Evaluate UserForm Control Where Name Is In 1 Cell & Property In Another

Jan 29, 2009

In A1, other code inserts the name of a Form control (textBox, comboBox etc), and in B1 it inserts the name of a Property that is always valid for the A1 control. I want to concatenate these two items to produce a formula in C1 that evaluates the current value of the Property on the running form and continues to update with each recalc. It's ok if I have to force a recalc to get the latest values.

The code feeding the items to A1 and B1 and which will be harvesting the Property values from C1 is running in the same Form that holds the controls being referenced.
So if A1= "Label1" and B1 = "BackColor", then in C1 I'd like the same result as if in VBA I said X = Label1.backcolor. I think that what I need is the Evaluate function, but I've read Arron's article on it I just can't seem to make it work here.

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Cannot Set Control Source Property

Aug 31, 2007

I am trying to set a controlsource property so that when a cell on a worksheeet is changed, the label will also change. However, when I try to set the controlsource I get an error that says :

Could not set the ControlSource property. Invalid property value.

I've tried it with a label in the code,

lblUser.ControlSource = Worksheets("User List").Range("C1")

and I've tried it in the properties window of a textbox, and I cannot get either to work. I've also unprotected the sheet first, thinking that might have something to do with it.

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How To Use Transition Property For Multipage Control

Jun 1, 2012

I'm trying to use the Transition property for the multipage control without much luck. So far I have a userform with a multipage control on it.


Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
With MultiPage1
.TabOrientation = fmTabOrientationLeft
.MultiRow = True
.TabFixedHeight = 30
.TabFixedWidth = 80
.Style = fmTabStyleButtons
.Value = 0
.TransitionEffect = 2 ' error here "object doesn't support prop"
End With



UserForm1.MultiPage1.TransitionEffect = 2 ' same error

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Set Control Visibility Based On Tag Property

Jan 15, 2008

I have a userform which uses the tag property of the frame to determine whether a frame is visible (and hence the controls that reside within the frame). A frame contains three combo boxes, and six text boxes. The tag property of the frame matches the number of frames that are visible on the form, so that if the user selects five frames, frames 1 through five become visible and for all other frames visible = false. A frame contains all the data for a single entry. There can be up to fifty frames/ entries that are visible on the form depending on the user selection.

I want to use the visibility property to do two things: first the combo boxes are filled from an array after the user selects the number of frames (or entries). I only want to fill the comboboxes where the frame is visible. The second thing is that I have a function which uses the data from the text boxes and combo boxes as required arguments. Since these are required arguments, I will get a data mismatch error if I try to call it and the controls are empty. Therefore, I only want to call the function if the frame which houses the controls is visible.

Public Sub Visible1(Entry As String)
Dim ctrl As Control
For Each ctrl In UserForm2.Controls
If TypeName(ctrl) = "Frame" And ctrl.Tag <= Entry Then
With ctrl
.Visible = True
End With
If TypeName(ctrl) = "Frame" And ctrl.Tag > Entry Then
With ctrl
.Visible = False.............

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Set Variable To Forms Control & Get Value Property

Mar 22, 2008

How do I reference a spin button from a variable that I set.


Dim objSpn As Object
Dim y As Integer

Set objSpn = ActiveSheet.Shapes("spnWCDate")

y = objSpn.Value

This doesn't work, but hope it explains what I want. It's so I dont have to write the whole object name each time I reference it.

ADDED: I've just noticed that this doesn't work even i do reference the object with the full name. I copied this from a forms spin control that I was using, why can't i store the value of the spin button in a variable?

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Macro That Deletes Sheet With Control & Shows UserForm Causes UserForm To Disappear

Jun 15, 2009

This is weird - if you delete a sheet that contained a control then

a. showing a modeless userform resluts in a userofrm that goes invisible at subroutine End
b. public variables lose their value

These things do not happen if the sheet did not contain a control. Attached is an example file - put the inputfile.xls in your default file location (or add a path in the code) then open the ProblemDemo.xls and run the main macro to see it fal - isthis another Excelbug I've found?

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Referencing Userform Control From Another Userform / Class Via Variable

May 3, 2012

I have several non-modal userforms in my App, some of them have date-fields that require manual entry typing of dd/mm/yy etc (No single userform has more than one date-box in it, this I think may be pivotally useful)

Now the Userform 'Calendar' that is built on the class of the same (cCalendar) name, has the write value line 'ActiveCell.value = theCal.value'

I'm looking to change this to refer to the correct userform.Textbox value, depending on which form is open.

