I have manged to search for the last updated file on a folder but i want to use the filename as the source for a copy and paste. it all seems to work bar the linking of the 2 processes the error message 'run time error 9 subscript out of range' is the file is already open should it just not use the same variable to copy the files?
Dim myDir As String, fn As String, a(), n As Long, myFile As String
Dim myDate As Date, temp As Date
myDir = "C:BarkingEMCIN"
fn = Dir(myDir & "*.csv")
Do While fn <> ""
temp = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFile(myDir & "" & ................................................
the numbers are the time the file is saved, is it possible to also look at file name:text1 and then look at the last modified file So only fill in the file name and the macro opens file: Test1 150140
I'm on excel 2010 and I have a small group excel files I open everyday. Most of the files are static in name and location. I've got a macro created to open those files, which works fine with workbooks.open and the file path.
There are two report files I want to incorporate into my macro of workbooks to open. The files are created weekly and the files names have the following format: "Report Name (YYYY-MM-DD).xlsm". I don't want to use the file's last modified date because older files may get edited after the more recent ones are created. The files are also not always created on the same day, so the solution needs to be flexible enough to not refer to a specific day of the week or anything.
Macro open an excel file based on the latest date found in filename.
I have a list that show file names and when the necessary works on these files were completed, but the powers that be want more. I have been asked to add two more columns, one showing when the file was last opened and the other when it was last modified.
Is it possible to do this through VBA without having to open the files that are listed? If so I will run the macro when the workbook is first opened.
I have a workbook that column C has computer names starting from C4 to C83. I need to get the Datelastmodified of a log file that robocopy is writting to the following path. \Server1folder1WorkSheetName\%computername%somefile.log. The Datelastmodified needs to be entered in column K for each computer name in column C. One last thing would also be great is if the file does not exist it would write a error value.
Below Macro which I am using to extract .PDF files. Now, I also want to see the Date moified while extracting the .PDF files. Hence, adding date modified to this macro.
Sub get_pdf_name() Dim FR As Long, sh As String, FPath As String, FName As String sh = Sheets("Sheet2").Name FR = Sheets(sh).Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
I want to amend the ' Date Modified' for a spreadsheet. I have just made changes to it - so the 'Date Modified' shows today's date and time. Is there a way of changing the 'Date Modified' so it shows as yesterday's date?
I do routine tasks every day which involves opening 3 different files and pasting data into my main file. The data is always in the same format, and the 3 files are saved in the same location (3 different folders through). The 3 files are saved each day and the naming convention is constant, with only the date changing. For example, the files are always saved in C:My Documents and the files are called test_05.02.2013.xls. Tomorrow the file will be called test_06.02.2013.xls and so on.
So each day I will be rolling a file forward and I want to bring in the info from each of these files based on the new day.
How to do 1, and I will do the others (because the concept will be the same).
I need to open an excel file based on a date mentioned in the file name, but minus 1 day. The file name is composed with Statistics_date_time.xls
Example: statistics_20140423_142754.xls
Once I need to open the file (only in the mornings), it has to be the one from the previous day to see the yesterdays performance. How can I create a macro that will look at the date in the file and take the one from yesterday?
This will be a part of a macro I'm making. The rest of the macro will just format the file and combine a few ones from different departments.
I am trying to write a macro to complete a report for me. I have everything working and tested but I have 1 issue. The report needs to take some data from yesterdays report.
Therefore I need a code which is able to open the file, I know how to do this with a constant file name but the issue arises because the file from yesterday is saved with the date.
Probably not possible but can you write a macro to load a file which has a file name which always starts with Act2July followed by the date
i.e. Act2July191104.xls
but next friday it will be called Act2July261104.xls
This file is created by the network.
So can the macro pick up the Act2July part of the file name and then select the file dependent on when it was saved, so that the latest update is always loaded.
I have a csv file named "BB31_2013-08-01". I would like to open this file via vba and this is not my only file. I also have another similar fileames such as "BB31_2013-08-08", therefore, I try to create some function like yyyy, mm & dd where I can modifie it easily for next file.
