Excel 2010 :: Intersection Of Named Ranges (same Worksheet) Doesn't Work?
Aug 19, 2013
I'm trying to make a range selection in a pivot table as per the snapshot below:
The values I am trying to select are the ones that are both red and italic. (Mobile, Other Fix, Fix) from CBU_NA.
I've searched and found a way to select both the rows for CBU_NA category and also the column categ2.
However when I try to make an intersection out of the 2 ranges I receive an error. I'm using Excel 2010 on windows 7.Below the code I am using:
Sub FCST()
Dim r1, r2, r3 As Range
r1 = pt.PivotFields("categ2").DataRange.Select
Selection.Font.Italic = True[code]...
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May 24, 2014
First I made some contents and drew a border from Home > Font > all Borders on an Excel 2010 file. So it became like below image (capture1). After that I wanted to print it so went to File > Print to see its preview. But the problem is that the lines between tue and wed and also between mon and tue are not shown neither in preview nor when printing. The height of row 7 until 17 is 24 (that is 32 pixel) but heights of the rest of the rows are normal (20 pixel).
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Jun 23, 2014
My company recently upgraded everyone to Microsoft 2010 from 2007 version. I have no substantial VBA skill and left with a VBA code which is supposed to extract a list of outlook emails sitting in a shared mailbox into Excel.
I was using that VBA code in Outlook 2007 and it worked fine but shows the following error when run in Outlook 2010: 'Run-time error '-2147221233 (8004010f)': The attempted operation failed. An object could not be found. Here is part of the code:
[Code] .....
It worked after one of the members suggested to "click on any line of this code and press F8 repeatedly until the yellow focus moves to the error line, don't press F8 anymore. Now in immediate window, copy paste each of below lines, press enter after each line. Let us know where the error occur." However, it stop working the next day.
? olNS.Folders("Mailbox - Market Intelligence").Folders.Count
? olNS.Folders("Mailbox - Market Intelligence").Folders("Inbox").Items.Count
? olNS.Folders("Mailbox - Market Intelligence").Folders("Inbox").Folders("MI").Items.Count
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Aug 19, 2013
Using Excel 2010, I set up a simple workbook with a spreadsheet on one page and the ranges for data validation on another. I successfully linked the fields in the "Category" and "Tender" columns with the data on the second sheet, making nice drop down menus. Everything works fine on my computer. However, when we open the workbook on a different station, the drop down menus disappear. If you highlight any of the "Category" or "Tender" fields, the little drop down prompt is missing; they behave like regular, un-formatted fields. It appears that the data validation became un-linked.
We tried opening versions with certain fields locked (Mainly the Total, Breakdown, and Summary areas, but the fields with data validation were still editable), and also completely unlocked documents. Every time, the drop down lists were lost when opened on different stations.
I've attached the completely unlocked version : 00_FLEX TRAVEL EXPENSE REPORT_v3.xlsx‎
Forget to check a box or something? This seems way harder for me to figure out that it should be!
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Mar 10, 2012
I'm not sure why this macro in workbook "A" is not working when checking for the activesheet sheet opened in workbook "B"? I've included the tab name I'm looking for and the tab name opened in the workbook "B" in the MsgBox to verify it can pull the tab names properly in workbook "B" and it returns correctly. I'm not sure why the If Then Else is not working if that is the issue here.
Sub testmonthcheck()
Dim art156 As Workbook
Dim mm As String
Dim mmm As String
Set art156 = Workbooks("Actual_Run_Times_156.xls")
[Code] ........
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Jun 4, 2007
I'm trying to simplify a formula that I'm using in a spreadsheet that's being used mostly in Excel 2000.
2 reasons I'm doing this:
1) It doesn't work if the worksheet hasn't been saved yet.
