Delete Rows Based On Inputted Date

Dec 19, 2006

I need to have a User input a date via an InputBox, and then based upon that date, delete rows based on values in Column G. For instance, if a user inputs 12/25/2006, I need to delete all rows that have the date that is less than 12/25/2006 in Column G. There will never be more than 500 Rows of data, and there is data in Columns A thru Z

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Hide Rows Based On Cell Value Inputted From Another Tab

Dec 13, 2013

In this example on Sheet 2, I'm trying to hide rows 1-6 if 'E6' is 0, and hide rows 15-26 if 'E18' is 0. These cell values are equal to the same cell in Sheet 1.

I've tried different codes I've found online, but I'm not very experienced with VBA so I can't get it to work. I can get rows 1-6 to hide, but it doesn't do it automatically whenever a zero is inputed into Sheet 1. It only works if I enter something into another cell on Sheet 2.


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Range("E6") = 0 Then
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True


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Delete Rows Based On Date Column

May 10, 2008

modifying the following from deleting rows older than 365 days to delete rows older than 12 months. So I can keep a rolling year by month.

Sub DeleteOldSR()
Dim x As Long
Dim iCol As Integer

Application. ScreenUpdating = False

iCol = 7 'Filter on column G (Create Date)

For x = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, iCol).End(xlUp).Row To 2 Step -1
s = Cells(x, 3).Value
If s Like "Closed" Or s Like "Closed w/o Customer Confirm" Then
If Cells(x, iCol).Value < (Date - 365) Then
Cells(x, iCol).EntireRow.Delete
End If
End If

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

I tried modifying the IF statement using month with the following but it seems to delete all months < and is not year dependant.

If Month(Cells(x, iCol).Value) < Month(Date) - 12 Then

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Summing All Rows In A User Inputted Column

Feb 2, 2009

I need to sum all the rows, except the header row, of a column inputted by the user. The column will be located in a worksheet dubbed SourceSheet.

Here's a few pieces of code related to what I am trying to do. The header row is always row 1. So the rows I'm summing are always 2 - myrows.

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Changing Auto Filter Based On User Inputted Cell

Apr 7, 2007

I have a Workbook that has 2 worksheets, one called CALL QUERY and one called CALL LOG. On the CALL QUERY sheet, cell D9 is a user inputted cell with the cell validation set to list. The user uses the dripdown list to pick an office identifier (3-Letter Code).

On the CALL LOG sheet, I have info about individual calls. Column E has the 3-letter office identifier for each call.

I am trying to find a way to automatically auto filter the list on the CALL LOG sheet with the user input in cell D9 on the CALL QUERY sheet.

I was given the following (N2 is a cell on the CALL LOG sheet that equals the user inputted cell D9 on the CALL QUERY sheet)

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Popup Or Userform Enter Date And Delete Rows Containing That Date

Nov 26, 2013

I wondering if it's possible to create a code to have a popup where the user can enter a date in mm/dd/yyyy format and then all rows containing that date will be deleted.

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Delete Rows If Cell Contains Date Outside Date Range

May 29, 2008

I've found similar queries on the site, but none seem to handle multiple dates, and my attempts so far have been futile!

I press a button on Sheet1 and am prompted to enter a start date and an end date.

Depending on the dates I enter, all rows on Sheet2 which fall outside the Start/End date range will be deleted.

All dates to be checked against on Sheet2 are in a single column, and all rows are populated, there are no blanks. Dates are in the format dd/mm/yy

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Excel 2013 :: Making Numbers Display With Color Based On Text Inputted In Different Cell?

Nov 20, 2013

EXPENSE MASTER 2013 sample color.xlsx

I have numbers that will display in column G. I have payment types entered in column E. So if 'C FUEL','FA','C M/C', is entered in column E I want the number in column G to be red.

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VBA Delete Rows If Date Is Less Than Defined Date

Feb 26, 2014

I have tracker, where Cells in Column F have dates or are blank.

I am trying to run a macro to delete all rows when the following criteria apply:

for all cells in column F, if date < 1-Oct-2013 then entire row should be deleted if cell is blank - nothing should happen This is what I got so far - but it is not working...I have entred the date "10/1/2013" in cell AA2 but macro should always check against that date (not variable) so it might not be needed.

