Filter Table Based On Choice In Another

Jun 22, 2008

1. I am starting with two independent tables, one with ‘ItemA’ and the other with ‘ItemB’

2. The user must be able to select an itemA which will point to itemB list, showing only a specific pre-defined group or combination of the itemBs.

3. This pre-defining of the itemB combination will be done uniquely for each itemA selection

Example: Selection of an itemA, row 2 will show, say, an itemB rows 2, 4, & 7 only. Selection of itemA, row 3 will show an itemB rows 4, 5, & 9 only. Selection of an itemA, row 4will show an itemB rows 2, 7, 11 & 13 only, etc.

4. In reverse, the user also needs to be able to select an itemB and display all itemA’s common to that itemB. Using the example above, the entry or selection of an itemB, row 2 will show rows 2 & 4, itemA.

This is represented visually in the attached GIF.

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Copy Pivot Table Per Filter Choice

Mar 14, 2008

I have a pivot table that I need to copy only certain regions from the Report Filter on a frequent basis. For example, in the Report Filter, I have 18 total regions, but I only need to submit a pivot table for only 6 regions on a weekly basis. Currently, I'm filtering the 6 regions individually from the "data dump" and making 6 pivot tables as separate workbooks...and then emailing them out. I need to make the underlying detail available for each location that is getting their "report". I have the code for emailing a single worksheet from a workbook so, at least, I have that little tidbit taken care of.

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Filter & Copy Based On ComboBox Choice

Nov 14, 2006

I have 2 work sheet

First sheet is "Department "
11 Departments

Second sheet is "Designation "
20 Designation

i have generated VBA form in this form i want to create 2 input options..

1)select department (capture all depts. from Department sheet. if i select HR Department then in 2nd option all HR Designation should be copied

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Filter Choice Selection Based On Combobox Values?

Apr 24, 2014

I am trying to create a macro that will allow the user to select choices from combo boxes on a userform. The choice of one combo box determines what will be shown in the next combo box and so on. This will occur a set number of times (depending on what they are looking for), at which point the list of possible choices will be presented.

I populated one combo box in UserForm_Initialize() but then I might have to change the others with Combobox1_Change()...

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Distribute Names To Lesson Choice Table By Choice Priority

Dec 7, 2013

I want to make a lesson table which distribute the names to lesson choice priority.

You can see detail and explanation at attached file. LessonChoice.xlsx‎

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Lookup In Table Based On List Choice

Aug 22, 2007

I have a way of getting a cell value from having a data validation linked to a row of cells containing lookup formulas.. which in turn are looing at a table.

I have attached a small example.

The problem is the spreadsheet is a large one and i was hoping I could shrink the size of this by removing the vlookup formulas by having some kind of index/match/lookup formula inserted directly in the data validation.

I got this to work using nested IF formulas but its not very practicable!

The attached example has data validation in column A that selects the task type. Choosing this then changes the values in the vlookup area.. which then becomes the validation list for cell in column B.

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Fill Table Based On An Drop-Down Choice In 1st Column

May 9, 2009

I'm working on making a spreadsheet that allows me to select an item type from a dropdown list (through validation) and then would copy in a range of values from another worksheet based on my dropdown selection.

The set-up: I am primarily concerned with two sheets in my workbook, BiS and Weights. I have a database of items and their associated values listed in Weights. I have already managed to get dropdown lists of my specific item types using named lists and have put that in the BiS worksheet.

What I would like to do is have the values in the Weights worksheet copied over in the same order and number of cells based on what item I select from the dropdown list.

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Macro To Filter Table Based On Another List?

May 7, 2014

basically i have a macro to filter a lot of data based on peoples names but the people keep changing so I dont want to go into VBA each time to update the name list int he macro.I've created a list of names in a sheet in excel but not sure how to point the macro to filtering by that instead, heres what I have:

ActiveSheet.Range("$A$3:$H$61").AutoFilter Field:=7, Criteria1:=Array( _
"Name1", "Name2", "Name3", "Name4", Operator:=xlFilterValues
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = ""


I have named the database list for each name and its on a sheet called Team_List

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Filter Pivot Table Based On Cell Value

Jan 9, 2014

From what I understand there's no way to do this without using macros. I would perfer not to use macros, but I need my PivotTables to auto-refresh anyways and apparently that will require a macro, so oh well. I'm very new to macro coding so I can't seem to successful apply any of the previous threads about this to my sheet.

I just need my pivot table on sheet "Customer" to filter the customer field based on the value in cell C1. Also I need to make sure the sheet doesn't "freak out" if the value in C1 is either blank, or is a customer value which doesn't exist in the table. Preferably in this scenario it would display nothing on the pivot table, but I don't know if that's possible. I want the sheet/macro to allow an invalid filter value in C1 just so the sheet doesn't lock up until it is corrected.