2) It's ugly
=DATE(YEAR(DATEVALUE(MID(CELL("filename",A1),FIND("]",CELL("filename",A1))+1,3) & " 20" & MID(CELL("filename",A1),FIND("]",CELL("filename",A1))+5,2))),MONTH(DATEVALUE(MID(CELL("filename",A1),FIND("]",CELL("filename",A1))+1,3) & " 20" & MID(CELL("filename",A1),FIND("]",CELL("filename",A1))+5,2)))+1,0)
The formula returns the last day of the month of the name of the sheet. For example, if the sheet is names "Mar 07", it returns 3/31/07. (yeah, when the 2100 issue becomes a big deal, I'm not going to be ready but I have 92 years to think about it)
Even if I can't make it prettier, does anyone have a way to get the sheet name into a formula without VBA Code in a file that hasn't been saved.
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Mar 28, 2009
I have written a user-defined function that searches for a small range within a larger range. The function requires two input parameters: the range you are looking for, and the range you want to look within.
For example, I might look for the string of values in cells A1:D1 in a larger range E1:H20. The function returns the row number in the larger range where the smaller range is found.
My problem is this: The function is working fine when I call it from another sub procedure. However, when I try to run it as a worksheet function, I get a "#VALUE!" error. The function pops up in the "insert function" menu, and it prompts for the two input parameters.
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Feb 21, 2014
I have this formula =COUNTA($A:$A)<=4 that limits amount of cells that can be populated in column A, I use data validation with "Allow costume" option and using that formula. It works fine from worksheet it displays the message when the limit is reached but it doesn't work when data is inputed/populated from userfrom, it allows userform to put more entries than set limit 4 in this case.
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May 7, 2014
I have created a macro that a couple of us can run at the end of the day that looks in a preset folder and has whatever .xlsx files in that append to each other creating one .txt file. It then saves that .txt file and runs a batch file that strips off the .txt file extension. This is the format we need the ending file to be in so we can FTP it to another agency.
Myself and another coworker can run it without any problem and it asks us if we want to save the .txt file before it closes it and runs the batch file stripping off the .txt extension. We say yes and it executes as designed. Another coworker runs it and it looks like the files are appending then the window closes. Never prompts him if he wants to save and the file is nowhere to be found. From what I have researched all his excel settings match ours. We are all running the same OS (XP) and version of MS Office (2007). The part of the macro that seems to just be ignored is below:
[Code] .......
Then the following batch file runs stripping the .txt file extension:
FOR /R "T:Cash ManagementUnsecured\_Team - DisbursAUTOMATIONInput" %%f IN (*.txt) DO REN "%%f" *.
I have tired removing the ActiveWorkbook.Save command thinking it would default to prompt him to save it but it doesn't.
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Jul 31, 2013
i have a macro which i have created to send outlook notification email through excel 2010 when the excel file is saved. I would like to attach the same excel file as an attachment in the outlook email so that everyone in the mailing list can view the attachment. however the macro which i created does not work. i would like to know what is the problem with the macro below. there's an error which says "file path does not exist" when i try running the macro but i have verified my filename is correct & the drive i have saved the excel file is in Z: drive. My file name is 'Tracking File.xls'
'Save Workbook
'Criteria to send Email
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Oct 16, 2013
I am having difficulty with a Vlookup in Excel 2003. Basically I have converted both fields to Text using the text function =TEXT(A2,"0") and have tried matching the values but just get an #N/A error and I have also converted both back to number format but still get the #N/A error....when I do a "=" operator function it returns a FALSE value but I cannot see why as both cell are just 4 or 5 digit number.
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Jul 31, 2014
I am using office 2007 and here is the problem I am facing. I am using a formula and it is based on two columns data. The formula result is at C20:C2400, while the two data columns are at A20:A2400 and B20:B2400. I add one more row of data at A2401 and B2401, I expect the formula result would auto extend to C2401 but it doesn't, nothing happen.
I check that I need to turn on the auto extend check box in option, I check and it is already on.
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Feb 8, 2012
I'm using Excel 2007. When I try to scroll with the mouse wheel, it doesn't do anything. If I hold down the control key and scroll with the mouse, it zooms in and out. So that works fine, but I can't do the basic scrolling up and down the document with the mouse wheel. There is no "Tools, Options" menu in 2007 so I don't even know where to find this type of option. The options available from the Office button are completely different.
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Apr 13, 2009
look for a certain value in worksheet A and copy that row of data to Worksheet B.
However, it seems to be only copying the row in worksheet A and pasting it. Is there something that a noob VBA scripter has missed out?
