Excel 2003 :: Formula To Combine Delimited Numbers

Dec 11, 2012

I am using Excel 2003 and trying to create a formula that will combine comma delimited numbers from two or three cells in the same row and output them to another cell in the same row as comma delimited numbers, sorted with duplicates removed.

So the data is something like this ...

Cell A1 ... 1,5,8,19

Cell B1 ... 4,26,1,8,8501

Cell C1 ... 1,6,1301,12

I would like to consolidate these into cell D1, sorted and distinct ...

Cell D1 ... 1,4,5,6,8,12,19,26,1301,8501

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Excel 2003 :: Concatenate Formula With Numbers With Decimals

Jul 12, 2012

I'm using excel 2003 and have a problem regarding some code.

Dit(a, b) = "=" & Hit(a, (d - 12 - e) + f) & "/" & (Pro & ".NrE.sol")

Where "Hit(a, (d - 12 - e) + f)" can be numbers with decimals.

When I run the code the result is nothing, unless the number is a number without decimals.

If I use just "Dit(a, b) = Hit(a, (d - 12 - e) + f)" it shows the right number.

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Excel 2003 :: Combine Two Lists

Dec 10, 2013

VBA code to combine two list as follows :

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Excel 2003 :: How To Combine Text If In Month

Sep 5, 2013

I need an Excel 2003 compatible solution for this. Formulae only, no Macros or VBA in this case. The limitation set by the organisation we report to.

On sheet LGFC I have clients with their attendance hours, notes and the relevant dates.

Ref No
Name Carer
Name Client


To really test if this works you need to extend this over more than one month. My sheet goes on for a full financial year and of course with rows of clients. I now need to report per month. However, next financial year the month column locations may vary.

We need to report per month.I am able to sum up the month's total hours for all clients (E3 to J26) with the following formula (which ignores text). Data!$G3 gives the relevant month in date format (1/7/2013).

array formula: Ctrl Shift Enter

This results (example data) in 10 hours. (if I had a client 2 with zero hours, and a client 3 with another 10 hours it would result in 20 hours)

Now my next step would be to report any notes. So I want to find all the text in that month and concatenate it into one cell. I started with this formula, but that doesn't work and gives a FALSE.

Doesn't work!

array formula: Ctrl Shift Enter

Doesn't work!

Ideally I would not just want everything jumbled into one concatenation, but even that would be acceptable. (It is unlikely that there would be more than 255 cells with notes.)

Based on the above example the ideal result would look like:

1 Mrs Test, unwell, left early, Sick

But I would accept just the notes unwell, left early, Sick

It needs to ignore blank cells. With multiple clients it would ideally look like:

1 Mrs Test, unwell, left early, Sick

2 Mr Best, in hospital, visiting family, Sick


1 Mrs Test, unwell, left early, Sick / 2 Mr Best, in hospital, visiting family, Sick If we want to include the Ref No and Client Name it probably needs another if statement. "If there is text to concatenate that month/row than include Ref No and Client Name."

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Excel 2010 :: Combine 2 Columns Containing Numbers On It?

Sep 18, 2013

I would like to combine 2 columns, containing numbers on it, is it possible?

I have found the other option how to do it

=A2&B2 but then this doesn't work

I have
12345 0000

The result I want would be= 000012345

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Excel 2003 :: Why Numbers Change When Save In CSV

Jan 31, 2012

I enter 13 digit number in a cell, when I save my Worksheet in CSV format the number is changed.

I enter 9328627000014 (this is a barcode) After saving this file the number is displayed in the Formula Bar as 9328630000000 and in the Cell it show up as 9.33E+12 When I go to Format Cells, this cell is selected as Scientific. When I change it to Number, after saving it again it returns back to scientific with the old display. Also when I enter 2 digit number in another cell in another column and I choose to be displayed as number with 2 decimal places, after saving the file it returns back as General format. When I am saving this file as CSV a window pops up with a warning that my file may contain features that are not compatible with CSV. I can not choose text format in the cell because it is a datafeed and it has to be read correctly as number.

