Counting Number Of Dates Equal To Or Greater Than A Said Date

Mar 8, 2007

In my Excel spreadsheet I enter todays date in a single cell (A2), then I list various dates that jobs come into shop in other cells (A8:A108). I have cells ( F8:F108) where I have been manually entering an asterik (*) for those jobs equal to or greater than five days old in cell (A2). Is there a formula that can do the math for me? I've tried Excel help but to no avail.

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Counting How Many Consecutive Cells Where Value Is Greater Than Or Equal To +1?

Jan 13, 2014

Need a formula for counting how many consecutive cells where the value is gretaer than or equal to +1

For example 1,

J18 = 7
K18 = 9
L18 = 3
M18 = 2
N18 = 8
O18 = 1
P18 = 8
Q18 = -17

In the above example the result would be 7

Example 2:

J12 = -22
K12 = 9
L12 = 4

In the above example the result would be 0 since the 1st value was -22

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Count Number Of Dates Greater Than A Stated Date

Apr 9, 2014

I have a range of dates B1:B100 which I want to compare to a certain date A1 and see how many are greater than my stated date A1.

I've tried with countif(B1:B100, "=>A1") which I thought would work, but it gives the error Value!

How do I do this?

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Countifs Two Date Columns And Count Number With Equal Dates

Oct 23, 2012

I have a spreadsheet with two colums with dates. The names of the ranges are 'DataContractualStartDate' and 'DataContractualEndDate'.

How do I manage to count the no. of records with equal dates at the same row?

I have used the following but this gives me zero, while in the example below the result should be 3.


The table looks as follows:



[Code] ....

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Date Calculation Greater Than Or Equal To

Oct 29, 2009

I have start date(Column A) and an end date(Column B) in two columns and I have found out the difference between them in column C in hh:mm:ss format. I want to find out how many cases are greater than 2 Hrs but less than or equal to 4 Hrs.

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Cell V7 To Tell Me If The Number In U7 Is Greater Than Or Equal To The Individual #'s In Cells U7-U40

May 4, 2009

I am using cell V7 to input the formula but I want cell V7 to tell me if the number in U7 is greater than or equal to the individual #'s in cells U7-U40 and I would like it to put a 1,2,3 in the cells of V7-V40 for the three highest numbers in order of largest to smallest if is this possible?

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Cells In Column To Be Filled With Yellow Fill If Value Is Any Date Greater Than Or Equal To Today

Jan 17, 2013

I'd like all Cells in column AC (e.g. AC$3$:AC$517$) to be filled with yellow fill if the cell value is any date greater than or equal to today. Any past dates can be left blank (for now)


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Formula / Calculate Number Of Days Between 2 Dates That Equal A Given Value

Mar 19, 2014

I have two date columns, a start date and end date. Another columns tells me the number of days between these two columns. It may return 45 days which actually straddle 3 different months.

My aim is to identify between this date range how many days in Apr 14. Then in the next column howmany days in May 14 etc

So on the spreadsheet Id have 12 columns for each month of the year. in Apr 14 for each row between the given date range I want it to tell me how many days are actually in April. Id then copy that formula into the May 14 column.

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Count Dates Greater Than Date In Cell

Aug 27, 2007

Its a training list, and I want to count the number of staff with valid training dates, I want to keep invalid dates as a reminder and I also have text N/A to disregard. Have used an IF function array but there are approx 33 column entries I want to add and using array function limits the amount of formula entries up to column 24.

Would be much easier if I used data validation to kick out the invalid date entries but we want to keep them if possible.

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Simple Date Comparison Formula - When Two Dates Are Equal To Each Other

Feb 10, 2014

Report I generate once a month that checks to see if tasks are done on or before their due date. Sometimes it works, and others it doesn't...

The basic formula is: [Code] .....

If they closed their task by or before the due date, the condition should be true and it should output "Compliant" beside their task. Otherwise their "Over Due".

The forumla works except when they close their task ON the due date. No matter how I tweak the forumla, it thinks the condition is false as if it cannot tell when the two dates match.

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Pull List Of Dates That Are Greater Than Certain Date (meets Criteria)

Jun 26, 2013

So I've got a vertical list of dates in M/D/YYYY format, and I'm trying to come up with a method to pull certain dates that are greater than a given benchmark and paste those values in another column. For instance, if I've got a list with 3/3/2008, 5/5/2010, 6/6/2011, and 7/7/2012 I want to pull only the dates beyond 12/31/2010 (so would be the 6/6 and 7/7 ones).