PHP Private Sub GetInfo_Click()
Dim r As Long, LastRow As Long, Status As Integer
Dim Message As String, Title As String, Default As String, MyValue As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
MyValue = Range("A4").Value
LastRow = Range("C65536").End(xlUp).Row
For r = LastRow To 1 Step -1
If Cells(r, 1).Value = MyValue Then
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Status = 1
Exit For
End If
Next r
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
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Feb 8, 2014
I have my code here:
Sub openfiles()Dim Path As String
Dim ExcelFile As String
' Path = GetFolder("C:UsersKinteshDesktop")
Path = "C:UsersKinteshDesktopVBA programmingMaps"
ExcelFile = Dir(Path & "*.xls")
[Code] ....
GetFolder = sitem
Set fldr = Nothing
End Function
My problem is that the code all actually works (including the function and when I use the commented part), but pointing to this one specific directory (the one I'm using right now), literally nothing happens.
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Aug 1, 2009
I've a workbook in excel 2007 with 6 worksheets, 4 of witch have a named ranges, i would like to have a macro that consolidates this named ranges into one worksheet.
Sheet1 -- Skip Worksheet
Sheet2 -- Skip Worksheet
Sheet3 -- Range1
Sheet4 -- Range2
Sheet5 -- Range3
Sheet6 -- Range4
The Named Ranges are Excel 2007 Tables and they are positioned in the same place in Sheet3 to Sheet6.
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Jun 30, 2006
Can named ranges defined using the Application.names.add method be accessed using the worksheet(x).names(name) property?
I would like to access only the named ranges on one worksheet, but, it seems to me that the names collection of my worksheet contains no names.
If this is a result of my declaring the named ranges using the application.names.add method, is there a worksheet property that I could use to access only the named ranges on that worksheet?
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Nov 24, 2008
There is a database with work plans for a project cycle, which contains employee names, types of activities, planned working hours for each activity (not in time format, just number) and dates when these hours will take place. Each employee may have one or multiple activities and each activity has different number of hours planned to complete and different dates. My aim is to calculate the number of hours planned for each employee (to sum all activities) within a certain period of time.
So, what is the question? I need to calculate the number of workdays within the intersection of the planned period for the activity and my given period of time.
I'll give a small example to illustrate what I mean.
I'm calculating planned working hours for this week, which is 11/23/2008-11/29/2008. One of our employees, let's call him John, is going to work on three activities, A, B, and C. We have the following plans:
Activity A - 16 hours - 11/24/2008-11/27/2008
Activity B - 45 hours - 11/15/2008-11/25/2008
Activity C - 10 hours - 11/26/2008-12/01/2008
As you can see, activity A is going to be complete within this week, it's perfectly fine. Activities B and C should be counted separately, because they include days earlier or later than this week. Is there any way I can easily geet the number of workdays that are included in the plan period and this week?
Another thing to mention is that I'm working in Excel 2003 and it's not acceptable for me to install the Tools Pack, because I need this firmula to work on other employees computers and there is no chance they all will install it too.
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Aug 13, 2013
If I copy worksheet in Excel, the named ranges are copied too. If I copy in VBA, they are not. Is the only solution to loop thru the named ranges or is there something smarter like some "fullcopy"?
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Jun 16, 2008
I was after a bit of code to delete the range names on a particular worksheet I thought it couldn't be that hard but have only been able to find this in the archives, unfortunately I get an error when trying to execute it:
Sub Delete_My_Named_Ranges()
Dim n As Name
Dim Sht As String
' Put in name of sheet where the range is located
Sht = "Org Lookups"
For Each n In ThisWorkbook.Names
If n.RefersToRange.Worksheet.Name = Sht Then
End If
Next n
The error I'm getting is Run-Time error 1004, Application defined or object defined error.
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Sep 28, 2009
How would I create a formula that would match a number in a range by column and another number in a range by rows, then fin the intersection of those 2 numbers?
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Jun 30, 2014
In my Excel 2010 workbook I wen through File > Info > Check for Issues > Inspect document. But as it's shown following, it doesn't show anything. Why?
