Delete Rows Which Have Date 7 Days Old

Jan 29, 2010

I was wondering if somebody could help me with a little bit of code?

When the sheet is opened, I would like some code to search down column A, starting from cell "A5" and delete all rows which contain a date which is greater than 7 days ago.

The dates are in order from the most recent being at the top.

For example:

Today is 29/01/2010, I would like all rows which have a cell in column A containing Today-7() to be deleted. 28/01/2010 to stay. 19/01/2010, delete row.

Hope that makes sense?

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Calculate End Date Using Start Date And Number Of Days Excluding Specific Days

Nov 22, 2013

I want to calculate the end date of my German courses. This is how it works:

A course consists of 60 LU*. The course can occur i. e. three times a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In each day the course lasts 2 LU, which means 6 LU each week. There is no course on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and on holidays. Therefore this type of course that begins on 18-Nov-2013 will end on 03-Feb-2014.

Another course which occurs Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and respectively has 2 LU on Tuesday, 2 LU on Thursday and 3 LU on Saturday and starts on 03-Dec-2013 will end on 06-Feb-2014.

Therefore I want to create a worksheet where I set the start date, choose the days and respectively the LU amount on those days. The end date shall be calculated according to these criteria.

The workday function on excel cannot do this and I do not have any programming skills to work with VBA.

*LU = lesson units; 1 LU is 45 minutes


[Code] ...........

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Hide Rows When Cell Containing Date Shows 3 Days Old?

Sep 9, 2013

I am looking to to hide rows of info on a sheet when it shows 3 days have passed.

I am also having a problem making the formula stay in the sheet columns without it showing 'blank' cell results..

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Excel 2007 :: Auto Lock Rows 6 Days After Date Passed

Jul 30, 2014

I am new to Excel programming, haven't done any before and not familiar with creating/editing macros. Using Excel 2007.

I would like to automatically lock all the cells in a row if the date in column A in that row is >= 7 days old. Data is entered once a week (some time Sunday - Saturday) and I would like historical data (rows) to be locked so that they can't be edited inadvertently.

If possible could I also highlight the current working week somehow?

I have attached the worksheet : testworksheet.xlsx

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Popup Or Userform Enter Date And Delete Rows Containing That Date

Nov 26, 2013

I wondering if it's possible to create a code to have a popup where the user can enter a date in mm/dd/yyyy format and then all rows containing that date will be deleted.

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Delete Rows If Cell Contains Date Outside Date Range

May 29, 2008

I've found similar queries on the site, but none seem to handle multiple dates, and my attempts so far have been futile!

I press a button on Sheet1 and am prompted to enter a start date and an end date.

Depending on the dates I enter, all rows on Sheet2 which fall outside the Start/End date range will be deleted.

All dates to be checked against on Sheet2 are in a single column, and all rows are populated, there are no blanks. Dates are in the format dd/mm/yy

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VBA Delete Rows If Date Is Less Than Defined Date

Feb 26, 2014

I have tracker, where Cells in Column F have dates or are blank.

I am trying to run a macro to delete all rows when the following criteria apply:

for all cells in column F, if date < 1-Oct-2013 then entire row should be deleted if cell is blank - nothing should happen This is what I got so far - but it is not working...I have entred the date "10/1/2013" in cell AA2 but macro should always check against that date (not variable) so it might not be needed.

Sub PART3_Delete_old_team_members()
Selection.NumberFormat = "m/d/yy;@"
Dim endrow As Integer
On Error Resume Next
endrow = Sheets("Global Team List").Range("F900").End(xlUp).Row
Searchdate = "AA2"


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Count How Many Days Coming Due Within 90 Days Of Each Date Based On Today Function

May 27, 2012

There are dates in column C and I need to count how many days are coming due within 90 days of each date based on the today() function but do not exceed the 90 days.

Countif Today()+90

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Excel 2007 :: Count Number Of Days Between Two Date Where Off Days Are Friday / Saturday And Holiday

Mar 14, 2014

I am making process TAT(Turn Around Time) which required following information. In Excel 2007.

