I have a workbook that column C has computer names starting from C4 to C83. I need to get the Datelastmodified of a log file that robocopy is writting to the following path. \Server1folder1WorkSheetName\%computername%somefile.log. The Datelastmodified needs to be entered in column K for each computer name in column C. One last thing would also be great is if the file does not exist it would write a error value.
I needed a code that would input the current date and time in the cells in column N whenever changes were made to any cells in the row from columns A to M. For example, if I change a name in cell 6D, then cell 6N would automatically change to the current date and time.
I found a useful code on a forum (maybe here, don't know for certain) and modified it to suit my needs (see below). I am however now getting a debugging error suggesting that the second line that reads "Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()" is causing an error.
the numbers are the time the file is saved, is it possible to also look at file name:text1 and then look at the last modified file So only fill in the file name and the macro opens file: Test1 150140
I have manged to search for the last updated file on a folder but i want to use the filename as the source for a copy and paste. it all seems to work bar the linking of the 2 processes the error message 'run time error 9 subscript out of range' is the file is already open should it just not use the same variable to copy the files?
Dim myDir As String, fn As String, a(), n As Long, myFile As String Dim myDate As Date, temp As Date myDir = "C:BarkingEMCIN" fn = Dir(myDir & "*.csv") Do While fn <> "" temp = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFile(myDir & "" & ................................................
Below Macro which I am using to extract .PDF files. Now, I also want to see the Date moified while extracting the .PDF files. Hence, adding date modified to this macro.
Sub get_pdf_name() Dim FR As Long, sh As String, FPath As String, FName As String sh = Sheets("Sheet2").Name FR = Sheets(sh).Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
I want to amend the ' Date Modified' for a spreadsheet. I have just made changes to it - so the 'Date Modified' shows today's date and time. Is there a way of changing the 'Date Modified' so it shows as yesterday's date?
I have cells on my spreadsheet which contain: =now() and they work as they should - displaying the date and time at the moment of entry. Unfortunately the cells update when other info is added at other locations on the sheet - is there a way to ensure they enter the current 'now' only at the point of initial entry - such that the data doesn't then alter?
I want to know if there is a way to have a cell beside a series of cells that will change its date (and time) when any of the cells in the series is changed.
On a single row, I have four materials that total to a fifth cell. The 6th cell in that row, I would like to have a "date last modified" that would change if any of the first five cell's value is changed.
What I wanted was to a function, say, "=LastModifiedDateOf(CELL)", where CELL, is a parameter that indicates the cell I want to monitor. If the value of such cell ever gets changed, the cell containing the function has its value updated to the current date.
E.g. A1 = "AA" A2 = "=LastModifiedDateOf(A1)" -> "10/03/2011 10:30:32"
I need to insert a date modified column to an Excel 2007 workbook I am currently using. The columns range is from A to L, with about a hundred data points. However, I would like to have the date modified cell update only when there are changes to rows F through L, starting with row 3.
I need the code to still function if I add rows, and it would be great if it would also still run if I added columns, but that part is not necessary. I've gotten close by defining a cell name as myCol and using this code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub If Target.Row < 3 Then Exit Sub
Each time my spreadsheet is modified and saved, I would like the date of this action to appear in a cell. I think this may involve VBA but I'm not sure.
Let's just say, the cell is L54. I am using Excel 2007.
What is the code i need to use to assign a macro to a command button which inserts the current date and time in the selected cell regardless of where that cell is?
My head hurts from working on this all day. I have a large spreadsheet and in the top left corner I need to show the percent of vehicles that are not working out of our whole pool. I have a function that detects the color of the cell (Red is broke) and counts the total of red cells and then divides it by the total giving the percent and it is in G118 for Jan 1/2007, H118 for Jan 2/2007 etc. I made a function that will count Julian days from Jan 1, so for today I get 114. I know I need to display G + 114 columns but have no idea how to get that column name from this and always display the current one in the corner.
I don't really know VBA more than just piecing together other people's work (so please dumb down your responses as much as possible).
So I would like to have a function that displays a filename within a cell. The filename I need to display will start with "cost" and have a date at the end (not always the same number of characters). I need to search a folder for all files that contain that text and return the last modified one.
I found this VBA code that returns the last modified file, but only filters based on the extension (which I would like to keep in the code as well).
I have an excel spreadsheet with multiple file names (including file path) listed in a column. I have to update other files using these 'underlying' files. So each cell has the file path and file name (i.e. Q:FolderFile Name.xls). I would like to have the adjacent cells indicate the last modified date for each file. This saves me time from looking for the last modified date manually across different folders in my servers to see if the 'underlying' file has been updated, which I would need in order to update my other files.
So this function would be something like "get last modified date based on file path". I will need step by step instructions as I am not very familiar with VBA.
A B 1 Q:Folder1File name1.xls 2/10/2012 2 X:Folder2File name2.xls 12/1/2011
I am sure this is easy but i cant for the life of me find the code for this:
I am trying to have a MSG Box popup after opening a file and it displays the date the current file was last modified with an "OK" button on it to close the box.
I have a number of excel files in a directory that require me to take action after a file has been saved. What I want to do is create a macro that will look to each file and retrieve its 'modified date', then put that into a spreadsheet. What would be ideal is to create a User Defined Function to look at the last modified date of a file in the cell next to it (I have the files names in a spreadsheet as a hyperlink).
I have a pivot table for which I load data from a .csv file. Is it possible to include a timestamp on when the .csv file was last loaded. If I do it above the actual pivot table, it just shows when the pivot table was refreshed, but not when the .csv file was last loaded.
I copied this snippet from the net and it has been working like a charm. I would like to add DateLastModified to it, but I can't get it to work, I'm still kind of new to more complex VBA codes. Here is the code...
Code: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim cell As Range Dim selcell As Range Dim Value As String Dim Folder As Variant Dim a As Long
I am trying to find a way for an automatic date stamp to be populated into a field in a row when any other cell contained within the same row is changed or modified. I am hoping that there is an easy solution to this. I have tried searching for this and found a few related posts but I don't know how to modify the code to work for me and when I try to do it, it doesn't work. I have attached an example. I would like column B to populate when I modify any field in the row with the date it is being modified.
I wish to create a macro that looks in a specific directory "D:Records" . It finds the files which are modified after a date "January 01, 2012" in this directory (pdf files). Then it imports these files names into a worksheet.