I use Microsoft Office 2003.

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Excel 2003 :: Sort To Include Only Work Orders With All Numbers?

Aug 27, 2013

Using Microsoft Access to pull from a database work orders. Some of those are what we call "dummy" work orders and have a letter in them, real work orders are signified by a 10 digit number. I would like to sort and eliminate the letters to find appropriate data. I am assuming I will need to copy into excel and do some sort of formatting but not sure where to start.

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Sort With Comma Delimited Numbers

Jul 7, 2014

make a macro wich it's going to sort comma delimited number in the correct order.. see attached file to get the wanted reult..

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Excel 2010 :: How To Combine A Formula And Text In Same Cell

Jun 20, 2014

How do I combine a formula and text in the same cell in excel 2010.

What I am looking for is the sum of a number of cells, followed by text.

e.g. something like =SUM(E4:E50)"/35"

If the sum result of cells E4:E50 was 10, I would be expecting to see visible in the cell '10/35'

How do I write this formula?

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Splitting Comma Delimited Numbers Into New Columns

Apr 20, 2009

I am using excel at the moment with a card playing program. using the excel sheet they provided the details of what cards are dealt are exported to the worksheet and there is a simple table like so

Player Cards
Player 1/ 24, 27, 16
Player2/ 1, 5

The information is fed through one number at a time as the cards are dealt for a total of three rounds sometimes it is only two rounds and are delimited by a comma all in the same column. I would like if possible to have these numbers appear in separate columns. that is

Card 1 / Cards 2 / Card 3
Player 1
Player 2

IS this possible. briefly i want this to happen so I can use the Vlookup function as the numbers that come through each stand for a card value but using Vlookup only the first number works and the following return an NA value as it is impossible as far as I know to have every possible combination represented in a table . If there is a way of tweaking Vlookup so it recognises the comma delimiter and in the vlookup column it will show all converted numbers then i'm all ears otherwise any help on how to split would be much appreciated. Quickly I did try using the text to columns function when i did this however in the new destination it showed only the first number and discontinued showing the others in the original as well. Additionally in this function the 'preview of selected data' does not show selected data but some sort of link =programme_name_card_gamecard_1 somethig like that. Sorry for the long one.

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Excel 2003 :: Formula To Sum Every 6th Row Of E Column?

Feb 4, 2014

The following formula was, several weeks ago, very graciously offered to me from one of Excel Forum's contributors.


My request was to find a formula that would add each 6th row starting in row e8 (e8+e14+e20+e26+e32 etc. through e6782) in column "e" when the column was 6782 rows deep from top to bottom. (i am not trying to add every number in column e, just each 6th row, starting at e8 and going through row e6782).

I entered the formula into my spread sheet and, voila, I had a sum that I assumed was accurate for my spread sheet of ticket sales. I began to question the functionality of the formula when I altered the E8:E6782 parameters (which represented the gross ticket sales) to E4:E6778, in an effort to sum up the E4 values e4,e10,e16, e22,e28,etc. . . (which represents the net values after commissions were deducted). The difference in the two sums (e8 values Versus the e4 values) was incorrect and did not represent the appropriate commissions (which should have been 15%).

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Excel 2003 :: Sum Formula With Conditions?

Apr 28, 2013

I would like to find out, how would look formula in excel 2003 to perform process like discribe below:

(in cell K1 formula)
=sum (A1+B1) then if sum of A1 and B1 is lower then 100 then add C1 but if sum of A1 and B1 is higher then 100 then subtract 100 and add C1.

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Excel 2003 :: Calculate Formula For Third Value Of Week?

Nov 9, 2012

On a excel sheet I've got columns, each column represents a weeknumber. I want to calculate the so-called 4 wk average for each row and for each week and this is the formula I use:


(this is not the actual formula but simplified, that's not really important).