1-Count number of days between two dates where working days are (Sun to Thursday). So required to exclude (Friday,Sat + Holidays)

A1-Start Date Mar/01/2014
B1-End Date Mar/31/2014
C1-No Of Days 22
D1-Days between two dates 21
E1 To E10-Holidays

2-Count number of days between two dates where working days are (Sat to Thursday). So required to exclude (Friday + Holidays)

A1-Start Date Mar/01/2014
B1-End Date Mar/31/2014
C1-No Of Days 27
D1-Days between two dates 26
E1 To E10-Holidays

Note : Any weekend (off days) dates listed in holidays should not effect the query.

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Delete All Rows Except Most Recent Date

Jan 26, 2009

Have a sheet with 24K rows. Column A is client name. Column B are check dates. The info is sorted by client then check date. Clients can have one to many check dates, so I client is listed as many times as there are check dates. If ten checks, then ten rows for that client. One check then one row for that client.

I only want to keep the last/most recent check date for each client, deleting all other rows for that client with check dates before the most recent. I believe I need to step through the file comparing column A, row by row, to see if I have a match for the next row in A. If no match I keep that row, because there is only one check, and move down one. If a match, then I delete the current row.

How to code this is my problem. Is it a loop?

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Delete Rows Outside Date Range

Apr 26, 2006

On sheet2 Range L4:L2000 I have starting dates entered in mm/dd/yy format. On sheet2 Range M4:M2000 I have finish dates entered in mm/dd/yy format.

On sheet3 I have a numeric value of mmddyy (no brackets) in cell BC4.

What i'm looking to do is if the numeric value on sheet3 BC4 does not fall between the start and finish dates on sheet2, then the entire row should be deleted. Can this be done with the different date formats (Brackets vs no brackets)

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Delete Rows Based On Inputted Date

Dec 19, 2006

I need to have a User input a date via an InputBox, and then based upon that date, delete rows based on values in Column G. For instance, if a user inputs 12/25/2006, I need to delete all rows that have the date that is less than 12/25/2006 in Column G. There will never be more than 500 Rows of data, and there is data in Columns A thru Z

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Compare Dates Against One Date & Delete Rows

Nov 24, 2007

I have a column of dates (B2:B1500) that I want to compare to a single date (A1).

If the dates in Column B are older than the date in A1 I want to delete the entire row.

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Delete Rows Not Matching Date Variable

Mar 10, 2008

I have a need to call a sheet from another sheet, copy two pages from the newly opened, existing sheet to a new workbook, search one sheet of the new workbook for any entries that don't contain a variable I specify, which is the first four digits of the field, and delete them. The sheets represent a daily view of jobs (identified by the "RptDate" variable) and an entire monthly list of jobs, which I want to delete all of them not from the date specified in the variable "RptDate". The fields in column A contain the date in "mmdd" format as the first four digits, and I have that specified in the "B1" celll of the originating workbook.

I found some code in this link Search Column Delete Row If Value Found that looked good. I had to modify it since I needed to search for a variable (RptDate) and needed to search column A and start on row 8 of that column. My current code looks like this:

Sub Macro1()

Dim RptDate As String
Dim RptMonth As String
Dim iLastRow As Long
Dim i As Long
RptDate = Range("B1").Text
RptMonth = Range("B2").Text
Workbooks.Open Filename:=(RptMonth)
Sheets( Array(RptDate, "Total Database")).Copy
iLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For i = iLastRow To 8 Step -1
If Left(Cells(i, "A").Value, 4) <> RptDate Then
End If
Next i
End Sub

It works fine right up to the "Rows(i).Delete" line. It errors out with a "run-time error 1004, delete method of range class failed" and highlights the above line. I know the fields I'm pulling the variables from are working right since it opens the correct workbook off of one of them.

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Delete Rows Based On Date Column

May 10, 2008

modifying the following from deleting rows older than 365 days to delete rows older than 12 months. So I can keep a rolling year by month.

