Delete Rows And Columns Entirely From Worksheet So It Shows No Cells
May 9, 2014
Please see this attached image: HowTo Do This.PNG
I have this worksheet that I did not create and notice it has entire rows and columns completely gone / deleted. For example, the only columns it has ranges from A to AI and then no more columns exist in the worksheet. For the rows, it has rows 1 through 77 but then it shows a gray background.
How did they do this? What is this called? How can I do this to Worksheets?
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May 13, 2006
I am looking for something that will first delete all empty columns up until it runs into data, then delete all rows that are blank in Column A until it runs into data.
In other words, I recieve different spreadsheets that start their data in different locations and I would like to have them always start in cell A1.
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Jun 12, 2014
My Excel program (Excel 2010) currently has several columns and each column looks for and pulls data from a specific file on my computer. Then I need to delete any duplicate data entries, count the number of unique entries and track the changes through a chart. I have everything done except I cannot figure out (or find on the internet) a way to search in multiple columns (more than 2) and delete just the duplicate cells. I want to delete the cells in a way where there is one left. For example if the code 12gf is duplicated three time, I want to be left with one 12gf (it doesnt matter what column the original one is left in). Additionally, column length changes and they are not sorted. I have attempted to attach an image of an example file below.
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Jul 15, 2009
1. Remove J,K,N,A Columns,
2. In the last O (TIMESTAMP) column, the date is 14-Jul-09 format change it to 07/14/2009 (this format mm/dd/yyy
3.Filter L column (VAL_INLAKH) Remove all rows from whole sheet which has 0 value
4. Column C (EXPIRY_DT) date format is 24-Sep-09 , "dd-Sep-09" change to "Sep" only
respectively )
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Apr 16, 2014
removing duplicate rows and move other data frm rows to columns.xlsx.
I am attaching a sample excel sheet showing what I need to do.In the first tab, I have a list that includes duplicate rows (first column only). I want to remove those duplicate rows but I don't want to lose the data in the following columns which can be unique or duplicates as well.
see the desired result tab in the sheet to get an idea of what I am looking for as the end result.
Keep in mind that the actual source file I am working with could have up to 50000 row, and the expected results could be around 2000 rows. So nothing can be done manually.
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May 22, 2008
Is there a limit on the number of rows and columns that can be deleted in a macro on Excel 2003? I am trying to create a macro that, amoung other things, delets 1119 rows and 54 columns. If I delete the columns first, the rows will not delete. If I delete the columns first, the rows will not delete.
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Jul 23, 2012
Macro that will delete rows in an excel table if "W2" shows up in column D. This will be multiple rows that it will need to delete.
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Mar 29, 2014
I am attempting to delete rows with columns not containing "MC". In the example below, the result should be 3 rows remaining (1,2 and 5):
Instead, all I get are results with Y starting in MC, in this case the last row, all the other rows are deleted. I need to get all rows that have MC in three columns (Y, Z or AA) and delete the ones that do not. In this case, rows 3 & 4.
Below is the code I have been using:
Sub Del_Rows()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Range("Y1:AA1", Range("Y" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="*MC*"
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Seems simple enough but this newbie chump is stumped why it is not reading the other columns
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Jan 12, 2007
I tried to modify this code for my next problem: to delete entire columns where the cell in row 2 is empty, but it doesnt work. The code I use is:
Sub test2()
'This code will create a copy of the current sheet, and retain only the rows
'that have the value '1' in column B.
ActiveSheet.Copy Before:=ActiveSheet
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
On Error Resume Next
Dim ir As Long, mrows As Long, lastcell As Range
Set lastcell = Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)
mrows = lastcell.Row
'Note rows are deleted from the bottom going up
For ir = mrows To 1 Step -1
If Len(Trim(Range("b" & ir).Value)) = 0 Then
Rows(ir).Delete Shift:=xlUp
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
The ideal solution would be not a second macro but one that does firstly delete the rows and then the columns.
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Mar 4, 2008
Is there a way to delete x # of rows in columns b, c, d, g, j, m, p & s.
I regularly enter data in these rows for comparisons and then need to delete the data with out deleting the formulas in e, h, k, n, q & t.
A macro or one key then delete would be great.
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Aug 23, 2012
I am trying to delete all the rows that have blanks in both columns "D" and "F".
With Sheets("2012")
For k = 6 To 1000
If (.Range("D:" & k) = "" & .Range("F:" & k) = "") Then
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Jun 24, 2009
I have a single workbook with 55 worksheets. I need to delete rows #1-14, then delete columns A & B on all worksheets. The macro below seems to be running in a loop which appears to delete rows 1-14 and columns A & B until there is no more data left on the active sheet only. It does not run on any of the other sheets - even if I select all sheets before running the macro.
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May 10, 2012
I have two columns. In the first column, there is in every cell some text. In the second column, there are some blank cells. It looks like this
textCOL1 textCOL2
text2COL1 text2COL2
text3COL1 text3COL2
text6COL1 text6COL2
How do I remove the rows which have text only in the first column?
The output should be:
textCOL1 textCOL2
text2COL1 text2COL2
text3COL1 text3COL2
text6COL1 text6COL2
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Jul 14, 2004
I have a large spreadsheet that is 65000 rows and colomns A thru W.
