Excel 2010 :: Vertical Grid Lines For Multi-level Category Axis Labels
Feb 16, 2012
I am having a problem formatting a chart in Excel 2010. My chart has multi-level category axis labels, and I would like to have a vertical grid line separating each major group of categories. In Excel 2003, I could right-click on one of the gridlines and then specify the spacing I wanted between gridlines. In Excel 2010, as soon as I indicate that I want multi-level category axis labels, I get a vertical gridline between each category and I am unable to alter the spacing. If I deselect the multi-level axis label option, I can adjust the spacing between the vertical gridlines, but the axis multi-level label functionality is lost. Is there a way to fix this problem without having to resort to using the drawing tools or text boxes to achieve the desired results.
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Aug 22, 2013
I'm building a chart wich displays data for each month and there are 3 phases that are defined by month and included in the chart. I've managed to show both of the category series, but I'd need to change the order in which the labels are displays. Now I have the axis in the following form:
1.2013 2.2013 3.2013 4.2013
I need it in the following form:
1.2013 2.2013 3.2013 4.2013
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Jun 9, 2006
Has anyone ever succeeded in offsetting category labels in a chart by surpressing the first category label. I am plotting monthly financial data over several years and want to show category labels for the month ends which coincide with quarterly month ends (i.e Mar-06, Jun-06, Sep-06, Dec-06). If I select 2 tick marks between categories I get Jan-06, Apr-06, Jul-06, Oct-6) because my first month and category label is Jan-06. Is there a way to offset displaying the first category label by two tick marks and start with Mar-06 and then go every two tick marks between category labels?
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Apr 4, 2007
I have a set of data which I need to plot both unordered and ranked.
For the unordered (as is) data, a line graph is fine, as it gives the category labels along the x axis.
For the ordered data, i have a row with the ranking in, and then plot an xy scatter graph, so the values increase.
This obviously has the rank numbers along the x axis, not the corresponding category labels.
Is there anyway to force this? I know there are chart labelling add-ins on here, but our IT dept blocks the download.
The attched file is a very small example.
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Feb 5, 2014
I produced several charts in Excel 2007. They display just fine when using Excel 2007, but when we try to open it in our office computers (which uses Excel 2010), the Axis and Legend Labels simply vanish.I know there's these fixes for Excel 2007, deleting a buggy MS hotfix or installing the KB2597962 fix. But the problem is, I need it to display in our Excel 2010 computers.
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Jan 28, 2013
I recently switched to Excel 2010 and have a rather peculiar problem.Every week I update a bunch of charts in different workbooks. By update, I pretty much mean just shifting the range over one column or down one row to incorporate newly added data.
So I right click the chart, select "Select Data", update all the Data series ranges and then I click on the Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels button "Edit" to update the Axis label range.
I do all that then press OK. The data series have updated, but the axis labels haven't. So then I do the procedure again for the Axis Labels, hit OK again and voila: It worked.
But I ALWAYS have to do this procedure twice. It will NEVER update the axis labels the first time around. Even though the little preview window below the edit button show the labels correctly.
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May 13, 2014
I've put together code to construct a chart
It all works fine but I've noticed an odd quirk which I can't explain nor can I seem to fix. Here's the (reduced) code :
Dim appExcel As Object ' Excel Application
Dim chtPareto As Object ' Chart
Set appExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set chtPareto = appExcel.Charts.Add
With chtPareto
' Primary category axis
The category (x) axis title should be horizontal, whereas the value (y) axis title should be rotated. Stepping through the code, when I .SetElement for the category axis title, it appears horizontal as planned. However, as soon as I .SetElement for the rotated value axis title, the category axis title also rotates.
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Jan 19, 2012
how do you create a graph with a field such as vendors on the X-axis, but with dollar values spent on the left side of the y-axis and percentage of total dollars spent on the right side vertical axis?
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Sep 18, 2013
Basically, I have a table of data in Excel 2010, akin to the demonstration below (just much, much, MUCH bigger).