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Jan 27, 2012
I looking for a macro to look in a list in worksheet "Map_Ref", and take the Range Name of column "A" and copy that range in the corresponding Tab and range as specified in Columns "C" and "D" (i,e. take range name "BB Staff Counts_Tenured" from cell "A2" and copy that range in worksheet "Sheet2" (as specified in cell C2), range "A2" (as specified in cell D2). And so on.
List of worksheet "Map_Ref":
Column AColumn BColumn CColumn DTable/Range Title/Name:
Range in Tab "CMD_1"Copy to Tab:To Range:BB_Staff_Counts_TenuredA126..Q156Sheet2A2Branch_Counts_BBmarketsA35..
[Code] ........
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May 1, 2012
I am trying to creat a macro that loops all the named ranges in a worksheet named "Labels", and copy the data to a new worksheet for each named range it finds in the same workbook and name each worksheet with the named range name.
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Aug 22, 2007
I have a FOR loop which is supposed to loop through all the worksheets in my workbook, create a named range, then add some data to the right of the range. However, when I run my code, all the named ranges refer to the last worksheet in my workbook. The loop only seems to be partly working, and I just can't work out why.
Sub maxLifData()
' for each worksheet in the workbook, do dmax formulae and add results to new sheet. bhole id on left, depth across top.
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wsName() As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim mCount As Integer
Dim nr1 As Range
Dim nr2 As Range
Dim head1 As String
Dim head2 As String
Dim wsRangeName() As String
Dim maxF As String
Dim fRange As Range
Dim rng As Range
Dim mRng As Range
head1 = "STCN_DPTH"
Set fRange = Range("G3")
Set mRng = Range("A2")
Redim wsName(Worksheets.Count)
Redim wsRangeName(Worksheets.Count).............
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Sep 29, 2007
This code works fine, but it does not look professional. I tried to write like: If Application.Intersect(Target, rng1, rng2, rng4, rng5) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
it did not work, but as it is down here it worked
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range, rng3 As Range, rng4 As Range, rng5 As Range
On Error Goto NoValidation
Set rng1 = Range("B28:B55")
Set rng2 = Range("D28:D55")
Set rng4 = Range("H28:H55")
Set rng5 = Range("J28:J55")
If Application.Intersect(Target, rng1) Is Nothing Then
If Application.Intersect(Target, rng2) Is Nothing Then
If Application.Intersect(Target, rng4) Is Nothing Then
If Application.Intersect(Target, rng5) Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Target. Validation.InCellDropdown Then Application.SendKeys "%{Up}"
End Sub
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Mar 22, 2012
I have a spreadsheet, but it came from another file using the detach sheet method. It has therefore taken with it, all the named ranges that are now superfluous.
It seems a bit long-winded to delete these named ranges one by one manually. Would there be an easy to understand script that would delete them all, so I can start with a "clean sheet".
I'm using Excel 2003.
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Jan 11, 2014
So I have an excel workbook that is connected to an Access database I use. When the workbook opens, it refreshes the data from a couple queries in Access. However, every time it refreshes the data, it modifies several named ranges pulling from areas of those tables.
Example: $A$2:$A$50000 becomes $A$2:$A$50002 if there are two new lines entered into the table.
Because of this, some of the lookups and arrays I use are mismatching and giving errors. How to prevent the ranges from updating when the table refreshes?
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Apr 28, 2014
I have written this macro to convert into a csv file to run for all defined named ranges in the activesheet. It run jst perfect when I hit SAVE button and it creates that many different CSV files for each named range.
However I am trying to use same macro in the another file and the problem I am facing is there a lot more named ranges and I want to run the macro for only selected NAMED RANGE. In this case 2 Named Range / 24 Named range.
What part of code do I need to change and to what to make it work for just 2 named ranges ?
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Aug 21, 2014
The for loop don't work in my excel 2010 macro. Probably the problem might be the Range("Fi") construct with the variable "i"?
Dim i As Integer
For i = 4 To 10004
Cells(i, 63).Select
Cells(i, 63) = Application.VLookup(Sheets(3).Range("Fi"), Sheets(4).Range("F:AY"), 45, False)
Next i
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