Sub PART3_Delete_old_team_members()
Selection.NumberFormat = "m/d/yy;@"
Dim endrow As Integer
On Error Resume Next
endrow = Sheets("Global Team List").Range("F900").End(xlUp).Row
Searchdate = "AA2"


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Delete Rows Based On Criteria & X Rows Below

Mar 5, 2008

This sheet has A:K columns and 1:3212 rows. There are 'page headers' that are in the text file that I want to delete (the text file was exported from an AS400 program). The first row that starts the page header has SA341 in column 1. Each page header has 5 rows. I used this code from one of the other threads on deleting rows, but I obviously do not understand the code as it deleted all rows that contained SA341.
Sub DeleteRows()
Column_To_Check = 1
Start_Row = 1
End_Row = ActiveSheet. Cells(Rows.Count, Column_To_Check).End(xlUp).Row
MsgBox End_Row
Search_String = "SA341"
For Row_Counter = End_Row To Start_Row Step -1
If ActiveSheet.Cells(Row_Counter, Column_To_Check).Value < SA341 > Search_String Then

End If
Next Row_Counter
End Sub

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Delete Rows Based On Values In Rows Below

Jun 20, 2008

I am copying a price list from a worksheet. I currently have a script that deletes unwanted rows (products) but these products' header rows' are left. I also want to delete these text based headers. One solution might be a script that reads a columns cell value in the row(s) below and if values are missing the header row should be deleted.

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Delete All Rows Except Most Recent Date

Jan 26, 2009

Have a sheet with 24K rows. Column A is client name. Column B are check dates. The info is sorted by client then check date. Clients can have one to many check dates, so I client is listed as many times as there are check dates. If ten checks, then ten rows for that client. One check then one row for that client.

I only want to keep the last/most recent check date for each client, deleting all other rows for that client with check dates before the most recent. I believe I need to step through the file comparing column A, row by row, to see if I have a match for the next row in A. If no match I keep that row, because there is only one check, and move down one. If a match, then I delete the current row.

How to code this is my problem. Is it a loop?

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Delete Rows Which Have Date 7 Days Old

Jan 29, 2010

I was wondering if somebody could help me with a little bit of code?

When the sheet is opened, I would like some code to search down column A, starting from cell "A5" and delete all rows which contain a date which is greater than 7 days ago.

The dates are in order from the most recent being at the top.

For example:

Today is 29/01/2010, I would like all rows which have a cell in column A containing Today-7() to be deleted. 28/01/2010 to stay. 19/01/2010, delete row.

Hope that makes sense?

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Delete Rows Outside Date Range

Apr 26, 2006

On sheet2 Range L4:L2000 I have starting dates entered in mm/dd/yy format. On sheet2 Range M4:M2000 I have finish dates entered in mm/dd/yy format.

On sheet3 I have a numeric value of mmddyy (no brackets) in cell BC4.

What i'm looking to do is if the numeric value on sheet3 BC4 does not fall between the start and finish dates on sheet2, then the entire row should be deleted. Can this be done with the different date formats (Brackets vs no brackets)

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Compare Dates Against One Date & Delete Rows

Nov 24, 2007

I have a column of dates (B2:B1500) that I want to compare to a single date (A1).

If the dates in Column B are older than the date in A1 I want to delete the entire row.

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Delete Rows Not Matching Date Variable

Mar 10, 2008

I have a need to call a sheet from another sheet, copy two pages from the newly opened, existing sheet to a new workbook, search one sheet of the new workbook for any entries that don't contain a variable I specify, which is the first four digits of the field, and delete them. The sheets represent a daily view of jobs (identified by the "RptDate" variable) and an entire monthly list of jobs, which I want to delete all of them not from the date specified in the variable "RptDate". The fields in column A contain the date in "mmdd" format as the first four digits, and I have that specified in the "B1" celll of the originating workbook.