I'm assuming this isn't doable with one formula, so I would need a macro. But I'm having trouble just even coming up with the logical operator for just one date. I must be doing something wrong here. If my date in B2 is 1/1/2009 and I have a formula as IF(B2>12/31/2009,"True","False"), I just get TRUE, which shouldn't be the case.

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Counting Number Of Dates With Month

Jul 6, 2012

I have collumn with different dates. I would like to count number of date with specific month in them (for example "june"). I tried it with if function, but something is missing.

Example of data:



My function: =SUMPRODUCT(IF(A1:A9;IF(MONTH(A1:A9)=6;1;0))) what shoud I correct or of better function?

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Counting Number Of Dates In Sequence

Dec 2, 2013

I have a list of dates in column A as shown below & I want to get a count formula in column B for the # of dates in sequence. When the date sequence breaks a new count should be done at the end of the next sequence. The formula should be 1 I can put in cell B1 and copy down so that there are blanks & a count is only done at the end of the date sequence like in cell B4 or B7 below.

Col A Col B
Date Count
1 12-Oct
2 13-Oct
3 14-Oct
4 15-Oct4
5 17-Oct
6 18-Oct
7 19-Oct3


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Counting Number Of Items In Between Dates

Nov 5, 2008

I need a formula which can count the number of items which have been applied to a suspense account in between a set of dates so for example i may need all items placed into a suspense account in the month of october. i record all items in a list so i do have a list of dates i just need to know how to count them and keep a running total as i need to feed it into another spreadsheet. I will also need to sum these the format of the spreadsheet is below -

******** ******************** src="<CENTER><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 align=center>Microsoft Excel - Book4___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutB2K2B3K3B4K4B5K5B6K6B7K7B8K8=ABCDEFGHIJKL1MOPO/S Date AppliedValue DateRemovedValue AgeCompany Name2Cheque  01-Nov-08(15.55) 01-Nov-08 15.55 0abc3Direct Receipt  01-Nov-08(109.00) 01-Nov-08 109.00 0def4Cheque  02-Nov-08(50.30) 02-Nov-08 50.30 0ghi5Cheque  03-Nov-08(23.48) 03-Nov-08 23.48 0jkl6Direct Receipt  03-Nov-08(2,236.46) 03-Nov-08 2236.46 0mno7Cheque  03-Nov-08(212.11) 03-Nov-08 212.11 0pqr8BACS/CHAPS  04-Nov-08(58.75) 04-Nov-08 58.75 0stuSheet1 [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.

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Counting Number Of Years Between To Dates

Nov 19, 2008

I have a list of people with birthdays that needs to be checked against TODAY to determine how old people are. If I subtract the two fields from one another, I get number of days. But is there a way to convert into years? In my attached example, I'd like column C to display 3 (age for person).

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Looking Into Range Of Data And Counting Number Of Columns Before Data Is Greater Than 1

May 23, 2014

I need a formula that will look into a range of data and tell me whan the last time a value exceeded 0 (working backwards).

So below the first row would return a value of 6, the next 5, the next 0, the next 1 and so on....

I can do it with an if formula but the amount of days it will be looking at will be too many, plus the range will keep growing as time passes.


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Date Differences (check For Less Than 6months, Equal To 6months And Greater Than 6months)

Oct 26, 2007

I am trying to make a condtional formatting to a cell, so that it will change colour depending on the time since the date in the cell. I am trying to check for Less than 6months, equal to 6months and greater than 6months.

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Counting Dates Within Rolling Date Range?

Sep 15, 2014

i'm trying to count dates within a 2 week date range. I don't want to update the formula every day to the actual dates that would make up two weeks so I tried this formula but it keeps giving me an error.

=COUNTIFS(Tracker!I2:I479, "=>" TODAY()+1,Tracker!I2:I479,"<=" TODAY()+14)

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If Greater Than Or Small Than, Or Equal To

Apr 21, 2009

I have a cell, M87. The score in M87 can be less than 13 or greater than 25. I need a formula within M94 which refers to M87, and outputs depending on the the following criteria. If M87 is less than 13 then output as D. If M87 is 14, 15, 16, or 17 then output as C. If M87 is 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 or 24 then output as B. If M87 is greater than 24 then output as A.

