The formula returns the last day of the month of the name of the sheet. For example, if the sheet is names "Mar 07", it returns 3/31/07. (yeah, when the 2100 issue becomes a big deal, I'm not going to be ready but I have 92 years to think about it)
Even if I can't make it prettier, does anyone have a way to get the sheet name into a formula without VBA Code in a file that hasn't been saved.
I am busy with code that filters and copies from a "source file" using dialogue to choose criteria than adds a workbook and pastes filtered information. I than go back to "source file" and do second filter. My question is this newly added workbook changed from book1 to book2 etc everytime the user will run the macro. How do I go about activating the workbook for second and third paste without it being saved?
Here is name code:
[B]Workbooks.Open ("C:Documents and Settingsabek276DesktopSource File.xlsx")
I'm not sure why this macro in workbook "A" is not working when checking for the activesheet sheet opened in workbook "B"? I've included the tab name I'm looking for and the tab name opened in the workbook "B" in the MsgBox to verify it can pull the tab names properly in workbook "B" and it returns correctly. I'm not sure why the If Then Else is not working if that is the issue here.
Code: Sub testmonthcheck() Dim art156 As Workbook Dim mm As String Dim mmm As String Set art156 = Workbooks("Actual_Run_Times_156.xls")
I have written a user-defined function that searches for a small range within a larger range. The function requires two input parameters: the range you are looking for, and the range you want to look within.
For example, I might look for the string of values in cells A1:D1 in a larger range E1:H20. The function returns the row number in the larger range where the smaller range is found.
My problem is this: The function is working fine when I call it from another sub procedure. However, when I try to run it as a worksheet function, I get a "#VALUE!" error. The function pops up in the "insert function" menu, and it prompts for the two input parameters.
I have this formula =COUNTA($A:$A)<=4 that limits amount of cells that can be populated in column A, I use data validation with "Allow costume" option and using that formula. It works fine from worksheet it displays the message when the limit is reached but it doesn't work when data is inputed/populated from userfrom, it allows userform to put more entries than set limit 4 in this case.
look for a certain value in worksheet A and copy that row of data to Worksheet B.
However, it seems to be only copying the row in worksheet A and pasting it. Is there something that a noob VBA scripter has missed out?
PHP Private Sub GetInfo_Click() Dim r As Long, LastRow As Long, Status As Integer Dim Message As String, Title As String, Default As String, MyValue As String Application.ScreenUpdating = False
MyValue = Range("A4").Value Workbooks("invoice.xls").Worksheets("A").Activate LastRow = Range("C65536").End(xlUp).Row For r = LastRow To 1 Step -1 If Cells(r, 1).Value = MyValue Then Rows(r).EntireRow.Copy Workbooks("invoice.xls").Worksheets("B").Activate Rows("8").Select Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False Status = 1 Workbooks("invoice.xls").Worksheets("A").Activate Rows(r).EntireRow.Delete
Exit For End If Next r Application.ScreenUpdating = True
I have this excel file that is 17 sheets long and I made a table of contents page so it is easier for people to navigate. I know my hypertext links in my file are correct because it works when I click on the hypertexted cells, my excel file jumps to the respective sheet.
However, when I save the file as a pdf the hypertext links do not work. how to get my table of contexts to jump pages in a saved pdf file?
I have a hyperlink to [url] that doesn't work. When I click it I get an error saying "Unable to locate the server or proxy server". But when I cut & paste the address from the hyperlink into my browser (no chance of mistyping), it works fine.
As said, the right click doesn't work anymore, last week it was working but it doesn't anymore. When I right-click wherever in the spreadsheet nothing happens but I know it's working because it works outside excel.
I need to delete all the digits before / and also the / - in the valuta columns. But this =RIGHT(B2,LEN(B2)-6) doesnt work It says > the formula you typed contains an error
What am I doing wrong here. Some times if I do a =if( ) formula it doesn't work. For example, look at the attached picture. Cell K63 should say "End of Run". But it doesn't, What gives?
Also I have had before where i do =IF(X62>$O$2,"End of Run", 0) (and $O$2 =81) and the cell when X62 is 81, not greater than. I know I can to >=, but thats not what I am doing.
i got a long macro to delete all rows with contains a column with the value 'xx'. The macro works in sheet 2K, 2F and 1G. But the weird thing is it doesnt work in sheet 1K (i copied the exact same part of the macro out of the other sheets). Is it possible that there are to many rows in the sheet (sheet 1K has 24.000 rows, 50% or more will be deleted with the macro. The error says bug in the line: If Not rng Is Nothing Then rng.EntireRow.Delete It stops showing all the rows wich should be deleted.