I need a macro to delete rows that if Date and Account and Type are
equal and the net of Quantity is zero delete those rows.
Col A = Date
Col C = Account
Col D = Type
Col J = Quantity
What the macro would do is if an account had 250 rows of activity on
say 7/7/2004 (Date) and same type of account and the net of all
Quantity is equal to zero delete those rows.
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Nov 17, 2006
I would like to delete all unwanted rows and colomns. I know this can be done but Old Age is catching the grey matter
I want to delete all except the following ranges, Range("A1:H27").Select
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Dec 22, 2006
I have a spreadsheet that in column A has either the letters "C", "LP", or is blank.
In Column L it has either numbers 1 through 100, or the letter "D".
What I need it to do is to check and see if the data in column L is "D" and in the same row column A is blank, then delete that row.
Also, if the data in Column L is "D" and the Data in column A is either "C", or "LP", then I need it to change the "D" to "1".
It might be easier to do it separately because once you run the part that deletes the rows that don’t have a “C” or “LP” then I could probably just do one that says if column L = “D” then change to “1”.
Lets see if I can simplify this for you.
If Column L = “D” and Column A = BLANK then Delete Row
(this would delete all “D’s” that don’t have the “C” or “LP”)
If Column L = “D” then change to “1”
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Oct 24, 2012
Using the following code to remove empty rows based on whether a specific range of columns is empty. The code works if the cell has a zero, but not when the cell is blank. An example of the data is attached.
Public Sub DelRows2()
Dim Cel As Range, searchStr, FirstCell As String
Dim searchRange As Range, DeleteRange As Range
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Nov 17, 2007
I have a workbook where I import data from another workbook. This might get done several times a month. As I go through the imported data I delete rows not needed which gets place into another worksheet. What I need is when I import data again is a macro that the worksheet where my already deleted rows are and compairs them to the new data imported and if the first 13 columns of data matches it delest them off the imported sheet.
I found some code which I altered at [url]
and posted the same question but haven't got any response as of yet.
So the code that i go works but only if the row matches in the exact order on both sheets so e.g. (if row 1 on sheet1 matches row 1 on sheet2) it works but if (row1 on sheet1 matches row 3 on sheet2) it does not.
Here's the code I have so far.
Public Sub delOLD()
Dim i As Long
Dim iLastRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet, ws1 As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets("Data") ' Imported Data
Set ws1 = Sheets("Old Records") ' Deleted Data
'ws1.Visible = xlSheetVisible
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Nov 15, 2008
I have anywhere from 3000 to 10000 rows to delete in a a number of worksheets, but would like to avoid using a loop as even with onscreen update turned to off like this:
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Mar 8, 2009
I've added a button with a macro to delete any blank rows in a worksheet.
Cell A3 is completely blank and A6 has an IF formula which returns "". In my macro it copies the whole worksheet and then paste special values, to take away the formula in A6 and then deletes the blank rows but it still does not delete row 6.
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Apr 4, 2007
Is it possible to delete multiple rows when the worksheet is protected using vba? For Example Peps - Select a undetermined amount of rows and then use a macro to unprotect - delete the selected rows - protect.
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Sep 21, 2012
two things on the attached sheet.
First problem: in column B, I have a formula based on contents of column A. However, the limitations of 7 nested IFs leaves me with errors - I need 3 more IFs. Is there a way around that?
Second problem: I need to show the row of the first (earliest time in column A) and the last (latest hour in column A) record for each name. I've been sorting by name and time, then manually deleteing the rows I don't need. I know there's a better way, but I can't find it!
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May 22, 2014
I am trying to delete rows that contain the same addresses BASED ON COLUMNS.
Do you see how in columns C and D they all match EXCEPT for row 4? How do I delete allllll the rows that when c and d match.
I want to keep the ones that DO NOT MATCH.
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Feb 18, 2010
I need to filter the following file.
I need to remove all rows where COL A value and COL B value are the same. COL C does not need to be considered. However I need to retain one of the Col C values for purposes of formatting.
The end result should look similar to columns F,G and H!
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Sep 19, 2013
Is there a formula I can use, where I can delete specific rows/columns each time? I have to download a large set of data each week and each time I have to spend hours deleting the same rows and columns. For example, if I have to delete Rows 1,2,3,4,5 and Columns J,I,H,G every time, how do I automate this?
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May 27, 2014
I have command button in Sheet 3 (from where I will be running the macro) and I need a macro which will delete all the blank columns and rows in the data containing in Sheet 1.
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Jun 5, 2014
I have a workbook, with a worksheet "Summary". In this worksheet "Summary" I would like to delete all columns that have less than 100 rows.
Please see the attached file : Summary.xlsx‎
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Mar 18, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with hundreds of rows. Columns C and D contain either TRUE or FALSE. I want to be able to automatically delete the rows where both columns are FALSE.
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Mar 14, 2008
I'm trying to come up with a formula to find the last row without any data in columns E and F and delete the 10 rows below them. Is there a way to do this?
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Aug 12, 2009
I am trying to use a macro to delete 2 columns from a spreadsheet using a macro.
This sounds easy, but due to the fact the columns needing to be deleted ‘cross’ merged rows the macro then deletes all the columns based on the merged cells.
In the attached spreadsheet (ColDel) if you manually highlight columns D and E and then use Edit/Delete this will delete columns D and E correctly.
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