I would imagine I could simply have a global string, whose value is set (or re-set) whenever a Userform is initialized (some sort of 'ActiveUF.value = Me.Name), where I get lost is referring to the components by name, so as to have a case statement by where I go:


Private Sub theCal_AfterUpdate()
Select Case ActiveUF
Case "AddForm"
application.vbe.components("AddForm").controls("AddFormDatePicker").value = theCal.value
Case "EditForm"
'.... etc
end select
end sub

better way of doing this (instead of passing around the userform name as a variable) - or proper syntax for referring to controls outside of the 'active' userform (but an open userform nonetheless)?

Every time I have to do this particular thing with userforms, I completely forget how, and the object browser always leads me on an infinite loop of Application.vbe.activevbproject.vbcomponents.vbe.active....

PS - there may be one slight complication to the process - one of the forms, has a 2-tab page in it, each page having similar (but named differently) fields. So I may need to be able to throw in 'Activepage' or whatnot

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Userform Won't Initialize - Could Not Set List Property

May 31, 2013

I have a user form called frmAddRepresentative. Under the Initialize event I have the following code.


Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

'This procedure runs when the frmAddRepresentative form 'is initialized. The procedure sets the repInformation
'sheet as the look sheet sends the focus to the combo box 'used to enter the name and updates the combo list

Set WS = calcRepInformation


End Sub

I am getting the following error: Could not set the List property. Type mismatch. I have the exact same code on other sheets and it works fine.

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Show Userform - Invalid Property Value Error

Dec 31, 2007

I created a form that my employees could use to log their work. When I toggle between the combobox and the qtytextbox I get an "invalid property value" error that debugs to the line of code that opens the userform. I have no idea how to fix this. The spreadsheet has a button that shows the userform. This code is:

Private Sub rectangle1_click()
If frmLCWork.Visible = False Then frmLCWork.Show
Exit Sub
End Sub

The userform has a combobox for employees to select the completed "task", a quantity textbox and then an "add to log" button. The form code is:

Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
Dim sStep As String
Dim Row As Long
'check for a task
If Trim(Me.cbxTask.Value) = "" Then
MsgBox "Please specify which task you completed."
Exit Sub
End If....................

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Pass String Variable To Userform Using Property Procedures

May 29, 2013

I want to display a string to users. Normally I would do that using message boxes. But that would not give me enough control over the font size, and I want to display using font size 48.

I could have used global variables, but that is not a good coding way. The other way of doing that is using property procedures. I could pass a string variable to a Label control on the form and then could format it.

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Select Next Control / Cell On Worksheet After Enter In Control

Jan 9, 2008

Within the ComboBox properties, is there anyway to control after "enter" his hit, you move to the right instead of down (similar to the edit under Tools/Options)?

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Evaluate Each Row And If The Last Value For That Row Is X, Then Highlight That Cell

Oct 8, 2008

I want to do it evaluate each row and if the last value for that row is X, then highlight that cell and the Server name for that row.

I have used conditional formatting but it seems that I cannot specify an option to look at the last cell in a row, evaluate that cell's value and then apply the formatting. I can only have conditional formatting highlight every cell in that row that matches the condition.

I only want the last cell, which represents the most current data, to be highlighted, as well as the category name, if the condition is met.

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Evaluate One Cell Against An Array

Oct 29, 2009

I have two sets of information, on one hand I have telephone numbers and in the other set I have prefixes and countries. My goal is to tell to which country each number belongs:


Numbers Prefix Country
4476324125 44 UK
3354326544 33 France
9713425432 971 UAE
9143253245 91 India
1343543253 1 USA

So I would need to add a column next to "Numbers" saying to which country each number belongs.

My list has a few thousand numbers and a couple of hundred prefixes.
I tried with some array formula, but cannot make it work.

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To Control A Sheet From Userform

Jul 16, 2014

I've a worksheet, which has formulas, links, combo list box and format control.

I've made a user form to enter the data, so that the particular cells in the worksheet is filled and the remaining cells are calculated as per the formula.The format control (combo box) has list of range.

Is it possible to bring this format control (combo box) on the user form, so that without going to the sheet, I Can control the sheet by selecting the combo box values.

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Cursor Control With Userform

Dec 17, 2008

I have created a simpel userform that shows sales total and it is activated [.show function] whenever an entry is made in the order column. All of this works fine.

The only problem I have is that the curser jumps in to the text box and doesn't return to the order column where next entry needs to be made.

How do you move the curser out of the userform, back to the activesheet?
Ideally it should move to the next cell for the user to make entry.

I am attaching my sample file here. It has some odd things that I was just playing around with as learning experience. But the main question is how to control the curser.

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VBA Userform Image Control

Jan 13, 2014

I have a userform with multiple images

I would like to set all images to visible = false when images are dynamically named.