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Jul 15, 2012
How do i deselect grid-lines in Excel 2003 so as the sheet is clear.
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Dec 27, 2012
Using Excel 2007: I have a column graph whose numbers/labels on the vertical axis go from ($300,000) to a positive $550,000.
Question: How do I get the labels on the vertical axis to appear in the "accounting format" with the "negative numbers in red" and the "positive numbers in black or blue"?
I have tried to find the answer online and it appears to need to find Format Data Series, which I have been unable to do.
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Sep 27, 2006
how to incorporate another category and value axis to my existing chart.
1. I need to add a rank axis derived from my data column (C6-C15). This column should rank from highest to lowest and create a tie if any number is repeated. I have arranged the rank column in cells B38:L38 as they would appear. I would like this to appear on the top or bottom of the bar graphs.
2. Second I need to add the frequency of hits which = 3 derived from cell J1 This should appear on the chart were it is currently titled. This should create another bar graph colored green and labeled 3.
3. Lastly the numbers axis can remain the same as it appears on the chart or if it would be better to align as shown in cells B43:L43.
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Mar 1, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with golfers handicaps, golfers names down the left in column A in rows 3-35. Row 2 has the event numbers titles 1 to 18 (18 events in a year). i need a graph that has the person as the vert axis and the horizontal axis needs to be the event numbers, so i can read down for the person and across to see how there handicaps change from each different event. i have attached the data below.
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Jan 14, 2013
Scatter chart on excel 2010
My X axis range is small 1 to 4. but I want to show minor grid lines at 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, and 3.5 only. I do not want lines at 1, 2, 3 or 4. I am not sure how to achieve this. as switching on minor grid lines, included those at the integers as well as at the half way points.
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Jan 26, 2008
What is the best way to have both horizontal and vertical axis as value axis?
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Apr 8, 2014
Which exceeds the level of nesting allowed.
My formula is as follows:
IF($J$60=C73,O73,IF($J$61=C73,O73, IF($J$62=C73,O73,IF($J$63=C73,O73,IF($J$64=C73,O73,""))))))))))
I am on Excel 2010.
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Oct 2, 2012
Excel 2010, Windows 7: Is it possible to password protect an Excel document at an "Administrator" or a executive level. I want to grant access to the document, and the ability to manipulate it as they choose, to everyone with the password but prohibit them from changing the password once they are in.
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Oct 30, 2013
I have lots of DVDs and decided to catalogue them using Excel 2010. I made use of 3 Sheets. In Sheet 3 there are 2 lists: Category (PG, M18, General, Adult) and Language (English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish). Sheet 2 contains the data under the following headings: Title, Category, Language, Genre. I used Sheet 1 to create a drop down list for selecting a Title and then the information of the title are displayed, that is, its category, language and genre (I used vlookup). This is working fine.
Then I created another drop down list for Category. I want to be able to select a category, such as M18, and then a list of titles that fall under this category will be displayed. However, when I tried using vlookup with index, I failed to get the display of titles.
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Jan 9, 2012
I am creating a pie graph. This graph contains % of business areas which meet certain criteria. Some business areas meet 0%.
I dont want to see those that are 0%,
I know I can go to number format and use this custom format: 0%;;;
This gets rid of the 0's
However, it does not get rid of the Business area category name.
How do I remove both data label and category name?
I only want to show those values greater than 0%
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May 15, 2008
I have a 2-column employee file. Column A has the employee id and column B has the manager's employee ID. The reporting layers can get pretty deep. In this example, there are 6 layers of reporting. For example, Employee id 1200 (which is not in column A) has 2 employees. One of them (1712) has several employees, one of whom (1680) has employees reporting to them and so on for several levels.
Is there a way in Excel (2003 or 2007) to summarize the reporting structure? For instance, I need to know all of the employees that report up through emp id 1712 - not just that report directly to 1712, but all those under 1712's tree.