It's the checks that make things a bit more complex. If a value of a weeknr is zero, skip it, but if the next value is also zero, just skip the formula alltogether and make it a zero (or text like "false"). So another thing that has to be accounted for is that if a value is zero, the next weeks value is taken instead.Example (see included file):

I want to calculate the formula (mov 4wk avg) for the third value for week 12, which will make the formula

(0.2*6)+(0.3*6) now there's a zero on week 14 so I skip it, then formula will be:

Right now I'm doing this in VBA with a lot of variables and a lot of if statements.Is there an easier more effective

I know the example sheet is a 2007/2010 version but I need to accomplish this for 2003.

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Excel 2003 :: Formula To Look At Name And Find Previous Name Above It

Mar 26, 2012

Excel 2003. I have a list of names in column A, dates in column B, I need the difference between dates for the people in column A, I am doing it now with the formula shown but I need a formula to put in column C that will look at the name in column A, for that row, and then find that name above it and give me the difference between the to dates in column B. So in the example below if I put the formula in C7 it would look at A6-A2 for harry and then give me the difference between B7 and B4, 6 days, if there is not a match return blank.

Excel 2003ABCD1NamesDateDays Between2tom2/8/123****3/2/124harry3/9/125tom3/10/1231=B5-B26tom3/12/122=B6-B57harry3/15/126=B7-B48****3/26/1224=B8-B3Sheet1

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Excel 2003 :: Copying A Formula And Skipping Every 5th Row?

Aug 31, 2013

I need to copy a column of data from Sheet1 to Sheet2, but skipping every 5th row in the original data on Sheet1, but without leaving any gaps in the resultant column in sheet2.

At the moment I've been manually changing the formula but there must be an easier way.

eg. Copying data from Sheet1, A1 to A11, I would have in Sheet2, starting at A1 :

Any formula I can enter that would be dragable and still skip every 5th row ?

Windows XP, Excel 2003

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Converting CountIFS Formula To Excel 97-2003

Jan 22, 2014

I have attendance tables that has column Y showing the shift to be worked and column Z showing any absentees. I used the following formula to count the number of people off per period.


in the above formula AM relates to a list of morning shifts.

The problem I have now encountered is that the system at work is still using excel 97 - 2003 which does not recognise Countifs.

way to adapt the formula to be compatible with Excel 97.

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Excel 2003 :: Formula To Determine If Someone Is 21 Years Old Or Not

Mar 10, 2014

I am trying to come up with a formula to determine if someone is 21 years old or not. After I enter their DOB if they are 21 or over I would like the cell to turn Green, if not I would like it to turn red. I have tried alot of different formulas that primary pertain to days and months but nothing for years.

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Create Individual Comma Delimited Cells From Delimited Cell

May 30, 2008

I need to create a comma delimited list based on variable start and end values for each row.

StartEndOutput List
200220082002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
200220082002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
200220082002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
200420072004, 2005, 2006, 2007
200420082004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
200520082005, 2006, 2007, 2008
200620082006, 2007, 2008

I'm not a VBA expert, or I would have created a Do While or For Each loop.

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Excel 2003 :: Referring To Cell Value In COUNTIF Formula

May 7, 2013

I am using Excel 2003

Cell B13 contains the row number of the first row of data on the sheet and B14 contains the row number of the end row of data. This is because the number of rows vary over time.

I'm trying to do a COUNTIF to test for duplicates in column R (contains integers) and I want to specify the range to count by referring to the value in B13 and B14 in the formula and so I have the following which returns FALSE for some reason even if the value in R19 appears more than once in the range ...


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Excel 2003 :: Formula To Pull Data From One Sheet To Another?

Jan 16, 2014

I have Excel 2003

My spreadsheet has multiple lines of data for multiple items (have a specific item #) and I need to be able to enter an item # on a different sheet so that the requested information can be pulled from the data source. The items have information on multiple rows. I need to have all of the rows pulled into my output file when I specify the specific item. #.