Sub GrondeigenarenVerwijderen() Application.Goto ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("2K").Cells(1, 1) Dim DeleteValue As String
I have below macro for Sheet2 and i have created a button on whenever i press this button the macro will run and save Sheet2 as PDF file.
The problem is when i hide Sheet2 the macro doesnt work and it gives an error " Invalid procedure call or argument.
how to make this macro run even when the sheets are hidden ?
Sub PDF_Table() 'Sheet2.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$a$1:$x$140" '***** '*** can remove the above line if sheet areas are already set and will not be altered With Sheet2.PageSetup .CenterHorizontally = True .CenterVertically = True .Orientation = xlPortrait .Zoom = 60
I want to sum the NUMBERS in golumn G if the DATE in column L matches the DATE in cell F37 AND if the TEXT value in column B is equal to the TEXT value in cell G36.
The answer is probably "because I'm stupid", but I really can't get my head around it! I'm playing with variant arrays for the first (and possibly last) time,
The code I have is:
Sub test() Dim vSheetColours As Variant Dim iCounter As Integer vSheetColours = Range("Colours").Interior.ColorIndex For iCounter = 1 To UBound(vSheetColours, 1) MsgBox vSheetColours(iCounter, 1) Next iCounter End Sub
(Obviously this code doesn't do anything useful - but if I could get it to work, I might have a chance of making my real code work!)
Colours is a range of 8 cells. Each one has some text in, and has a different background colour. I'm trying to store the colours.
If I run this code, I get a runtime error 13 type mismatch, and it highlights For iCounter = 1 To UBound(vSheetColours, 1)
But if I replace vSheetColours = Range("Colours").Interior.ColorIndex with vSheetColours = Range("Colours").Value
This might be extremely easy, but why my Excel (nor Word for that matter) doesn't go to full screen anymore? I'm pretty sure that I haven't used any options, I do have a new graphics card, but all the other applications goes to full screen. I have restarted my computer. Basically I think that it's either some option, or then reinstalling Office.
I have a programme which works fine on my computer at home but when I send it via email to work the 'sort' function messes up (there is a chance it could be the 'vlookup' function, though) and all the cells in the sort range lose their formula reference - which is of course a tad annoying.
The part of the programme I'm having difficulty with is this:
I have a workbook that I transfer back and forth from my desktop to my laptop, that uses Sendkeys to add code to the active pane in VBA. It doesn't work on my laptop, but works fine on my desktop.
Both computers have Vista. Is there a switch somewhere to make Sendkeys work?
HTML Code: If Left(Range("H18"), 7) = A23C567 Or Left(Range("H18"), 7) = A65C321 Then ActiveSheet.Cells(6, 7).Value = "Business and Private Banking" End If
Im trying top use the above bit of code and it does not work when the criteria is Text , so if I simply change the above to =1234567 it works fine -- But I need it to be alpha numeric
where the first term refers to cell immediately above. In other words, this formula takes the prior balance, adds a credit if any, subtracts a debit, if any, and gives a new balance.
The formula worked on the cell I put it in. It will not work when I copy and pasted it into the cell below the first one. Error I get is circular reference.
So, I'm trying to come up with a dynamic graph title. I highlight the graph title, go to the formula bar, and type:
Code: =CONCATENATE(Sheet1!$C$1," All Servers")
"That function is not valid". Yet, the same function, placed in a cell, works perfectly. I suppose I could use an intermediate cell to hold the concatenated text and point the graph title to that cell, but I dislike having contextless cells like that floating around. Is there a way to apply that formula, or some other with the same effect, directly to the graph title?
I'm trying to create a code that autofills the next empty row in colum A with a number. What I have at the moment is:
'Create Index in Transaction list x = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Value Sheets("Transaction list").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = x + 1
If I run this code in isolation from the rest of my code (which is copying and pasting values from one sheet to another) it works, but when I run the full code it only autofills the rows with "1".
I found the thread about how to get the second best result (=LARGE(range,2)) but that can't handle when I have ywo top values and a lower third value. It still return the next value after the top value, which is the same value. I want to get the next lowest vaule.
Example: In this row: 7 7 6 5 5 4
I want to get the value 6 and the formula =LARGE(range,2) gives the second number 7.
How do I get the second value that I want?
Maybe if I use the RANK() formula in some way, but how?
I have a sumif formula in one workbook that relates to information off of another workbook...when the other workbook is open the information populates no problem when you close the other workbook I get the #VALUE error. Is this typical of SUMIF when referring to another workbook? I have a vlookup function that refers to the same workbook and it works fine when the other workbook is closed?