E.g. image names:

Is there a way to say

With all images
visible = false
End With

image*.visible = false

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Toolbar Control On Userform ..

Apr 3, 2008

I've got the bare bones of a toolbox control on my userform but I can seem to find anyway to refer to the buttons and control them (I’ve tried using the properties page but it doesn't seem to give me the options I need). I want to be able to add a macro and a picture to the buttons, is this possible?


With Userform1.Toolbar1.button("x")

.image/picture/faceid = “x”
.action = "macro1"

end with

I've looked for ages on the board but can only find threads on creating toolbars in the application, not on userforms.

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UserForm Control Looping

Nov 12, 2008

Split off from Loop Through ActiveX TextBox Controls On Worksheet. Here is a zip file with the files in it. The main one that I am working on now is PO Form.xls. I want to start with the Qty column and copy any values that are entered into the form to the file called PO.xls in the Qty column of this file.

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Filling Control On Another UserForm

Aug 18, 2006

I am trying to add a list of items to a combobox on form1 from form2 where form 1 has a variable name.

I can use:

x = UserForms(0).Name

to show a userform with a variable name but I can't get it to add anything to the combobox using this


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Hyperlink UserForm Control

Oct 10, 2006

I am looking for Hyperlink Control or any other control that I cam add to my form. When I move mouse on it and press it open to me attachment.

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Userform Control Blink

Mar 18, 2007

This code works fine on a normal userform But I declared the userform with "New" in my calling procedure

myForm As New form

How can I get it to work??
Or more interesting, why is it not working
Also what exactly is the advantage of using the keyword New
I have propertys set in the userform, but other than that..
Can someone tell me if the load function in this case is better or not

Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

Private Sub cmd_click
Call blink
End Sub

Public Sub Blink()
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 20

' set color
Form.cmd.BackColor = &HFFFFFF
Call Sleep(60)

Form.cmd.BackColor = &HFF& .....................

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Evaluate Cell Value Then Copy Paste

Apr 14, 2009

I have a column in excel and I want to evaluate each cell in that column and if the cell.value = a specified value I would like for it to copy and paste it in the cell to the left. Below is the code I am using but it isn't working.

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Evaluate A Text String In A Cell

Apr 3, 2008

I want to be able to use a macro to read cells from a certain column so that it will evaluate a text string untill it hits a blank space, then copy the text that it found. I'd like it to work on Excel 2003 or later

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Evaluate Multiple Functions In The 1 Cell

Oct 26, 2007

When using watch window to watch a formula that has multiple formula's in it, is there a way to see the result of 1 formula within the big formula?

E.g. say you have:

= SUMIF(A1:A11,"207",B1:B11)/COUNTIF(A1:A11,"207")

And you put a watch on that, but in watch window it shows the result of the whole formula, say if you want to watch only the SUMIF part?

Im using Excel 2003 by the way.

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Spreadsheet Read Only - Control With UserForm

Jun 13, 2013

I am working an a userform. I want people to add records to the spreadsheet thru the UserForm ONLY, meaning that if they go straight to the spreadsheet they wont be able to edit anything.

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Generic Sub For Image Control In Userform?

Aug 9, 2014

My final version will have more than 40 images with all the same code: they will all increment a corresponding SpinButton with 1.


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Setfocus From Module To Userform Control

Jan 1, 2009

I have a project with many textboxes on different forms. On some of the textbox_exits on some of the forms, I call a standard module that checks what the user has input. If the user needs to change the input, a msgbox appears to inform the user the info needs to be changed.

I have tried to use ControlSource, Name etc., But I cannot seem to setfocus back onto which ever textbox the input needs to be changed. I think it has something to do wih the _exit event, but not sure.

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Find Position Of Control On Userform

Feb 14, 2013

I have a user form where two command buttons are set with the following code:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Frame1.Visible = True
Frame2.Visible = False


Now, when cmdbtn1 is clicked, frame1 is visible and vice-versa.

However, the position of both the frames on the user form are not on the same position on the user form. Indeed, it takes the position of the design view.

I want a code which will place the frame1 and frame2 at the same place and position on user form, irrespective of its position in the design view.

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Adding Control On Existing Userform On The Fly

Jul 21, 2013

What I missed. I already added the MS VBA Extensibility 5.3 on a VBA Reference. but still got an error.

Line1: Dim objForm as object
Line2: Set objForm = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("UserForm1").Designer
Line3: Set Butn = objForm.Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1")

The error is on Line3, "Runtime Error '91': Object Variable or With block variable not set".

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Use PropertyGrid Type Control On UserForm?

May 29, 2014

I would like to use a PropertyGrid type control on my UserForm. Is there an effective way to wrap this control and create an add-in to use in VBA?

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