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Apr 19, 2012
I have the following function. the problem with this excel is i give it "C:" as directory, it search only one level of sub folders i.e it will search the filename in
C: est
C: est3
It does not go deeper. i.e it wont look in folder that is for example
C: estanotherlevel
C: est3anotherlevelmylevel3
How to modify my function so that it goes to the deepest folder. is there a way to do it?
Function GetFile(directory As String, filename As String)
Dim FSO As Object
Dim fldr As Object
Dim subfldr As Object
Dim file As Object
Dim fullname As String
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Oct 24, 2007
I'm looking for a formula to pull the correct piece of data from one worksheet and display it in another. I have tried VLOOKUP, but it is only returning values from the first instance of my lookup value. Below I have included a sample of what the data from the first sheet looks like. My lookup value is entered on Sheet2 in cell A1. The formula I have used is as follows...
The result this would return for a value of 111111111 is 15, but I'm looking for one more level of depth in this lookup, by being able to pull not necessarily the cost of the first code, but of a specific code......
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Jul 30, 2014
How to generate barcode labels in excel? I would like to have them ready for use (without "demo" or any similar text on them).
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Dec 16, 2011
I have a chart with 20 series labels that are series 1, series 2.... etc. I want to label them with 20 corresponding cells but can't find how to do this in Excel 2010 (I seem to remember this being easy to do in older versions). At the moment I am having to click on source data and edit each label individually... Is there a quicker way?
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Dec 31, 2007
I have created a form for my customers. It is attached.
In creating the form, I have merged cells so that the area behind my text boxes will appear clean (no lines).
However, I cannot remove the lines around certain cells see, e.g. range K21.
I would like to make the form as "pretty" as possible for my clients (and it would help me look good to management).
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Nov 19, 2009
Been trying to figure out whats wrong with my formula. The 4th column doesn't seem to produce the intended result. I have attached here for reference.
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Feb 9, 2010
create a multi level BOM in excel:
i have a formula
if i select A, i need excel to give 2a+b+c+d+e (and that should be in another sheet.
also i may take 50% of A +50% of B the resulting formula must appear.
i attached an exemple file.
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Mar 13, 2014
So our company gets Material Statements which basically state what chemicals and how much of said chemicals go into producing X item.
I need to figure out the percentage of MASS for each chemical.
So data might look like this:
Total Weight of product: 500 grams or mg, etc.
Sub-Item - Contact - 450 g
Material - Copper - 425 g
Substance - Nickel - .05 g
Substance - Copper - 422 g
Substance - Lead - .02 g
Material - PVC Insul - 5 g
Substance - Polysomethings - .5 g
Substance - Red Dye - .4 g
Substance - Plastic - 4.1 g
So basically the sub-item line is 450/500
first material line is 425/450
substance is .05/425
the substance lines use vlookup to find the material line to divide by. formula i'm using is below:
B2 is either sub-item/material/substance
Col I is the mass of that line
M2 is the total weight of the item
Formula works until you get to the Polysomething lines in the above example data. instead of taking the material weight from PVC Insul, it takes it from Copper.
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Feb 25, 2010
I need to set up an excel sheet with dependent data validation that is multiple levels deep.
ie. Select value from dropdown list in Col A returns dependant list in Col B, select value from the list in Col B returns list in Col C etc.
Is this possible?
Also, is it possible to set multiple values to return the same list? ie in the drop down you have 4 items. Each returns a dependent list but items 1 and 3 both return the same dependent list. Just saves me making many copies of the same list with different names which isn't a huge issue.
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Jan 16, 2007
I sometimes import data in the copy-paste way from completely different sources, eg. a program on the web or whatever, which has arranged the data in a table.
It is often succesful with the data neatly arranged in the spreadsheet in columns and rows and all, but sometimes the gridlines disappear even though 'cell format' is set to 'none' in 'grid lines' and the settings have a mark for 'visible grid lines' and their color is 'automatic'. Only the imported area misses the gridlines.
It is of course possible to set some grey gridlines manually in cell format, but then I get them on the print also and I don't want that.
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