I also need my workbook to auto-refresh all the pivot tables is that's easy to code in as well.

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Filter Pivot Table Based On Cell?

Mar 11, 2014

I try filter a pivot table based a cell.

[Code] .....

Attached File : FilterPT.xlsx

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Dropdown Based On A Filter In Initial Table

Mar 8, 2012

I need to create a drop down menu where the contents are based on a separate table that has been filtered dependent on a choice made in the initial table.

In Sheet "Bookings" I have a list of lesson times for a riding school.

One of the columns is labelled "Customer experience" and contains either "Advanced","Intermediate" or "Novice"

A second column is designed to assign the name of the horse used by that rider during the lesson.

Horse details can be found a second sheet called Horses.

The horses are rated "Advanced" can only be ridden by Advanced Customers, whilst Intermediate ones can be ridden by both "Intermediate" and "Advanced" customer. Novice horses can be ridden by anyone.

Ideally I would like to be able to include a drop down in the Bookings table that contains the name of available horses.

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Filter A Table With An OR Logic Based On Columns Values

Feb 10, 2010

i have a table and have some columns.

i want to filter the table so that i just see the records which have "text1" in ther column "F" OR they have "text2" in ther column "H", for example.

How can i implement an OR filter ?

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Report Filter In Pivot Table Based On Another Field From The List?

Feb 20, 2012

Is it possible to set up the second level of a report filter based on the value of the first report filter. I have a pivot table that needs two report filters: first is the location and the second is the department. What I want to do is have the user be able to select the location and then only show valid departments for that location. I know that this is possible if I set up a form and have the second field be a query against the first. I can create a calculated field but I cannot put that in the report filter area.

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Filter Pivot Table Based On Data Validation In Another Sheet

Feb 14, 2013

I found this code and am trying to use it to update the filter in my pivot table (sheet 6), based on the data validation selection in sheet 1, but when I make my selection on sheet 1, nothing happens.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pi As PivotItem
Dim strField As String
strField = "Region"


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Filter OLAP Pivot Table Based On Named Range In Another Worksheet

Mar 14, 2012

I have a named range of values on Sheet2 (GPI). Sheet1 is an OLAP pivot table containing row label (GPI 14) and values (Net Rx Count) only.

Unfiltered this list is over 7,000 rows. I need VBA code to display only those rows where the GPI 14 value matches any value in the named GPI range on Sheet2.

In other words how can I display the select rows without manually selecting the items of interest AND without manually hard coding the values in the code as they will change.

Below is 1 of the many codes I tried. This appears to be the most intuitive but I get an 'invalid procedure" error at Set my PivotTable...

'Sub PivotAnalysis()
Dim myPivotTable As Excel.PivotTable
Dim myPivotField As Excel.PivotField
Dim myPivotItem As Excel.PivotItem


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Excel 2007 :: One Pivot Table - Multiple Graphs Based On Report Filter?

Jan 10, 2014

I have a perfectly working pivot table and I would like to make some graphs based on the report filter. My report filter has 4 categories, with each more than 10 sublevels.

When I make one pivot graph/chart, this goes fine, the data is ok, and I am happy. But one I make a second, and thus adjust the report filter, the first graphs changes according to the filter. I dont want that to happen

Ultimately I would like a powerpoint presentation with multiple charts, based on one table, with different report filter filters. Updated ONLY on the values, not the filter.

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table Add Calculated Field Based On Certain Text In Report Filter

May 29, 2014

Any way to create a calculated field in an Excel 2010 pivot table that will find all the Transaction Types (Report Filter) with "transportation" in them and make the field Quantity 0 and leave all other quantities the same? I do not want the quantity of transportation added in twice and may not have the flexibility of adding a column to the raw data.

I used the formula below in a calculated field and it does not match the values using the added column to the data file.

=IF(ISERROR(SEARCH("*transportation*",'Transaction Type')),Quantity, 0)

I am trying to get the sum of Quantity field to equal the AdjQuantity field using a calculated Pivot field and not add a new column to the data.

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Lookup Data For Drop Down List Choice & Show Blank If No Choice

Feb 6, 2008

I currently have a drop down menu in one of my worksheets, in which I have several different text values entered. What I would like to do is link each of those text values to a numerical value, which would be entered in to another cell. So if I select "Option A" from my drop down list, and Option A is equal to 200, I want "200" to show up in another cell. If I select "Option B" from my drop down list, and Option B is equal to 400, I want "400 to show up in that same other cell.

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Pivot Table: Muscle Memory With The Drop Down Choice Boxes

Jul 23, 2009

I am somewhat of a novice with Pivot Tables. One problem I am having that no one seems able to help me out with is that when I update and refresh my pivot table, it seems like it has a muscle memory with the drop down choice boxes.