I found some code in this link Search Column Delete Row If Value Found that looked good. I had to modify it since I needed to search for a variable (RptDate) and needed to search column A and start on row 8 of that column. My current code looks like this:

Sub Macro1()

Dim RptDate As String
Dim RptMonth As String
Dim iLastRow As Long
Dim i As Long
RptDate = Range("B1").Text
RptMonth = Range("B2").Text
Workbooks.Open Filename:=(RptMonth)
Sheets( Array(RptDate, "Total Database")).Copy
iLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For i = iLastRow To 8 Step -1
If Left(Cells(i, "A").Value, 4) <> RptDate Then
End If
Next i
End Sub

It works fine right up to the "Rows(i).Delete" line. It errors out with a "run-time error 1004, delete method of range class failed" and highlights the above line. I know the fields I'm pulling the variables from are working right since it opens the correct workbook off of one of them.

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Date Based Delete

Jun 26, 2008

i have a large set of data, with a data in column a & column e & some text in column F

i need macro to remove rows where the date in col a is earlier than 6 months before the date in column e & column f has the text "a/g or "g"

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Macro To Copy Rows Based On Moving Date And Paste Rows Into Identical Sheet

Jan 28, 2014

I need to build a macro which copies 3 rows every day and pastes the row data into an identical sheet. The three rows will have column "D" as =today(). As the days progress the three rows will change accordingly ( tag to the today's date)

e.g. 28/1/2014

I need the macro to recognize the date when pressed and copy the corresponding rows of data and paste them into an identical sheet with the same date. The second sheet is an archive sheet. The date will tick over as per the calendar.

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Delete A Row Based On A Date Stored Within It

Jan 19, 2012

I have a table that extends from A1 to S630 (the number of rows changes as records are added and deleted).

The function to add rows based on the date is fine and I have implemented, but I cannot figure out how to delete a row based on a date.

The date is entered on a sheet called Calendar in Cell J20

so Sheets("Calendar").Range("J20")

and the date is in column B of the table, which has been made using the Table function

Is there a way of scanning through the whole table deleting all the rows with the date entered into J20 on the calendar sheet.

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VBA To Delete Records Based On Certain Date

Jul 18, 2012

I have a spreadsheet titled "PMIX" In Columns A:F Column F has Week Ending date. Each week, I need to update this, i.e. delete the data from two weeks ago and then add the new weeks data. What I am thinking is I enter a Week Ending Date in H1, then I would like VBA to delete all rows where it has the data in H1. I am hoping for a delete function as opposed to a clear so I can shift all the rows up.

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Delete Rows Based On A Condition

Jul 20, 2009

Is it posibile to make a macro that automaticaly delete rows based ona a condition. Condition is to delete rows that have B column value "" or zero. For example:....

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Delete Rows Based On Two Criteria Within Each Row

Sep 24, 2009

I have a sheet with say 1000+ rows that is a QA report of possible mistakes found in a employee rostering tool.

The report finds all occurrences where the staff member only has one coffee break rather than the two they are entitled to. However, on days where they have training, or other half day commitments, on of the coffee breaks is not entered into out tool. This means we are getting a whole lot of entries that we do not require(i.e. one coffee break error).

The tool uses icons but the cells do have a single unique character under each icon type. For example, the coffee break cells have a "T" and training cells have a "&" underneath the icon (without quotes). The staff members day is separated into 15 minute blocks and each block occupies a cell in a column. This means each staff members day spans many columns in a row (i.e. C=8am, D=8:15am, E=8:30am etc...).

What I have been trying to accomplish is to create a macro in VB code that will locate any row with both a "T and a "&" and delete it. This will eliminate occurrences that we are aware of and leave only genuine errors. There are other combination's that I would like to include also such as:
"T" "["
"T" "#"
"T" "@"
"T" "]"

The first row is headers and the first two columns contain team names and staff names which I am trying to exclude (because names contains "T"'s ).

I have spent many hours now looking for example code on Google, this forum and other forums, however most of the examples I have found are looking for two criteria within a column or specific criteria that is not suitable to my application (i.e. values <> certain numbers etc...).

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Delete Rows Based On Criteria?

Jan 23, 2010

I had a raw data sheet in which i need to prepare a statement just like the attached worksheet.

My requirement is to delete all those rows in the department column except the department which starts with "C" Just like "CNN" & "CNN-IN".

