6months And Greater Than 6months)

Oct 26, 2007

I am trying to make a condtional formatting to a cell, so that it will change colour depending on the time since the date in the cell. I am trying to check for Less than 6months, equal to 6months and greater than 6months.

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If Value Greater Than

Jun 11, 2009

I have a Macro of 55 Columns and 2000 Rows I need to change the value in several Cells of the row in which the value of AZ is 200.01 or more. I need the following if ANY Cell in AZ2:AZ2000 is equal or greater than 200.01 then the following Cell in that Row will equal the following:

AG = 20
AW = 11
AX = " " (BLANK)
BC = N

I have attached an example of the spread sheet with Macro embeded and how it should look after the above is run. I do not know if or how to I need to tag the macro within the attachement.

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Greater Than / Less Than

Dec 8, 2008

I'm struggling to complete this formula. No matter what the entry in M30 is
(which is a concatenated formula from another sheet), I only get the highest response, which is 18.

I'm assigning a risk score based on a dollar amount. The formula is: ....

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If A1 Is Greater Than 25

Jan 5, 2013

This is what I am tyring to do. I would like B7 to show $60 once A1 is greater then 25.

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IF, THEN, Greater Than, Less Than

Nov 14, 2006

Say I need to figure out bonuses based on income.

If the income is less than 100,000 then the bonus is 5%.

If the income is between 100,000 and 249,000 the bonus is $5000 + 6% the amount above 100,000.

If the income is between 250,000 and 499,999 the bonus is $14000 + 7% the amount above 250,000.

If the income is over 499,999 the bonus is $31,500 + 8% the amount above 500,000

What is the formula I need to enter to make this work.

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Greater Than Zero

Feb 5, 2007

Need to sum that won't work.
i'm using:

00:00 07:00 =if(A1>0,B1,"N/A")
07:00 04:00 =if(A2>0,B2,"N/A")
00:00 07:50 =if(A3>0,B3,"N/A")
00:00 06:50 =if(A4>0,B4,"N/A")

This doesnt seem to work though using time formats. Column C just brings through Column B no matter what is in Column A. I've attatched an example below.

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Add Value If Greater Than

Aug 7, 2007

I am trying to create a formula that will automatically calculate greater than or less than and then add x or y depending.

I am shipping some items and we can fit 100 or less in a small box that weighs 3oz and 100+ in a bigger box that weighs 6 oz.

I want the formula to look at the quantity and determine if the quantity is 100 or less it should add 3 and if greater than 100 then add six.

I tried tons of google searches but can't seem to figure it out. This is the first forum I could find that I figured might be able to help.

I have been doing this all by hand in multiple columns...

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Average IF Value Greater Than 0?

Dec 9, 2013

Here is my code as it is right now (With the correct range, and yes its a messy range :

[Code] ......

That is my range and thats the range I have to use (The stats are spread out in those rows. How I can get this to disregard 0's? Right now it seems to fail on the third rangevalue (For example in the range above it fails and highlights Y88), but if i remove that value it does the same on the next one instead, always the third.

I have tried =AVERAGEIFS(Range,">0") versions and also ones with /COUNTIF after and others but cant get this to work.

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Count If Greater Than But Less Than

Aug 10, 2009

I want to do is count in a column numbers greater than 13 but less than 20.
I am also trying to write another formula that counts numbers equal to or higher than 1 but less than 12. In other words,
I do not want this count to include any cells that contain 0.

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