Debug Function Called From Another File
Jun 26, 2007
I have a macro that calls functions from another workbook.
For example:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal target As Range)
If ThisWorkbook.OpenCommon <> -1 Then _
Application.Run Workbooks("common.xls").name & "!Arkusz1.CellChange", target
End Sub
But when I get an error in CellChange function from "common.xls" workbook, debugger points only to the third line of the code above, not to the bad line in called function.
Is there any way to change this behaviour (maybe some tool etc.)?
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Feb 15, 2007
What I'm doing in this script is taking a whole bunch of variables and pasting them into a seperate sheet "Checks" which will construct a cashiers check. The problem is where I've highlighted the code in red. At that point I have copied the Vendor name to the clipboard - I then go to the "Vendor Info" page and search for that Vendor name. If that name exists on the page it works perfectly...moving one column to the right, grabbing the Address Line 1 and dropping it into the check, then going back and grabbing the Address Line 2 and dropping it into the check. The problem is when that Vendor name doesn't exist in the "Vendor Info" page...I want it to just paste two blank cells into the check (because I obviously don't have the address info for that Vendor)...but instead it gives me an error:
Run-Time error '91':
Object variable or With block variable not set
Sub Checks()
' Checks Macro
' Macro recorded 2/14/2007 by Derek Minner
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+P
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
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May 12, 2006
1. Can a Subroutine be called from within a user-defined Public Function? How?
2. Is there a difference between calling a subroutine with a 'Call Sub_Name' statement, vs. calling the subroutine with an 'Application.Run'(?? or similar) statement?
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May 29, 2009
Function being called at inappropriate time
I have the following code in the active worksheet:
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Apr 15, 2013
I have a series of procedures I am calling from a function that each run fine when executed individually. These procedure are titled: DataValidation, Test1, Test2
The function will not run past Test2- I do not get the msgbox "Stage 2"
Public ArrayD
Public ArrayD2 As Variant
Public RngD3 As Range
Public Function Test(arg2 As Range)
DataValidation arg2
[Code] ............
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Oct 29, 2009
We have had a macro running for a few years (Excel 2007 now, but started in 2003) that imports about 35 text files into separate sheets, creates a calculated SUM field for each sheet and copies that value to a title (or summary) sheet. We use this 2 to 4 times per year at inventory time, copying to a new file and deleting the old data before running the macro. The imported files initially create new workbooks, but the data is copied to the initial workbook into a distinct sheets for each file.
Recently (well, last August) this macro started hanging after importing (Workbooks.OpenText) a number of files, and not necessarily the same file every time (on repeated runs.) While trying to figure out the problem, I have now managed to get it to hang every time on the first file! However, if I am stepping through in the debugger it continues past the OpenText command and on F5:Run/Continue will then continue processing the rest of the files normally. If I delete the first file before running the macro, it then hangs on the second file instead.
Without debugging, the first file will import, display on-screen, and there it stops. If I put a break-point on the very next instruction after the import, that break-point is never reached. THINGS I'VE TRIED:.......
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Aug 9, 2006
I am having a problem with a custom funciton I am trying to create. It will exit after it is finished with the IF Then Else statement. I need it to continue onto the Do loop at the bottom that does all the work.
Function UPCECheck( num As String) As Long
Dim CheckNum As Long
Dim TempCheck As Long
Dim X As Long
Dim Holdtxt As Variant
UPCECheck = 0
CheckNum = 0
Debug.Print Len(num)
If Len(num) = 12 Then
Holdtxt = num
ElseIf Len(num) < 12 Then
Holdtxt = "000000000000" & num
Holdtxt = Val(Mid(Holdtxt, Len(holdtext) - 12, 12))
End If...................
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Jun 27, 2006
I have a function in a cell triggered on the value returned by a DDE link in another cell.
e.g. cell A1 contains =function1(A2) and cell A2 contains
function1 is triggered each time the DDE link updates regardless of whether the result returned has changed or not. How do I prevent function1 being triggered if the returned value has not changed?
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Feb 24, 2008
I'm trying to replicate the same functionality using Excel Analyzer that Lotus 123 had with it's function called Backsolver.
Below is a simple matirx of expenses, that shows a sum total of 3297. I want to change the number 3297 to 5000 and I want the rows and columns to add up to that total based on the same % relationship that existed when this matrix added to 3297
This technique is useful when you are trying to spread changes in a plan and you need to develop placeholders that add up and accross to the new target i.e, 5000 based on the previous targets % relationships that existed when the row and columns added up to 3297
I can use the analyzer, but when it finds its solution it returns negative values as part of the solution. I'm missing something in trying to set the parameters so that it won't return me negative #'s.