Rows with data containing the words starting with "CNN" should not be deleted .The rows can contain words with "CNN" or "CNN*"(here * denotes anything after the word CNN)

I had just formatted the whole worksheet for easy reference.Actually the raw data is extracted from other program which is very clumsy & irregular.

The department column might be in any column.

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Delete Rows Based On Content

Jan 5, 2009

Can a macro be used to:

1. Delete rows that contain certain text in a worksheet ?
2. Highlight a cell a colur based on a response ?

I have attached an example of what i mean .....

In the Audit Protocol worksheet is the main information - which contains questions and answers .... If a yes, n/a or no is selected then a response is automatically generated in the observations column (thanks to SHG for helping me with the formula for this) ..... How do I then get the cell to change to red if a NO response only is selected ?

Then the information from the Audit Protocol worksheet (the observation column and number column) are copied across to the worksheet named Action List (this is done just by the copy function) .... How do I go about deleting rows that contain "no action required" - as these are not needed for the report to be generated ?

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Delete Rows Based On Two Conditions

Mar 29, 2012

I need a macro that loops through all rows (With the exception of the first row) and looks for two conditions. If those two conditions are met, I'd like for it to delete the row.

The first condition is if Column O does not contain a certain phrase "VTX" VTX isn't the complete value of the column, it might just be contained within a few other notes in that column.

The second condition is if Col S equals "COMPLETE/FOLLOW-UP IMAGING".

So if these two conditions are met, Col O does not contain the word "VTX" and Col S equals "COMPLETE/FOLLOW-UP IMAGING", then that row should be deleted.

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Delete Rows Based On Cell Value?

Jul 6, 2014

I am looking to make a cell with the Value =Today()-1. I then want the code to pick up the cell value and then delete any row that does not have that value.

So for Example it would only keep =Today()-1 Dates in the sheet and delete the rest.


Dim LR As Long, i As LongWith Sheets("Sheet1")
LR = .Range("Q" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = LR To 2 Step -1
If .Range("Q" & i).Value = "Y" Then .Rows(i).Delete
Next i
End With

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Delete Rows Based On Rules

Aug 21, 2007

I am trying to clear row with the following rules:

the last cell must not contain 0, if 0 delete entire row.
the first cell the the A row should be only three character long, if more delete entire row.

Now I managed to delete the 0 in the last cell and but cannot get the VBA to count the characters in the first row and if more than three, delete the entire row . I know to count the characters in a cell is done by Len(Rng.Value) , but getting the VBA right is alluding me .

the script is here,

Sub Del_rows_with_zero_in_column_of_activecell()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Const StartRow As Long = 1 'Row to Start looking at
Dim StopRow As Long
Dim Col As Long

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Delete Rows Based On Values

Nov 10, 2008

I have a 20,000 row text file that I import. It has blank rows, page headers and footers, and many rows at the bottom that I do not want. I have been cleaning up the data manually but this takes a great deal of time and I have a need to perform this clean up on a more frequent basis.

I have tried recording a macro to do some of the deleting but I am running into an issue that I do not know how to over come. When I filtered the data based on "Blanks" on a specific column and then try to delete them in mass, Excel errors out stating that my request was too complex.

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Delete Rows Based On 2 Criteria

Nov 30, 2006

Is there a vba code that can delete the entire row based on two criterias? If a row has a location of Canada and is a female, then delete the entire row.

Name Location Gender
Alan Mexico Male
Dick USA Male
Sharon Canada Female <-- This will be deleted if based on criteria
Mike Canada Male

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Delete Rows Based On Two Columns

Dec 22, 2006

I have a spreadsheet that in column A has either the letters "C", "LP", or is blank.

In Column L it has either numbers 1 through 100, or the letter "D".

What I need it to do is to check and see if the data in column L is "D" and in the same row column A is blank, then delete that row.

Also, if the data in Column L is "D" and the Data in column A is either "C", or "LP", then I need it to change the "D" to "1".

It might be easier to do it separately because once you run the part that deletes the rows that don’t have a “C” or “LP” then I could probably just do one that says if column L = “D” then change to “1”.

Lets see if I can simplify this for you.

If Column L = “D” and Column A = BLANK then Delete Row
(this would delete all “D’s” that don’t have the “C” or “LP”)


If Column L = “D” then change to “1”

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