Previous to a PC meltdown a few months ago, when I opened my monthly customer list file the account date would automatically update to the current date. After the PC repair, reinstall of MS Office 2002 (same version as before the PC death) and copying of documents back to their old locations, I now have to update this manually for all accounts each time I open it. I have searched through the options and customize menus but there is no mention of this setting. Before, it just did it from day one (5 years ago) without any setup.
How do I get back the old auto-date update preference?
I don't really know VBA more than just piecing together other people's work (so please dumb down your responses as much as possible).
So I would like to have a function that displays a filename within a cell. The filename I need to display will start with "cost" and have a date at the end (not always the same number of characters). I need to search a folder for all files that contain that text and return the last modified one.
I found this VBA code that returns the last modified file, but only filters based on the extension (which I would like to keep in the code as well).
I have the current code that opens our raw data file and copys it into my workbook. However it now turns out the file is saved everyday as a new file with todays date on the end. Here is my current code:
I need a code which will open up a previous days file. I have the code to pick the correct file but I am stuck because the folders are multiple levels down to year then month.
Eg. Folder Name > YYYY > Month
So i need to have a code which can look in to the relevant folder based on the current date and then be able to open the file i need.
I.e. today is 29May so i need the code to open the 2014>May folder.
For 1st day of month I would need it to open last months folder I.e. 01June Open May folder
fMask="Post Biz Voice Installs QC Report*.TXT" varFiles = Application. GetOpenFilename("TEXT Files,"&fMask, 1, "Please select all the Post Biz Voice Installs QA Report files", , True)
I want to filter the filenames to only certain prefixes
I am then importing the files and populatin the ws
Here is my whole module so it can be seen in context
Sub GetBCDV() Dim varFiles As Variant Dim SourceBook As Workbook, TargetBook As Workbook, strAddress As String ', 1 As Integer Call Archive_WB_BCDV fMask="Post Biz Voice Installs QC Report*.TXT" varFiles = Application.GetOpenFilename("TEXT Files,"&fMask, 1, "Please select all the Post Biz Voice Installs QA Report files", , True)
I'm looking for a code which is checking the file name first before opening and operating on it. File name format is filenameyyyymmdd.xls but the problem is files in that directory are saved irregularly (couple times a week) and I need to open the newest saved file.
I have an excel spreadsheet with multiple file names (including file path) listed in a column. I have to update other files using these 'underlying' files. So each cell has the file path and file name (i.e. Q:FolderFile Name.xls). I would like to have the adjacent cells indicate the last modified date for each file. This saves me time from looking for the last modified date manually across different folders in my servers to see if the 'underlying' file has been updated, which I would need in order to update my other files.
So this function would be something like "get last modified date based on file path". I will need step by step instructions as I am not very familiar with VBA.
A B 1 Q:Folder1File name1.xls 2/10/2012 2 X:Folder2File name2.xls 12/1/2011
I am sure this is easy but i cant for the life of me find the code for this:
I am trying to have a MSG Box popup after opening a file and it displays the date the current file was last modified with an "OK" button on it to close the box.
I have a number of excel files in a directory that require me to take action after a file has been saved. What I want to do is create a macro that will look to each file and retrieve its 'modified date', then put that into a spreadsheet. What would be ideal is to create a User Defined Function to look at the last modified date of a file in the cell next to it (I have the files names in a spreadsheet as a hyperlink).
I managed to create some code that will connect to a workbook and take the data from there.
It is kind of SQL mixed with VBA. I just got this by finding it in google (I don't have the link handy now).
What the file does, is it will take 2 columns from a workbook called "Test.xls" and then take out 2 columns "Name" and "ID".
The only thing is, this is only a test and not the actual files I need to open. the files are always saved on the same folder, but the name is the day of the export of it. So when I export a file today, it will get 2014.09.10.xls. The sheet (only 1) will also get that name.
How could I change the below code that it will take that file based on today's date and read from the sheet with today's data?
VB: Sub sbADO() Dim sSQLQry As String Dim ReturnArray Dim Conn As New ADODB.Connection Dim mrs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim DBPath As String, sconnect As String 'DBPath = ThisWorkbook.FullName
I want to know if there is a way to have a cell beside a series of cells that will change its date (and time) when any of the cells in the series is changed.
On a single row, I have four materials that total to a fifth cell. The 6th cell in that row, I would like to have a "date last modified" that would change if any of the first five cell's value is changed.