Find Average When Only One Positive Number Is Available
Jun 29, 2006
I am trying to find a formula that works out the average of the figures in column problem is that so far in column K there is only one positive number (11)- the rest of the cells are DIV/0 so the average is showing as DIV/0. This is incorrect as the average is really 11 - how can I sort this out with a formula?
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Dec 5, 2011
I have a column of numbers that are derived with a formula. I need to Average only the ones that either have a Positive or Negative number, ignoring blanks or zero.
I have tried Search but couldn't find anything that address both blank and zero.
Excel tables to the web : [URL] .......
With this small sample, the answer should be 3.35% according to Excel when I choose just those neg and pos cells.
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Feb 8, 2013
We are trying to track the average star values of reviews posted to our clients accounts. Here is an example of the spreadsheet we have set up:
Company Name
Review 1
Review 2
Review 3
Review 4
Review 5
Company 1
[CTY] 4 Stars review content
[ISP] 5 stars review content
[GGL] 4 stars review content
[CTY] 3 stars review content
[YELP]5stars review content
In this example, we use the initial [ ] to track which site the review was posted on ex: [CTY] means city search, [GGL] means google, etc.
We want to be able to track the average star value on each site. So the formula for City Search would scroll across the row of reviews, pick out reviews 1 and 4 and then find the first number in each and average them. The result in this case would be 3.5
From the research we have done so far, this looks like it will require a complex array formula. How to make this formula? Is this even possible what we are trying to do?
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Mar 6, 2014
I need to find the cells that are greater than 48 and then find the average of this number.
Is there a formula that could put this together?
Average if greater than 48.xlsx
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Aug 6, 2009
I have a column which is populated with profits and losses from a trading account. Here is an example:
Column I
What I want to do is average all the profits, and average all the losses so I have two numbers - the average winner and the average loser. Continuing with the example from the 5 trades above, the average winner is 300 and the average loser is -100. How can I do this in excel?
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Aug 25, 2014
Please find the attached MS Excel 2010 file <average set.xlsx>.
There is set of positive set & negative set of values available in the Column A. The values are plotted against Column A in Column B. Light green are positive sets and light yellow are negative sets.
Now I want to calculate the average for the positive set & negative set of values as shown in light majenta in the cells F4:F9. Also all majenta cells to be plotted by formula.
The Column H and Column I also same as like above , but here negative set of numbers starts first.
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Aug 21, 2014
I go negative in one column I want it to show up in the next column as a positive number because when I add my income and subtract my bills and the negative from last month to get the what cash I'll have left it screws up because negative subtract a negative is a positive. So how do i get the sum of say B9 to from -$5.00 to +$5.00 into C4 so when i subtract C4 From my income it wont add to it.
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Nov 20, 2007
I have a series that comprises of two rows:
Row 1 is date
Row 2 are values
I am trying to find a formula where I can identify where in row two the value chages from positive to negative, and where it changes from positive to negative it should return the date the value changes from positive to negative ie:
ROW 1 08-Jan 09-Jan 10-Jan
ROW 2 1111 22222 -33333
The formula should identify that in row 2 the negative value occurs at -33333 and at the 10th of January.
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Sep 22, 2008
In a basic formula, I need to take one number from another. But I need to keep the answer to zero, not a negative number.
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Jun 12, 2009
i have a list of numbers in column A and B and in column C is = B - A. But what i want is for Column C to always = positive number regardless even if say A = 10 and B = 8 the true answer is -2 but i would like the reading of 2. Is there a way to say B - A and if = - make it -( ) ? (otherwords +)
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Jul 23, 2009
i want should be done as a function or VBa. I would like to have A Column so that only postive numbers can be entered. Disallowing 0 and below from being entered into cells.
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Jun 1, 2009
I need a formula that will look at a row (say row 1) starting in column F. When the first positive value appears in the row, the formula will then sum that value and the next 11 columns in the same row. So for example, starting in row 1 column F - here is an example list of values
0 0 0 0 3 4 3 2 0 4 8 7 9 0 9 0 6 4 2 2 0 8 7
The total would be 49 (start summing at the first 3 (which would be column J)and finish with the 0 (which would be column U))
Lets assume the formula is in column AZ, row 1 and I then need to drag it down
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Feb 19, 2007
I want to know how to display a "+" (plus sign) in front of postive numbers in my workbook.
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Nov 11, 2009
I have a 'rota' worksheet that includes staff names and their rostered hours on all dates through the month.
On each date of the month I need excel to find that date in column A and then look across the row to find any cells that aren't blank. When the cell has a value I need the name above it in row 1 and the value (number of hours) itself to copy across to a 'daily activities' sheet. The date is autopopulating on this sheet in cell H5.