Sub DeleteOldSR()
Dim x As Long
Dim iCol As Integer

Application. ScreenUpdating = False

iCol = 7 'Filter on column G (Create Date)

For x = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, iCol).End(xlUp).Row To 2 Step -1
s = Cells(x, 3).Value
If s Like "Closed" Or s Like "Closed w/o Customer Confirm" Then
If Cells(x, iCol).Value < (Date - 365) Then
Cells(x, iCol).EntireRow.Delete
End If
End If

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

I tried modifying the IF statement using month with the following but it seems to delete all months < and is not year dependant.

If Month(Cells(x, iCol).Value) < Month(Date) - 12 Then

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Export Data To Sheet And Then Delete Rows NOT Contain Today Date

Jan 25, 2013

I have found some excellent code that exports rows to individual sheets based on values in a column, and it works perfectly. I have found some code that deletes any rows that do not contain today's date:


Dim LR As Long, i As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
LR = Range("O" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = LR To 1 Step -1
If Range("N" & i).Value < Date Then Rows(i).Delete 'N is column "Treatment Date"
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

But I'm having trouble adding this to the code I'm already using (that is working):


Sub Copy_To_Worksheets_2()
'Note: This macro use the function LastRow and SheetExists
Dim My_Range As Range
Dim FieldNum As Long
Dim CalcMode As Long
Dim ViewMode As Long
Dim ws2 As Worksheet


I tried adding it after the code " ' delete columns (after exporting from Current Patients)" but I received the error "Compile error - Duplicate declaration in current scope" as it relates to Dim LR As Long.

I have attached my spreadsheet : Daily Treatment Summary.xlsm

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Delete Duplicate Rows Containing The Oldest Date And Time Entries?

May 23, 2014

I have a UserForm which writes data to rows in a master spreadsheet. I'm attempting to write some vba code for a CommandButton in the master spreadsheet which can identify and delete duplicate entries based on "user ID", "Date", and "Time". I would like the CommandButton to retain the most recent entry from a user and delete all previous entries.

My master sheet is set out as such...
A, B, C, D,
UserID, Date, Time, Response

The users could potentially submit multiple entries on the same day. Ideally I would like to be able to click a CommandButton and delete each user's submission but retain their most recent one (based on "UserID", then "Date", then "Time").

I've searched all day for a solution and I've come close but I can not figure out a code that accounts for my three variables ("UserID", then "Date", then "Time").

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Excel Macro Delete Rows Where Date Criteria Is In Another Sheet

Feb 28, 2014

I am trying to adapt a macro which deletes all rows in Worksheet 1 where the date in column K differs from a date in Worksheet 2. The date in Worksheet 2 will change each day.

I think the macro below could be used, but don't understand how to replace the "Value = ":70:" with a reference to the master date in Worksheet 2.

Sub test() Dim lr As Long, i As Long lr = Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
For i = lr To 1 Step -1 If Cells(lr, 1).Value = ":70:" Then
Cells(lr, 1).EntireRow.Delete End If lr = lr - 1 Next i End Sub

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Delete / Hide Rows Meeting User Entered Date

Feb 26, 2008

I would like to setup a macro that brings up a dialog box asking for a date in a specific column. Once that date is entered in the dialog box, the macro would then find all rows before that date (in that specfic column) and delete them.

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How To Auto-Populate Date Range (working Days Only) From Start Date And End Date

May 25, 2014

I am now trying to create a excel macro to auto populate all the dates with reference to a start date and end date. The catch is that only working days are required in the range. My reference cells (start and end date) are in Sheet 1 while the destination cell range are in Sheet 2. The reason for creating a macro instead of a function is that the intervals between the start date and end date changes frequently (annual, semi-annual and quarterly) Best case scenario would be a button which I can just press after i input the dates to generate the range of dates in another sheet.

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Date Countdown: Results Of The Number Of Days Between Today And A Future Date

Apr 8, 2009

I am trying to get the results of the number of days between today and a future date. I am using ="cell containing futuredate"-today() and it gets me the correct number of days. The problem comes in when I have yet to populate the future dates. I am getting -39991 (numeric value between today and jan 01 01) and because I am also using conditional formatting this is even more of a problem. Is there a way get excel to display nothing if it is a negative number? or to give a specified resut if the number becomes negative such as Expired or something of that nature?