I have attached a spreadsheet showing the type of data is contained and what my desired output would look like.

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Excel 2003 :: ROUNDUP Of Result In Cell That Contains Formula?

Jul 8, 2014

I'm having the following problem:

A1 & B1 = variable inputs from a calculator

Value C1 is calculated as follows: IF(A1<=0,"",(B1*G1))................(where G1 is a fixed value with 6 digits)

MY PROBLEM: The result in C1 should always be a ROUNDUP value.

I just don't know how to combine ROUNDUP with IF(A1<=0,"",(B1*G1))

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Excel 2003 :: Formula Using Dates To Calculate Amounts?

Nov 22, 2011

I'm using Excel 2003 & Windows XP Professional.

I have two sets of data tables. One contains Number, Name & Date. The other contains amounts which those people have paid in 2007, 2008, 2009 & 2010. So in the below Jones has paid a total of $580 over those years, Smith has paid a total of $650 over those dates & so on.

The amounts in 2007, 2008 etc are full year amounts. I'm after a formula that can calculate the amounts for part years based on the dates from C1 to C11 by number (or name).

I've got what I think the results should be (I think with some rounding problems), but my real data has much more data.

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Excel 2003 :: Array Formula - Counting Postcodes?

Dec 21, 2011

I have these postcodes as example below but the array formula I was going to use won't work because, for example when I count everything with the Birmingham post code 'B' it counts every thing that contains the letter B which could also be in the post code BA1 3RL?


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Excel 2003 :: Reverse Track If Value In A Cell Is Used By Formula Elsewhere

Sep 25, 2012

I am using Excel 2003. Looking for a way to find out whether some data I want to delete in a sheet is used by a formula somewhere else within the file. Is there a way to check that? In other words, I have the number 500 in A1, and I want to delete it, but I don't know whether it will impact a calculation on another sheet that involves that value in A1.

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Excel 2003 :: Getting Formula Which Will Return Each Date Of Month

Sep 10, 2013

I have a cell (A1) which contains the month. A2 contains the year. I need a formula which will return each date of the month.

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Excel 2003 :: SUMPRODUCT Date Comparison Formula

May 7, 2014

The following formula works perfectly in Excel 2003:


However, I've got a fourth column that contains either a date or a blank cells; I want to limit the formula to only include certain dates in the sum. i.e:


Rather than an error it's just retuning an incorrect number.

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Excel 2003 :: Countif Formula With Two Sets Of Criteria

May 12, 2014

I posted an earlier question about using a countif formula with two sets of criteria, Below is the formula I was given but for the life of me I can not get it to calculate. I have created a drop down box for each agent at my work and a drop down box for pass and fail. I want to keep a running total if they pass or fail on an assigment. I have labeled my worksheet phone.

=sumproduct((Phone!G:G="Fail*")*(Phone!B:B="Smith, John*"))

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Excel 2003 :: Adding ISBLANK Function To IF Formula

Jun 7, 2014

I am using Excel 2003

I have used =IF(I6=J6,1,0) but I want a 0 value if the two cells are blank. How do add this to the formula?

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Excel 2003 :: Highlighting Cell When IF Formula Returns TRUE Value?

Aug 8, 2014

Is it possible to get Excel to highlight a cell when the IF formula returns a TRUE value? (Using MS Office 2003)

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Excel 2003 :: Set A Formula To Auto Calculate The Staggered Rent For The Month?

Jun 17, 2014

set a formula to auto calculate the staggered rent for the month. When I change the date, it will tell me for this month I should charge according to the rates for the year.

Rent for the month
Start Date Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 01/07/14 Explanation
01/08/13 10 20 30 10 < 1 yr = 10
01/07/13 40 50 60 50 enter 2nd yr = 50
16/07/13 70 80 90 76.29 (15/31*70)+(16/31*80)
16/07/13 10 20 30 15.16 (15/31*10)+(16/31*20)

formula or vba using Excel 2003.

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