The name needs to drop into column A and the hours worked into column B. I would like the first cell to be A9 and then down from there with no spaces in between names. The other info on the sheet will then complete itself using the name that has been dropped in using VLookup.
I'm presuming I can use a macro to do this for me but am really struggling where to start with it, and how to ignore blank cells as they will change cells on a monthly basis.
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Nov 12, 2012
I keep getting the correct answer, but it returns it as negative and I need a positive answer.
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Apr 3, 2014
Here it is i needed to get the total of all negative and positive value.
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May 9, 2009
I am trying to somehow use multiple IF functions. I was able to use one IF function to disply '--' in a cell if a particular formula = 0. However I ran into a problem when negative values were displayed. I wanted the value to be a positive number. I thought I could use another IF function to multiply the formulas contents by -1 if it were <0, but I keep getting a #VALUE error in my cells. Is there a way I can have multiple conditions?
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Oct 25, 2007
In one column, I have a formula that will produce a positive or negative number. If the number is negative, I want it to be automatically transfered to the adjacent cell/column. I don't want a positive number transfered though.
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Jan 13, 2007
to create with the default excel functions the following calculator. I need to calculate the maximum number of positive numbers which happen in a row and the maximum number of consecutive negative numbers. For example in the following list of numbers there are a maximum of 7 consecutive positive and a maximum of 6 consecutive negative numbers:
6 000
6 360
6 742
7 146
7 196
7 628
8 086
-4 071
7 898
-4 186
8 121
8 608
-4 562
to make a formula which will calculate the maximum length of positive and negative numbers in a row? I attached this table to the post.
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Aug 21, 2007
I have a column with zeros, positive numbers, and negative numbers. I need to find the last (bottom) positive number in the column.
Column A has -
I want a formula or function in B1 that would return $22. However if I add a new row under the -$14 which contains $37, the formula should then return $37.
I have been googling all night, and I can't make this work.
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Aug 22, 2008
I need to have a formula or code so that when a number is entered in cell E12 or F12 or L12, or M12 would treat a positive number as a negative and a negative number entered would be a positive in that respective cell.
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Dec 6, 2007
I am wanting to finish a worksheet for my boss. What I have done so far is taken the " forecast" of vehicles shown and used a formula of subtract from "actual" vehicles sold to get "how many we have left to go". what he wants to do is have the "to go" number change from red when a negative to green when it reaches a positive. example:
forecast = 30
actual = 27
to go = -3
that "to go" needs to be without a negative sign but in RED to negate a negative. Is that possible with a formula??
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Jan 15, 2008
I am using a regular expression in a function to extract numbers from strings. the code I am using is below.
Function ExtractNumber(rCell As String)
Set RegEx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
RegEx.Pattern = "d*.d*"
If RegEx.Test(rCell) Then
ExtractNumber = CDbl(RegEx.Execute(rCell)(0))
ExtractNumber = vbNullString
End If
End Function...
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Apr 28, 2014
I have attached an example. Basically I had this set up to calculate the row and give the answer at the end. But now I cant see the results without scrolling, so I want to move the answer fields to the C column and add new data into the D column while keeping all the data in the formula.
count 0 and negitive number cells since last positive number from right to left.xls‎
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May 29, 2013
Can I use Conditional formatting (highlights duplicate values) but highlight the number even if the number is an Positive or Negative number.
It must highlight the number if it's -300 or 300 in both instances.
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May 2, 2007
Let's say I have a column A with the following values.
How can I have 2 cells display:-
i)highest streak of positive numbers = 4
ii)highest streak of negative numbers = 5?
Also, how can I have another 2 cells display:-
iii)the sum of the highest streak of positive numbers = 160
iv)the sum of the highest streak of negative numbers = -210
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Jan 24, 2013
I'm trying to count the number of times a payment is made within a certain set of dates. I believe that I should be using a countifs function, but I'm not exactly sure how to program it. I have a number of months, say the last 12. And in each month a payment is made or it isn't made.
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Oct 29, 2009
I would like to get random number generator for normal distribution and I’m using:
Where B1 is mean (average) and B2 is SD.
This command works, but in the random generating numbers, I’m getting positive and negative numbers (ex. -23,34).
how to change command so I can generate positive only numbers?
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Dec 14, 2013
I am trying to make a column show the result of a formula as positive number only. Right now the column subtracts two other cells and displays the result. I am trying to make it show all the results, positive or negative as positive.
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Aug 27, 2012
I am looking for a conditional formula that can be applied to a cell so that when I enter a number with a positive value, it:
1) Converts it to its negative equivalent value.
2) Displays in the value in the cell with parentheses around the number to indicate that the value is negative.
I am trying to do this without having to reference another cell to provide the entry or display the outcome.
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