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If Statement (equal To And Greater Than)

Aug 24, 2009

If A7 is equal to and greater than 95% than B7 is equal to "A". If A7 is equal to 91% but less than 94.99% than B7 is equal to "B"...

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Sum All Values Greater Than 5,000,00 And Less Than Or Equal To 10,000,000

Jul 3, 2014

I'm trying to sum all values greater than 5,000,00 and less than or equal to 10,000,000. I have this formula:


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The Smallest Value That Is Greater Than Or Equal To

Jan 2, 2009

I am looking for a function like MATCH if the match type were set to -1. However my data is sorted in ascending order. I am mining data from a Pivot Table, and it has dates across the top. Of course the pivot table will have the data sorted in ascending order from left to right. I want to find the first date that is greater than today. With weekends and holidays I can't just use TODAY()+1. Is there a function that can do what I am asking? Also I do not want to change the pivot table itself.

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Greater Than And Less Than Or Equal To Formula

Jun 16, 2009

I need a formula that looks at the total in H40 and if the number is between 32 and 40 I need it to return the number then if the number exceds forty I need to multiply the overage by 1.5 and add it to the 8 for a total of 11.

I think it would be something like:


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Greater Than Equal To With Autofilter

Oct 14, 2006

I am creating my first Userform and having some problems. I take the data supplied by the userform and try to match it as closely as possible to a row of information. Currently I am using four cells to autofilter my spreadsheet data. Two of the cells I am looking for a exact match. The other two cells I am looking for the number that has been input or anything greater than it. Here is the code I have come up with...

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VBA - Finding And Counting Unique Dates And Days Of Week Within Date Range

Feb 11, 2013

Within a user entered range of two dates, I would like to identify the individual calendar date(s) and count the number of Mondays which fall within the specified date range.I will eventually be using the same "Monday" code to find the same data for every day of the week within the dates ranges, but I figured I'd start with Mondays and build from there.

For Example: Date range 1/1/2013 - 1/15/2013 (date ranges could potentially encompass a full business quarter) Within the range, list each of the dates as dates. (used for comparative counting purposes elsewhere in the document)Count the number of Mons, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fris, and Sats within the date range.Based on the example date ranges above; Mons = 2, Tues through Sats = 3 each.

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Count Values Greater Than Or Equal To Zero

Dec 2, 2009

How can I count the number of cells in a range that contain values that are greater than or equal to zero?

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Less Than, Greater Than, Equal To Conditional Formatting

Jun 10, 2009

i'm trying to create a markscheme progress sheet.

You take a childs actual age in months and years (ie 9.8 for 9years and 8months). They then, in theory, should be at that age level for reading and spelling.

I have the age in B4, the reading in C4 and the spelling in D4. If i use CF to say i want C4 to be red if it's less than B4, Amber if it's the same and green if it's over, as soon as i okay it, C4 goes amber, because it's equal to B4, which is blank. I can get the colours to work, i just can't figure out what to put to turn the amber off when cell B4 is empty.

I've tried as many combinations as my little amount of excel knowledge can cope with.

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Delete Entire Row If Cell Greater Than Or Equal To 1?

Jul 12, 2012

i have table of values if any value in the coulomb G and I greater than or equal to 1 the entire row must be deleted how can i do this ?

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Delete Rows Column F If Greater Than Or Equal To Zero.

May 14, 2009

Starting in cell F3, if Column F is greater than or equal to zero, delete the entire row and continue deleting rows until Column A has contents in it. Then go to Column F in that same row that had contents in Column A, if the contents in that row of Column F are greater than or equal to zero, delete the entire row and continue deleting rows until Column A has contents in it. Persist with this pattern until every row in Column F has been checked.

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VLookup :: Equal To Or Greater Than The Minimum Amount?

Sep 21, 2009

I am revising a spreadsheet to automate some cells and size cable for my job. I am currently using the VLOOKUP command to search a table for the proper ampacity and return a cable size based on the minimum circuit amps. The problem however is the VLOOKUP command searches for a number equal to or less than my circuit amps and returns this cable size. I need it to return a size equal to or greater than the minimum circuit amps. How do I get it to lookup something equal to or greater than the minimum amount?

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