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Nov 5, 2008
i need to create a function macro Called FSTD that inserts words into a cell and conditionally formats them depending on th number in the cell on the left.
in the sheet there are ranges that the number will fall between.
Cell B1 is the cell were i want to run the function in
Cell A1 is the cell with the number that is used in the function
Cells A3:A7 are that ranges that i need to use in the function
E.g. if the number in A1 is less than A6 = i want "P" to appear in the cell with a red backround
if the number is greater than A6 but less than A5 = i want "M" to apear with an orange back round
if the number is Greater than A5 but less than A4 = i want "E" to apear with a green backround
even if it is possible to do without changing the backrounds, just to insert the letters
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Mar 28, 2009
I have written a user-defined function that searches for a small range within a larger range. The function requires two input parameters: the range you are looking for, and the range you want to look within.
For example, I might look for the string of values in cells A1:D1 in a larger range E1:H20. The function returns the row number in the larger range where the smaller range is found.
My problem is this: The function is working fine when I call it from another sub procedure. However, when I try to run it as a worksheet function, I get a "#VALUE!" error. The function pops up in the "insert function" menu, and it prompts for the two input parameters.
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Mar 11, 2014
I call it from a macro. It is supposed to write some temporary files, and close them in the end, and delete them. Sometimes, the dll can't close properly, and the text files remain open.
With error treatment in my macro, I can continue execution, but i need to delete that files.
Since the dll DOES NOT CLOSE the files, i'm not able to delete them in my macro.
I need some way to close that files, in order to delete them.
When I use GetFile to reference the file, it remains as "File", which does not accept "Close" method. I can reference the file with myfile.OpenAsTextStream, but this way it seems to me that the file is opened again, and the "Close" method does not work either, with the file defined as a TextStream object.
If I close excel, I'm able to delete those files, but that's not the way I want. Since IT'S OPEN IN EXCEL PROCESS, I imagine there's some way to close it.
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May 3, 2014
I am trying to use the simplest code possible (being a novice) to execute a macro which makes a copy of Cell A1:A4 and paste its values to Cells B1:B4 if cell B5=1 (or whatever). The Macro with copy and paste works (I recorded it and in my testing it was ok). And also the function, that contains If-Then status of cell B5, works and calls correctly the Macro.
Yet when the macro is called by the function (=CopyMyCells(B5)), the Macro (MacroCopy) runs - I tested this with a Msgbox - but stops just in doing what I need, i.e. in doing the copy-paste process. Here the code which is placed in a module of the proper Worksheet (Excel 2003, on WinXPSp3):
[Code] ........
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Dec 2, 2009
I need "PC" to show up if I type a sentence containing "Called Parent", "Called Dad", or "Called Mon". Here is what I'm trying.
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Sep 9, 2008
i am using the macro below to get excel to hide all sheets but the one called "open"...
Sub savemini()
ActiveWorkbook.Unprotect "letmein"
For Each sh In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If Not sh.Name = "open" Then sh.Visible = xlVeryHidden
Next sh
End Sub
So the workbook is protected with the password "letmein", and the VB code above in theory should unlock the workbook, allowing all visible sheets to be hidden with the exception of the sheet called "open". Then is saves the file.
Now heres the odd bit... it works for certain people, but not for others. I have made sure those it wont work for are not doing anything weird and they are not.
The workbook i am using has a code that only opens certain sheets for certain users. I as a master user have access to all sheets. I can go into the users sheets and click the button that activates the macro above myself and it works fine, but for some users it wont work.
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Aug 5, 2008
Suppose I have this UDF:
Public Function test()
test = ActiveCell.Column
End Function
This is great only when I evaluate the function test() one cell at a time. When I copy this formula to other cells or perform autofill Excel thinks that the active cell is the first cell in the series.
What I really want is for the function to return the column of the CELL that contains the function, and not the cell that's last clicked.
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Jun 4, 2009
I'm working on the following
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"D:CommondataIBMmainBRANCHBURG-PRODUCTS-BOM-ALUMINUM-UPDATE-" & Ucase(Format(DateAdd("y", 0, Date)), "YYYY-MM-DD")&".XLS"
ChDir "D:CommondataIBMmain"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
FileFormat:=xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", _
ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False
Date: 2009-06-03
What I'm trying too do is open a file, make an exact copy and save it under a new file name.
My problem is in the date formula the day is not always the same. In the sample case it's 03 at other times the day will change.
is there a way too get this too work irregardles of what the day might be?
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Jun 24, 2006
I have a base excel file for summarizing some data, the problem is that the data comes from a different excel spreadsheet. What I want to do is make a function that pulls the data from another spreadsheet into my base file. It would be easy if it were just one excel sheet, but this job would require where the data is pulled from a data file which has many modified versions.