For example:
Lets say I have three customers that I have labeled 01 Target, 02 Walmart and 03 Bed Bath and Beyond. If I want to change 01 Target to 02 Target and 02 Walmart to 01 Walmart, it works in the pivot table and shows the proper data but if I try to choose the customer from a drop down box, it remembers the customers as labeled as they were before I made the changes AND the current look.

I will see: 01 Target, 02 Target, 01 Walmart and 02 Walmart in the drop down box but the data will only show up in the pivot table associated with the proper customers as they are labeled in the data source.

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Removing Selection / Choice From Listbox Once Choice Has Selected

May 8, 2013

I have a worksheet that has 8 activex listboxes. Each listbox is tied to the sames list of values (identified as a named range). The named range is a list of countries. Each country should only be selected once, therefore, I would like the selected country(ies) to not show up as a choice when the user makes a selection from another listbox. If this is too hard, maybe we can get a msgbx to appear anytime the users tries to select a country that has already been selected.

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Call Modules Based On Choice?

Jul 11, 2013

I have two different modules in my automation - to be specific one module to convert file from LH to RH and another module to do the reverse - convert RH to LH.

I have put up a radio button choice for the user and based on which radio button is selected would like to run that particular module.

Below is my code. It always throws an error "expected variable or function not module"

Option Explicit
Public Sub MAIN()
If ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("FRONT").OptionButton1.Value = True Then
Call LH_to_RH


I am following the correct procedure to call modules. A few minutes of search said the modules have to be public sub routines

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Fill Drop Down Based On Choice From Another

Aug 15, 2008

What I want to do is lets say in the drop down menu I have options Food, sports, Movies. now if I select Sports then it should give me a sub caterory options like baseball, hockey, football and not the options for food & movies as well - so as to make the choices lesser and more user friendly. How do I create that - is it too tough - I am a novice in excel. Can you upload an example sheet with tips on how you did it. I have uploaded an example.

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Result Based On ComboBox Choice

Jul 25, 2006

I'm looking to set up a combo box with different year options and add functionality so the data that can be seen on the sheet at a given time is driven by the combo box year value. (functionality somewhat like a webpage, where once you choose a certain value from a drop down box, you see data corresponding to the value)

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Run Macro Based Combobox Choice

Jul 13, 2007

I'm using a ComboBox ,ComboBox2_Change(), to Call and run 1 of 4 different macros. It works fine if I choose a different item in the list each time, but if I choose the same one, it won't run the macro a second time.

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Go To Sheet Based On ComboBox Choice

Aug 22, 2007

I have a combo box that I have populated with choices (months of the year). I require users to select the month they wish to view their payslip with and then press "Go" (a command button) and jump to the worksheet that contains their payslip info. How do I get VBA (Excel 2007) to do this please? I have tried on the CommanButton1 code page to type

If combobox1.value = "May" Then Goto Worksheets("Sheet3")

This doesn't work and I know I'm doing something wrong as I remember when I was doing my project at school you had to give each combobox selection a value like 0, 1 or 2 but I cannot remember how to do that!

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Drop-Down List To Be Based On Choice Of Another

Apr 23, 2008

I have a drop-down box(K6) When a style is selected I need to have data show up in other drop-down boxes (H3,L3,P3) These selections would only pertain to the selection in K6. They would change when a different style is selected. There are multiple choices in the secondary drop-downs. [IMG][/IMG]

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Drop Down List Based On Choice From Another

May 1, 2008

What I need to do is create a Drop Down box. When a user makes their selection it gives another drop down box from what they selected. Each choice in the 1st drop down will give a different drop down box in the next field from what they selected in the 1st. I am having troubles getting this to work.

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Conditional Summation Based On Drop-Down Choice

Dec 2, 2009

I have attached a spreadsheet that I need to automate. Cell C3 is a drop down box of the raw data found on the raw data sheet. I would like B6-8, c6-8 and d6-8 to automatically updated and change depending on what users select from the drop box in C3. (so basically im trying to re create the yellow table with formulae/ vb.)

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Return Value Based On Validation List Choice

Nov 14, 2006

I have created a cascading data validation list, and I would like to have an adjacent cell auto populate according to the dropdown selection.

Data Eg:

Oranges 1100
Apples 1101
Pears 1102
Grapes 1103

If the user selects "Pears" from the dropdown list, I would like the adjacent cell to populate with the numerical code for "pears", in this case 1102. I am designing a new expense report form at the office, and I am at a standstill with this problem.

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Disable TextBoxes Based On ComboBox Choice

Nov 22, 2006

I have three textboxes (16,17,18) that need to be disabled if a certain value ("Regular Hours") is in combobox1. Would I use an If statement? Also, is there a way to "gray out" the textboxes to show they are disabled?

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