I am trying to declare lngLr as Long and Constant. But it's buggin out on me. Is this the correct way to do it?
Private Const lngLr As Long = ".Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row"
Sub calculate_active_employees_sheet_years_of_service_w_Oasis()
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
I have a userForm (Form1) that contains a persons name that I would like to reference in a separate UserForm (Form2). In the separate UserForm (Form2) I need to reference this persons name many times, so I was wondering if there was a was to declare this name in the separate UserForm (Form2) as a constant. Only thing is that a constant, to the best of my knowledge, must be an expression and not a variable. Mainly, I'm trying to avoid declaring the myName variable in each Sub within Form2, which it will be needed for a ton of Sub's.
Code for Form2: Const myName As String = Form1.txtName.Value
I know that we should declare all variables at the beginning of a subroutine, in fact I'm told it's good practice to use Option explicit to 'force' variables to be declared, my question is why?
If I don't declare a variable the routine still seems to work OK so what is the downside of not declaring them upfront? Is it just for neatness or common practice or is there another reason?
Sub checkPO() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Application.EnableEvents = False Dim Rng As Range, MainSheet As Worksheet, item As Variant ', CurrWidth As Integer, UnitWidth As Integer
Set MainSheet = Sheets("Orders To Chase") Set Rng = MainSheet.Range("B5", MainSheet.Range("B60000").End(xlUp)) totalqueries = MainSheet.Range("B5", MainSheet.Range("B60000").End(xlUp)).Cells.Count
UnitWidth = 282 / totalqueries
With progbar '\displays the please wait box .Show False
.prog.Width = 0 '\ updates progress bar .Repaint End With
If I declare the variable my progress bar goes off screen. remove it and its back to within its box.
I haven't declared any of these variables either. Does this matter?
I am running into the error, "Procedure too large". I know I need to break the range down into Arrays, so how can I hard code the values into an array? I cannot find an example to follow. Ranges: D:E,K:L,O:P,....etc. I know I can break the rows up into an array too, but one thing at a time. Here is an example of the range for D:E.
I have a column a1:A150 which includes some Data. I now want to declare these data as an array.
Afterwards I want from cell b50 to copy int the value from cell a1 and copying the next value from the array (cell a2) into cell b51 and so on until cell b200.
I want to do it by creating an array and not just by usual Excel formulas.
i need to set the range of variables that user can add to the range.
For Example:
AA_* BB_* CC_* ABCD_*
so we accept variables STARTING with AA_ OR BB_ OR CC_ OR ABCD_. If the user enters sth else, then I want to disable the "Enter" key. (If the Cell is Empty than it is also OK!!)
If disabling the Enter key is not possible then maybe i can use Conditioning Formatting? But the question is then if i can use for single condition OR statement.
how to declare&initialize a variable as Global in vba?
I have a variable , listGroup=Array("aaa","bbb","ccc") now i am using this variable for 3 different functions. so what i am doing is wrote the same code to 3 functions, so how i can declare&initialize this variable as global and access to all functions.
I need to declare a global variable in Application level not Module level.
I have declare a variable in Module1 and then Module2 with same name then complile it and get success. That means there has two variable with same name in different Module. I think this was not a proper global variable declaration by which I can allow to declare only one variable in all Module, Class every where. I have used code as below -
I need to declare a two dimensional array that will return the Row and the cell's string value. My only solution is to return the row as a string like this.
Public GlobalArray(2, 100) As String
How to get more control than this? Maybe I should just declare it as a variant but this might open it up for problems later.
I have a series of operations to carry out and, while I can do the code for each individual one, how to declare the variables correctly and have the operations done in a series of Do/ Loops or For/Nexts. Especially the declaring of named ranges as variables. Also a bit uncertain of the best way to find and coy the match. I have attached a simplified version of the workbook, with explanations on it.
Basically what I need to do is loop through a series of named ranges and then loop through the names in each, match each name with a name in a master list (with a flag as an image), add an e-mail hyperlink to that flagged name and copy both to a new cell.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) 'SHEET1 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Activate End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) 'WORKBOOK Application.OnKey "{ENTER}" Application.OnKey "~" End Sub
I have a drop down box selecting from a list of dates (Oct-13 - Dec-14) that I need to display as "mmm-yy" to the end user so have written the following code to format when a date is selected:
Code: Private Sub SDatePicker_Change() SDatePicker.Value = Format(SDatePicker.Value, "mmm-yy") End Sub
For some reason the code seems to run through itself twice and I can't figure out why. The result of this is an incorrect date being displayed (strangely when I select 'Jan-14' for example, the result is 'Jan-13'.
Perhaps I should point out that the default formatting of the date values seems to be in number format e.g. 41976.
I currently have this code in my sheet, and would like to incorporate the second bit of code into the same sheet, but not sure how to do it. At this point, when I just put them together neither will work.
Option Compare Text Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column 12 Then Exit Sub
If Target.Value = "Daniel Amaya" Then Target.EntireRow.Cut Sheets("Daniel").Range("A3").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).EntireRow.Insert Target.EntireRow.Delete
My Workbook contains 12 worksheets and in each Worksheet there is a drop down list. The code for each one is in the worksheet code section where they are Private Subs.
What i want is that once the work book opens it will run the code in each of the work sheets instead of going into each bit of code and running it manually.
the below macro works when the worksheet name is Sheet1, but as soon as i change the worksheet to Rec it does not work, what have i done wrong?
Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object) If Not Sh Is Sheet1 Then If Sheet1.AutoFilterMode Then If Sheet1.FilterMode Then Sheet1.ShowAllData End If End If End Sub
Does not work
Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object) If Not Sh Is Rec Then If Rec.AutoFilterMode Then If Rec.FilterMode Then Rec.ShowAllData End If End If End Sub
I have 3 different sheets with a private sub on each all labelled
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
The macro's runs fine on each page.
I want to put a macro on a separate sheet that i can run each of those macro's
I did initially copy the original private macro and change the
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
sub report()
But I couldn't do all 3 in the same manner. i did change each name to something different... the other 2 subs did run, but they didn't do anything except put the massage box on the end saying that "the macro has finished".