Can anyone tell me how to do this? The files with the data will be structured the exact same but with different data entered in. I just want a button so I can click the file I want the data from and have it show up on my summarizing base file.
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Sep 23, 2009
Why does this give me a debug error?
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May 9, 2008
I have a problem with a HUGE macro project I'm working on. The macro itself isn't huge, but it's being applied to about 10,000 files. The macro is updating information on three spreadsheets in each workbook, but the problem is that the password protection (and Macro in general) fails to unlock when the password was entered in UPPERCASE. So the password is "king" and/or "KING" depending on the sheet. There is no way of predicting which sheets will be caps and which will not, but it's frustrating when my macro stops every 5 files with an error because of a wrong password (even though it's always one of those two).
Is there an IF THEN statement or something that I can do so that the macro doesn't stall every 30 seconds to 2 minutes... I have 10,000 files to crawl through.
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Jun 22, 2009
I have a working Excel 2007 macro that accesses two worksheets. I then added a third worksheet and want to access it from the macro. I get a debug error 13 Type Mismatch when the macro tries to access the third worksheet. I know I need to add the third worksheet on a pop-up but I don't remember how to open it.
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Dec 5, 2008
I am trying to put together an automation. I am having problem debuging the code. I am trying to have the automation autofilter with "Interior" and "Exterior" at column P. I am using a statement as follow to pick the cell that is showing at at second row each time after the autofilter ran. (the first row of Exterior and Interior are different) However, when i pick Exterior, the automation was able to locate the second cell after picking Exterior, but when I try Interior, then i will have a debug meesage.
Range("Q2:Q" & Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row).SpecialCells(12)(1).Select
The code that I used is as follow:
Sub Macro4()
' Selection.AutoFilter
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=15, Criteria1:="=*Fixture*", Operator:=xlAnd
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=16, Criteria1:="="
Range("P2:P" & Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row).SpecialCells(12)(1).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
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Dec 15, 2009
When I debug this script I get: division by zero!
In 3 lines over the debugging line, the script are writing out the variable "prosentref" as 1. Whatt can be wrong?
(the value in cell T8769 is 1)
Option Explicit
Sub optimaliseringDrift()
Dim Pgm1 As Integer
Dim Pgm2 As Integer
Dim PL As Integer
Dim lamda_gm1 As Double
Dim lamda_gm2 As Double
Dim deriv1 As Double
Dim deriv2 As Double
Const Pgm1_max As Integer = 200
Const Pgm2_max As Integer = 300
Const Pgm1_min As Integer = 45
Const Pgm2_min As Integer = 40
Const deltaP As Integer = 5
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May 29, 2009
trying to copy some records across from once sheet to another?
butt it keeps debugging?
any idea why.
i'd like to keep the user defined type because it's neat and is good practice for myself?
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Aug 23, 2006
If a user decides to hit the esc key right in the middle of one of my procedures (bug free, etc), this will leave the file in an odd state. The file is set up so if the routine is re-run it cleans the file up and restores it to proper form.
But hitting esc exposes my code which is password protected when the file is idle. I employ a little trick that makes it hard to hack into my worksheet code, but one achilles heel is the esc button.
What I want is to have the file close if the routine is stopped in mid stream. This way the code is not exposed, and the user cannot monkey with the file.
I wanted to set the file up where i have a custom debug window that when a button is pressd the file closes OR when the user escapes out of the debug window the file closes as well.
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May 18, 2007
Continuing with my goal to learn VBA and while playing with the following code, I encountered strange behavior of debug statements. In the code below I have put my comments to identify where the "funny behavior" is encountered.
Will appreciate if you can help me understand. I also have a simple request/question at the end of the code below: ....
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Jun 19, 2007
I am having a strange error occur. I am trying to debug a function in an add-in I developed, but whenever I try to hover over a value or add a watch, the whole application crashes. It runs without crashing when I don't try to debug it.
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Jun 22, 2008
I recently got a new laptop. I now have excel 2007 and vista. The debug step key, F8, does not work. It toggles out of excel when pushed. If I start the procedure in the debug menu, the SHIFT - F8 will step through though. Is there a setting I am missing? It must have somehting to do with VISTA since in the debug section it says to use F8.
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Feb 12, 2014
I am trying to take the template I have created and after the information is entered, if all required is not filled in, it will highlight the cells that need filled in. I get a debug error on
Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
And the file does not save elsewhere. It goes into never never land. Here is my whole code:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim Start As Boolean
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Jun 7, 2009
I'm working on a sheet where I can specify sales by selection of month (Sheetname= ZoekenMaand).
Everything works fine for the months "januari" and "februari" (yes, it's in dutch ) but from "maart" it doesn't seem to work any more.
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