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Calculate The Number Of Days From A Date Entered Into Cell A1 To Today's Date

May 19, 2009

I need a formula that will calculate the number of days from a date entered into cell A1 to today's date. Whether it's before or after todays date. Example:

5/10/2009 to today is -9

5/22/2009 to today is 3

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Counting Days Positive Or Negative Between Date (inserted Value) To System Date?

Mar 19, 2012

how can i count the positive days to a inserted date value or the past days (negative value) to the system date (today).

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Macro To Alert If Today's Date Is Within 5 Days Of Expected Delivery Date

Sep 18, 2008

I have a worksheet that has a sent date and expected delivery date I need create a macro that will alert me if today's date is within 5 days of expected delivery date.

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Calculate Number Of Days Between Two Date Within A Current Month Including End Date

Apr 2, 2009

I have two columns of dates, leave start and end dates (when people start leave i.e. annual leave). Would need to introduce column(s) to calculate how many days fell within the month including the end date and excludes weekends.

For example, if the staff on leave from 31st March to 6 April, i need to show that the number of leave taken as 1 day in March and 4 days in April.

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How To Auto Populate Date Range (working Days Only) From Start And End Date

May 26, 2014

i am trying to create a excel macro to auto populate all the dates with reference to a start date and end date. The catch is that only working days are required in the range. My reference cells (start and end date) are in Sheet 1 while the destination cell range are in Sheet 2. The reason for creating a macro instead of a function is that the intervals between the start date and end date changes frequently (annual, semi-annual and quarterly) Best case scenario would be a button which I can just press after i input the dates to generate the range of dates in another sheet.

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Extract Character From Date Format & Number Of Days Between Date

Jan 17, 2010

I have two questions regarding date format and hope you can provide input.

1) say 01/01/2010 displays as Jan-10 and i need a new column to state it as JAN. What function should i use to achieve it?

2) i need to state the difference between first day and last day of the month. What function should i use to achieve it?

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If Date Cell Less Than Todays Date Calculate Difference In Days

May 13, 2008

I have column B with a heading "Days Remaining" and column L with a heading "Deadline". starting with row 5, I need to be able to enter a date in L5 and see the days I have left, from that day untill today, on B5. I need to then be able to enter a date into L6 and see a result in B6 and on and on. Then I need to be able to insert or delete a column and have the formulas still work in the columns with the heading "Days Remaining" and "Deadline"

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Delete Days Of Week

Aug 16, 2013

I had a column of text and numbers in col A; day of the week and date (taken from a web scrape, so have no control over how they are imported), such as in the following example. Additionally i have put a column of one's beside it in col B, and then summed them in col C.

A ..........................................................B .....................C
Friday 16/08/20131
Thursday 15/08/20131
Wednesday 14/08/20131
Tuesday 13/08/20131
Monday 12/08/20131
Sunday 11/08/20131
Saturday 10/08/20131
Friday 09/08/20131
Thursday 08/08/20131
Wednesday 07/08/20131
Tuesday 06/08/20131
Monday 05/08/20131
Sunday 04/08/20131
Saturday 03/08/20131sum=14

If i parse the text from the numbers, and then use a filter to remove Saturdays and Sundays, the sum total of col B will still remain the same. What i need is a method to totally delete or neglect Saturdays and Sundays so that the sum would equal 10 for example. Note that the data is updated daily, so in A1 today will be Friday 16/08/2013, but A1 tomorrow will be Saturday 17/08/2013. Also note that i have used 1's in my example, but that is just for explanation purposes, the actual data is varied.

I have just spent the last two days making this spreadsheet only to realize that weekend data is totally messing up my calculations.

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Delete Entries Which Are Less Than 5 Days Old

Oct 28, 2008

i am simply asking the macro to delete entries which are less than 5 days old, but it doesnt do it, i dont get any errors either

With Range("A1:J1")
.AutoFilter Field:=6, Criteria1:="

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